
发布时间:2019-05-14 17:53:32   来源:文档文库   




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 根据《艾斯英语听力》精选改编



1. What does the man plan to do this Saturday?

A. Go to a party B. Play football C. Watch a game

2. How does David probably find his boss?

A. Serious B. Talkative C. Generous

3. When will the speakers set off?

A. At 4:00 B. At 4:30 C. At 5:00

4. What is the man doing?

A. Driving the girl to school B. Waiting for the No. 2 bus C. Giving directions

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A trip B. A hotel C. A theater

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What's the relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues B. Teacher and students C. Manager and secretary

7. What does the woman suggest adding to the presentation?

A. More facts B. More figures C. More pictures


8. What happened to the woman on the last day at the camp?

A. She realized she was overweight.

B. She was laughed at by other girls.

C. She suffered from a stomachache.

9. What does the woman decide to do?

A. Learn swimming.

B. Lead a healthier life.

C. Spend less money.


10.How old is the man?

A. I5 years old. B. 19 years old. C. 24 years old.

I I. Why did the man start Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation?

A. To help victims of floods.

B. To improve education for teenagers.

C. To raise money for children in remote areas.

12. What does the woman think of the mans story?

A. Moving B. Inspiring C. Shocking


13. Where did the woman grow up?

A. In Canada B. In America C. In China

14. Why didn't the woman speak Cantonese in her childhood?

A. She had no interest in it.

B. Others may look down on her.

C. It affected her English speaking.

15. What did the woman realize at college?

A. She hoped to be a Chinese teacher.

B Chinese was important in communication.

C. Her Chinese heritage was amazing.

16. How often does the woman visit Guangdong now?

A. Once a month. B. Once a year. C. Twice a year.


17. How long is the English Coffee Shop open to customers a day?

A. For 24 hours. B. For 8 hours. C. For 12 hours.

18. What can we learn about the radio station?

A. It is owned by the English Coffee Shop.

B. It is on Montana at Seventh Street in Santa Monica.

C. It sells advertising time.

19. What is the weather like in the morning?

A. Cloudy. B. Cold. C. Fine.

20. What can we learn about Santa Monica Beach?

A. It’s used for parking cars. B. It’s a good place for surfing. C. It’s a good place for skating.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 (共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)




After an old lady in Lithuania got too sick to live on her own, she was admitted to a hospital. Sadly, all of her remaining relatives were scattered(分散)all over the world, so nobody could take care of the pets she was forced to leave behind. While authorities had spent months searching for ways to save her animals, a rescue shelter from Vilnius, Lithuania, stepped up. After they arrived, one of the animals, a little dog named Pluto, was clearly the one who needed help the most.

Pluto had lost a lot of weight. Suffering from mange(疖藓), his body was reduced to skin and bones. His eyes were hopeless, filled only with endless pain. “Upon arriving at our shelter, Pluto appeared to have been completely given up, " a worker added. "He didn’t want to get up for anything. He wasn’t eating, and was doing his business right under himself.”

The vets cleaned him, removing the dirty from his skin. The first procedure Pluto received took 5 hours. “Still, he was feeling miserable and his burning skin was being treated a few times each day. Eventually, because of the mange infection, Pluto had to be isolated without the possibility of going out for a walk.” “The pup had been going through living hell for 3 months. After the isolation. he had to re-learn how to walk.” But that was only the half of his remaining troubles. “Pluto was afraid of everything and everyone.”

It took six months before Pluto gathered the courage to step outside. “Thanks to the endless patience and love provided by our staff, however, Pluto started socializing. As he introduced himself to his surroundings and the other dogs. Pluto started eating more, too.”

21. What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A. The old lady had many relatives in the country.

B. No one was willing to take care of the sick pets.

C. The old lady had no choice but to abandon her pets.

D. Not all the pets in the old lady's house were nearly dying.

22. What was the most serious problem that Pluto have?

A. He was too thin. B. He suffered from mental illness.

C. He was too dirty. D. He missed his old and sick owner.

23. What is the main idea of the text?

A. A homeless dog was seriously sick in a shelter.

B. An abandoned dog got careful treatment in the USA

C. Vets were playing an important role in curing animals

D. People rescued an abandoned dog to regain faith in life

B 原创


Kids should tell the truth. But a recent study co-authored by the University of Toronto's Kang Lee suggests that learning to lie can confer cognitive(认知的)benefits.

Lee, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and his co-authors based their findings on an experiment in which they asked 42 preschool-aged children in China --- who showed no original ability to lie --- how to play a hide-and-seek game.

They were split into two groups with an equal number of boys and girls, with an average age of about 40 months. Over four days, they played a game in which they hid a treat, such as popcorn, from an adult in one hand. The grown-up had to choose the hand that the child indicated.

If the child successfully cheated the adult, they got to keep the treat. The experiment group of kids was taught how to lie in order to win the game while the control group was not. The study showed that the kids who were taught deception performed better than the control group.

“With just a few days of instruction, young children quickly learned to cheat and gained immediate cognitive benefits from doing so.” the researchers write in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

“More generally,” the authors add, “these findings support the idea that even seemingly negative human social behaviors may confer cognitive benefits when such behaviors call for goal pursuing, problem solving, mental state tracking and perspective taking.”

Does that mean parents should throw out conventional wisdom and actually teach their kids to lie? Not exactly. “I don't think that would be a good idea, "Lee says, “but it's not a bad idea to let them play these kinds of deceptive games.”

24. The underlined phrase “deception” in Paragraph5 can be replaced by “_______”.

A. The action of telling lies B. The action of keeping honest.

C. The action of self-control D. The action of being naughty

25. What can a child learn from telling lies according to the passage?

A. How to get more treats from adults. B.How to pursue goals.

C.How to make problems. D.How to play hide-and-seek.

26. It can be inferred from the text that_______.

A. Parents should teach their children to lie. B. Lying can bring children many material benefits.

C. Children should learn to lie from playing games. D. Lying can help children survive in society.

27. Which column of a newspaper can you read this article ?

A. Health and Fitness B. Family and Home

C. Mind and Health D. Art and Design

C 原创


Shoplifters(小偷家族) is a film about a crisis. The Shibata family live together into a small home with three generations --- the adults earn low wages; work and struggle to feed and educate the kids. The writer and director Hirokazu Koreeda wants to use his film to address the widening class divides in Japan, which have ruined the country's social safety system.

The situation shoplifters is, on the surface, rather complicated. The whole Shibata family live in the home of grandmother who receives a small pension. That income is added by the others taking odd jobs, and committing small theft(盗窃). Early in the movie, Nobuyo and her husband, Osamu, come across a little girl named Yuri, who has been abandoned and shows signs of abuse. The Shibatas take her in, even though they don’t really have room for her. Early on, Nobuyo offers Yuri something nice and the girl runs away --- she associates gift-giving with her abusive mother, who would buy her things as a cheap apology for her short temper. Nobuyo quickly understands the situation and gathers Yuri into a hug whispering in her ear that this is what people who love you should do.

So much of what the Shibata family does is out of love, but there are heavy prices to pay for not obeying social rules.The final act of Shoplifters, however, is devastating(毁灭性的). After seeing the director tease out every strange bond in this temporary family, investing his audience fully in their future, one finds it that much harder to watch when things fall apart.

28. What is the purpose of the director in making the film Shoplifters ?

A. To show that shoplifters meet their crisis in Japan.

B. To show that many Japanese people live in small houses.

C. To show that the problem of class divides in Japan is serious.

D. To show that adults in Japan can not earn enough to support families.

29. What kind of person is Nobuyo in the film?

A. She is kind to the helpless children.

B. She is good at committing small theft.

C. She always does bad things out of love.

D. She always persuades the children to do illegal things.

30. Which one is correct about the audience’s feeling after seeing the film?

A. The audience will be moved by the selfless love and happy ending of the story.

B. Life of shoplifters is dangerous but exciting to watch.

C. The audience will feel depressed in the end for the heavy price paid for disobeying the social rules.. D. The audience will be inspired from the story and keep optimistic.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)原创 文章改编自https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/mar/04/seven-ways-help-someone-through-panic-attack


More than 13% of people are very likely to be influenced by panic attacks, which can be very intense and distressing.   31

Educate yourself

According to the Mental Health Foundation (MHF), 13.2% of people have experienced a panic attack. If you know someone who suffers from panic attacks frequently,  32 Attacks can last between five and 30 minutes, with symptoms including rapid breathing, sweating, a racing heart, shivering and feeling sick. The mental health charities Mind, Time to Change and No Panic have resources available.


If you’re having a short, sudden panic attack, it can be helpful to have someone with you reassuring you that it will pass. It is important to ride out the attack and not look for distractions; just remaining calm yourself can provide comfort.

Encourage deep breaths

  34  – counting out loud or asking them to watch while you calmly raise your arm up and down. The NHS and No Panic also publish guides to calming breathing exercises.

Ask them what they need

People can often feel exhausted after a panic attack.  35 They may be feeling shivery or too hot. At a later point, when they have recovered, you might like to ask them what they find helpful during or after an attack.

A.Some people describe feeling as if they are having a heart attack or that they might die

B.So what are the symptoms and how best can you respond?

C.it can be helpful to better understand what they are

D.Gently ask them if you can get them a glass of water or something to eat.

E.Encourage the person to breathe slowly and deeply

F.Stay calm

G.Be reassuring

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 按指定材料命题


Growing roots

When I was growing up. I had an old neighbor named Dr, Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never 36 at us for playing in his yard. I remembered him as someone gentle and  37 . When Dr. Gibbs wasn’t 38 lives, he was planting trees. His house sat on ten acres(英亩) and his life’s goal was to make it a forest.

The good doctor had some interesting 39 about planting trees. He believed in “No pains, no gains”. He never  40 his new trees. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants would   41 them so every following tree   42 would grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things  43 for them. He talked about how watering trees  44 for shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots  45 water.

Dr. Gibbs passed away a couple of years ago.  46 , I walked by his house and looked at the trees planted some twenty-five years ago. They’re extremely tall, big and   47 since they have deep roots now. However, the trees in my garden would   48 in a cold wind although I had watered them for several years. It seems that the suffering 49 these trees in ways comfort and  50 never could.

I used to   51 for my sons that their lives will be easy. But   52 I’ve been thinking that it’s time to   53 my prayer. I know my children are going to meet 54 . In order not to be  55 by the wind in the life, we need to grow strong roots deep in the earth.

36. A.glanced                    Bstared             Claughed                 Dyelled

37. A. satisfied                        Binspired                  Cnice                     Dexhausted

38. A. saving B. living C. enjoying D. valuing

39Agoals                     B. theories               Cattitudes               Dmethods

40. A. sheltered B. blew C. appreciated D. watered

41. A. destroy                 Bbenefit                 Cdrown                 Dspoil

42A. variety                      B. type                 Cspecies                  Dgeneration

43Arough                    B. favorable                  Charmful              Dpoisonous

44. A. allow B. leave C. made D. lead

45. A.in search of B. in favor of C.in charge of D. in honor of

46A.More or less        BNow and then       CSooner or later   DHere and now

47Athin                      Bdying                   Cgrowing                   Dstrong

48. A. dance B. tremble C. spread D. whistle

49. A. benefit B.affect   C. harm D. advantage

50Acure                    B. risk                  Cease             Ddifficulty

51. A. compete B. apply C. stand D. pray

52. A. perfectly B. lately C. simply D. fortunately

53. Astrengthen           Bchange                 Crepeat                 Demphasize

54. A. fortune B. hardships C. opportunities D. prosperity

55 A. challenged   Bdefeated           Craised           D. admitted


第二节 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)原创


Snow passed away this year. I have only a few     56    (memory) without her being a part as she enjoyed everything we were up to. Life has its ups and downs and sometimes our pets are the only    57    (faith) friends that we have. I remember I saw myself     58    a little lost girl when I first met her. As a     59    (high) sensitive person, I feared a lot about the world outside and she was my comfort during hard times. She was the reason     60    (get) up in the morning. She was there when I     61    (fall) in love for the first time, got pregnant and gave birth to my daughter. She helped me to overcome     62  

separation and the start of a new life of a single     63    (work ) mom. We were all there, at that time     64    Snow fell asleep and never woke up.

I remember being so shocked by how the world just seemed to continue just as before, as nothing happened at all. Birds were still singing, people were talking and traffic was     65    (crowd). But inside everything had fallen apart.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分15分) 原创,解决现实生活热点--网络暴力,如何面对网咯问题








第二节 概要写作(满分25分) 按指定材料命题 (已将材料按学生理解水平改编)


Teens who use electronic cigarettes may be more likely to start smoking traditional tobacco products than teens who have never tried e-cigarettes, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health. E-cigarettes deliver nicotine to the lungs by a process often called “vaping”(蒸汽烟), because the nicotine solution is vaporized (蒸发) within the device.

The study found that 30.7 percent of those who had used e-cigarettes reported six months later that they had gone on to experiment with smokable tobacco products (such as cigarettes or cigars), compared with only 8.1 percent of the nonusers. A similar trend was also observed when the teens were surveyed again one year later, according to the findings. During the study, the researchers first surveyed 2,530 ninth-graders in the fall at 10 public high schools in Los Angeles. Only the students who reported they had never used any smokable tobacco products were included in their analysis and underwent follow-up assessments after six and 12 months. These students were asked about lifetime and past six-month use of e-cigarettes, regular cigarettes, a hookah tobacco water pipe and/or cigars.

“While teen tobacco use has fallen in recent years, this study confirms that we should continue to carefully watch teen smoking patterns,” said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. “Parents and teens should recognize that although e-cigarettes might not have the same cancer-causing effects of regular cigarettes, they do carry a risk of addiction.”

“The study found that using e-cigarettes for recreational(娱乐的) purposes was becoming increasingly popular among teens who have never smoked tobacco. Adolescents who enjoy the smoking experience via e-cigarettes could be more apt to experiment with other nicotine products,” said Adam Leventha, the first author on the study. “While we cannot conclude that e-cigarette use directly leads to smoking, this research raises concerns that recent increase in youth e-cigarette use could cause smoking-related illnesses."


第1部分 听力 (听力原文见详解)

第二部分 阅读理解



第三部分 语言运用

第一节 完型填空 按指定材料命题

第二节 短文填空 56.memories 57.most faithful 58. as 59.highly 60. to get

61.fell  62. the 63. working 64. when 65. crowded

第四部分 写作

第一节 应用文写作 原创

One possible version: (评分标准见第11)

Dear John,

I received your letter asking me how to deal with the cyberbullying while using the Internet. If someone is repeatedly cruel to you on the cyberspace, that’s bullying.I’d like to share my views with you.

First, save the evidence. Bullying online can be captured, saved and shown to someone who can help, in case things get worse. Second, reach out for help. You deserve support to see if there's someone who can help you work through it. Third, protect your accounts. Do not share your password with anyone.

All in all, efforts should be made to stop the bullying by taking stand against it and create a healthy and lawful Internet environment. I hope what I mentioned above can help you understand the thing better.


Li Hua

第二节 概要写作(25分) 按指定材料命题

One possible version: (评分标准见第12)

The study found that students using e-cigarettes tended to use traditional tobaccos later. There was a link between e-cigarette use in teens and an increased chance of smoking. Despite the declined use, teens’ e-cigarettes use still deserved attention due to the addition risk. To sum up, youth e-cigarette users were more likely to smoke tobacoo and suffer relevant sicknesses. (60 words)




21.C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一、二句,老太太病得很重,且无亲友在身边,只能遗弃自己的宠物了。故答案选C

22.B 推理判断题。根据文章第二、三、四段,Pluto身心受到了巨大的创伤,对生存失去了希望,精神伤害更大。故答案选B

23.D 主旨大意题。该文章的大意是人们救助了濒临死亡的小狗Pluto,让它重新有了生活的希望和勇气。故答案选D


24.A词义猜测题。根据文章第四段,科学家将学龄儿童分为两组,实验组教他们撒谎,控制组不撒谎,最后发现教撒谎的这组在认知能力表现更好,deception 对应上文的taught how to lie撒谎、欺骗。故答案选A

25.B 细节理解题。根据文章第六段,撒谎能提高人的认知能力,“such behaviors call for goal pursuing, problem solving, mental state tracking and perspective taking”。故答案选B


27.C 推理判断题。该文章属于心理学内容,研究了学会撒谎对认知能力的影响。故答案选C





75: 本文介绍了什么是恐慌症panic attack及如何应对。

31. B 下面各段从什么是恐慌症panic attack及如何应对此症展开叙述,故选B

32. C 从小标题educate yourself可以知道所填句子中应该是当身边人频繁恐慌,你最好了解到底什么是恐慌,故选C

33. F 小标题。从下面段落中可知是保持冷静,故选F

34. E 根据小标题,恐慌时要深呼吸,以及后文可推断这边是鼓励人去平稳控制呼吸,故选E

35. D 从标题ask what they need,以及前句人们在经历恐慌后会精疲力尽,后文感到冷或者热,可知应该询问他们是否需要东西。可知D符合题意。


36. D 考查动词词组Dr. Gibbs跟别的医生不一样,从不因为我们在他院子里玩耍(yell at)朝我们大喊大叫。

37. C 考查形容词Dr. Gibbs在我印象里是温和的好人,选nice

38. A 考查动词。医生不是在挽救人的生命saving lives,就是在种树。

39. B 考查名词Dr. Gibbs对于种树有自己的观点、理论theory

40. D 考查动词。根据下文Dr.Gibbs认为浇水会让树变得不坚强,可以他从不浇水(water the trees)

41. D 考查动词Dr.Gibbs认为浇水会让树变得不坚强,只有让树的成长环境变得艰难的,树才能茁壮。可见浇水会宠坏spoil这些树。

42. D 考查名词。给树浇水会让这些树的后代变得越来越脆弱。generation表示一代

43. A 考查形容词。只有让树的环境变得粗野的、艰难的rough,树才长得很茁壮。

44. C 考查动词词组。浇水有助于形成浅的树根,make for 导致;有助于

45. A 考查动词词组。没有浇水的树则长出深根去寻找水分。in search of... 寻找

46. B 考查介词词组Dr. Gibbs已经去世了,我偶尔now and then经过他的房子看到25年前种的树。

47.D 考查形容词。连词and连接并列名词,根据后面驻扎着深根,推断出这边填一个强壮的strong

48.B 考查动词。跟前面Dr. Gibbs的树相反,我自己那几棵树却在寒风中颤抖、抖动tremble

49. A 考查动词。看起来逆境有利于benefit树的成长,这种进步是舒适和安逸ease的环境不可达到的。

50. C 考查名词。同50题的讲解。

51. D 考查动词 我曾经祈祷我的儿子们能生活顺利,没有逆境。根据53题后面change my prayer得出。

52. B 考查副词。根据现在完成时,可以推断,最近lately我开始想要改变我的祈盼了。

53. B 考查动词。从前后对比中,可以看出作者的人生观发生了改变。

54. B 考查名词。我的孩子们注定要去面对生活中的困难和苦难hardships,与上文中的干涸与寒风相对应。

55. B 考查动词。我的孩子要长得茁壮,才不会被寒风打败defeat


56.memories 考查名词单复数。根据短语a few,应使用可数名词复数形式。

57.most faithful 考查形容词最高级。名词friends前面形容词修饰,且前面有定冠词,所以最高级形式。

58.as 考查固定搭配see...as........视为....”

59.highly 考查副词sensitive为形容词,受副词修饰。

60.to get 考查动词不定式the reason to do表示....的理由

61.fell 考查动词时态。文章内容为回忆过去,用一般过去时。

62.the 考查冠词and为并列连词,the start跟前面的名词结构一致。

63.working 考查非谓语动词。现在分词做定语表示特征或性质,a single working mom表要上班的单亲妈妈。

64.when 考查定语从句。先行词为表示时间的time,用when充当从句中的时间状语。

65.crowded 考查非谓语动词。世界似乎一切正常,交通依然拥挤,用形容词作表语。


第一节 应用文写作








































Text 1

W: I hope you can come to the party this Saturday.

M: This Saturday? Sorry, but I already have plans. I've already bought a ticket to a football game.

W: What a pity.

Text 2

W: David, who is that tall and handsome man over there?

M: It's my boss.

W: I would like to meet him.

M: You’d better not. He isn't easy to deal with. We hardly talk to him.

Text 3

M: Oh, it’s already half past four. There are just two hours left. We’d better be going now.

W: Don't worry. The clock is half an hour early.

M: Then let’s wait for another half an hour.


W: Excuse me, sir. How could I get to No. 2 Elementary School, please?

M: Keep walking and cross the road at the first crossroads. Keep walking again until the second crossroads there. The school will be at your left.

W: Thanks.

Text 5

W: How was your time in D. C. last week?

M: It was wonderful. I went to visit the Lincoln Memorial, Ford's Theater, and National Gallery of Art.

W: Did you stay at a hotel?

M: No. My aunt lives there.

Text 6

W: Good afternoon, Tony. How are you getting on with your projects?

M: Uh, good afternoon, Professor Mueller. I’ve almost finished preparing presentation for your class, but I’m not really satisfied with it. Could you give me some advice?

W: I'll be happy to. What topic did you choose?

M: It's about methods of predicting earthquake,but so far, it's just a lot of facts and figures. How can I make it more interesting and easy to understand?

W: Maybe you could use some computer graphs and pictures to help the class make sense of your points.

Text 7

M: Tina, how was your time at the summer camp?

W: It was great at first. I really enjoyed myself until the last day at the camp.

M: What happened?

W: We went swimming on the last day. I found all the other girls had flat stomachs. They didn’t look fat at all. I immediately started questioning my appearance.

M: So did the others look at you?

W: Yes. But they didn’t say anything.

M: So what will you do?

W: I think it's time for me to change. I’ll have a better diet. And I'll also spend less time indoors but more time outdoors.

M: I’m sure you’ll lose some pounds this way.

Text 8

W:: So Ghalib, why did you want to start the organization “Rescue Pakistan Youth Foundation”?

M: Well, it was nine years ago. I was 15 years old then. Big floods hit Pakistan. The floods killed thousands of people and made millions of them homeless.

W: So you wanted to help, right?

M: Right. But I didn't know how. So I went to my former teacher and she suggested I form a platform where people who wanted to help could join.

W: So that was how you started the organization?

M: Yes.

W: So how did the organization run?

M: Well, we encouraged volunteers to join us. And the volunteers encouraged people to donate money to us. We raised a huge sum of money and gave all to the victims of the floods.

W: Well, I'm sure your story has encouraged many teenagers to help others.

M: You're right. Many young people followed our footsteps.

Text 9

M: Isabelle, so where did you grow up? In America?

W: No. I was born in Canada and grew up in that country. My parents immigrated from Guangdong before I was born.

M: How did you feel being a Chinese-Canadian?

W: Well. when I was little, instead of being proud of my Chinese background, I rejected it. If you asked my mother, she'd tell you

That at the age of twoI matter-of-factly told her to stop speaking Cantonese to me. I told her that I was Canadian. Growing up, I remember frequently telling her to speak English.

M: Was it because you couldn’t understand her when she spoke Cantonese?

W: No. It was because I had no desire to put in effort to learn the language. I just didn’t care.

M: So what's your attitude toward your Chinese background now?

W: Now I’m proud of it. After entering college, I slowly found that people were actually interested in my Chinese heritage and didn't make me feel like my Chinese roots were something to be ashamed of. Now I love teaching people about Chinese culture, but I’m also proud to be Canadian.

M: So can you speak Cantonese now?

W: Certainly. Now I visit Guangdong in July and January every year because I have many relatives there. I can communicate with them in Cantonese very well.

Text 10

W: This is radio station KSRF in Santa Monica, California. It’s time for the noon weather report, brought to you today by the English Coffee Shop on Montana at Seventh Street in Santa Monica----open twenty-four hours a day with the best food in Santa Monica. At twelve o’clock, the sun is out after a cloudy morning. The wind is from the west at three miles an hour, and the temperature is seventy-two degree. Next, let’s come to the sea. The weather temperature at Santa Monica Beach is sixty-eight degrees with waves which are two to three feet high. Good waves! If you are driving to the beach this afternoon, park at the north end of the beach. The south end parking field is already full. Have a good time at the beach! This weather report has been brought to you by English Coffee Shop on Montana at Seventh Street in Santa Monica----open twenty-four hours a day with the best food in Santa Monica.


