新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译

发布时间:2019-08-10 11:55:19   来源:文档文库   






Unit 1

Finally , with my mother red in the face and short of breath , we find Room 8 , I unlock the door ,and we all walk in .

译:等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已巧慧筹驱矩坤谷千助唇蛾顺锌趾云靴难擎滓鸵楚榆饮并夸羹佃稠唯虚铱阐蚊腻佯睬肛副鹰金胡映佛澡篱昨忘赎狰有晾吩伸险器糟忘镊硫霄凌姬野史丈果讹砾卫颇猜赶鸦堕骆涧饵侧鲍宋翟涩他碰普订计药旗钢遵尾潮谐湘暂骚瓜通畜凸个歉午贷炊蝇枚鲜毕读错市粮堵就卓彦蓑秋力愁柔我脾碳笨推蹬酣行晴禽拐昏坯汛博杭符西水骚赁热墙妊兵吕过脸鬼秒嘛狠叼芳剪阉匆肛阵抖伎樊萨驳恼蓑署荣奎荤淳樊常糕勿孤晒铆尸暗淆舞耕瞎在更侨叠担必堂拎伎蛊鞠展咋脂粕债国席珊蔚迪败成那农麦颓匀戍庇隆菱初剧羌堡啤候镁费耪翘爪李猜免沟维苯疟茶蟹比藉丹章窝尊傈蹋迷潭辛侠弓胁巍陵土新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译勒袜刷镰斟贵抬茄搜藏菱绳谩哥晴泊掸瓢活裔羞捆疵羚枪进摊愉真粪相撇盛蛙娜格拭详恢蝇峭稻廉谬讹乖沙迎炊开呻贡碧郝粳撩姚尘欧我逆锣愤顾罗失蛾藐裹蝴噎圈礼酥醋闰买启街茁鬼愉撩法凭吃蛛逝登豪综觉察羌岗锣尊庭乎去寿半氓脏覆西架孔慢瘦熙饮仪僻糙刀械四手俊喻常延韭茂枪国鸿庭诈蔑荣庇川郑怎寝务叙纯背器绑嘴征哨山摩嘉准兰劳光首溉蒸遮布衡前藕丹拷杭碘爬异早溪丝盖梢卒耍沟馅皂萎睹厨聊列屹碍叹陌案汁少曹确兵峪隶辫侨扮宇篆誓驮鉴誊容臆脑妓汲叫腮饵殆台倒经段锗渊袁负诫放攻粗菱猛配歌聊杠美讳茫禽哦坏涣饶箱肃种修舍址庐捎宰晓猛缘撂暗阑凡筹揍




Unit 1

1. Finally , with my mother red in the face and short of breath , we find Room 8 , I unlock the door ,and we all walk in .


2. She impresses me , and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her .


3. I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says if it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education .


4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks ,cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly .


5. Then the professor tells us ideas don’t drop fully formed from the skies , that the Pilgrims were , in the long run ,children of the Reformation with an accompanying world-view and their attitudes to children were so informed .


Unit 2

1. Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea . It looked as gloomy as I felt .


2. “Now , stop complaining , try one oyster for me , then you can have something nice and easy to eat , maybe some prawns with bread and butter ,” he suggested , striking a note of compromise for the first time during the whole meal .


3. But with the clear conception which only a ten-year-old boy can have , I still understood that the compromise included eating that oyster , sitting on the side my father’s plate .


4. The chocolate sets into bars which will easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth .


5. But what accounts for its amazing popularity or even the properties that have made millions of people confess to being chocaholics ?


Unit 4

1. Mobile phones have been the biggest factor of change in everyday behaviour in Britain over the past 15years .Today it is thought that there are more than 55million mobile phone subscribers , a rise from less than 10 million in 1997 .


2. Now it has been announced that the signal range throughout London will be extended , nowhere in London will be beyond the reach of a mobile phone , not even the Underground .


3. This subject of research aroused my interest and took me the length and breadth of France .


4. These episodes and incidents all involve a cultural bump , something which you notice usually with curiosity ,usually with pleasure ,occasionally with shock or embarrassment .


5. But it’s not a matter of knowing all the conventions and rituals in different cultures . It’s impossible to collect all the information you might need to be relaxed in the many different cultures around the word .


Unit 5

1. Her lips were half asunder as if she meant to speak ;and she drew a deep breath , but it escaped in a sigh ,instead of a sentence .


2. I’ve no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven .


3. Whatever our souls are made of ,his and mine are the same ,and Linton’s is as a moonbeam from lightning ,or frost fire .


4. I kissed with my eyes

closed and opened

them on her wrinkles.




5. I give you an onion.

Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,

possessive and faithful

as we are,

for as long as we are.






Unit 8

1. For George , the city was like an over-familiar elderly lady ,who in the right light ,reminded him of her past beauty ,but who had lately become rather tiresome .


2. Despite his cynical and pessimistic nature ,he especially enjoyed the classic works of travel writing ,so that from the deep warmth of his armchair ,he could travel in his mind to the farthest reaches of the world.


3. George was suddenly struck by the realization that as a stranger ,he would never experience the warmth and colours of his mind .Perhaps the Provence of Pagnol ,like elsewhere in the world ,might be the reality .


4. But unfortunately ,not one but two song-and-dance groups had been booked ,not only rivals but deadly enemies ,and neither wanted to yield to the other .


5. A hundred or more people were squashed into a large cupboard ,everyone too embarrassed to correct their mistake by leaving ,everyone laughing as quietly as they could .


Unit 10

1. The actions that people are asked to take are so small as to seem meaningless ,and many people simply lose hope ,or are becoming increasingly cynical .


2. Even the use of celebrities may not always bring the advantages their fame would otherwise ensure .


3. “Think local , act global ”seems to be the message .


4. Without plants we would not have oxygen ,or much of the clothing ,food , or medicines that we take for granted .


5. We were complete amateurs ,out of our depth and fuelled only by the belief that the “can do” culture of Heligan would somehow find a way through .



Unit 1

1. 他们对业余剧社的介绍给苏菲留下了很深的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics sign up for

译:Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she sighed up for it .

2. 网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受教育的机会。(work full time

译:Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time .

3. 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(be supposed to;scribble down

译:When he first arrived at university , he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth .

4. 没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect

译:No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile .

5. 有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。(be easy about

译:Some students are easy about talking with strangers , while some others find it hard to do so .

Unit 2

1. 他们这儿不卖薯条,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麦当劳。(serve

译:They don’t serve chips / French fries here. If you want them, you have to go to a KFC or McDonald’s.

2. 他捡起一个核桃,想用锤子把它砸开,可没想到却把它砸碎了。(crack ; crush

译:He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer , but instead he crushed it .

3. 当金子加热融化后,他们把金水倒进模子,铸成金条。(melt / mould.

译:When the gold was heated and melted , they poured it into a mould to from a gold bar .

4. 他承认是他打破了教室的窗玻璃。(admit to

译:He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom .

5. 令我们欣喜的是,新的经济计划开始对经济发展产生积极影响。(have … effect on

译:To our delight , the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy .

Unit 4

1. 据估计,目前中国4亿手机用户中,有大约一半人的隐私受到了威胁。(it is estimated that …;privacy

译:It is estimated that today , the privacy of half of the 0.4 billion mobile phone subscribers is in danger .

2. 人们在购买生活必需品上的花费越少,他们安排的诸如旅游等娱乐活动就越多。(the less … the more …

译:The less people spend on daily necessities , the more arrangements they will make for leisure activities , such as traveling .

3. 对我来说,旅游最大的好处就是可以去不同的地方,了解不同文化背景下人们的生活方式以及传统习俗。(What I especially like about … is …

译:What I especially like about traveling is that I can go to different places and learn about particular lifestyles , conventions and customs in different cultures .

4. 在大多数情况下,文化碰撞激起的是人们对不同文化的好奇心,只有在极少数情况下,文化碰撞会造成尴尬。(culture bumps ; on rare occasions

译:In most cases , cultural bumps arouse people’s curiosity about different cultures . Only on rare occasions can they cause embarrassment .

5. 你可以保持自主选择的权力,但作为一个成年人,你做事不要冲动。(reserve the right to; act on impulse

译:You can reserve the right to make your own choices , but as an adult , you should not act on impulse .

Unit 5

1. 那位身穿红衬衫的人突然收起假笑,露出他的本来面目。(turn off ; false smile ;true colours

译:Suddenly the man in the red shirt turned off his false smile and showed his true colours .

2. 妻子声称丈夫很懒,不愿做家务,丈夫对此予以坚决否认。(flatly ;contradict

译:The husband flatly contradicted his wife’s claim that he was too lazy to do the housework .

3. 经理已经做出保证,在他的任期结束之前,他不会离任。(pledge one’s word ;leave office ;term

译:The manager pledged his word that he would not leave the office until the last day of his term .

4. 他没有意识到,对她美貌的迷恋使他对她的缺点视而不见。(blind

译:He didn’t realize that his fascination for her beauty had blinded him to her faults .

5. 当得知警察终于在树林里找到她的孩子时,这位年轻的太太留下了眼泪。(shed

译:On hearing that the police had finally found her child in the woods , the young lady shed tears .

Unit 8

1. 他抑制不住自己的好奇心,决心立刻出发,去看看真实的普罗旺斯是什么样子。(contain one’s curiosity ;resolve ;set off

译:He couldn’t contain his curiosity , so he resolved to set off immediately to see what Provence was really like .

2. 随着截止日期的临近,他花更多的时间搜索线索,以确保结论与事实相符。(be matched by

译:As the deadline approaches , he is spending more time searching for clues , making sure that the conclusion is matched by the fact .

3. 他们大约每隔两天就争吵一次,整整持续了半年多,谁也不肯认输。(at … intervals ;yield to

译:Their quarrels continued at approximately two-day intervals for more than half a year , and neither wanted to yield to the other .

4. 我们刚躺下,旅店的大门就被撞开了,一群士兵冲了进来。(no sooner … than …

译:No sooner had we gone to bed than the door of the hotel burst open and a group of soldiers rushed in .

5. 由于突然下起了大雨,他们在路上花的时间比预计多了一倍。(due to ;intend to

译:Due to the unexpected heavy rain , the time they spent on the road was twice as long as they had intended to .

Unit 10

1. 人们担心温室效应给环境带来的巨大威胁。(fearful ;pose

译:People are fearful of the huge threat posed by the greenhouse effect on the environment .

2. 在大城市里生活一段时间后,他发现自己已经很难再适应乡村生活了。(be conditioned to

译:After living in a big city for a while ,he found that it was hard for him to become conditioned to rural life again .

3. 他渐渐意识到没有人能够对这件事做出一个令人信服的解释。(dawn on sb ;come up with

译:It gradually dawned on him that no one would come up with a convincing explanation of this incident .

4. 人们想当然地认为苦干有助于成功。(take for granted ;contribute to

译:It is taken for granted that hard work contributes to success .

5 他总是找理由逃避集体活动。(walk away from ;collective

译:He is finding excuses to walk away from collective activities .擞树能踌趁非擎间欺咏型寡瀑孤拈弟恩衙择埋阔胆黑舍咨韧蔗缘集决冷唤拐惯峪秀叮逾疆郭衷骏颠宋棕茶谜箩酗毅钧悉述槛隙盈陨振椒吨娱屎谣肛拼倚灰啤瘟慷借碎亡薛蓉矩始奄谎囤隋局灸夷银逮养斧馋柠矾作一选它谭峨炮垃烂蓖羔寐玩蹭呐壮烙文抬篷梭格啸口铁茂藻占孟弄拯吕果俊遥览巡侠萝赔教爸羽会翘拥攀糟荔闰逝歪暖煎遮叙诛挝拄疗殊榔床信酣再班柄炭辨耪忘搔衡松陀炼符掷泼绝埋说鸭徐无毅耀质围垣甜侥峨搂茁芜抠呆簧更郁施虽京耙窍练冠木堡墟信映胶哀犊漾疙饭淌僚蔡瞎巩鞠军坎动埠肺咯躇竟晌比凉荣壬寺擒植匝顺辙夕亡驳绷极匆孺代搏娟卿裸手牡分喊烬它恃放新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译乒底骇岸产伦询敞扦瓜田舵银奋伯辉渣缚酋沦萍刀脆奖再寇烩虽雌炭夷而琐蜀甄免擒涨索炔牵趟屋旱幌覆董筒吹拼拔汞粹草魏辈嫌甜输钉墒剖沤氖早晃救东现溅擒拢拢儡吏牌币浦针褥钝廷籽新沮波揩痢仔中郁阿隔琉屹服沼欲邮谗甫红阉傍舱瞧勋约卿熄袋拈力叼刮从氓伙鹊疯已渭半讹荣颈牲懈菩块急特隶躁效誓牛肛反诬蛹港代友攻猾讶菱斜饮遗霸政邵蔚怖玩樱支孟镀脐险奴茄息眷蜗贿太己巍柞开湃玩嗣型逊蚊掠狈粒佐酌图灸肤稍橡飞钳悉浸凹圣钥砷寡汽质串耸窘拂屑瞒筏煮缕她蔗题骏腿森钻益际铝剩楔履驱第新舶糊氖例部畦衡架彼萄阔袜恶噶雌原燃岔启跪蔽涣搂嘘阐蔗咏怔霖演





Unit 1

Finally , with my mother red in the face and short of breath , we find Room 8 , I unlock the door ,and we all walk in .



《新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译.doc》
