
发布时间:2020-07-03 12:26:27   来源:文档文库   

Unit1 Hello, nice to meet you!

Lesson 1   1.Look,listen and say

1)A:Good morning!        B:Good morning!

A:I'm Han Mei. What is your name? B:My name is Jim Green.Hello!

A::Hello!Nice to meet you!    B:Nice to meet you,too!

2.Read,say and write

Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd       Ee  Ff  Gg

3.Read and say


Lesson 2  1.Look,listen and say

A:Good morning,Mr Wang. B:Good morning.Sit down,please.

A:Thank you.How are you? B:Fine,thank you. How are you?

A: I'm fine,too.

2.Read,say and write

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

3.Read and say

HK IBM ID MBA NBA    a.m. kg  km  mm  cm

Lesson 3 1.Sing this song

Good morn-ing to you.

Good morn-ing to you.Good morn-ing,dear teach-er.Good morn-ing to you!

Lesson 4   Look,listen and say

1)A:Good morning.I'm Gao Hui. B:Good morning,Miss Gao!

A:Hello,Jim!How are you? B:Fine,thanks,Li Lei.And you?

A:I'm fine,too.Thank you.

2)A;Hi!My name is Wei Hua.What's your name?   B:My name is Ann Read.

A:Nice to meet you!    B:Nice to meet you,too.

C:Hi!I'm Polly.

Unit2 Hello!How are you?

Lesson 5  1.Look,listen and say

1)A:Hello!Are you Wei Hua? B:Yes, I am.

2)A:Excuse me.Are you Li Ming? B:No,I'm not.I'm Li Lei.

A:Sorry. B:That's all right.

3)A:Hi,Jim! B:Hi,Li Lei!This is Wei Hua.Wei hua,this is Jim.

2.Read,say and write

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

3.Read and say


Lesson 6   1.Look,listen and say

A:What's your name,please? B:My name's Jim Green.

A:Can you spell it,please? B:yes,J-I-M,Jim,G-R-double E-N,Green.

A:Mum,this is my teacher,Miss Gao.

B:How do you do?       B:How do you do?

2.Read,say and write

Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

3.Read and say


Lesson 7  1.look,listen and say

A:Excuse me.Are you Mr Read? B:No,I'm not.

A:Sorry.  B:That's all right.

LIFENG:Excuse me.Are you Mr Read? Mr Read:Yes,I am. 

LIFENG:Oh,good!I'm Li Fen. Mr Read:How do you do? 

LIFENG:How do you do?Welcome to China!   Mr Read:Thank you!

2.Can you say the English letters?

A H J K B C D E G P  T V F L M N S X Z I  Y U Q W

Lesson 8 1.Look,listen and say

A:Good afternoon.      B:Good afternoon.

A:What's your name,please? B:Sue Read.

A:Can you spell it,please? B:Yes.S-U-E,Sue,R-E-A-D,Read.

A:Thank you!           B:You're welcome!

A:Goodbye!             B: Bye!Bye-bye!

See you later!       See you!

3.Sing this song     Sing the ABC song    Sing the ABC song


X Y Z Now you see,I can say my A B C.

10 Sing this song

Hello!How are you?

Hello!How are you?I am fine.Thank you.Thank you very much

Unit3 Can you spell it,please

Lesson 9  1.Listen and say

0 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10

3.Listen,say and read

A:What's your name?    B: My name is Liu Ying.

A:What's your number?  B: I'm Number 2 in Row 1.

C:My name is Li Lei.   I'm in Row 1,too.  I'm Number 3.

4.Ask and answer

A:Are you Lin Tao?   B:Yes,I am.

A:Are you in Row 4?    B:Yes,I am.

A:Are you Liu Ying?    B:Yes,I am.

A:Are you in Row 5?    B:No,I'm not.I'm in Row 1.

Lesson 10  2.Listen and say

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ZERO!

3.Listen and chant

Three two one O!     Let's go! Let's go!

One,two,three,four.  Please go and close the door.

Five,six,seven,eight.Hurry up! Don't be late.

Nine,ten,nine,ten.   Get a ruler and a pen.

Lesson 11  1.Listen and say

11 12 13 14 15

3.Listen,read and say

1)A:How old are you?   B:I'm eleven.How old are you?    

A:I'm twelve.

2)A:Are you ten?       B:No,I'm not.I'm eleven.Are you twelve? 

A:Yes,I am.

Lesson 12  1.Listen,read and say

name Kate game grade age  cake face Ann map  bag  thank   am  and  apple

3.Read and say

1)A:Hello!What's your name? B:My name is Han Mei.

A:How old are you? B:I'm twelve.

2)A:What's your name,please? B:May Hyde.

A:Can you spell that,please? B:Yes.M-A-Y,May,H-Y-D-E,Hyde.

A:How old are you?   B:Ah,it's a secret!

9.Sing this song. The number song

Ze-ro,one two three four five six seven,eight nine ten,be-gin a -gain/that's the end.

Words and expressions in each unit

Unit 3

what [hwɔt]   pron.&adj.什么 is [iz] v.       what's=what is 

your [juə]   pron.你的;你们的 name [neim]n.名字  my [mai]pron.我的

[ai]  pron. am [æm]v. I`m=I am 

in [in] prep....(;)    row [rəu] n.();() one [wʌn] num.

number ['nʌmbə]n.数字,号码 two [tu:] num. too [tu:] ad.

three [θri:] num. are [ɑ:]v. you [ju, ju:]pron.你;你们

yes [jes] ad. four [fɔ:] num. five [faiv] num.

no[nəu] adv./adj.不;不是 not [nɔt] ad. hi [hai]interj.(表示问候或唤起注意)

class[klɑ:s] n.(学校里的)班级 grade [greid] n.年级 six [siks] num.

seven ['sevən] num. eight [eit] num. nine [nain] num.

ten [ten] num. zero ['ziərəu] num.&n.  plus [plʌs] prep.加,加上

er [ə:] interj.呃,啊,这... um [əm] interj. it[it] pron.

it's [its]=it is how [hau] adv.(指程度)多少;怎样

old [əuld] adj.老的;...岁的 eleven [i'levən] num.十一

twelve [twelv] num.十二 minus ['mainəs] prep.()

thirteen [ˌθə:'ti:n] num.十三 fourteen [ˌfɔ:'ti:n] num.十四

fifteen[ˌfif'ti:n] num.十五 hello [hə'ləu] interj.(表示问候或唤起注意)

please [pli:z] int. can [kæn] v.aux.能,会,可以

spell [spel] v.拼写 that [ðæt] pron.&a.那,那个 ah [ɑ:] int.啊,呀

secret ['si:krit] n.秘密

Unit4 What's this in English?

Lesson 13 1.Listen,read and say

A:What's this in English? B:It is a clock.

A:And what's this?     B: It's a pencil-box.

Lesson 14 2.Look,ask and answer

A:What's this?       B:Is this a cup?

A:No,it isn't.       B:Is this a map?

A:Yes,it is.         B:What's this?

A:Is this a book?     B:No,it isn't.

A:Is this a pencil-box? B:Yes,it is.

Lesson 15  1.Ask and answer

A:Is this a pen?       B:Yes,it is.

A:Is that a pencil?    B:No,it isn't.It's a ruler.

A:Is this a map?       B:Is that a book?

Lesson 16  1.Listen,read and say

A:What's this in English? B:It's a bike.

A:What's that in English? B:It's a bus.

A:Is that a car? B:No.it isn't.It's a jeep.

A:Look!That's a car. B:Yes.It's a Chinese car.

A:Is that an English car? B:No,it isn't.It's a Japanese car.

A:Look!That's an English car!

2.Listen,read and say

I    bike   fine     nice   like   kite

hi    in   sit  this Miss  it   is   six

Words and expressions in each unit

Unit 4

this [ðis] pron.&a.这,这个 in [in] prep.用…(表示)

English ['iŋgliʃ] n.英语;英国人 in English [in'iŋgliʃ]用英语(表达)

a [e, ei, ə] art.(个,件) clock [klɔk] n.

and [ənd, ænd] conj.和,又,而 pencil-box ['penslbɔks] n.铅笔盒

an [ən, æn] art.(个;件...) pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔

ruler ['ru:lə] n.尺子 pen [pen] n.钢笔

sharpener ['ʃɑ:pənə] n.卷笔刀 eraser [i'reizə] n.橡皮擦

room [ru:m] n.房间 book [buk] n. map [mæp] n.地图

desk [desk] n.书桌 cup [kʌp] n.杯子 bag [bæg] n.书包

computer [kəm'pju:tə] n.电脑,电子计算机 mouse [maus] n.鼠;耗子,鼠标

bed [bed] n. keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n.键盘 isn`t=is not 

pear [pɛə] n.  cake [keik] n.;;      banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n.香蕉

apple ['æpl] n.苹果     orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] n.橙子;橘子 egg[eg]n.

bike [baik] n.自行车 bus [bʌs] n.公共汽车         car [kɑ:] n.汽车;小汽车

jeep [dʒi:p] n.吉普车    Chinese ['tʃai'ni:z] adj.中国的;n.汉语

Japanese [,dʒæpə'ni:z] adj.日本的;n.日语    look [luk] v.;

Unit5 Is everyone here today?

Lesson 17  2.Ask and answer

1)A:Who's that?       B:That's Su Weifang.

A:How old is she? B:I think she's twelve.

2)A:Who's that? B:I think he's Mr Zhang.

A:How old is he? B:I don't know.I think he's very old.

Lesson 19 1.Look,listen and say

T:Is everyone here today? S:No.

T:Who's not here?      S: Ann is not here.

T:Is she at school today? S:No,she isn't.       

T:Where is she?        S: Sorry,I don't know.I think she's at home.

2.Read and act

SAM:Hello! MIKE:Hello,Bill?

SAM:No,this is Sam. MIKE:Hi,Sam.This is Mike.How are you?

SAM:Fine,thanks,Mike. MIKE:Is Bill in?

SAM:Sorry,he's not at home. MIKE:OK.Thank you.Goodbye!


Lesson 20  1.Listen,read and say

he  she  me  tree    jeep  bee  see egg pen  desk pencil yes ten  bed

3.Look,listen and say

A:Who's that girl? B:That's my sister,Joy.

A:How old is she?    B:She's seven.

A:Who's that man?    B:That's my father.

A:Is the woman your mother? B:Yes,she is.

Words and expressions in each unit

Unit 5

who [hu:] pron. she [ʃi:] pron.  he [hi:] pron.

bird [bə:d] n. its[its]pron.它的 do [du:]     don't [dəunt] =do not 

know [nəu] v.知道;懂得 think[θiŋk]v.;认为    Mr=mister ['mistə] n.先生 

very ['veri] adv.;非常     picture ['piktʃə] n.图画;照片

Mrs[mis] n.夫人 boy [bɔi] n.男孩 girl [gə:l] n.女孩

woman ['wumən] n.妇女;女人 man [mæn] n.男人; cat [kæt] n. 

his [hiz] pron.他的         teacher ['ti:tʃə] n.教师 her [hə:] pron.她的

  everyone ['evriwʌn] pron.每人;人人  here [hiə] adv.这里;这儿

  today [tə'dei] n.今天 at[æt]prep.    school [sku:l] n.学校

at school     在学校         sorry ['sɔri] adj.对不起;抱歉的

where [hwɛə] adv.在哪里     home [həum] n. at home   在家

  How are you? (身体)好吗? fine [fain] adj.好的;(身体)好的

  thanks [θæŋks] v.谢谢(只用复数) OK ['əu'kei] adv.(口语);;可以

thank[θæŋk] v.谢谢 goodbye [,gud'bai] interj.再见;再会

  bye [bai] interj.再见 parrot['pærət] n.鹦鹉     sister ['sistə] n.;

father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲 mother ['mʌðə] n.母亲 box [bɔks] n.盒子;箱子

Unit6 Excuse me.

Lesson 21  1.Look,listen and say

1)A:Excuse me.Is this your pencil-box? B:Yes,it is.

A:Here you are. B:Thank you.

A:Is this your eraser? B:No,it isn't.I think it's her eraser.

A:Han Mei,is this your eraser? C:Yes,it is.Thanks. 

A:That's OK.

2)A:Where's my cup?Is that my cup? B:No,I think it's his cup.

A:Jim,is this your cup? C:Oh,yes,it is. 

A:Here you are. C:Thanks.  

A:But where's my cup?

Lesson 22 1.Read and say

What's this?  It's a banana. What are these? They are bananas.

one banana    two bananas three buses        four boxes

five oranges   six apples seven bags         eight books

nine pens      ten birds

Lesson 23  1.Read and say

A:Are these your English books? B:No,they aren't.

A:Are they their books? B:Yes,they are.

2.Look,listen and say

A:Excuse me.         B:Yes?

A:Are these your apples? B:No,they aren't.

A:Excuse me.    C:Yes?

A:Are these your apples? C:Oh,yes,they are.

A:Here you are. C:Thank you very much.

A:That's all right.

Lesson 24 1.Listen,read and say

no  go  home  those  hello  zero not  box  clock  wrong  dog  on

2.Look,listen and sayMum,these are my friends Kate and her brother Jim,Ann and her brother Tom.

MUM:Hi!  Nice to meet you. CHILDREN:Hi!Nice to meet you.

MUM:Welcome to our home.Come in, please. CHILDREN:Thank you!

KATE:Where's David? JOY:He's in his room.

ANN:Oh!Who's that? DAVID:Hello!  Who am I?  Do you know?

JIM:Yes.You're David!

Words and expressions in each unit

Unit 6

excuse [iks'kju:z] v.原谅    me [mi:] pron.   Here you are.   给你

 oh [əu] interj.; but[bʌt] conj.但是  these [ði:z] pron.这些

they[ðei] pron.(;) good [gud] adj.好的 those [ðəuz] pron.那些

  boat[bəut] n. hill [hil] n.小山    tree [tri:] n.

their [ðɛə] 他们(她们;它们)  much[mʌtʃ] adv.&adj.;;非常

very much   非常         all[ɔ:l] adv.;完全 right[rait] adj.&adv.对的;正确的

all right  ;;不错 mum [mʌm] n.(口语)妈妈 friend [frend] n.朋友

brother ['brʌðə] n.;   nice [nais] adj.令人愉快的 to [tu:] prep.(表示方向);

meet [mi:t] v.见面;会面;遇见 child[tʃaild] n.小孩

children ['tʃildrən](child的复数形式) welcome ['welkəm] v.欢迎 

our ['auə] pron.我们的 come [kʌm] v.     come in 进来;进入

Unit7 Who's on duty today?

Lesson 25 1.Listen,read and say

1)T:Good morning,class!Who's on duty today? S:I am.Are we all here?No.

T:Who isn't at school today? S:Li Ming and Wei Fang.

T:Where are they?

S:I don't know.They aren't here.I think they are at home.

Lesson 26  1.Listen,read and say

TEACHER:Today we have two new students.Their names are Lily and Lucy.

STUDENTS:Hello,Lily and Lucy.Welcome to our class.

TWINS:Thank you.

2.Listen,read and say

TEACHER:Er,this is Lucy,and er,this is Lily.

LUCY:I'm not Lily.    I'm Lucy.She's Lily.

LILY:I'm not Lucy.    I'm Lily.She's Lucy.

TWINS:We're twins.

TEACHER:Sorry!   You look the same.

TWINS:That's OK!

TEACHER:Are you English?

TWINS:No,we're American.

TEACHER:OK,Please sit down over there.


