英语作文高级表达方式 - 抽象名词

发布时间:2017-12-19 13:51:39   来源:文档文库   

英语作文高级表达方式-抽象名词 英语作文高级表达方式-
1. ABSENCE: (with/there is) the absence of attempt/ work 缺少、缺乏、 缺少、缺乏、 没有 AMany medical experts are now agreed that with the general absence of roughagemodem citizens are literally---via heart attacks and cancer--eating and drinking themselves into the grave


BThere seems to have been an absence of attempt at conciliation between rival sects

CFor large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health


2. ACCEPTANCE: have/find/obtain/gain/win (general/immediate/wide) acceptance for/among/of支持

AAcademic dishonesty has had relatively strong peer support and acceptance among some students, partly because we did not make a serious effort to explain why such behavior is contemptible

学习上的作弊得到同伴相对有力的支持,也被一些学生所接受。部分原因是 我们没有真正努力去解释为什么这种行为是可耻的。

BIf that can be donethe high way will serve the purposes users want Then it will gain broad acceptance and become a reality

如果做到这一点的话,高架就会达到使用者所希望的目的。这样就会得到广 泛的支持而成为现实。

3. ACCESS: gain/get/have/attain/give (ready/easy) access to

AAdvances in technology have smoothed access to information, rendering superfluous whole layers of management.


BWhile it is true that USsources may have better access to the informationthey might also have more reason to conceal or alter that information


4. ACQUISITION: acquisition of knowledge/ a language/information

A. Newspaper reading, rather than being simply the acquisition of new informationis a kind of passive participation in the life of the national community.


BBut in the past trying to accelerate children's acquisition of academic skills in their early age was seen as evidence of bad parenting

但在过去,若家长们在孩子还很小时就加快对他们的文化知识的学习,这种 做法被认为是不好的教育法。

5. AGREEMENT: there is general agreement that

A. There is total agreement that the activity of humans is at least partly responsible for the problem.


BTo come to agreement on control and reduction of weapons between the superpowers is difficult. 超级大国之间要在控制和削减武器方面达成一致意见是很困难的。

6. ANALYSIS: make a careful/close analysis of; attempt/defy/resist analysis

AYet close analysis of such people often reveals the existence of what might be called “stability zones” in their lives

仔细分析这些人, 往往会发现, 在他们生活中也存在可能称为的稳定区域

BIt requires a very unusual mindWhitehead saidto undertake the analysis of a fact


7ANTICIPATIONin anticipation of a risefallsuccess

AAll experience a good deal of anticipationbut the anticipation pales next to the excitement of first communicating verbally

所有这一切都经历了许多的盼望,但这种盼望比起第一次语言交流的兴奋要 逊色多了。 BThe financial markets had raised interest rates in anticipation of a squeeze.


Cin anticipation of an early reply期待早复

8. ANTIDOTE: (serve) as an (strong/powerful) antidote to boredom

AHe supportedfor exampleuniversal education as an antidote to the numbing effects of economic specialization.


9. ANTIPATHY: have/arouse/provoke/natural antipathy to/towards have/

AWithout questionhowever, the first major thinker to express a clear antipathy to the urban way of life was Thomas Jefferson


10. APATHY: show/have/with an (political/election) apathy toward sth.

AHow can we curb this growing student apathy and assure ourselves of capableresponsible leadership for the future?

如何才能制止学生中日益发展的冷漠态度,以确保我们在将来成为有能力、 有责任的领导人?

11. APPEAL: make a direct/strong appeal to

AThe appeal to venture capitalists of investing in United States high technology companies is quite obvious


BHe holds a special appeal to little children.


12. APPETITE have/stimulate a strong/keen appetite for(爱好,追求) for(爱好, 追求)

A. He has a great appetite for knowledge.他强烈的求知欲。

BThe long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenancebut a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms
在办公室或工厂里长时间的工作,给他们带来的报酬不仅仅是生活给养,而 且是对乐趣的强烈追求,即使是最简单、最朴实的乐趣。

13. APPLICATION: the application of knowledge/theory

A. We ale dealing with the application of psychology to advertising and political propaganda


BIn generalthe application---or misapplication---of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole


14. APPRECIATION: cultivate/deepen/express/show an (better/keen) appreciation of欣赏、感谢、理解、了解 of欣赏、感谢、理解、 欣赏

cultivate the appreciation of good music培养对音乐的欣赏能力

A. We take this opportunity of expressing / to express our sincere appreciation of your help.


Bpromote/deepen the appreciation of Chinese arts and letters in the United States of America促进/加深美国对中国文学艺术的理解。

CHe has a keen appreciation of the students’ needs. 他深刻了解学生们的需要。

15. ASSESSMENT: make an assessment of评价

AAlthough it is, of course, much more difficult, he can also make a subjective assessment of the percentage of his emotional energy invested in the job

虽然这很困难, 但是他还能对在这份工作中投入多少精力作一个主观的评价。

B. The other thing we have to notice is that the assessment of the intelligence of any subject is essentially a comparative affair


16. ASSOCIATION: be/have an association within association with联系

Ado sth in association with sb和某人一起做某事

BThey suggest the answer may be the lack of association with other humans during the period of sleep 他们暗示这个回答或许和睡眠中缺少与其他人的联系有关。

17ATTACK: come under (personal/sharp) attack

AToday, American colleges and universities originally modeled on German ones are under strong attack. 今天美国大学(最初是按照德国大学模式)正受到社会的激烈批评。

18. ATTAINMENT: the attainment of goals/aim/objective

AThis will deeply impress them on your memory, and these memory traces will soon start influencing your everyday behavior toward the attainment of the goal

这将会把它们深深地铭记在你的脑海里。而这些记忆痕将很快开始影响你的 日常行为,促使你朝着实现目标而努力。

BSchools usually set as their educational objective the attainment of a balanced development of a person 学校通常把一个人获得平衡发展作为教育的目标。

19. ATTENTION: bring...to public attention/claim/draw/come to the attention of AMany of these workers are poorly educated and unskilledand they often lack the union representation that has helped bring other industrial disease to public attention 这些工人中许多没受过什么教育,又缺乏技术,他们往往没有自己的工会代 表可以帮助他们让公众知道其他的职业病。 BAs for sowing methods-probably over half of Europe's seed was wasted every year before the Chinese idea of the seed drill came to the attention of Europeans 至于播种方法,在中国人关于种子条播机的想法引起欧洲人的注意之前,也 许欧洲每年要浪费一半以上的种子。 C. The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world


received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases. 今年初几个透明度颇高的案例中,有关世界各地女佣的悲惨状况引起了新闻 媒体的关注。 20. ATTEMPT: make an attempt/in an attempt to A Attempts to break up this old system have been made in every presidential election in the past one hundred years 在过去的100年中,人们极力想打破这个在历届总统大选中都实行的旧体制。 BIn an attempt to do sth, ...为了... do sth in an attempt to do 做某事是为了 21. AVAILABILITY: the availability of information/money AThey do this in order that births occur with the arrival of the rains, the availability of grazing, and the mother's adequate supply of milk for the young. 它们这样做,是为了使生育正好与雨季相遇,并有大量的青草生长,这样母 畜就有足够的奶水喂养幼仔。 22. AWARENESS: heighten/reduce/increase/sharpen/spark/obscure one's awareness of AThe Bhopal tragedy five years ago, when thousands of Indians died after an escape of chemicals, sparked a belated environmental awareness among India's middle classes. 5年前,因化学气体的泄漏而发生的伯帕尔惨剧使成千上万的印度人丧生。这 个惨剧在印度的中产阶级中唤起了一种姗姗来迟的环保意识。 BThe computer could obscure man's awareness of the need to come to terms with himself 电脑可能模糊了人需要对自身有限能力妥协的认识。 CThe intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it 聪明的听众必须随时提高自己对音乐素材的认识以及有关这方面的意识。 23. BARRIER: a barrier to the development/progress


ABut it is the lack of political will and the ineptness of established sociopolitical structures that are major barriers to the progress in this field 但是,由于缺少政治意志加上现有的社会政治结构的不完善,这就极大地阻 碍了这个领域的发展。 BA strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his ownand anywaylanguage is always a barrier to the contact with the local population 紧凑的日程安排使得旅游者不可能自己随便闲逛。不管怎样,语言总会阻碍 他们同当地人的接触。 24. BELIEF: express/foster/hold a belief in; there is a widely accepted/held belief that; contrary to popular/general/growing belief belief AThe enormous success of science has led to the general belief that scientists have developed and are employing effective methods in gaining new knowledge 科学的巨大成功,使一般人认为,科学家人数在发展,他们在利用有效的方 法获得新的知识。 25. BOREDOM: to escape/interrupt/relieve boredom AOnly an occasional stop at a gasoline station or at a drugstore to read movie magazines interrupts their boredom 去加油站溜溜歇歇脚或到药店走走,读读电影画报这样可以解解闷气。 BThis includes keeping them in more suitable cages, allowing social animals like dogs to live together and trying to reduce the boredom that these animals can experience. 其中包括把它们饲养在较合适的笼子里,让狗这一类爱结交的动物生活在一 起,尽量减少它们的寂寞。 26. CAPACITY: ( have a ) capacity for development/organization AHitleraided by a phenomenal capacity for organization and by the readiness of Germany's great industrialists to finance his campaign shrewdly utilized the prevailing attitude to establish his power


由于他非凡的组织能力以及德国大企业家们愿意资助他的竞选,希特勒精明 地利用了社会上的这种态度,建立了他的政权。 BBut of all our problemsthe most immediate and pressing, the one which threatens to paralyze our very capacity to act obliterate our vision to of the futureis the plight of the Negro of the center city 但是,在所有我们最直接和紧迫的问题中,威胁到损伤我们的行动能力,威 胁到遮住我们对未来的展望的就是市中心黑人的困境。 27. CELEBRATION: a celebration of freedom/achievement/success CELEBRATION: AAny celebration of what has been accomplished during our first two centuries also requires a commitment to what remains to be done during the third century 庆祝在过去两个世纪里所取得的成就,同样需要对第三个世纪里所要做的事 情承担起责任。 BAt this timeand in the place where so many great names in American history have trodwe renew this celebration of freedom in the full and certain knowledge that with it comes great responsibility 此时,在美国历史上许多伟人所踩过的地方,我们重新庆祝获得的自由,确 信随之而来的是巨大的责任。 28. CERTAINTY: be/become a certainty CERTAINTY: AIt can be said with certainty that… with/has certainty 可以断言

BI had the certainty that he was at home.我确信他在家。 CSome children learn best by rotein structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline0thers gain success in the less structured“permissive” atmosphere of a“progressive”school. 有的孩子在高度稳定和严明纪律的严格环境中以死记硬背取得好成绩,另有 一些则在先进学校比较宽松的环境里获得了成功。 29. CHALLENGE: meet/accept the challenge ABecause I had no formal training in any of these fields with the exception of engineeringI had to learn to meet each challenge of managing a business as it arose 除了工程学,在所有这些领域里我都没受过正规的教育,所以每当出现一个


工商管理方面的挑战时,我只好学着去迎接它。 30. CHANGE: undergo/bring about/inaugurate great/marked change AAfter crossing several time zonessleep rhythms undergo marked changes during the first night. 经过几个时区后,睡眠规律就会在第一个晚上发生很大变化。 31. CHOICE: make a wise choice ANot only do lies not provide any hopethey invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health 对病人隐瞒真情,不仅不能给予病人任何希望,还会侵犯病人的自由,使他 们不能对自己的健康做出明智的选择。 BWhen choices are made among alternatives such as those just described it becomes plain that choosing one alternative often involve giving up another 在上述几个方案中做出选择,显然,挑选一个意味着放弃另一个. 32. COMBINATION: (express/symbolize) a rare/ happy combination of AHe turned out to be an incredible combination of strength and relaxation on the track 在这方面他证明是把力量和放松结合得最好的人。 BThe modern world is a combination of Eastern and Western ingredients which are inextricably fused 现代世界是一个东西方紧密融合的结合体。 33COMFORT: take/derive/seek comfort from/enjoy the comfort of 33 APeople have taken comfort from the idea that our brains are magically unique and could never be duplicated never mind surpassed machines by 人的大脑是神奇般独特的、不能被复制、不用担心会被机器超过,想到这一 点,人们感到了极大的安慰。 34. COMMAND: acquire/has/secure a good command of ABut this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly


improvised by a mere command of the will. 但这种事并非一天就能做成的,也不是靠征服意志就能一蹴而就的。 35. COMMENT: make comment about AOld people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true 老年人总是说年轻人不像他们同龄时那样了。一代一代人做出相同的评论, 而且总是真实的。 with/to 36. COMPARAISON: in comparison with/to make comparison AYet culture shock is relatively mild in comparison with the much more serious maladyfuture shock 与更严重的弊证、即未来冲击相比,文化冲击相对来说要轻些。 BThe boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days 一个人当他在必须做无趣味的工作时所感到的乏味,和他成天无所事事而感 到的乏味相比,几乎算不了什么。 CThe first two must be equal for all who are being comparedif any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made 如果就智力进行比较的话,前两个因素对所有要比较的人必须是一样的。 37. COMPETITION: enter/get into competition with in competition with/for A the Olympic Games In women not only cannot win any medals in competition with men gulf between them is so great that they cannot even qualify the for the contests with men 在奥运会上,女运动员在同男的竞争中不仅不能夺奖牌,而且他们之间的鸿 沟这么大,她们甚至没有资格和男运动员同场竞技。 BIt would also place him in competition with other workerswhich would be playing into the bosses’hands 这样做还会把他置于同其他工人的竞争中,而这正中老板之意。


38. CONCENTRATION: the concentration of concentration AThe lack of goodsservicesand household aidsbrought on by the country's concentration on heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods, affects women much more than men 国家重视重工业,忽视消费品生产,由此带来的商品、服务设施和家用器具 的短缺对女士的影响要比男士的大。 BStrong economic and social currents encourage the continued concentration of the urban population which otherwise might disperse into more sparsely settled areas 经济和社会的向上形势鼓励人们不断向城市集中,要不然的话这些人口会分 散到人口较少的地区。 39. CONCERN: there is/express/arouse/show/give concern 39. over/for/about/with AI have a deeper concern about higher education and the current national mood 我对高等教育和目前国家形势所处的状态的深深关切。 BMeanwhile the public show little concern about the danger of total destruction by nuclear weaponsa possibility people are consciously aware of 同时公众对核武器造成的全球毁灭的危险很少关心,虽然他们意识到这种可 能性。 40. CONSIDERATION: give consideration/thought to; consideration/thought take sth. into consideration AAll the argument sounds logicalbut it is obvious that no consideration is to be given to his concern for either the women or the children 所有这些论点听上去有道理,但它没有考虑到对妇女或者对孩子的关心。 41. CONNECTION: there is/bear connection to AIt also enables us to tell ourselves that the despair of homeless people bears no intimate connection to the privileged existence we enjoy-whenin factwe rent or purchase one of those restored townhouses that once provided shelter for people now huddled in the street


同时也使我们告诫自己,无家可归者的绝望和我们享受到的特权生活没有密 切关系的。而实际上,我们租的或买的那些修建过的市中心房子,曾经是现 在流浪街头人的住所。 consciousness 42. CONSCIOUSNSS: a national/world/class/ deep consciousness AIn other wordsthe world of urban America as a dark place undeserving of support or help has become fixed in the American consciousnessAnd we are paying for that attitude in our cities today 换句话说,美国城市作为一个黑暗的地方,不值得投资和帮助,这种想法已 深深扎根于美国人民的思想意识中。今天我们的城市正在为这种态度付出代 价。 BFurther study and better public understanding are neededof course But what is essential is a global consciousness 当然,需要进一步研究和更好地理解公众,当然,更为重要的是全球的意识。 Cthe moral consciousness of a nation一个民族的道德意识 recover national consciousness恢复民族意识 It has awakened millions to political consciousness. 它唤起了千百万人的政治觉悟。 into/ 43. CONTACT: come into/establish/create/need/ regain/retain/strengthen (close/frequent/understanding) contacts with/between; bring/take sb. into contact with ABut our modern world of music also brings us into contact with music that is not always so quickly grasped. 然而,现代音乐世界却也让我们总是不能很快理解接触的音乐。 BHenceit can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudesinterests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure 因此可以这么说,我们在这些不同的环境所接触到的人们,很可能对我们的 态度和兴趣的形成、 甚至包括如何处理有关空闲时间的能力产生一定的影响。 CNational governmentsalsowill be brought into closer and closer contact with science 同时,这将使各国政府同科学保持越来越密切的联系。


44. CONTRIBUTION: make a contribution to society/ human A“Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great”said Dean Keith Simonton 西门顿教务长说,长期为人类文明作出贡献的人是伟大的。” BTheir increasing demand for continuing education offers unprecedented opportunities for universities to increase and extend their contributions to society 他们对继续教育的不断要求给大学以空前的机会来增加和扩大对社会的 贡献。 45. CONTROL: exert control over; bring ... under control A. Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert 调查表明,工作所提供的满足不是来自攒多少钱,而是来自工作的挑战和对 工作的控制力。 BTo protect the value of their invested capital, venture capitalists desire control over various corporate decisions 为保障其投入资本的价值,风险资本家希望对公司的各种决定进行控制。 CHowever, very little control can be exercised over the media used to generate information that comes to you 然而,对曾经用来给你提供信息的媒体几乎没有什么控制。 DBut although this form of genetic engineering will give us great control over mankind's future, there are several reasons for caution 但是,虽然这种基因工程会让我们极大地控制人类的未来, 我们还是有诸多理 由表现出谨慎。 46. CONVICTION: confirm/express/deepen/hold/ voice the conviction; carry/bring conviction to sb.; have/there is a strong/widespread strong/widespread conviction thatbe in the conviction that that AHe is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history 他深信,只有对历史加以透彻研究,才能真正学到知识。


Bconfirm a conviction维持原判 bring conviction to sb使某人信服 His words carried conviction.他的话令人信服。 deepen one’s conviction加深某人的信念 She expressed her firm conviction that television was harmful to children.她坚持认为电视对儿童有害。 47. CORRELATION: there is/find correlation between AIf he is bored and securehe may invest very little--there being no necessary correlation between time devoted and emotion invested 如果他感到厌烦但又安全,他可以几乎不用投资,因为在奉献的时间和投资 的精力之间没有必然的联系。 BYet when they studied the various sleep stages, they found no correction between sleep physiology and unhappy mood 然而,当他们研究不同的睡眠阶段时,他们便发现睡眠生理学与不愉快的心 情毫无联系。 48. CREDIBILITY: lose/enhance the credibility of/with 48. AFor the emerging company the association with a corporate partner may not only enhance the emerging company's balance sheetbut may enhance its credibility with customerssupplier investors and others 对于新兴公司而言,与大公司合伙人联合,不仅可以使公司的资产负债表大 为改观,而且还可以提高客户、供应商、投资者和其他人对公司的信任度。 B“Lies also do harm to those who tell themharm to their integrity and in the long runto their credibility. 谎言也伤害说谎者自己,损害他们的真诚,并最终损害他们的信誉。 49. CRITICISM: be subjected to (harsh/sharp) criticism; challenge 49. CRITICISM: /defy/excite/invite/offer/resent/tolerate/ survive (considerable/hostile/frank/severe/harsh) criticism; come under (fierce/sharp) criticism for AA commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit.


对美国文化最常见的批评是其过分追求物质商品而忽视人的精神因素。 BWhite collar office workerstoohave come under criticism recently for robbing their bosses of their full-time services 最近白领工作者同样受到批评,说他们没让他们的雇主得到全日制服务。 CIn a sensescience fiction is criticism of reality 从某种意义上来说,科幻小说是对现实世界的批评。 Ddefy every criticism拒不接受任何批评 excite/arouse/provoke/stir up criticism引起批评 invite/welcome customers’criticisms欢迎顾客批评 offer some criticisms of the argument brought forward by Mr. Smith 对史密斯先生提出的论点提几点批评意见 50. CULTIVATION: the cultivation of personality/skill AThose with a better education and in professional occupations may tend to seek recreation and personal development(egcultivation of skills and hobbies)in leisure 那些接受过较好教育的专业人员可能在空闲时更倾向于寻求娱乐和个人发展 (如培养技能和爱好等) BSecond isthe development of characterespecially the cultivation of military virtues such as obedienceloyaltystrength of will, self-controlcapacity for sacrifice, and pride in responsibility 第二是培养一个人的性格,尤其是军事素质如服从、忠诚、意志力、自控力、 牺牲精神和责任感。 51. CURE: there is/develop no cure for ANeeds are limitedbut not greedsScience has developed no cure for envyso our wealth boosts our happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors 需要是有限的,而贪婪是没有止境的。科学并没有研制出克服妒忌的良方。 所以财富也只可以有限地增进我们的幸福, 而同时却会损害我们邻居的幸福。 52. DEMAND: there is an increasing demand (pressure) for AThe fear may also bring increasing demands for police protection, and election of law-and-order politicians


这种恐惧心理带给人们的是: 要求警察的保护和选举执法官的呼声越来越高。 BAs the world demand for new information technologies continues to experience unprecedented growtha significant portion of available venture capital funds call be expected to be funneled into information, technology throughout the world in the next few years 由于世界各国的需求,新信息技术继续以前所未有的速度增长,今后几年, 世界各地的风险资本基金的大部分可望投入信息技术部门。 53. DENIAL: the denial of AHis denial of our petition caused the students to rebel 由于他拒绝了我们的请求,引起了学生们的反抗。 BThe need for gratitude is something we all feeland denial of it can do much to harm the spirit of kindness and cooperation 我们都需要感激,因此拒绝接受就会损害友好和合作的精神。 54. DEPARTURE: make/justify/mark a new departure in/from the traditional value/old method Amake a new departure成为一个新的开始 His dictionary marked a new departure in lexicography. 他的词典标志了词典学的新起点。 A departure was made from old custom.背弃旧习俗。 There are occasions justifying departure from custom. 有时违背惯例是有道理的。 55. DEVOTION: have devotion to ADevotion to that land has been the source of conflict in this area in the last decade 人们对土地的热爱是过去10年中地区矛盾冲突的根源。 BSuccess factor is largely a matter of luck-being in the right place at the right timeOthers speak of utter devotion to workcombined with a degree of ruthlessness 成功的因素主要是运气,即在合适的地方和合适的时间。但有的人认为是对 工作极端的献身精神,加上一定程度的残忍。 CYoung people have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary


commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfortThey are not anxious social climber, and they have no devotion to material things 年轻人自由自在,他们并不为自私的抱负、舒适的追求所束缚。他们不急于 爬社会的阶梯,他们不想投身物质利益的追求。 56. DESIRE: (have)a desire to/for AIt is a product of Americans’ increasing prosperity and of their desire to own a piece of land 这是美国人日益繁荣和有一块土地的愿望的结果。 BDriven by the government's desire for a credible auto industry and by their own need to achieve economics of scaleautomakers have embarked on expansion programs that envisage annual output of 600 000 vehicles by the mid1990s 政府有建立可信的轿车工业的愿望,企业有实现其规模经济效益的需要。受 这两个因素的驱动,轿车生产厂家开始实施一系列发展规划,指望在20世纪 90年代中期,轿车年产量可达60万辆。 57. DESIRABILITY: question/prove the desirability(好处;可取之处) of desirability(好处; 可取之处) AThey questioned the desirability and utility, in the light of the international situation continuing the search for such a definition. of 鉴于当时的国际形势,对于继续谋求这样一个定义是否可取或是否有用,他 们表示怀疑。 BThis debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of prime importance to business and industry 这场有关持续经济发展的辩论对商业和工业都非常重要。 CNobody doubts the desirability of good health. 没有人会怀疑健康的好处。 58. DISAGREEMENT: express/there is disagreement Aexpress one’s disagreement with表达某人与的不同意见 59. 59. DISCOVERY: (make) the discovery of AA young man's first car is less a means of transportation than a monument to this discovery of youthful freedom


一个年轻人的第一辆汽车与其说是一种交通工具还不如说是发现年轻人自由 的标志。 BHe is doomed to a wasted lifehe has as little prospect of making a scientific discovery as an electronic brain has 他注定要虚度一生。他就像电脑一样。不大可能做出任何科学发现。 60. DISPLAY: make/with a display of make/with AThe public display of fearsorrowangerand irritation reveals a lack of self-discipline that should be avoided by the Positive Women just as much as by the Positive Man. 在公众场合表现出害怕、伤感、气愤和恼怒是缺乏自控能力的表现,而作为自信女士自信男士都应该避免。 Bmake a display of炫耀,卖弄;表示 make a display of one’s wealth炫耀自己的财富 He made a great display of his learning.他大肆卖弄自己的学问。 make a display of one’s affection表示亲热 61. DISSATISFACTION: there is/express/voice/cause a deep/growing/ widespread dissatisfaction with AThose reporting a supportive home, work and social life remained far healthier than those expressing dissatisfaction with their private and work lives. 那些说他们有一个能支撑的家、稳定的工作和社会生活的人要比那些表示对 他们的生活和工作不满的人健康得多。 B Even so social analysts see no early end to the growing dissatisfaction of women that is causing many to seek an outlet by running away from home and family 即使如此,社会分析家们认为妇女的日趋不满不会很快消失,而这种不满造 成许多人通过出走家庭来发泄。 62. DIVERSITY: There is/obtain wide/ great diversity of opinion as to AThe division of labor brought diversity of occupation and with it individual variability. 劳动分工给职业带来多样性,伴随的是个人的变化。


BMary has a great diversity of interests.玛丽的兴趣非常广泛。 63. DRAIN: a great/heavy drain on ADropout is more than an academic failureIt is thought of as a waste of precious faculty time and a drain on university resources already being used to capacity 退学不仅仅是学习上的失败。它还被认为是对教师宝贵时间的浪费,是对早 已紧缺的大学资源的消耗。 BThe rapidly increasing drain on resources comes not only from the population explosion but also from the “expectation explosion”. 不仅是人口的快速增长,同样,不断膨胀的期望都迅速耗尽了国家的资源。 Cbrain drain人才外流 DDefense costs have been a heavy drain on the country’s resources. 国防开支严重地消耗了该国的财力。 64. EAGERNESS: one's eagerness to do sth. AIn their eagerness to extend a popular brand’s recognition and reputation to a new type of productmanagers often overlook basic problems with the fit between the old name and the new item 经营者们因渴望将著名品牌的信誉展现到一种新产品上,而常常忽视了旧名 称和新产品之间一致的一些基本问题。 65. EFFECT: exert/have a harmful effect on AAlthough they did have some influenceheavy television viewing still showed a significant effect 虽然它们确实有些影响,但是过多地看电视还会显示其重大影响。 BA highway code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate 被大家普遍接受的公路法规对降低事故只会产生显著而有利的影响。 66. EFFICIENCY: improve/raise/increase/decrease/lower the efficiency of improve/raise/increase/decrease/lower raise/increase AIt is obvious that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industryand that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all


kinds 显然,一个国家的经济实力和这个国家的农业、工业产出的效率有直接关系, 而这一点又依赖于各个领域的科学家和技术人员的努力。 67. EFFORT: make/have/exert a(great/tremendous/ persistent/sustained) effort to AIf clear definitions of academic dishonesty have been developed, and if a reasonable effort has been made to in form students that such offenses ale treated seriouslythe appropriate punishment for a willful offense should be some form of separation from the university 如果学习上的作弊定义清楚,如果做出恰当的努力使学生知道这种作弊要受 到严肃处理,那么对故意作弊的惩罚应当是开除出大学。 BIndia is making a determined effort to bring down its birth rate which is currently about 35 per l 000more than twice that in the United States 印度正在作坚决的努力把出生率降下来,而目前的出生率是35%,是美国的 两倍多。 68. EMANCIPATION: represent an emancipation from errors/prejudice/ control AIt can argued that all this represents a welcome emancipation from Victorian morality, and that it is a wholesome affirmation of independence 人们认为:所有这些代表了对维多利亚道德观的一种可喜的解放,是对独立 的全盘肯定。 Bemancipation of women from discriminative treatment 妇女从受歧视的待遇中解放出来 69. 69. EMIGRATION: the emigration of people AMany Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations 在很多失业率高、工资低的第三世界国家里出现了工人移居到发达国家的 现象。


70. EMPHASIS: place/put emphasis on AHis emphasis on other worldliness in his songs certainly suggested grim dissatisfaction with his worldly status 他在歌中强调了其他世俗之事,当然也表明了他对自己社会地位的不满。 BThey place great emphasis on their individual differenceson having a great number of choicesand on doing things their own way 他们极为重视个性差异,注重拥有大量选择,强调各行其是。 71. ENCOURAGEMENT: provide/give encouragement 71. encouragement AAlong with hire-purchaserental and leasing schemesthey provide encouragement to spend more money 信用卡同分期付款、租赁等赊购方式一样,鼓励人们多花钱。 72. END: bring.., to an end; put an end to A. Management, up to a certain level at least, is aware of the practice, and in some industries employs entire cadres of people to curtail or put an end to it 管理层(至少是某一层)意识到了这种做法,在某些产业里雇佣了一大批干部 去阻止或结束这一做法。 BOn the contrarythe rapid growth in enrollment over the last 40 years has come to an end 相反,过去40多年学生入学率快速增长的情况已经结束。 CWherever they occurredinefficiency and waste were attacked and non-essential projects were brought swiftly to an end 无论哪里出现低效率和浪费现象,都会遭到打击,非必要的项目也会迅速停 下来。 DIf such a method is put to broad practical use in the near future, it could very well bring the population explosion to an end once and for all 如果这种方法能在不远的将来广泛使用, 它就可以从此结束人口激增的情况。 enhance/heighten/find/ find/afford/ 73. ENJOYMENT: enhance/heighten/find/afford/ block the enjoyment of AA continual exposure of a generation to the enjoyment of violence and cruelty is one way to corrode the foundations of a civilized society


一代人不断从观看暴力和残忍中得到乐趣,这是侵蚀文明社会基石的一种 因素。 Benhance the enjoyment of a journey增加旅途的愉快 He found great enjoyment in his work.他在工作中感受到很大的乐趣。 afford enjoyment to提供乐趣 block sb’s enjoyment of 妨碍某人享受 ESCAPE: 74. ESCAPE: an escape from life realities/responsibilities AUntil recently day dreaming was generally considered either a waste of time or a symptom of neurotic tendencies, and habitual daydreaming was regarded as evidence of maladjustment or an escape from life's realities and responsibilities 直到前不久, 人们还普遍认为做白日梦不是浪费时间就是精神病的潜在症状, 经常做白日梦被认为是心理失调的表现或是逃避生活现实和生活责任。 BWithin this synthesis we live our daily livesand from it there is no escape 在这个综合体中我们每天过着生活,我们是无法从这个综合体里逃脱的。 75. EXAMINATION: examination of AAn examination of all the variables in the test concluded that the unusually good results were due to the way he had handled the mice, the way he talked to them and the tonethe confidencethe reassurance and the certainty in his voice 对实验中所有变量进行检查可以得出结论:这些结果非同寻常的好,是因为他 对待老鼠的方式,对它们讲话的方式和语调,他声音中的信心、安抚和坚定。 76. EXCESS: excess of AThere is certainly much work which is exceedingly troublesome, and an excess of work is always very painful. 当然有许多工作特别令人难受,而过多地工作总是痛苦的。 BBut such extremes are relatively rareand there is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming rather than an excess of it 但这种极端的情况相对较少,大量证据表明:绝大多数人不是做白日梦太多,


而是不做白日梦。 77. EXCHANGE: conduct/have/promote an exchange of AA negotiation is more than an exchange of material objects 谈判不仅仅是交换物质而已。 BDuring this period, they conducted a secret exchange of message, via Pakistan.这期间他们通过巴基斯坦秘密交换信息。 CLet’s have an exchange of views on this matter. 让我们就这一问题交换一下意见吧。 DA special committee was set up to promote cultural exchanges between the two countries.为增进两国间的文化交流而建立了一个特别委员会。 78. EXISTENCE: deny/threaten/justify the existence of Adeny the objective existence of sth否认某事务的客观存在 Bdoubt the existence of God怀疑上帝的存在 Cignore it’s existence无视它的存在 Djustify it’s existence证明它存在是合理的 EThe widespread existence of these rituals suggests that adolescent emigration from the family at puberty may have been common in many human societies at some earlier time 在早期人类社会中,这些礼仪到处存在,这表明青少年从家庭里搬出去住或 许相当普遍。 79. EXPLANATION: have an explanation of 79. EXPLANATION: ARecently few scientists have noticed that the Area looks as if an atomic explosion took placebut they have no explanations of how or why 最近很少有科学家注意到,这个地区看上去发生过原子爆炸,但他们不能解 释其过程和原因。 80. EXPOSURE(heavy) exposure to EXPOSURE AGiven continuous exposure to the world of TVit's not surprising that the children we tested seemed to be mole strongly influenced by TV than were the adults 考虑到不断接触的是电视世界,受测试的孩子似乎受电视的影响远远超过大


人就不足为奇了。 BMany of them grew up with it as teacher and babysitterand have had lifelong exposure to its influence 他们中的许多人在将电视当作老师和保姆中长大, 一生都在接受电视的影响。 CIn additionlarge corporations can benefit from exposure to entrepreneurial companies and different management approaches 此外,大公司还能因接触创业公司和不同的管理方法而获益。 DDespite their advanced degrees and their own exposure to many different kinds of teachers, they do not seem to understand how to relate to the students 尽管他们有高等学位,又亲身接触过许多不同类型的老师,他们似乎还是不 懂如何理解学生。 of in( 81. EXPRESSION: be an expression offind expression in(中表现出 来;表现为)give expression to(表达,表现出来) 表现为) to( 表达, 表现出来) AAnd marking a book is literally an expression of your differences, or agreements of opinionwith the author(A is an expression of B) 在书上作记号实际上是在表达你同作者的不同看法或相同意见。 BTheir individualism finds expression in pleasure seeking. 他们的个人主义表现为寻欢作乐。 Her feelings at last found expression in tears. 她的感情终于由眼泪表现出来。 CYou should give expression to your feelings, not hide them. 你应该把自己的感情表达出来,而不是掩盖起来。 82. FAILURE: the failure to/of AThe failure to greet a person you recognize or to answer a greeting given to you is an unkindness to the other personand very had manner 不与你认识的人打招呼, 或对给你打招呼的人置之不理都是对他人的不友好, 是非常不礼貌的。 83. FAMILIARITY: (have/acquire) familiarity with AEdison's familiarity with the telegraph led to the first of his inventions--a vote recorder--for which he received a paten


爱迪生凭着他对电报的熟悉,搞出了他的第一次发明:投票记录器,他因此 获得了专利。 BHe has acquired some familiarity with his new neighbor. 他和他的新邻居已经有些熟悉了。 84. FONDNESS: cultivate/develop/have/fondness for Acultivate a fondness for good literature培养对优秀文学的爱好 Bdevelop a fondness for playing hooky变得喜欢逃学 CI have a fondness for... 我喜欢(我有...的嗜好) DFor other peoplehoweverthe manly ideal consists in an open and aggressive fondness for combatwhereas we emphasize defensiveness, the readiness to repel any attack 然而,对另一些人来说,男子的理想在于公开地、赤裸裸地喜欢交战,而我 们强调的是防御,准备击退任何进攻。 85. FREEDOM: freedom from ATo the laboreron the other handleisure means freedom from(无, 没有) compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that he fewer hours he has to spend laboringand the more hours he is free to play the better 另一方面,对劳动者来说,闲暇则意味着摆脱束缚,结果他当然会这样想:劳 动时间越少越好,他可以有更多玩乐的时间。 86. HINDRANCE: a hindrance to AAmerican teachers report that their first language served an aid and not a hindrance to writing since their students used Chinese when stuck in English to find a key word. 美国教师得出的报告是:他们的母语对他们的写作起到的是帮助作用,而不 是妨碍作用,因为当学生不能用英语表达一个关键词而被卡住时,可以借助 汉语。 87. IGNORANCE: display/betray one's ignorance of/ about AOur great ignorance about the distant past also makes it difficult to identify great men


我们对远古的不了解,同样使我们很难确认伟人。 Bdisplay/demonstrate one’s gross ignorance of 表现出自己对的十足的无知 Cbetray one’s ignorance of暴露出自己对的无知 Dsb be in ignorance of某人对茫然无知 sb be kept in ignorance of sth./the fact that某人对于某事被蒙在鼓里 88. (give) 88. ILLUSTRATION: (give) an illustration of AAnd I can think of no better single illustration of the folly of Western complacency and self-satisfaction than the lesson to be drawn from the history of agriculture. 从农业史中获得的教训最能说明西方人沾沾自喜、自鸣得意的愚蠢之处。 BHe gave an illustration of what he meant.他用实例来说明自己的意思。 CHe cited instances in illustration of(为了说明) this theory. 他举例说明这种理论。 89. 89. IMITATION: the imitation of AHe gave a good imitation of a lion’s roar.他很逼真地模仿狮吼。 BHe lived in a period when originality and imagination were taking American music toward an independent styleaway from the imitation of the music of other times and other countries 他本人生活在这样一个时期, 当时美国音乐正以其独创性和想像力脱颖而出, 开创自己独特的风格,摆脱跟在别的时代和别的国家的音乐后面亦步亦趋的 局面。 90. IMPACT: have/lessen the great impact on/of AIn generalups and downs of the national economy can have a profound effect on city lifeand the cities need help to lessen the impact of those ups and downs 总的说来,国家经济的起伏对城市生活有着深远的影响,而城市需要帮助以 便减轻这些经济起伏的冲击。 BThose who doubt TV’s influence might consider the impact of the automobile on American society 那些怀疑电视影响的人或许会考虑汽车对美国社会的影响。


CBut the best of science fictionthe stories that make a lasting impact on generation of readers, are stories about people 然而,科幻小说中的上乘之作,即能对几代读者产生持久影响的作品,都是 写有关人的。 91. IMPORTANCE: be of importance/attach/ give much importance to importance/attach/ AThe strong tie between organized sports and the competitive ethic has given greater importance to men's sports than to women'ssince man's role is viewed as more competitive and aggressive than women's 组织性的体育和竞争观念之间的密切联系使人们更看重男人的体育,而不是 妇女的体育。 因为人们认为男人的角色比女人的角色更富有竞争性和好斗性。 BMany inventors attached great importance toand derived great benefit fromtechnological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments. 许多发明者非常重视在科学实验中非常有用的各种技术工具,并从中得到很 大益处。 92. INABILITY: inability to do AInability to relaxto let go of a problemoften prevents its solution 不会放松,而且对某个问题穷追不舍,常常会妨碍问题的解决。 BIt causes a breakdown in communicationa misreading of realityan inability to cope 它造成了交流的中断,对现实的误解,并且无法处理问题。 CMuch has been written about the “mass man” and about the inability of the average citizen to affect his own destiny 写了许多关于大众人的事以及一般公民无法影响自己命运的事。 93. INCENTIVE: give/afford/there is a (strong/special) incentive to/for Agive sb an incentive to (to make) greater efforts 激励某人作出更大的努力 BHer interest gave me (an) incentive and I worked twice as hard. 她的关心鼓舞了我,因此我加倍努力地工作。 Chave a strong incentive to do有做某事地强烈动机


DTheir aim is to convince nations to change their systems of production and provide incentives for people to have fewer children and use less energy. 他们的目的是让这些国家相信只有改变他们的生产制度,并提供激励机制才 能使人们少生孩子,少用能源。 94. INCREASE: (there is) an increase in AIt has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue 公众希望科技新发展带来的生活水准的稳步提高能继续下去。 BFirst an idea is formedThen this is tested by an experimentThe outcomeone hopes results in an increase in knowledge. 首先是形成一种想法,然后通过实验加以测试,人们希望结果是知识增长。 95. INDICATION: an indication of an ALow unemployment means most of the labor force has steady work. High unemployment is an indication of an economy in recessionor worse 低失业()意味着大多数人有固定的工作;高失业()表明经济衰退,甚至 更糟。 Bgive/show indication of a change in the weather表明天气要变 CAll indications point to…所有迹象都表明 DThere are many indications that there will be no war in the next ten years.很多迹象表明今后十年中不会发生战争。 96. INDIFFERENCE: have/with indifference to/toward AOur history is full of expressions and incidents that demonstrate the indifference of our heroes toward suffering or danger 我们的历史(和语言)充满了许多词语和事例,从中显露出我们的英雄能够泰 然面对痛苦或危险。 BAfter thathis youthful indifference to studies and his unwillingness to think of a nonsports career caught up with(使无法逃避困境) him 年轻时,他对学业漫不经心,加之他一直也不愿考虑运动员以外的职业,这 一切终于给他带来了不幸。


Cshow indifference to sth表现出对某事不感兴趣(冷漠) Ddemonstrate the indifference of the general public toward education 表现出公众对教育的不关心 97. IDENTIFICATION: identification AIdentification of the jewels was made by the owner. 珠宝已被物主认出来了。 98. INFLUENCE: exercise/exert//produce/have a 98. INFLUENCE: exercise/exert//produce/have /produce/ considerable/profound/great/adverse influence on/over considerable/profound/great/adverse A. In my opinionuniversities have greater potential influence over our future than any other sector of our society 根据我的看法,大学比起我们社会的其他部门来,对我们的未来具有更大的 潜在影响。 BIt springs from Asians’ common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society 它来源于亚洲人共同的儒教传统,即公元前5世纪那位中国圣人的哲学思想, 他的教义对中国社会产生了深远的影响。 99. INSIGHT: gain/give/get/have/an (deep/fair/critical) insight into 99. gain/give/get/have/an (deep/fair/critical) ep AIn the past decadeacademic research has offered insight into the feminine advantage 在过去的10年里,学术研究对女性的优点给予了精辟的见解。 BThe extraordinary inventivenessand insight into natureof ancient and medieval China raises two fundamental questions 在古代和中世纪,中国人具有非凡的创造力和对大自然的洞察力,这就提出 了两个基本问题。 Cgain gain an insight into sb’s mind洞悉某人心思 an insight into a problem对某一问题获得深入了解

get an insight into lives and customs of other peoples 了解别的民族的生活习俗 give sb a good insight into the past of让某人对的过去有透彻的了解 a man of deep insight有远见卓识的人


get a fair insight into有相当的见解 critical insight批判眼光 100. INSISTENCE: insistence on 100 ABritain is one of the easiest countries to enterdespite its insistence (often quoted as evidence of insularity)on maintaining border controls within the EU 尽管英国坚持在欧盟内保持国与国之间的边境控制(这一点常被引用, 以证明 英国人的狭隘封闭性),但英国仍是世界上最容易入境的国家之一。 101 101. INTERFERENCE: suffer/require (personal/ governmental) interference with/in AThe problem requires governmental interference for its solution. 这个问题需要政府干预才能解决。 Bsuffer/tolerate no interference不能容忍干涉 CHe hated interference especially with his work. 他特别讨厌干预他的工作。 102. INTEREST: find/take/have an interest in 102 AThere are signs that medicine may be taking a new interest in the processpartly form curiositypartly from an embarrassed realization that we have not been handling this aspect of disease with as much skill as physicians once displayed 有迹象表明,医学对这个过程产生了新的兴趣,部分原因是好奇,部分原因 是我们惭愧地认识到,在对付疾病这方面我们没能掌握像医生曾经展示过的 技术。 BThey have a wide knowledge of everyday thingsand a keen interest in their particular city and state 他们对日常事务所知甚广,对自己所在的城市和州尤为关切。 103. JEOPARDY: put (place) ...in jeopardy 103 ACareer education puts individuals in jeopardy because people today change jobs with greater frequency than beforeIf we spend years educating people not for the dynamics and uncertainties of life but


for one job or careerwe may be doing them and society harm 在大学搞职业教育会使学生处于危险的境地。因为当今人们跳槽的频率远远 超过以往。如果我们花了许多年培养的人不能适应生活的变化和动荡,只适 应某一工作或单一职业,那么我们可能会害了他们,也害了社会。 BWe must realize that we are now using the word democracy to describe behavior that places us and all other men in jeopardy 我们必须意识到,我们正在利用民主这个词去描绘要求一些会把我们和 其他人置于危难境地的行为。 104. JUSTIFICATION: (there is) (sufficient) justification(正当的理由; 104 justification( 正当的理由; 证明为正当) with 证明为正当) for; with (considerable/full) justification for ASome old people are oppressed by the fear of deathIn the young there is a justification for this feeling 有些老年人很怕死,精神上很痛苦,而年轻人怕死倒是情有可原的. BThere is no justification for his rude behavior. 他的粗鲁行为是毫无道理的。 CHis ill health is the only justification for the failure. 他健康不佳是他失败的唯一理由。 Dwith full justification有充分理由地 105. KNOWLEDGE: have/with a (little/common) knowledge of 105 AA very little knowledge of business history demonstrates that size offers no long-term protection for those who have no competitive advantage 只要稍微懂得一点商行历史就会明白,对那些无竞争优势的企业而言,经营 规模并不能起长期的保护作用。 BMuch of the news relies heavily on the reader’s knowledge of social and cultural institutions that visitors to our country cannot be reasonably expected to possess 读懂新闻在很大程度上取决于对这个社会文化及制度的了解,而这一切对来 我们国家旅游的人是不可能做到的。 CI have no knowledge of London.我对伦敦毫无所知。 Ddo good things without the knowledge of others背着他人做好事 He left home without the knowledge of his wife.他瞒着妻子离开了家。


106 lack 106. LACK: display/show/have a lack of intelligence/ common sense; (for) lack of ability/foresight/confidence/consideration AAll of these things may happen in other large citiesand undoubtedly dobut they reflect a lack of caringa sickness of the soulthat I find difficulty to accept and impossible to forget 所有这些事件很有可能发生在其他大城市,而且毫无疑问会发生.但这也反 映了缺少关怀,一种心灵病态,而对于这一切我难以接受,也不可能忘记。 BOne of the strangest aspects of this mechanical approach to life is the widespread lack of concern about the danger of total destruction by nuclear weapons 在这种机械性地对待生活的方法中,最奇怪的一点是人们对核武器造成的全 球毁灭的危险性普遍持有一种麻木不仁的态度。 CThat shows a lack of common sense.那表明缺乏常识。 DIt cannot be discussed here for lack of space. 限于篇幅,这个问题无法在此讨论。 107. LIKELIHOOD: there is every/little likelihood of/ that ATo reduce the likelihood of error, scientists accept the word only of those whose ideastheoriesand findings ale testable---if not in practice then at least in principle 为了减少犯错误的可能性,科学家只相信那些人所说的话,因为他们的观点、 理论和调查结果是可以检验的,即使不能在实践上得到检验,至少也要在理 论上经得起检验。 BThere is every likelihood that十有八九 CThere is little likelihood of their giving consent to it. 他们不大可能同意这件事。 There is no likelihood of his coming again.他不会再来。 108. LONGING: have a great longing for 108. AHe has a nostalgic longing for a life of individualism, initiative and justicea longing that he satisfies by looking at Westerns. 他渴望留恋一种个性化的、积极的和正义的生活,这种渴望是以西方人的生 活为准则的。


be/experience experience/incur/suffer/show/a 109. LOSS: be/experience/incur/suffer/show/a (heavy) loss of 09. AThat loss of confidence has not sprung overnight from the invention of a weapon 我们丧失信心并非因为一夜之间发明了某种武器。 BThey experienced colossal losses in men and in equipment. 他们在人员和设备方面蒙受了巨大的损失。 Cincur a great loss of life and property招致生命和财产的巨大损失 DThe venture leaves a loss of a million dollars. 这项投机造成一百万美元的亏损。 Esuffer great losses遭受重大损失 l10. MAINSTREAM: the mainstream of society/political thought l10 mainstream AWe should permit some people to reenter the mainstream of society by eliminating the social and vocational ostracism associated with an ancient record that does not reflect their present worth 我们应当废除以过去记录为依据即在社会求职方面的歧视性规定,让他们重 新回到主流社会中来,因为那些记录并不代表他们现在的情况。 BA strong anti-urban attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of American thinking 一个强烈的反城市倾向始终在美国人的主流思想里流动。 l11 l11. MAINTENANCE: the maintenance of peace/ justice/order ATo the sociologistthenmedicine is the institution concerned with the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease 对社会学家来说,医学是关系到维持健康,治疗疾病的领域。 BOur foreign policy is maintenance of friendly relations with all countries.我们的对外政策是与所有国家保持友好关系。 l12. MANIFESTATION: a manifestation of l12 manifestation A Maternal love however not a weakness but a manifestation of strength is and serviceand it should be nurtured by women 但母爱不是软弱的表现,而是力量和服务的象征,应该由妇女来培养。 BIn contrastthe sociological viewpoint stresses the societal function


of religion. They viewed religion as a manifestation of social solidarity and collective beliefs 相反,社会学家的观点强调宗教的社会功能。他们认为宗教表现了社会的团 结和集体的信仰。 l13. MANIPULATION: be a manipulation(操纵;操作) of l13 manipulation(操纵;操作) A. They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the stock market. 他们由于巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。 114. MASTERY: a mastery of skills/techniques/nature 114 A There have been poverty pestilence and famine which were due to man's inadequate mastery of nature 人们长期以来受贫困、瘟疫和饥饿的困扰,主要是因为人类还未能有效地驾 驭自然。 BEveryone should exercise mastery over his own fortune. 每一个人都应该掌握自己的命运。 He has complete mastery over his employees.他完全控制着他的雇员。 possess mastery of the Chinese language通晓中文 115. MEASURE: be a/the measure of ADon’t worry about the exam, it’s just a measure of how you’re getting on.不要为考试担心,它只不过是衡量一下你学得怎样。 l16. MEMORY: arouse/awaken/cherish/bring back the memories; the memories l16 of... is failing/ fading/declining/dimming; have a clear memory of fading/declining/dimming; declining/ AFast food won't be around forevera thought that both comforts and saddens meI’ll be among those who cherish the memory of driving down the highway 将不会有快速食品了,想到这一点使我既感到舒服又感到伤心。我会成为经 常想念在高速公路上驾车奔驶的人中的一员。 BIf the very originators of the inventions and discoveries no longer claim them, and if even their memory of them has fadedwhy should their inheritors trouble to resurrect their lost claims? 如果他们对于这些发明和发现的记忆都已经逐渐消失, 他们的继承人又何必


费神要求恢复他们失去的所有权呢? CIf you have to learn a skill or commit something to memory, the question arises as to whether you should complete the job in one setting, or whether it is better to spread the learning over a number of periods 如果你必须学一门技能或记住一些东西,这样就产生了如下问题:你是一下 子完成这项学习,还是最好分几个阶段学。 Darouse/awaken sb’s memories唤起某人的记忆 cherish the memory of sb怀念某人,忆某人 sth bring back memories of使回想起 sb have a clear memory of某人清楚地记得 117. MENACE: constitute/become a potential/ serious menace to 17. MENACE: AThis growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace 日益加剧的贫困对世界和平构成了永久的威胁。 BPolitically barren they may have beenas his lonely voice struggled to awaken Britain to the menace of Hitler 政治上这些年来没有什么成果,因为只是他一人在大声疾呼,想要唤醒英国 人认识到来自希特勒的威胁。 118. MENTALITY: modern/children's/ normal mentality 18. (心态;思想) 心态;思想) AThe average man merely swallows this theory because there is something about it that appeals to the twenty-century mentality 一般人不加任何分析就全盘接受了这一理论,因为其中有一种迎合20世纪人 心理的东西。 BHe is able to understand the mentality of the nation. 他能够理解该国国民的心态。 normal mentality正常的心理 a provincial mentality褊狭的心态 the try-your-luck mentality侥幸心理 to 119. MISUNDERSTANDING: there is/have/ lead to a misunderstanding of 19. AThe point seems to be quite simpleyet failure to grasp it has caused considerable friction and misunderstanding between American and


German managers overseas 观点非常简单,然而不能理解它会造成美国和德国海外经理之间的矛盾和 误解。 120 enjoy/establish/break up/ 120. MONOPOLY: enjoy/establish/break up/ have a monopoly of/on ADuring the Middle Ages many scholars regarded printed books with apprehensionThey felt that books would destroy their monopoly on knowledge 在中世纪,许多学者以恐惧的眼光看待印刷的书,他们感到书打破了对知识 的垄断。 BAs a resultthe defeated major party is able to maintain a monopoly of the opposition 结果,失败的主要政党能够保持其对反对党的垄断地位。 CTheir views have a monopoly on goodness and truthand the rest of us areat the very leastmorally suspect 他们的观点垄断了善美和真理,而其余的观点至少在道德上是受到怀疑的。 DAt presentlaw-enforcement agencies have a monopoly on crime figures which means that they may be tempted to manipulate the statistics in their favor 目前,执法机关垄断了犯罪数据,这意味着他们有可能为自己的目的操纵 数据。 121 121. NEED: (eliminate/do away with) the need for ASocial progress has done away with the need for backbreaking work and has provided time for personality development 社会进步使得人们不必累死累活地干活,从而给个性培养提供了时间。 Bmeet/fulfill/serve/satisfy the need(s) of满足的需要 Cfeel the need of better education感到有必要接受更好的教育 I have no need of doctors.我不需要医生。 You have no need to be ashamed.你不必感到惭愧。 122 no) 忽略, 122. NEGLECT: show (no) neglect of 忽略,疏忽 1She has fallen into almost total neglect.她几乎逐渐被人忘却了。 2He has shown a persistent neglect of duty.他一贯玩忽职守。


123 123. NECESSITY: prove/point to the necessity of/for AThe signs of the times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of administration 管理体制需要改革,这是时代的标志(特征) BMore and more people have realized the necessity of learning computer 越来越多的人认识到了学习计算机的必要性。 CThere is a necessity for immediate action.需要立即行动。 He seemed to feel the necessity of some slight explanation. 他似乎觉得有必要略加说明。 124. NUISANCE: be a nuisance to 124 AWe were certainly aware that the dust levels were a nuisance to employeesbut we were not aware of physical disabilities 我们当然意识到尘土会对雇员带来讨厌,但是我们没有意识到对他们身体上 的伤残。 BPollution was not only seen as a nuisance that blackened buildings, but as a pervasive threat to human health. 污染不仅仅被认为是弄黑房子的讨厌东西,而且被认为是对人类健康的全面 威胁。 125. OBJECTION: there is/has a/no objection to 125 a/no AAlthough little emphasis is placed on the lively style of such writing there is no objection to writing that is pleasing and interesting 虽然不大强调这种文章的活泼风格,但不反对令人愉快的、有趣的文章。 BYou may have another objection to marking booksYou can't lend them to your friends because nobody else can read them without being distracted by your notes 你或许还会反对在书上做记号:你不能把书借给朋友,因为他们读你的书时 不能不被你书上记的东西分散注意力。 CHe made/raised an objection against the proposal. 他对那项建议提出异议。 126. OBSERVATION: have/make a closer/ careful observation of/that 126


AHowevercloser observation of current trends raise some serious questions about that argument 然而,仔细观察目前的形势,你就会对那个论点提出一些严肃的问题。 127. OBSESSION: obsession with 27. AOur attitude towards the migrants is rooted in our obsession with order and cleanliness--the attitude so familiar and so common that it has become a second nature and might as well be instinctive 我们对外来民工的态度根植于对清洁的迷恋。这种态度司空见惯,已成为人 的第二反应,也变成了人的本能。 BAmerica's obsession with physical fitness really amuses——and puzzles ——Europeans 美国人迷恋于锻炼身体,这使欧洲人非常好笑,也感到迷惑不解。 128. OBSTACLE: there is/meet an obstacle to the growth/advance 28. AReligionists have held that wealth may actually be an obstacle to achieving happiness 宗教主义者认为财富或许会阻碍人们获得幸福。 BIn their view, the slave economy was an obstacle to industrial growth and expansion in the new territories 他们认为,奴隶制度阻碍了工业的发展和新领地的扩张。 CA regional accent is often a serious obstacle to finding a good job and to status mobility rather than personal ability 地方口音比个人能力往往会更严重地阻碍一个人找到好工作和获得提升。 Dmeet an obstacle to the achievement of a goal 遇到妨碍达到目标的障碍物 Econstitute an obstacle构成障碍 Fclear away/brush aside every obstacle排除一切障碍 129. ORIENTATION: has an orientation(方向) toward 29. orientation(方向) AThe school has an orientation toward practical skills. 这所学校致力于培养实用技能。 130. PARTICIPATION: 130 withdraw/want/encourage/oppose one's withdraw/want/e want/


(ever-increasing) participation in the political/public life (everAWomen tend to share powerencourage participation, and boost their employees’ sense of self-worth 妇女往往愿意与别人分享权力,鼓励他人参与,提高其雇员的自我价值意识。 BThey want greater participation in the decision-making process. 他们想更多地参与决策过程。 CThe country has withdrawn her participation in the Exposition. 该国已不参加这次博览会了。 131. PASSION: arouse/develop/have/ with a strong passion for 131 ATodayresearchers have evidence that an intrinsic passion for one's work is a key to rising above 当今研究人员有证据表明对工作发自内心的爱是成功的关键。 BThe Americans have a passion for grandeurTheir skyscrapers, bridges and dams often have a splendor which matches in beauty and scale the country's natural wonders 美国人酷爱豪华的气派,他们的摩天大楼、桥梁和水坝往往气势壮观,与美 国的自然奇观之壮美和恢弘相得益彰。 CShe developed a passion for English.她对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。 132. PERSPECTIVE: have/get/gain perspective on 132 AWhile we may feel the effects of rapid social an technological change dailyit is difficultprecisely because of our immersion in a changeful environmentto gain perspective on what is happening 虽然我们每天可以感受到社会和技术的快速变化,但是由于我们自己本身处 在变化的环境中,就很难清楚地认识正在发生的事。 BTo get a better perspective on who makes it to the top--and why—I interviewed some executives from some of the biggest corporations in the country 为了很好地了解谁取得了成功,为什么会取得成功,我采访了几个全国最大 的公司的几位总经理。 CIt awakens me to the precariousness of life and the wonder of loveIt brings me a renewed perspective upon life's real joy and real pain 它使我意识到生命的脆弱和爱情的神奇,也使我对生活的真正快乐和痛苦有


了重新认识。 133. PERVERSION: a perversion of 133 AThis situation is a perversion of the true spirit of a university a perversion of a humane social ethic. 这种形势是对大学真实精神的歪曲,是对人类社会道德的歪曲。 134 134. POPULARIRY: rise/ decline in popularity; enhance/enjoy/gain/find the popularity of/among popularity AAs venture capital has grown in popularity, venture capital investing has emerged as a major financial investment vehicle 由于风险资本越来越受欢迎,所以它已成为金融投资的重要手段。 BHoweverits current popularity has grown very rapidly since it was given new impetus and direction 然而,由于得到了新的动力和指导,这个理论迅速赢得了人们的欢迎。 Cenhance the popularity of提高的声望 achieve/acquire/gain/win (a) popularity得人心;得到普及 The comedian enjoyed great popularity during the 30’s and 40’s. 这位喜剧演员在三、四十年代非常走红。 135. POSSIBILITY: (there is) the possibility of/that 135 ASome of the major banksfor exampleare studying the possibility of entrance examinations that would test the knowledge and abilities of graduates applying for jobs 例如,有些大银行正在研究入门考试的可能性,以测试求职的大学毕业生的 知识和能力水平。 BThere is a very fair/good possibility of很有可能 136 136. POSSESSION: gain/obtain/secure/retain possession of; in (full) possession of AI feel that in a task of this sort it is very important not to know too much but yet to be in possession of a boundless enthusiasm for the Chinese people and their achievements over the ages 我感觉到在这个任务中非常重要的是:不是要知道得太多。而是要对中国人


民和他们在几个世纪里取得的成就表露出无限的激情。 B. The new immigrants came not to take possession of and cultivate the land as in the past to work in the factories in the construction but and sites 新移民的到来不像过去一样为了占有和耕种土地,而是要在工厂和建筑工地 工作。 Cgain/obtain/secure possession of sth获得某物 retain possession of a trophy by a second victory由于连胜而保留奖杯 137. PREOCCUPATION: be preoccupation with 37. A. In a world troubled by economic and political instability, the preoccupation with private decision is shifting to concern about the whole of humankind 在一个经济和政治动荡的世界里, 一心关心个人的决定正转向考虑整个人类。 B. If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values 如果学校的注意力少放一点到学业上,就有可能将更多的时间用到教育孩子 认识真正的价值观上。 CHis preoccupation with business left little time for his family. 他全神贯注于事业,因而能与家人共度的时间很少。 138. PRESENCE: make one's presence felt; during one's presence; 38. of in the presence of面前 AIn the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed 在陌生人或外国人面前,英国人常常显得拘谨,甚至局促不安。 BSo a mother and father who have ever cared for pets are likely to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of a childno matter how young 因此,养了宠物的父母很可能在孩子面前不讲坏话或粗话,不管孩子多小。 Cacknowledge the presence of承认的存在 The drunken fellow made his presence felt in various ways. 那个醉汉用各种方法使人们感到他的存在。 during one’s presence in Paris他在巴黎时


139. PRESSURE: pressure for; put pressure on 39. AThe exaggerated sense of risk and insecurity may lead to increasing demands for protection to increasing pressure for the use of force and by established authority. 这种夸张的危险感和不安全感造成了人们要求得到保护的呼声越来越高,也 给当局带来了越来越大的压力,迫使其使用武力。 BFor anotherthe extremely demanding system puts enough psychological pressure on students 其次,非常严格的制度给学生施加了太大的心理压力。 Capply/put/exert/place pressure on sb给某人施加压力 build up/increase pressure增加压力 ease off/lighten the pressure of减轻的压力 DThese schools are very popular and there is always great pressure for admittance to them.这些学校非常有名气,所以要求入学的人总是很多。 Epressure for money金融紧迫;缺钱 140. PRODUCTIVITY: increase/block the productivity (生产率;多产) of 140 生产率;多产) AIn the student's life there are many psychological pressures and tensions which block effective productivity. 在学生的生活中,有很多的心理压力和紧张,因此降低了学习效率。 Bincrease productivity提高生产率 141. PROLIFERATION: the proliferation(扩散;激增) of 141 proliferation( 扩散;激增) A. I am nothoweverparticularly concerned with the steamy proliferation of gossip in the nation's presssince no one gets into those columns unless they're renowned or notorious and indeed have worked at achieving such visibility. 然而,我并不十分关心国家报刊上源源不断冒出来的小道消息,因为一个人 若不是特别知名或臭名昭著,而且确实能做到这样露脸,他们是不可能进入 这样的专栏的。 Bprevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons防止核武器的扩散 142. PROSPECT: see/have/there is/no/little prospect(前途,前景) of 142 is/no/little prospect(前途,前景)


success/ promotion (想到将要,知道将要;有的希望) 想到将要,知道将要; 的希望) AMany American firms have taken fright at the prospect of being locked out of China while companies from Japan and Europe crowd in 日本和欧洲的公司大批涌入中国,而美国的公司却将被拒之门外,许多美国 公司对这种情景深感惊恐。 B. Others resent the prospect of being “put on the scrape heap”, and seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of satisfaction or joy 另外一些人想到自己要被视为废物而抛弃,心中不免愤愤然,于是他们 寻找别的方法来发泄自己的精力,寻找别的途径来得到满足和快乐。 Coffer a very promising prospect for提供了很有希望的前途 compromise its prospect危及它的前途 He has good prospects of being elected.他大有当选的希望。 143. PROTECTION: afford/provide adequate/little protection from/against; 143 a protection for/against/of AVoluntary premarital testing for AIDS is a protection for both partners and for the uncontaminated and unborn children 婚前自愿测试艾滋病不但为了保护双方,同时也为了保护还没出生的孩子不 受感染。 BWe are dealing not just with the protection of the innocent but with an essential step to contain the spread of an epidemic as tragic and as horrible as any that has befallen modern man. 我们不仅仅在保护无辜者,而且采取了重要措施以控制流行病的蔓延,因为 这场流行病是现代人碰到的最悲惨、最可怕的病。 Cafford protection against weather提供保护免受天气之害 give protection to保护 144 144. PUBLICTTY: accord/give publicity to; gain/seek publicity through AA faculty member generated national publicity for the University of Maryland last year by apprehending several students who had taken examinations for others 去年,马里兰大学的一位教师抓住了几个为他人代考的学生而知名全国。 BWorld-famous for his works he was never personally well knownfor the


throughout his life he avoid publicity 他的成就驰名全世界,而他个人却始终默默无闻,因为他整个一生总是避免 抛头露面。 Caccord/give (wide/enormous)publicity to给予宣传 achieve/attain/gain publicity获得名声 avoid/escape/shun publicity避免惹人注意,不要出风头 seek publicity求名,想出风头 DThe matter received wide publicity in the United States. 此事在美国受到广泛关注。 145 the) 145. PURSUIT: in (the) pursuit of AIndeedin some respects Americans may believe the “pursuit of happiness” to mean the pursuit of material things 确实,在某种意义上说,美国人认为追求幸福就意味着追求物质利益。 BThey immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy. 他们立即出动,追击敌人。 Cabandon the pursuit of learning放弃研究学问 abandon take up literary pursuits with wholehearted zest 开始专心从事文学研究 146. QUEST: in quest of/the quest for truth/ knowledge 146 of/t ATo be an Athenian is to hold knowledge andespeciallythe quest for knowledge in high esteem 做一个雅典人就是要尊重知识,特别是要追求知识。 BThey went out to Australia in quest of gold. 他们到澳大利亚去寻找黄金。 147. REACTION: (in) reaction to 47. Aproduce fierce reactions in the young people 在年轻人中产生强烈的反应 BWhat was his reaction to our proposal?他对我们的提议有什么反应? CWe were not prepared for the violence of his reaction towards Sandy. 我们没料到他竟然会对桑迪作出如此激烈的反应


148. REALIZATION: at the realization; come to a (full) realization of; 48. bring me the realization that AYet there is no reason for us to feel inferior or downcast at the realization that much of the genius of mankind's advance was Chinese rather than European 意识到使人类进步的天才大多是中国人而不是欧洲时, 我们就没有理由感到自 卑和沮丧。 BAdvertising campaigns havehoweverpromoted a growing realization of the advantages of these small plastic cards 然而,广告公司大做广告,让越来越多的人意识到这种小塑料卡的好处。 CWe will continue to lose ground and squander our educational resources until teenagers and their parents come to the full realization that academic achievement requires the same motivation and active involvement as achievement in sports or music 我们会继续失去阵地,浪费我们的教育资源,直到年轻人和他们的家长充分 认识到: 取得学习上的成绩和取得体育或音乐上的成绩一样需要动力和努力。 Dbring sb the poignant realization that使某人痛切地认识到 come to the realization that开始认识到 have a perfect realization of the significance of the decision 完全领会决议的意义 149. RECOGNITION: there is a (one's) the recognition (of) 49. AToday there is a fast-spreading recognition around the world that progress can no longer be measured in terms of technology or material standard of living alone--that a society that is morallypolitically, environmentally degraded is not all advanced societyno matter how rich or technically sophisticated it may be 今天世界上越来越多的人认识到,进步再也不能仅仅以技术或物质生活水平 来衡量。一个在道德上、政治上和环境上退步的社会不是先进的,不管它多 么富裕或技术上多么先进。 BHis willingness to experiment with reforms stemmed not so much from a love of democracy as from his recognition that without reform the nation would slide toward economic ruin 他愿意进行改革的实验与其说是出于他对民主的爱,还不如说是他认识到没


有改革,国家的经济就会崩溃。 150. REDUCTION: a reduction of 150 REDUCTION: AIn the last five yearsthe death rate in the United States has undergone the sharpest decline primarily because of a reduction in heart diseases owing to individual efforts at health maintenance 过去5年里,美国的死亡率大幅度下降,主要原因是由于个人致力于保健,使 心脏病大为减少。 Bmake a reduction in price降价 make 151 151. REFLECTION/MIRROR: a (good/faithful) reflection/mirror of AThe kind of future a society creates and SF envisions is in part a reflection of the needs and fears and the hope of the present 一个社会创造的或科幻小说憧憬的未来,部分反映了现实社会人们的需要、 恐惧和希望。 BWhether the armed services or college campusthey have always been and will always be a reflection of society as whole. 不管是部队还是大学校园,它们始终也将永远反映整个社会。 Ca faithful reflection of what he saw and heard他所见所闻的忠实反映 152. REFUSAL: refusal to do sth. 152 A. A great leader must have a certain irrational qualitya stubborn refusal to face factsinfectious optimismthe ability to convince us that all is not lost even when we're afraid it is 一个伟大的领袖必须有某种非理性的特点:固执地不愿面对现实,有感染力 的乐观精神。在我们担心一切都已失去时,有能力使我们相信事实并非如此。 BThey announced their refusal to attend the conference. 他们宣布拒绝出席会议。 CHis stiff-necked refusal to accept facts makes discussion impossible. 他固执地拒绝承认事实,使商谈无法进行。 153 153. RELIEF: bring/seek/find relief from A. Stories should afford us relief from our daily doings by taking us beyond our accustomed horizons.


故事应该把我们带出所熟悉的世界,让我们从日常事务中解脱出来。 B. At timesthey may find relief by hunting big game in Africaor by flying ground the world 他们会时常到非洲打猎或坐飞机到世界各地去旅游以便放松自己。 Cfind relief from taking a medicine吃药减轻病痛 seek relief from a tiresome journey想要解除旅途的疲劳 I find it a pleasant relief to do/that我发现令人欣慰 154. RELUCTANCE: show/feel reluctance to; sacrifice sth. with reluctance 154 AReluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivationsmainly of money rather than of attachment to work 男人不愿退休主要与挣钱有关,而不是对工作依恋。 Bshow/feel reluctance to do表现出不情愿做某事 leave with reluctance勉强地离去 155. RELIABILITY: prove/assess the reliability 155 AI very much like the idea of teaching students to assess the reliability of a story based on information about its source. 我赞成这样的想法,即要教会学生根据一篇新闻报道的消息来源,来判断该 新闻的可靠程度。 BEarthquake prediction is still a young scienceEveryone agrees that earthquakes cannot be predicted with any reliability. 地震预报还是一门年轻的科学。大家都认为目前我们还不能非常可靠地预测 地震。 156. REQUIREMENT: the requirement of 56. Afulfill/meet/satisfy the entrance requirements符合入学条件 meet the requirements of the public/times满足公众/时代的要求 157. RESEMBLANCE: bear little/no/much/striking resemblance to 57. little/no/much/striking ABut this viewhowever appealingbear little resemblance to what is happening in cities allover the world 不管这个观点多么吸引人,但不能真实地反映世界各城市发生的事。 B. To ensure the widest acceptabilitythe plot lines follow the most


commonly accepted notions of morality and justicewhether or not those notions bear some much resemblance to reality. 为了确保故事被尽可能多的人接受,情节是按照大多数人所接受的道德和公 正的看法发展的,不管这些看法与现实是否相符。 158. RESISTENCE: offer/give/lessen/make/build up no/little 58. offer/give/lessen/make/build resistance to AThe pavement gives little resistance to tires. 铺筑过的路面对轮胎几乎不产生什么阻力。 Boffer resistance to the law抗拒法律 CAlcohol lessens resistance to diseases. 含有酒精的饮料会减低对疾病的抵抗力。 Dmake no resistance to the enemy’s advance对敌人的进攻未作抵抗 Ebuild up (a) resistance to 增强对的抵抗力 159. RESPONSE: make an effective response to/in response to 59. an AMoral condemnation were not sufficient response to the serious incidents we were encountering 道德上的谴责不足以回应我们遭遇到的事件的严重性。 BOur response to sympathy and tenderness is reservedsince we can not tell whether those feelings are genuine or simulated 我们对这些同情和温柔的反应是有保留的,因为我们并不能肯定这些感情是 真的还是装出来的。 Bmake an effective response to a situation对形势作出有效的反应 DIt has found a response in the heart of every man. 这件事在每个人心里引起了反响。 EHis oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience. 他的雄辩在听众中未引起反响。 FShe laughed in response to his jokes.听了他说的笑话她大笑起来。 160. REVELATION: a revelation of 160 AEvery trivial act is interpreted as a revelation of the moral philosophy of the individual actor 每个细小的动作都被视为是个人社会舞台上道德观的表露。


Bmake a revelation of the true facts揭露事实真相 CThe revelation of the thieves’ hiding place by one of their own number caused their capture. 贼人中一人泄漏出他们的窝藏处使他们全部落网。 161 161. REVERSAL: (suffer/bring about/result in) a dramatic reversal of roles/decision AOddityintroversionand the love of privacy are the big enemies a total reversal of the values of the upper orders 古怪、内向、喜欢隐私是生活大敌,是完全颠倒上层社会的价值观念。 BThe news brought about a reversal of feeling in the wheat market. 那消息使人们对小麦市场的看法来了个180度的大转弯。 CHe suffered a reversal of fortune and lost all his money. 他时运倒转,把钱都输光了。 Da reversal of attitude态度的180度大转弯 162. SEARCH: in search of excitement/employment/an opportunity/make a 162 arduous/close/rigorous/thorough search for AThe search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human speciesIn the deepest sense the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves. 搜寻外星人,就是搜寻可以被广为接受的人类生存的宇宙环境。所以从根本 上来说,搜寻外星人就是搜寻人类自己。 BThey are more adventurousmore willing to take risk in search of a political and economic system that suits their needs 他们更渴望冒险, 愿意承担风险去寻找适合他们需求的政治制度和经济制度。 CEverywhere men and women crowd into cities in search of employment a decent livingthe company of their fellowsand the excitement and stimulation of urban life 各地的男男女女都涌进城市,寻求工作和体面的生活,寻求同行的伙伴和城 市生活(带来)的兴奋与刺激。 D. As many of America's urban dwellers have moved to the suburban rings in search of greater privacycleaner air and less social conflict a pattern of urban living has emerged which is in sharp contrast to


that in cities in other industrialized countries 由于许多美国城市居民都搬到郊区去生活,寻找更多的隐私、更清洁的空气 和较少的社会矛盾,这样就出现了一种新的城市生活方式,这种方式和其他 发达国家的城市生活方式形成了强烈的反差。 163. SIGHT: lose sight of/at the sight of 163 AWe sometimes lose sight of the fact that newspapers rely on a highly specific and colloquial vocabulary 我们有时没注意到报纸在很大程度上依赖于具体的口头词汇。 BThe French visitors cheered at the sight of body-conscious Americans bendingstretching and leaping around 法国参观者看到注重健康的美国人在弯腰曲背、舒展肢体、上下跳动,不禁 大呼起来。 164. SIGN: a sign of 164 A. The importance people attach to paid holidays and the rapid development of services for mass entertainment and recreation are signs of this increasing concern. 对带薪度假的重视和迅速发展的大众娱乐休闲服务设施,就是人们对此日渐 关注的标志。 BThe study also contains a finding worrisome for those who consider inadequate spending on research to be a sign of economic weakness 这项调查还包括一项令人担心的结果,因为在这些人看来,在研究上的投资 不够是经济疲软的表现。 165 165. STUDY: have/make a study of AAfter making statistical studies of the world’s resourcethey say the effect of unlimited growth would be disastrous 以统计学研究了世界资源后,他们说无限制增长的结果将是毁灭性的。 166. SENSITIVITY: develop a sensitiveness to 66. sensitiveness Adevelop a sensitiveness to artistic beauty培养对艺术美的敏感 develop sensitiveness BRuskin had a rare sensitiveness to beauty in every form. 拉斯金对各种形态的美都有一种罕见的感受力。


167. SHORTAGE: there is/have a shortage of 67. A. We have a shortage of young engineers who are competent to handle new, advanced technologies. We have a shortage of research scientists the demand for whom has been doubling every decade 我们缺少能够对付新的、先进技术的年轻工程师。我们缺少搞研究的科学家, 而对上述人员的需求量每10年翻一番。 BThere is indeed a shortage of numbers in many fields of science and engineering. We could better cope with such a shortage if we did not also have a severe shortage of quality. 确实,在许多科技领域科学家的数量是远远不够的,但是如果他们的素质都 很优秀的话,我们就能较好地对付数量不够的情况。 168. SIGNAL: be a signal of 68. ASince price is often a signal to consumers of a product's quality, a brand that is always on special offer loses its appeal 由于价格对消费者来说往往是一种产品的质量标志,所以一个总是搞特价出 售的品牌便会失去魅力。 169. SOLUTION: bring about/find/seek/offer/reach no(satisfactory) 69. solution of/for/to; along the road towards the solution to of/for/to; understanding of AThese hearings must start us along the road toward solution to the underlying conditions which afflict our cities 这些听证必须促使我们开始解决这些困扰我们城市的基本状况。 BHoweverany technological solution to the looming greenhouse problem must be worldwide. 然而,任何从技术上解决日益突出的温室问题必须从全球性着手。 Cproblems awaiting solution尚待解决的问题 problems that defy solution无法解决的问题 Cbring about a satisfactory solution导致满意的解决 EI can offer no solution of the problem. 我提不出解决这个问题的任何办法。


170. SOURCE: a source of complaint/enjoyment 170 ASome people argue that it is because English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest and speculation to everyone 有人说,因为英国的天气无法准确预报,所以天气成了人人感兴趣人人爱猜 测的话题。 BTo them and countless others all over the worldreading is a source of deepest and fullest enjoyment 对他们和世界上不计其数的人们来说,读书是最深切、最完美的享受源泉。 CFor many elderly people, financial difficulty is their major source of worry.对于许多上了年纪的人来说,经济困难是他们担忧的主要原因。 171. SPREAD: the spread of knowledge/civilization/ disease/education 171 knowledge/civilization/ Acheck the spread of disease制止疾病的蔓延 Bencourage the spread of knowledge促进知识的普及 Chalt the spread of nuclear weapons阻止核武器的扩散 Dfight the spread of an infection抑制某种传染病的蔓延 172. STUDY: the study of history 172 AWe must then strive to achieve a better appreciation of other religious and political cultures through the study of their historytheir literature, and their achievements 我们必须通过研究其他社会的历史、文学和成就,来设法更好地理解这些宗 教和政治文化。 BShe is conducting a study of the problem.她正在对该问题进行研究。 173 173. SUBSTITUTE: there is (no)/used as a poor(easy/perfect/satisfactory) substitute for AOf course daydreaming is no substitute for hard work. If it is athletic achievement you wantyou also have to get lots of practice in your sport. You have to work hard to develop skills. 当然,做白日梦并不能取代 不能取代艰苦的努力。如果你要取得体育成绩,就要进行 不能取代 许多训练。你必须刻苦努力,提高技术。 BThere is no real substitute for mother’s milk. There 没有东西可真正替代母乳。


CThere can be no substitute for experience.能替代经验的东西是没有的。 174. SUPPORT: lend/give support to; there is support 174 ASoif there is little public support for space explorationwhere does the impetus to fund these activities come from? 所以,如果公众对宇宙探索不给予支持,那么资助这些活动的动力来自何方? B. All the facts lend support to the view that we have entered the “consumer society”,or rather the“throw away society.” 所有这些事实证明了我们的社会已进入了消费社会,或更确切地说是一 一次性消费社会。 CObviouslyhe clearly remained a strong support of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right. 显然,他仍然坚决支持这种观点:自然环境本身就有权利允许和平生存下来。 Dlend financial support to an enterprise向某企业提供财政援助 175 175. SURVIVAL: ensure/guarantee/endanger the survival of AThe rehabilitation process was important as an experiment in developing a means of trying to guarantee the survival of endangered species. 恢复过程是非常重要的,因为它作为一项实验找到了确保濒临灭绝的物种得 以生存下去的方法。 BMan's achievements during this stay are astoundingYet they endanger his own survival 人类在这一时期所取得的成就是惊人的,但是这些成就危及到了人类自己的 生存。 Cthe survival of the fittest适者生存 Dsurvivals of ancient customs遗传下来的古代风俗,古代遗风 176. THOUGHT: apply/give/devote much thought to; direct one's thought 76. THOUGHT: towards ABecause we have so many more pressing problems on our handsonly the science-fiction writers have given much thought to the social life of the later electronic age 由于我们手头有许多紧迫的问题需要解决,科幻作家们因此给予了较多考虑


有关今后电子时代的社会生活。 BA Successful scientist applies persistent and logical thought to the observations he makes 凡是有成就的科学家总是对其观察到的结果进行持续不断的和合乎逻辑的 思考。 CIt is a comforting thought that gratitude can be not merely a passing It sentiment but a renewal which canin some instancespersist for a lifetime DIt directs one’s thought to the uncertainty of life. 它使人想到人生的变幻无常。 177. THREAT: present a great threat to the safety of 77. A. The hazards are no threat to physical life but they are to the achievement of success. 这些危险对身体并没有什么威胁,但对获取成功构成了威胁。 B. Private schools and colleges have shown an unusual ability to survive and develop during a period of rising costs and dropping enrollments elsewhere. All this presentsof coursea true threat to the public school establishment 在成本不断上升,入学人数日益减少时期,私立学校和学院就已经为其生存 和发展显露了他们的非凡能力。这一切当然给公立学校带来了真正的威胁。 令人感到欣慰是感激之情不仅仅是一时的感情,在有些情况下还可以是一种 能持续一生的自新。 Cconstitute a threat to the party leadership对党的领导构成威胁 DThe existence of these weapons poses a grave threat to the future of the world.这些武器的存在对未来世界造成严重的威胁。 EThe threat of flood has been relieved.洪水的威胁解除了。 178. TOUCH: be/keep in close/constant touch with 78. AThe more fully we are conscious of dreamsdaydreams, fantasiesthe more likely we ale to be in touch with what our total organism desires 我们越是充分意识到做梦、做白日梦和想入非非,我们越是能够接触我们整 个的生物体所需要的东西。


179. TRIUMPH: achieve a great/final triumph over 79. TRIUMPH: IUM A. In the endthe triumph of economic growth is not a triumph of humanity over material wantsratherit is the triumph of material wants over humanity 结果,经济发展的成功不只是人类战胜物质需求,而是物质需求战胜了人类。 Bachieve/secure/win a triumph获得胜利 Cthe triumph of good over evil正义战胜邪恶 180. UNDERSTANDING: to enhance/perfect/deepen his understanding of; have 180 a better/clearer understanding of AIn order to know what laws should exist regarding divorce and remarriageit is crucial to have a dear understanding of what makes a marriage a marriage 为了知道离婚和再婚方面有什么法律存在,关键是要清楚地了解什么构成了 婚姻。 BMoreoverthey were confident that he had a greater understanding of people and human nature than anyone who had ever lived. 而且,他们非常确信他对人和人类本性的了解超过了任何人。 CIn a democratic societythis means that the public needs to have a basic understanding of scienceso that it can make informed decisions 在一个民主的社会里,这意味着公众需要对科学有一个基本的了解,从而可 以做出明智的决定。 181. USE: make a good/frequent/effective use of; enjoy/ ban/popularize 181 the use of; come into good/popular use AWhat he meant was that he consciously directed his studies to devices that could satisfy real needs and come into popular use use 他所指的就是他有意识地研究那些能够满足真正需要并为大众所使用的 工具。 Bacquire the use of the English language学会使用英语 Cban the use of firearms禁止使用火器 Dpopularize the use of Esperanto推广使用世界语 Eimprove one’s use of the English language提高运用英语的能力


182. USEFULNESS: broaden/enhance/outlive/outgrow usefulness of 182 AMore ominously for GorbachevJapuzelski is likely to be ousted after he outlives his usefulness as a transitional figure. 雅鲁泽尔斯基作为一个过渡性人物,在被利用完之后很可能被赶下台去。这 对戈尔巴乔夫来说,更是一个不祥之兆。 Bbroaden the usefulness of the institution扩大该机构的作用 Cenhance/increase the usefulness of增加/提高的效用 DThis car has not yet outlived its usefulness. 这辆车还没有旧到不能用的地步。 183 VALIDITYchallenge/question 183VALIDITYchallenge/question the validity APeople have traditionally tended to adopt general rulesbeliefs creedstheories and ideas without thoroughly question their validity and to retain them long after they have been shown to be meaningless, falseor at least questionable 人们倾向于接受一般的规则、信仰、信念、理论和观点而不问一问它们是否 正确,而且在被证明毫无意义的、谬误的或者至少是可疑的之后,还会长时 间地抱住它们不放。 Bchallenge the validity of sth.对某事的真实性提出异议 184. VIEW: (have)a view of 184 AAny view of the future must begin with a sense of the wholeThe human habitat is in jeopardy 任何对未来的看法都应从全局观念出发。人类的居住地正处于危险之中。 185 185. VIOLATION: a violation of APerhaps more than any other creature man is notable for his constant violation of the eternal law of living in harmony with nature 比起地球上任何生命来,或许是人类在不断地违反本来应和自然和睦相存的 永恒规律。 Bact in violation of laws犯法 186. WASTE: a waste of 86. AFor those who ought not to go to college or who go for the wrong


reasonscollege is a waste of time and money 对那些不应去读大学或为了错误的理由读大学的人来说,读大学是浪费时间 和金钱。 BMany people in industry who have practical experience of noiseregard any investigation of this question as a waste of timethey are not prepared even to admit the possibility that noise affects people 工业部门中许多对噪音有实践经验的人认为,对这一问题进行调查是浪费时 间,他们甚至不愿承认噪音可能会影响人。 CUntil recently daydreaming was generally considered either a waste of time or a symptom of neurotic tendencies 直到前不久, 人们还普遍认为做白日梦不是浪费时间就是精神病的潜在症状。 187. WILLINGNESS: express/have/show/with the willingness to 87. express/have/show/ willingness /have/show AIt means having the willingness and ability to respond quickly and flexibly to changing business needs 这意味着他们愿意也有能力对经营中不断变化的需求做出快速而灵活的 反应。 Bexpress one’s willingness to do表示乐意去做某事 CThey didn’t show much willingness to help.他们显得不大愿意协助。 DThey complied with his request with the greatest willingness. 他们以最大的积极性照他的要求做了。 188. WISDOM: question the wisdom 88. AThe freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our societyalthough the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned 能自由地对自己的事做出决定是我们社会最基本的东西,虽然这些决定是否 明智值得怀疑。 BI would question the wisdom of borrowing such a large sum of money. 我对借这一大笔钱是否明智表示怀疑。 CHe showed great wisdom in what he said and what he did. 他在言语和行动中都显露出他非凡的智慧。


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