
发布时间:2011-11-01 08:51:38   来源:文档文库   
•1407•中华中医药杂志(原中国医药学报)2010年9 月第25 卷第9 期 CJTCMP,September 2010,Vol.25,No.9过cAMP介导抑制Ca2+通道,前者使Ca2+浓度升高,后者使Ca2+浓度降低,在两者的共同作用下Ca2+浓度发生变化。本文实验数据提示胃肠舒可能通过改变SCF-kit和神经递质等的表达,改善了ICC,从而促进胃肠运动。参 考 文 献[1] 宋晓冬,刘孟安,孙丰润等.中药胃肠舒对胃肠平滑肌细胞ATP生成的影响.世界华人消化杂志,2007,15(30):3159-3162SONG Xiao-dong,LIU Meng-an,SUN Feng-run,et al.Effect of traditional Chinese medicine Weichangshu on ATP in gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells. World Chinese Journal of Digestology,2007,15(30):3159-3162[2] Yu X,Tesiram YA,Towner R A,et al.Early myocardial dysfunctionin streptozotocin induced diabetic mice:a study using in vivo magnetic resonance imaging.Cardiovasc Diabetol,2007,6:6[3] 柴可夫,黄晓玲.2型糖尿病中医气阴两虚证与湿热困脾证差异表达基因的研究.中华中医药杂志,2009,24(9):1340-1343CHAI Ke-fu,HUANG Xiao-ling.Study on differential expression gene between syndrome of damp-heat accumulating spleen and syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin of T2DM.China Journalof TCM and Pharmacy,2009:24(9):1340-1343[4] Piotrowska A P,Solari V,Puri P.Distribution of interstitial cells ofCajal in the internal anal sphincter of patientswith internal anal sphinc2 ter achalasia and Hirschsp rung disease.Arch Pathol Lab Med,2003,127 (9):1192-1195[5] Sanders K M,Ward S M.Interstitial cells of Cajal:a new perspectiveon smooth muscle function.J Physiol,2006,576:721-726[6] Cellek S,Thangiah R,Jarvie E M,et al.Synergy between 5-HT4 receptoractivation and acetylcholinesterase inhibition in human colon and rat forestomach.Neurogastroenterol Motil.2008,20(5):539-545[7] Berridge M J.Smooth muscle cell calcium activation mechanisms[J].J Physiol,2008,586(21):5047-5061[8] Gilani A H,Khan A U,Raoof M,et al.Gastrointestinal,selectiveairways and urinary bladder relaxant effects of Hyoscyamus niger are mediated through dual blockade of muscarinic receptors and Ca2+ channels.Fundam Clin Pharmacol,2008,22(1):87-99[9] Von Kleist-Retzow J C,Horning-Do H T,Schauen M,et al.Impairedmitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis in respiratory chain-deficient cells but efficient compensation of energetic disadvantage by enhanced anaerobic glycolysis due to low ATP steady state levels.Exp Cell Res,2007,144:100-112(收稿日期:2010年3月21日)·论著·天人合一思想对中医学的影响赵雁1,赵君鹏2(1上海第二军医大学细胞生物学教研组,上海 200433,2北京261医院检验科,北京 100094)摘要:中国传统哲学强调宇宙万物的相通,相合与统一。因此,天人合一思想是中国长期占主导地位的思想。产生于这一思想背景下的中医学正是融汇了这种具有整体观念的哲学思想而形成的独特的理论体系。本文从历史和哲学的角度探讨了天人合一思想对中医学的影响,以及由此所带来的中西医差异。关键词:天人合一;中医学;哲学;天人合德;气论;天人同道;天人相应Holism of human being and universe on TCMZHAO Yan1, ZHAO Jun-peng2(1Department of Cytobiology, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2Clincal Department,the Beijing 261 Hospital,Beijing 100094,China)Abstract: The interlink, consistency and unity of all things is an important thought in traditional Chinese philosophy.Therefore, holism of human being and universe is the long-dominant thought in China. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) forms its theory based on this holism concept. From the perspect of history and philosophy, the difference between TCM and western medicine was discussed after retracting the infl uence of the holism of human being and universe on TCM. Holism of human being and universe has a profound impact on TCM, which also contributes to differences between TCM and western medicine.Key words: Holism of human being and universe; Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM); Moral unity of universe and man; Qi theory; Similarities of human being and universe; Human-environmental inter relation通讯作者:赵雁,上海市杨浦区政通路41号第二军医大学继续教育学院研究生楼509室,邮编:100094,电话:021-********E-mail:malariamla@yahoo.cn


