
发布时间:2014-12-30 14:45:31   来源:文档文库   


英 语 试 卷

一、听力理解 (共20小题,20每小题1分)

第一节:听下面八段对话或独白,从各题ABC三个选项中, 选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


1. What will the man put on each desk?


2. How will the boy go to his piano lesson?

A. By bus B. By taxi. C. On foot.


3. Where's the woman going on holiday this year?

A. France. B. Canada. C. Italy


4. What was the woman's grandfather's job?

A. A doctor B. A driver C. A fireman.

5. What does the man want to do?

A. Visit the woman.

B. Work in a children's hospital.

C. Meet the woman's grandfather.


6. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. At a bus stop. B. In a train station. C. At an airport

7. What's the woman doing?

A. Making a telephone call. B. Asking the way. C. Shopping.


8. What part-time job does the woman do?

A. A shop assistant. B. A bicycle trainer. C. A manager

9. Why does the woman need the job?

A. To get more clothes B. To buy a new bike C. To support her family.

10. What does the woman think of her part-time job?

A. Boring. B. Difficult. C. Enjoyable.


11. Why was the man absent from school?

A. He was ill. B. He moved house. C. He was on holiday.

12. What will the woman do this Saturday?

A. See a doctor. B. Go swimming. C. Have a lesson

13. When will the woman visit the man?

A. This evening.

B. Tomorrow evening.

C. During the school holiday.


14. What's the main purpose of this announcement?

A. To collect litter.

B. To ask for donations.

C. To help homeless people.

15. What's the special need this winter?

A. Small children's toys

B. Warm hats and gloves.

C. TV sets and computers.

16. When will the truck be in the area?

A. On the 2nd. B. On the 7th. C. On the 11th.


二、单项填空 (共15小题,15每小题1分)


21. Of the two coats, I'd choose the ______ one to spare some money for something else.

A. cheaper B. cheapest .

C. more expensive D. most expensive

22. ---Have you shown him around the museum yet?

---Yes. We ______ a great time there.

A. had had B. have

C. have had D. had

23. Mrs. Miles is not rich enough, _______ she has donated much to help the needy.

A. so B. yet

C. or D. for

24. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite ______ to perform skillfully yourself.

A. other B. another

C. some D. any

25. When ______ about his new job, Philip said he was crazy about it.

A. having asked B. asking

C. to be asked D. asked

26. ---Let's organize ____ surprise party for grandma's 70th birthday.

---That's _____ good idea. We can invite several of her friends.

A. a; a B. the; a

C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填

27. Susan rides her bicycle to work every day. This is _____ she keeps fit.

A. what B. which

C. how D. when

28. ---It's a difficult decision.

---Yes. It requires a lot of thinking, so let's go and talk about it _____ a drink.

A. for B. from

C. over D. to

29. ---Oh, would you like to attend a concert or see a film this evening?

---I can't go anywhere because I _____ a very important phone call.

A. expect B. am expecting

C. expected D. was expecting

30. ---Remember: the first one _____ the top of the mountain wins the prize.

---Got it.

A. to have reached B. to reach

C. reached D. reach

31. Before the sales start, my mum usually makes a list of _____ we need for the coming season.

A. why B. which

C. how D. what

32. ---Will you go to Lily's birthday party?

---Of course. Everyone in our class ______.

A. has been invited B. has invited

C. had been invited D. had invited

33. Several songs of the band become major hits. No matter ______ they go, they are sure to receive a warm welcome.

A. where B. why

C. whom D. what

34. ---Here're the ten tickets you've booked.

---Only ten tickets? There _____ be twelve.

A. can B. would

C. should D. must

35. She remembers several moments in the past ______ she experienced a similar feeling.

A. which B. where

C. that D. when

way back home, we stopped at a service area for food.

三、完形填空 (共15小题,15每小题1分)


Service Area Sweets

This past holiday season, I drove with my parents to Boston to visit my distant cousin. On my way back home, we stopped at a service area for food.

As we stopped there, there was this old lady who was busy 36 all the tables and chairs as people were leaving, making sure everything was 37 and clean. I just thought of gifting her with five dollars and a chocolate in my pocket. I 38 on a paper napkin(纸巾): "Thank you and Merry Xmas."

I had wanted to leave it there for her 39 decided to walk up to her and give her.

She asked me, "Is it a gift? Only 40 will I take it."

I nodded, "Yes," and 41 at her.

"Thank you," she replied, and I left to buy some 42 from the store inside. On my way back to the car, the woman stopped me.

"I 43 a lot of cookies and candies on Christmas for people," she explained. "Would you like to have some?"

A bit taken aback, I replied. "Yes."

She asked me to 44 , and came back carrying a four-inch plate filled with different cookies and chocolates! My first expression was a big smile.

"That's a lot," I said, a bit surprised.

She smiled and told me that she made eighty to ninety of these plates every year, to 45 to friends and others.

I had no words or thoughts in my brain. Finally, I asked if I could hug her. We hugged, wishing each other a happy and healthy holiday season. Then, as we 46 , I felt as if I had met a new friend with whom I 47 the gift of a smile and some happiness.

There is a(n) 48 to the joy of giving and receiving. From either 49 , both the giver and receiver are always 50 .

36. A. lending B. cleaning C. fixing D. painting

37. A. neat B. quiet C. simple D. free

38. A. explained B. marked C. wrote D. noticed

39. A. or B. and C. but D. so

40. A. here B. there C. now D. then

41. A. shouted B. smiled C. waved D. stared

42. A. food B. oil C. paper D. cloth

43. A. wanted B. bought C. collected D. made

44. A. wait B. eat C. choose D. pay

45. A. return B. gift C. sell D. show

46. A. concluded B. communicated C. realized D. parted

47. A. exchanged B. shared C. compared D. presented

48. A. attitude B. limit C. depth D. belief

49. A. level B. end C. step D. point

50. A. generous B. caring C. thoughtful D. happy

四、阅读理解 (共15小题,30每小题2分)



51. Which country can you go to with HEALTHCARE?

A. Malaysia. B. Canada.

C. Australia. D. Egypt.

52. If David wants to visit America, which number can he call?

A. 0190 055 9621. B. 0195 256 7553.

C. 0600 382 9450. D. 0181 990 0005.

53. Which advertisement aims for children?

A. AMAZING TIME. B. Holiday Homes.

C. Freedom Line. D. DISCOVER.

54. What are these four advertisements mainly about?

A. Exciting jobs. B. After-school courses.

C. Fun journeys. D. Interesting clubs.



Hello. I'm Jan from Mrs. Lake's class. My class wants to work together to help the public. We think we have found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways near our town. We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all students in our school to join the program and adopt a highway.

Adopting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every week to keep its part of the highway clean. Each group gets its own sign that has the name of the group printed on it. The sign is put up at the side of the road. This sign lets drivers know who is keeping that area of the road clean.

The Adopt-a-Highway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, the government does not have to send out as many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clean if they see people, especially teenagers like us, cleaning them up.

We will need helpers to care for our adopted highway. If you want to feel great and keep our roads clean, please come with your parents to the meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lake’s room on Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. At the meeting, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of people's unkind acts. Then we’ll try to pick an area to adopt and clean up.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads clean!

55. What is the Adopt-a-Highway Program about?

A. Giving names to the highways. B. Drawing pictures of highways.

C. Picking up litter along the roads. D. Putting up signs near the roads.

56. The Adopt-a-Highway Program can help____.

A. provide jobs B. build highways

C. control traffic D. save money

57. What should the students do first if they want to join the program?

A. Go to a meeting next Wednesday. B. Call Mrs. Lake next week.

C. Write a letter to their parents. D. Pick a spot to care for.

58. What is the purpose of this speech?

A. To introduce the traffic system.

B. To tell a story about adopting a pet.

C. To show drivers how to drive safely.

D. To encourage students to join the program.


Like detectives, archaeologists use evidence to solve mysteries. Detectives look for clues to solve crimes. Archaeologists seek clues to help them understand how people lived long ago. In fact, the word "archaeology" means "the study of ancient things." One type of evidence used to learn about the past is pottery. When examining pottery, archaeologists consider not only its appearance but what it was made of and how it was made. With this knowledge, they can gain interesting information about people’s lives in times past.

Pottery is made by first adding water to a kind of soil called clay. When wet, clay can be formed into shapes. It is then heated, which hardens the clay and allows it to keep its shape. There are various kinds of clay soil. Many types of clay contain iron. Iron gives the heated clay a reddish color. Some ancient potters tried to change this color by adding other materials, such as charcoal and oil to make their pottery black. Others made pot surfaces blue by adding copper.

To make clay easier to shape and heat potters use something called "temper." Various materials can be used as temper. These materials include sand, crushed stone, and plant fibers. An archaeologist can tell where a pot came from by the types of clay and temper that were used. Sometimes a pot found in one location might contain materials from another place. This can provide clues about how people traded or traveled.

Some of the earliest pots were made quite simply. A lump of clay was hollowed(挖空) out and shaped into a bowl. It was then heated at a low temperature. The finished pot was rough, and often undecorated. This type of pot may have been used for cooking.

Later, coiled pots were made. These were made by first rolling the clay into a long snake shape. The coil was then wound in circles, around and upward to form a pot. The lines of the coils were smoothed out with pieces of cloth or leather and shaped into many different objects, like pitchers and drinking vessels. They were often decorated in various ways. These pots were heated at high temperatures. The higher the temperature, the harder and longer-lasting the pot. Further improvements in pottery-making developed at different times and places. These included wheels, fancier decorations, and better kilns(窑).

A pot's shape and decoration can provide clues about the past. Painted pictures might show events from daily life. Archaeologists know certain shapes and styles that were common in different times and places.

Archaeologists study the differences in types of pottery closely. Because of their work, these everyday objects can reveal some of the mysteries of the past.

59. Archaeologists study pottery to find ________.

A. the original way of making pottery

B. how decoration styles changed

C. the development of pottery

D. what early life was like

60. This passage gives us the information about pottery EXCEPT its ________.

A. value B technique

C. design D. material

61. Which of the following is the order of steps for making coiled pots?

a. add temper

b. heat the pot in a kiln

c. add water to the clay

d. shape the clay into a pot

e. hollow out a lump of clay

f. roll the clay into a long piece

A. c. a, b, d B. c, f, d. b

C. e, a. b, d D. a, e, f, b

62. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Important Evidences B. Digging up the Past

C. Dating back in History D. Historians and Ancient Pots


Last month I got the chance to take part in an underwater research project in an area of the Gulf of Mexico called the Flower Gardens. A team of professional researchers, led by the scientist Dr. Matt Phillips, was trying to learn more about the fish and other creatures that live in this part of the sea. The Flower Gardens are a long way from the shore and we spent three days on a boat.

The team used a piece of underwater equipment called a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to collect information. The ROV could measure water depth and temperature and it also had a camera that sent live film back to the boat. The ROV was great fun. It was controlled by a computer on the boat, and I was allowed to operate it a few times.

However, the thing I enjoyed most was diving into the water. At first, I was quite frightened -- mainly because I couldn't see land in any direction. But as soon as I jumped into the water, I wasn't afraid anymore. It was amazing to see the colourful fish swimming around and I could see all the way to the Flower Gardens, which are almost 30 metres down.

I will never forget the Flower Gardens. The trip was like a holiday but I also learnt new things about science and research projects. The team were very friendly and everyone was happy to explain what they knew about the sea. It was a great opportunity and it has made me think about my goals in life. The experience will definitely encourage me to work harder to become a scientist.

63. What were the researchers trying to learn about in the Flower Gardens?(不多于5个词)

64. What did the writer enjoy most in the project?(不多于4个词)

65. What is the passage mainly about?(不多于7个词)

五、书面表达 1小题,20分)


假如你是李华,本学期你选修了外教Mr. Brown 开设的英语口语课。元旦后,Mr. Brown要求大家在课上介绍各自家庭的新年活动,并谈谈感想。请根据下面提供的信息准备你的发言稿。

go to grandparents home

have a family dinner

watch TV/play games

send regards to friends

Im very glad to tell you how my family spent New Years Day this year.


Thank for your listening!



一、听力理解 (共20小题,20分。每小题1分)


1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A

7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A

13. C 14. B 15. B 16. C


17. Trista/TRISTA 18. 1539 19. Art/art 20. Friday

二、单项填空 (共15小题,15分。每小题1分)

21. A 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. D

26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. B

31. D 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. D

三、完形填空 (共15小题,15分。每小题1分)

36. B 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. D

41. B 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. B

46. D 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D

四、阅读理解 (共15小题,30分。每小题2分)


51. A 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. C 56. D

57. A 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. B 62. B


63. The fish and other creatures.

64. Diving into the water.

65. The authors experience in a science project.

五、书面表达 (共1小题,20分)

Possible version:

I 'm very glad to tell you how my family spent New Year’s Day this year.

Early in the morning, my parents and I went to grandparents' home. When grandma opened the door, I hugged her tightly and told her how much I missed her. Then grandma started to tell me about some interesting happenings in her life. When we were talking, Mom and my aunt were busy preparing the New Year family dinner. Around twelve, everybody sat down to enjoy all the delicious food. What a wonderful time we had! Over the dinner table, we exchanged New Year's good wishes. I wished everyone a healthy and happy 2014. After dinner, while the adults were watching TV, I sent the New Year regards to my friends. One friend sent me the regards, "Value the time with all the people who love you!" Yes, I will always treasure the happiness and love among my family and friends.

Thanks for your listening!


1.第一档: (20~18) (很好)


2.第二档: (17~15) (好)


3.第三档: (14~12) (及格)


4.第四档: (11~6) (较差)


5.第五档: (5~1) (差)







W: Tony, can you help me?

M: Yes.

W: Would you put a bottle of glue on each desk, and a pair of scissors, too, please?

M: OK. And paints?

W: No, not for today.


W: Hi, Max, are you on your way to have your piano lesson yet?

M: Yes, Mum. Im just waiting for the bus.

W: But your piano lesson will start in ten minutes. Why dont you take a taxi?

M: OK. Ill take a taxi that comes along. Bye, Mum.


M: Are you going on holiday with your sister again this year?

W: Yes, shes coming home from Canada tomorrow, and then were going away next week.

M: Wherere you going?

W: My sister wants to go to Italy. But I prefer France this year, and Ive booked a hotel there. I hope she doesnt mind.


M: So who is your hero, Lucy?

W: My grandfather.

M: Your grandfather? You cant be serious!

W: Why not? My grandfather was a fireman in London. He saved lots of people and even got a medal awarded by the Queen.

M: Oh, really?

W: Yes, he was a fireman for 40 years, and after he stopped working, he was a volunteer in children's hospitals.

M: That's amazing. I'd really like to meet him.

W: No problem. You can go with me some day.

M: Great!

Text 5 回答第6题至第7题。

W: Excuse me. Do you know if I can catch Bus No.25 at this stop?

M: No, only Bus No. 52. You can catch Bus No. 25 on Hillside Street.

W: How can I get there?

M: Go straight ahead and turn right at the first crossing. Then you can find you're onto Hillside Street. The stop will be on your right.

W: Thank you would you happen to know how often Bus No. 25 runs?

M: Every 20 minutes, I believe.

Text6 回答第8-10

M: Hi. Tania. Where're you going?

W: To the clothes shop in Spring Street. I've got a part-time job selling clothes there on Saturdays.

M: You're working! Are you serious? Why?

W: Well, you know. I'm in the local cycling team, and I want a new bike. So I'm saving up to buy one.

M: Good for you.

W: Thanks. I really enjoy working in the shop. I want to know more about running a shop. Maybe I can have my own one day.

M: Really? But you need loads of money to open a shop.

W: Yes, I know, so I have to work hard. Oh, I'm late! I have to go. Bye!

Text7 回答第11-13

W: Carl, what happened? You were absent from school yesterday.

M: Oh, nothing serious. My family were busy moving out of our old flat.

W: You are not staying in town anymore?

M: No, we bought a new apartment near the harbor.

W: Do you like it?

M: It's lovely! It's on the tenth floor, and you can overlook the beach. You know I like swimming. By the way, would you like to join me for a swim this Saturday?

W: Err. I'd love to but I don't think I can.

M: Why?

W: My mum has already made an appointment for me to see a doctor. I've got some eye

problem these days.

M: Err, can you come over tomorrow evening?

W: Sorry again. I've been having evening courses this week.

M: Oh well, I really hope you could come and visit my new home soon

W: Can I visit you during the school holidays? It's only two weeks from now.

M: Great idea!

Text 8听下面一段独白,回答第14题至第16题。

M: Hello, this is Tony with Contribution of Community. I'm speaking here to let you know we'll have a truck in your area on the ll'h. We accept donations of clean used clothing, blankets and bedding. We also accept TV sets and computers, small children's toys, books and magazines. There is a special need this winter for warm hats and gloves. If you would like to donate, please put all your things in a large bag or box, and set them in front of your house by 7 a.m Wednesday, the 11th. Make sure the bags or boxes are marked "CC" in large letters. Our driver will leave you a donation receipt. If you have any questions. please call us at 1888-555-5353. Thank you, and have a great day!


M: So, you mean you want to move into a home-stay family. Is that correct?

W: Yes, that's right. I've been staying with my aunt. Now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him.

M: Oh. that's bad luck Well, I'll need to get some personal information. What's your full name?

W: Trista Lee, T-R-I-S-T-A Lee.

M: T-R-I-S-T-A. OK, and how old are you, Trista?

W: 23, only just. It was my birthday on the 7th of January.

M: Happy Birthday for yesterday. How long have you been in Australia?

W: A year in Perth and six months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney, and I've got more friends here.

M: What's your address at your aunt's house?

W: Flat one, 1539 Forest Road Canterbury. And the post code is 2036.

M: OK. What are you studying now?

W: I was learning General English in Perth and now I'm studying the History of Western Art, because I'm trying to get into Arts Management next year.

M: Sounds good, but it'll take you a long time. When would you like to move out from your aunt's?


