Unit 3 Life in the future 语言知识课过去分词

发布时间:2019-01-31 11:52:45   来源:文档文库   

Unit 3 Life in the future 语言知识课──过去分词

绗 洓璇炬椂 璇 █鐭ヨ瘑璇锯攢鈹€杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝

绗 竴姝?妫€鏌ヤ綔涓?

1. 澶嶄範鐢?up 鏋勬垚鐨勮瘝缁勶紝鎶婂叏鐝 垎鎴愪袱缁勮繘琛屾瘮璧涳紝璇村嚭 up 璇嶇粍澶氱殑涓€缁勮儨銆傜劧鍚庯紝鍋氬嚭鎬荤粨锛?

stand up get up pick up shut up hung up wake up give up set up eat up drink up use up cheer up break up dress up turn up add up put up sit up stay up go up come up blow up make up look up speed up

2. Ask 6 students to write down the answers to translation on the blackboard, direct the other students to compare with their own answers, and correct their mistakes.

Ask the students to pay attention to the usage of the word: require

require v. 闇€瑕侊紱瑕佹眰锛媙./doing(=to be done)/sb. to do sth./(that)sb.(should )do sth.

绗 笁鍙ユ湁涓ょ 缈昏瘧鏂规硶锛?

Li Zhong required his children to exercise every morning before breakfast.

Li Zhong required 锛坱hat锛塰is children 锛坰hould锛塭xercise every morning before breakfast.

绗 簩姝?璇 硶瀛︿範

1. 浠ユ枃绔犱腑鐨勫彞瀛愬紩鍏ヨ瘽棰橈紝瑙i噴鍙ュ瓙 Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.姝ゅ Worried about the journey锛岀殑鎰忔€濈浉褰撲簬 As I was worried about the journey, 鍚 彂瀛︾敓鏄庣‘ Worried about the journey锛屽湪鍙ヤ腑浣滅姸璇 €傜劧鍚庯紝褰掔撼銆佹€荤粨杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝浣滅姸璇 殑鐢ㄦ硶銆?

2. 杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝鍋氱姸璇?

鈶犺〃鏃堕棿锛岀浉褰撲簬涓€涓 椂闂寸姸璇 粠鍙ワ紝鏈夋椂杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝鍓嶅彲鍔犺繛璇?when ?while 鏉ュ己璋冩椂闂存 蹇点€?

Seen from the top of the hill, the city looked like a big garden.

浠庡北椤朵笂鐪嬶紝杩欎釜鍩庡競灏卞儚涓€涓 ぇ鑺卞洯銆?

Accepted by the Party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party.

鍏ュ厷浠ュ悗锛屼粬鍐冲畾鐚 韩浜庡厷鐨勪簨涓氥€?

鈶¤〃鍘熷洜锛岀浉褰撲簬涓€涓 師鍥犵姸璇 粠鍙ャ€?

Exhausted, the children fell asleep at once.

鐢变簬澶 疮浜嗭紝瀛╁瓙浠 ┈涓婂氨鐫$潃浜嗐€?

Encouraged by the speech, the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle.

鍙楀埌浜嗚 婕旂殑榧撹垶锛屽勾杞讳汉鍐冲畾璧锋潵浠庝簨鏂椾簤銆?

鈶㈣〃鏉′欢锛岀浉褰撲簬涓€涓 潯浠剁姸璇 粠鍙ワ紝鏈夋椂杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝鍓嶅彲鐢?if 绛夎瘝銆?

Heated, water changes into steam.


Given another chance, he will do better.


鈶h〃璁╂ 锛岀浉褰撲簬涓€涓猼hough/although寮曞 鐨勮 姝ョ姸璇 粠鍙ャ€?

Laughed at by many people, he continued his study.

灏界 琚 澶氫汉鍢茬瑧锛屼粬杩樻槸缁х画浠栫殑鐮旂┒銆?

鈶よ〃浼撮殢锛岃 鏄庡姩浣滃彂鐢熺殑鑳屾櫙鎴栨儏鍐点€?

Surrounded by a group of pupils, the old teacher walked into the classroom.

琚 鐢熷寘鍥寸潃锛岄偅浣嶈€佹暀甯堣蛋杩涗簡鏁欏 銆?

The trainer appeared, followed by five little dogs.

鏁欑粌鍑虹幇浜嗭紝韬 悗璺熺潃浜旀潯鐙椼€?

鎻愰啋瀛︾敓娉ㄦ剰锛氳繃鍘诲垎璇嶅仛鐘惰 鏃讹紝鍒嗚瘝鐨勯€昏緫涓昏 涓庢暣涓 彞瀛愮殑涓昏 鏄 竴鑷寸殑銆?

3. 瀹屾垚 P20 Discovering Useful Structures 涓 殑 Ex1 & 2?

4. 瑙i噴鍙ュ瓙锛歋oon I was back on my feet again and followed him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. 姝ゅ driven by computer 鐩稿綋浜?which was driven by computer. 鍚 彂瀛︾敓鏄庣‘ driven by computer 鍦ㄥ彞涓 綔鐘惰 銆傜劧鍚庯紝褰掔撼銆佹€荤粨杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝浣滃畾璇 殑鐢ㄦ硶銆?

杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝鍋氬畾璇 細

鍗曚釜鐨勮繃鍘诲垎璇嶄綔瀹氳 涓€鑸 斁鍦ㄥ悕璇嶇殑鍓嶉潰锛岀浉褰撲簬涓€涓 畾璇 粠鍙ャ€?

The excited people rushed into the building.


We need more qualified teachers.


杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝鐭 浣滃畾璇 €氬父鏀惧湪琚 慨楗扮殑璇嶅悗闈 紝鐩稿綋浜庝竴涓 畾璇 粠鍙ャ€?

The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.

澶栧浗涓撳 鎵€鎻愬嚭鐨勫缓璁 缁忕悊閲囩撼浜嗐€?

杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝浣滃畾璇 篃鍙 敤浣滈潪闄愬埗鎬у畾璇 紝鍓嶅悗鐢ㄩ€楀彿闅斿紑銆?

The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.

杩欎簺涔︽槸椴佽繀鍐欑殑锛屽彈鍒颁簡璁稿 涓 浗浜烘皯鐨勫枩鐖便€?

The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success.

杩欐 浼氳 鑾峰緱寰堝ぇ鐨勬垚鍔燂紝鍏辨湁涓€鍗冧釜瀛︾敓鍑哄腑浜嗐€?

鎻愰啋瀛︾敓娉ㄦ剰杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝鍜岀幇鍦ㄥ垎璇嶄綔瀹氳 鐨勫尯鍒 細

杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝浣滃畾璇 €氬父琛ㄧず瀹屾垚鐨勬垨琚 姩鐨勫姩浣滐紱鑰岀幇鍦ㄥ垎璇嶄綔瀹氳 鍙 互琛ㄧず姝e湪杩涜 鐨勪富鍔ㄧ殑鍔ㄤ綔銆?

boiled water 寮€姘?boiling water 姝f哺鑵剧殑姘?

developed countries 鍙戣揪鍥藉 developing countries 鍙戝睍涓 浗瀹?

fallen leaves 钀藉彾 falling leaves 姝e湪椋樿惤鐨勫彾瀛?

changed condition 鏀瑰彉浜嗙殑鎯呭喌 changing condition 鍙樺寲鐫€鐨勬儏鍐祎

the risen sun 鍗囪捣浜嗙殑澶 槼 the rising sun 姝e湪鍗囪捣鐨勫お闃?

姝ゅ 锛屾煇浜涜繃鍘诲垎璇嶅拰鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝鍙 互杞 寲鎴愬舰瀹硅瘝锛岀幇鍦ㄥ垎璇嶈浆鍖栫殑褰㈠ 璇嶈〃绀轰簨鐗╂湰韬 叿澶囩殑鐗瑰緛锛屸€滀护浜衡€︹€︾殑鈥濓紱杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝杞 寲鐨勫舰瀹硅瘝琛ㄧず鈥滄劅鍒扳€︹€︾殑鈥濄€?

amusing 浣夸汉楂樺叴鐨?amused 寮€蹇冪殑

encouraging ?

[1] [2] [3] 涓嬩竴椤?


《Unit 3 Life in the future 语言知识课过去分词.doc》
