
发布时间:2018-07-01 01:00:24   来源:文档文库   


"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "阿甘母亲的这一句话,在影片的开头就用这句话给了我一个深刻的思考:每一个生命轨迹都在不同的地域存在着,而且是独一无二的存在着这是不是是上帝给我们开的一个玩笑,或者生活原本就是这样的无法预料和无常无规,永远让你使料未及,无法琢磨。阿甘,正是听着这样的教诲,一步一个脚印地踩出属于自己的生活的奇迹










" Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest . You never know what you ' re going to get." the first sentence of Agam's mother, the film begins with this phrase gives me a deep thought: every life trajectory are different regions exists, and it is the one and only exist. This is it right? Is God give us open a joke, or life is so unpredictable and capricious random, always let you make unexpected, can not pondering. Agam, is listening to the teachings of this, work steadily ground stomp out his own life.

In the film's opening and ending you will see: under the blue sky, a light and feather drop from the clouds, slowly landed at Agam 's feet. This is actually the film suggests : in this world, people can see life as a feather, pure, plain and beautiful.

The young Agam leg has disability, Agam's mother to son set the last heavy iron shelves, to aid in walking. After school on the road, friends laugh at him, play with him, after throwing stones. Female classmate Jeanne shouted:" Forrest, run." Agam panic, started to run, stumble struggled to climb up. Gradually, iron shelves in bound him, he ran as fast as. Companions can not catch up with him, helplessly be at a loss what to do.

With astonishing speed, Agam entered the NFL team, become a football player, to Vietnam as the Vietnam war hero, to be a shrimp boat boat captain, finally all these things the United States, Agam embodies the kind-hearted, commitment, loyalty, no matter what are then absorbed.

Later, Jeanne went back to his world, and of course their son little Agam. The ending is perfect. Lieutenant Dan ending is perfect. Agam's dedication to save Jeanne and Lieutenant Dan, at least saved their souls.

Agam's life is only a supporting life love, that is love; Agam life only to love a girl Jeanne, except that he never know; he can in order to commemorate the dead Comrade Bubba, at every stage of life, Agam 's only one goal in mind to guide him, he is only practical for this purpose, tireless, firmly fight, until the completion of objectives, new objects appear.

Agam received many medals of honor, and many times by the president's reception. In Agam's pure eyes, is the most beautiful in the world and in the night the stars, in the evening sunset, desert sun, through the smoke and hatred, the world is simple and good.

Person's life journey who also did not know that the next station to go where they want, hold it is good, but a lot of people like Jeanne, in order to pursue and pursuit, ignoring the good side, always keeping in mind the only angry, or as Lieutenant Dan. Let the pain will never become painful reason.

Our life is like a piece of feather, with ups and downs, but as long as we bravely face, determined to be a true self, a pure, when finished, we will examine oneself, feeling no shame. To make a long story short, Agam's life tell us, God created man, just like paper wrapped chocolate as unpredictable, all our own. So, we should believe that they have the ability to do better, fly higher.

The long road of life, I have to be like Agam generous, magnanimous face life, took their only wisdom, faith, courage is centered to a bit, with their own intuition, kept in my life on the road.


