
发布时间:2018-05-04 11:51:33   来源:文档文库   

Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships



How to Be a Good Friend

Once you’ve started spending time with friendsremember to do your part or else the friendship will become unbalanced and an uneasiness or distance is likely to arise

Be reliableIf you and your friend agree to meet somewheredon’t be lateIf you’re not going to make it on time or make it at allcall them as soon as you realize itApologize and ask to rescheduleDon’t make them wait for you unexpectedlyit’s rudeWhen you say you’ll do somethingdo itBe someone that people know they can count on

Be trustworthy. One of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to whom you can talk about anything, even secrets that you hide from the rest of the world. The key to being a good trusted person is the ability to keep secrets,so it's no secret that you shouldn't tell other people things that were told to you as a secret. Before people even feel comfortable opening up to you, however, you need to build trust. Be honest about yourself and your beliefs, and don't gossip (散布流言蜚语)about others or spread rumors or they will think you like stories better than friends.

Be there. You've probably heard of fair-weather friends. They' re the ones who are happy to be around you when things are going well, but are nowhere to be found when you really need them. Part of being a friend is being prepared to devote your time and energy in order to help out your friends. If a friend needs help with an unpleasant task,or if he or she just needs a shoulder to cry on, be there.

Now, do you know how to be a good friend?

Section One Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary

I. Lead-in

As a proverb says, "A friend in need is a friend in- deed. " Friends are very important in our daily life. How do you make good friends?

OK, today we' 11 read the first passage about friendship with the title of "Roy' s Story". From the passage, we'll get to know how the writer gets along with his friend--Roy.

II. Fast reading

Task 1. Read the passage "Roy' s Story" quickly

and find the main idea of each paragraph.

III. Careful reading

Task 2. Read the passage "Roy's Story" again and choose the best answers.

(1) What was Daniel's first impression on Roy?

A. Popular among the classmates. B. Disliked by the classmates.

C. A funny boy. D. A dishonest boy.

(2)Why did Daniel’s family move to London?

ABecause his father got a job in London

BBecause his family didn’t like the climate of the northern area

CBecause his father was knocked over by a car

DBecause he would like to study in London

(3)How did Daniel and Roy become friends?

ARoy used to tell Daniel jokes

BRoy often helped Daniel with his homework

CRoy was kind to Daniel and helped him get along well in his new sch001

DRoy and Daniel talked about personal matters to each other

(4)Why did Roy begin to change?

ABecause Daniel didn’t think of him as a friend

BBecause his father died as a result of a traffic aecident

CBecause his family moved to a small house

DBecause his classmates thought him a thief

(5)Which of the following is NOT right?

ADaniel was kind to Roy though he found him stealing

BRoy avoided meeting Daniel because he was ashamedof having been found stealing

CDaniel found out it was Roy who had stolen the 500

DDaniel scolded Roy for his stealing

IVAnalysis of long-difficult sentences

1I remember the first time l met Roy(P30)

句子结构分析:该句中the first time充当remember __________,后接I met Roy是省略了引导词when __________,修饰the first timethe first time 在句中还可以引导时间状语从句,相当于一个连词,如:The first time I saw youI realized I seemed to have met you somewhere before(第一次见到你时, 我感觉以前好像在哪儿见过你。)

可以用作从属连词引导时间状语从句的名词词组和 副词有:__________ 每次;_________下次;__________ 第一次;__________ 上次;__________ …………


2Having left something in the cloakroom1 went inside to get itand found Roy going through the pockets of people’s coats(P3031)

句子结构分析:Having left something in the cloak-room是现在分词的完成主动式作__________,此处为什么用现在分词的完成主动式:______________________________

__________________________________________________ 基于以上两个原因,所以此处用现在分词的完成主动式作状语。句子的主语是l,谓语是由and连接的两个并列谓语,即

__________to get it是不定式作目的状语,found Roy going through…__________结构,意为发现某人正在做某事go through意为__________



3It looked as if there was about500 there(P31) 句子结构分析:本句的句式结构为:



4I was so surprised that I just stood thereholding the notes in my hands(P31)

句子结构分析:本句中so…that…是固定搭配,意为__________so后面接__________that后面引导的是__________that在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接的作用,此结构有时可与such…that…换用。holding the notes in my hands为现在分词短语作stood__________


VShorten the passage


1__________ I met RoyI thought him a popular boy among his classmatesfor he liked to2__________ ,which made others laughBeing a new studentI felt shy and 3__________ It was Roy who was kind to me and helped me 4__________ my new classmates by attending his 5__________ groupWe became good friendswho can share each other’s inner feelings

It was all his father’s sudden death 6__________ of being 7__________by a car that changed Roy so muchHe became silent and 8 ,9__________in his school workfurther more we were l 0__________ close

One dayI caught Roy ll. the pockets of people’s coats in the l2__________a wallet in his handMy mouth l3__________ and I just looked at him without being able to say a word...

Last weekwe had l4__________ 500 for a charity, but it was stolen the next morningI thought it might be Roy 15__________ about the situation for a whileI decided to confront him about the theftAnd l went to see him...

Section Two Language Points


1. A good friend is someone you call discuss personal matters withknowing that you can trust himher(P29)好朋友是你可以与其讨论个人问题并且你信任他,她的人。


We trust him because we know he has never deceived anyone.我们信任他,因为我们知道他从来没有欺骗过任何人。


trust v.信任,信赖,相信n.信任,信赖

trust sbto do sth.信得过(某人)能做某事

trust sbwith sth.把某物托付给某人

trust that…相信……,但愿……

have trust in


believebeIieve intrust

(1)believe sb./sth.相信某人所说的话/某事是真实的。

(2)believe in信仰,信奉真理、宗教、原则;信赖,信任某人。

(3)trust sb.相信某人的品德,为人,能力等。



He can’t ________ anyone to do this for him


1 trust him ___________ my life


Do you ___________ everything the Bible says?


You shouldn’t the man who is dishonest

2. Roywho had always been very close to his fatherchanged completelybecoming silent and moody(P30)罗伊原来和他父亲的关系十分密切,而父亲去世后他彻底地变了。变得沉默寡言、喜怒无常。


The church is close to the shop.教堂离商店很近。

Close observation is necessary for the experiment.周密的观察对实验是必要的。


close adj.亲密的,亲近的;周密的;v.关闭;结束;n 结束,终结

close down关闭,停业

bring…to a close结束 come to a close结束=come to an end




(2)closeclosely都可以用作副词,但含义有差别:close用作副词时有靠近,接近之意;而closely 作为副词,意为仔细地,密切地,非常接近地



A number of factories ___________ because of the depression


He soon the meeting a close


The two events are _______________ connected

3. When he reached the final lineeveryone burst out laughing(P30)当他说到最后一句时,大家都哄堂大笑起来。


He burst out crying like a child 他突然像个孩子一样哭起来。


burst out突然发生,突然……起来,后跟一ing形式作宾语

burst into a place闯入某地

burst into tears=burst out crying突然大哭起来

burst into laughter=burst out laughing捧腹大笑

burst in闯入;突然插嘴

burst open突然打开

burst in(adv.) burst into(prep.)

burst into cheers=burst out cheering 爆发出欢呼声



Hearing the news that their team won the gameTom and his friends ______________

4. But just under a year agoRoy’s father was knocked over by a car(P30)但就在不到一年前,罗伊的父亲遭遇了车祸。


Who knocked that bottle over?谁把那个瓶子打翻了?


knock…over(开车)撞伤,撞死;打倒,击倒 knock aton the door敲门

knock down撞倒;拆除

knock intoagainst撞上


knock...out of……中敲出

knock out敲出;打昏;精疲力竭


They’re going to _________ those old buildings soon


I’m _____________ myself with all that work

5. These daysRoy and I see each other from time to timebut we’re no longer close (P30)现在我和罗伊还时而见面,但已不再那么亲密了。


Because we are studying in the same schoolwe meet each other from time to time



from time to time偶尔,有时

at any time在任何时候

all the time总是,一直

at no time决不

at one time早先,曾经,以前曾有个时期

at times—from time to time有时,不时

at a time每次,一次



_______________ have I said such a thing!


He can eat three bowls of noodles ________________


They were very good friends ____________________

6. I turned round and walked out without saying a word(P31)我转身一句话没说就走了。


Turn round and let me look at your back 转过身去让我看看你的后背。


turn round转过身来

turn down拒绝;调低

turn in上交

turn off关掉

turn on打开

turn out证明是;结果是

turn up出现;调高;把……向上翻

turn away……拒之门外;转过脸去;把……打发 走;解雇



She a friend of mysister


Why did she ____________ your invitation?


He’s still hoping something will _____________.

7. Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for a charity(P3l)上周我 们学校开了个大型义卖会,为一个慈善机构筹款。


A lot of money has been raised to help poor children to finish schoo1



raise vt.筹措(金钱);举起;提高,增加;提出;抚养,养育



(1)The laughter stopped and a girl at the back of the class raised her hand _____________

(2)We must raise the living standard of the people _____________

(3)1 wanted to raise a question to the chairman but after a moment I lost my courage________

(4)He had to raise a family _____________

回味思考In order to do sth;so as to do sth 的区别:

任务布置activities(from 1 to 5)


