
发布时间:2020-08-07 12:37:31   来源:文档文库   


  篇一:英语活动主持词 双语


  X: Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends, welcome to the English crazy party of Xingguo Primary School. This is a season of cold winter. We would like to spend this wonderful time together!I am the host Miss Xue.(尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,下午好!欢迎大家参加兴国小学英语狂欢会,在寒冷的冬天,我们却满怀热情,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻!)

  Hello! I’m today’s host miss xue 我是主持人薛老师,

  .I’m host miss zhou 我是周老师。

  We are honored to the host of today’s English party and enjoy the perfect momnet with all of you!Please actively participate in .Thank you very much!(很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人并和大家共享美好的时刻,请大家积极参与,谢谢大家!)

  Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for this . They are

  , director and English teacher.

  Miss. Yang , team leader and English teacher.

  Miss. Zhang,English teacher.

  , English teacher.

  , English teacher.

  , English teacher.

  Please welcome them with warmly applause!(鼓掌!)



  This party is a good opportunity to display our successful teaching and to show all yourself. So,I hope that everyone will enjoy this exciting party and benefit from it .

  这次大会是我们英语教学成果的一次展示和对英语学习兴趣激发的一次好机会。所以,在此希望,每一位同学都能积极参并有所收获!Now, first ,let’s sing the English song together. From the students of grade one and grade ’s warmly welcome..

  1. 大会第一项,有请一,二年级同学给我们带来英语歌曲大声唱。 Thanks all the you for all the boys and girls. 谢谢,谢谢同学们精彩的演唱。

  2. Now, what we will do next ? It’s a game time .let’s play a game Word Game : Looking for friends找朋友





  3. Boys and girls are you happy? let’s play another interesting game,Word match,I’d like to invite Miss zhou introduce the rules for this game.




  计时裁判:张李 杨杨

  持卡老师: 周 刘顾陈

   game ,do you know numbers ? Can you count from 1-10 ? Let’s count 1...10 ,let’ play the game Number Game



  现在请各老师组织参赛学生。词卡闯关比赛马上开始。 裁判:薛周

  5. Thank you for all the students。A big hand for them. Miss zhou ,i heard that you are good at tough twister,aren’t you?


  I know we are all excited by the warmly and ardently game. Thank you for your hard work,boys and girls,let’s give them a big round of applause .


  Last but not the least,how time flys, let’s dance crazy English party ends. Good bye! See you next time!



  L: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the XX Graduate English talent competition

  held by School of Law

  H: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到XX年中南财经政法大学法学院研


  L: We are honored to co-host ’m liuzheng.

  H: 我是法学院12级火晶。

  L: Cosponsored by the Student Union of Graduate School of Law, this Performance Show is

  participated by Grade XX of the Graduate School of Law, the School of Laws Master, and the

  School of Intellectual Property Law.

  H: 本届英语风采大赛由法学院研究生会主办,来自法学院、法硕中心、知识产权学院XX


  L: The Competition is supported by the leaders and teachers. Let's introduce today's honorable

  leade(转 载于: 小 龙 文档网:单人双语主持稿)rs, teachers and guests.

  H: 本届英语风采大赛离不开法学院领导和老师们的关怀与鼓励,他们也来到了晚会的现场。




  L: We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today. Now I have the

  great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

  H: 担任本次大赛评委的是:XXX。




  L: Thank you for being a part of this competition.




  L: OK, ,it's show time! Let’s look forward to all the brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!

  H: 今天希望每位到场的嘉宾能享受这场外文盛宴,同时也希望大家能度过一个美好的夜晚。


  L: Wow,let’s enjoy the show。

  H: 感谢民商的同学们给我们带来一场视听的享受。接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声,有请法


  L:《Don't cry for me Argentina[,ɑ:d??n'ti:n?]》,Welcome !

  L: Wow, what a nostalgic[n?'st?ld??k] sounds of nature! Thanks for this wonderful singing !

  H: 是的,令人流连忘返的天籁之音啊!说到这,我相信在座的所有人都看过一部经久不衰


  难以超越,是不是这样的呢?接下来,有请经济法的同学们为我们带来属于他们的 话剧《唐伯虎点秋香》。

  L: Welcome !

  L: What a wonderful drama ! Next , let’s come back to the garden of music


  L: Welcome !

  L: Thank you ! Hey , these years , a TV show became very famous all over China, also in South Korea , Canada , US and many other countries .

  H: 没错,非诚勿扰这档节目确实非常受欢迎,甚至可以说带来了一场席卷全国的相亲风暴,国内近年来出现了大量类似的相亲类的综艺节目,电影和电视剧。今天,就来看看法硕2班同学为我们带来的话剧版《非诚勿扰》!


  L: After watching a very fabulous performance, let’s enjoy a wonderful drama!

  H: 下面来自宪政的同学们为我们带来歌舞剧。

  L:《You belong with me 》, welcome!

  L: Now ,it is time for a game .Before we start it,let’s have a brief of the rules.


  H: 游戏暂时结束了,经过一轮比拼,相信大家都有点疲倦了,现在,让我们聆听民商法李苑同学给我们带来的一曲艾薇儿的《Innocence》。

  L: welcome!

  L: Thanks for the beautiful singing!


  L:《Never believe in hot guys》,welcome!

  L: Hey huojing, we never believe in hot guys ,but this summer ,we believe in hot voices .



  L: Wonderful voices of China ! For humans , love is a eternal theme , we are always touched by the sad love story easily . So next, let’s enjoy a famous love story .


  L: Welcome !

  L : After enjoying a classical sad love drama, next , let us share the classical music

  H: 化蝶相伴,一段凄美的爱情,总是让人感伤。我们总有着这样的期盼,愿得一心人,白首不相离。接下来让我们静听这首经典老歌,感受爱的温馨。有请,法律硕士1班的同学! L:Welcome !



  L:Tonight we have so many different experiences that all make us impressed .


  L:Wow , what a challenging game !

  H: 没错,考验大伙的单词功夫的时刻来了!








  H:朋友们,XX年中南财经政法大学法学院研究生英语风采大赛到这里就全部结束了,再次感谢各位的到来。英语风采大赛的成功举办是法学院、法硕中心、知识产权学院研究生广泛参与、认真准备和辛苦排练的结果,充分展示了我们法学学子积极向上、全面发展的风貌,作为其中的一员,我们感到由衷的自豪,对各班的积极参与,我们表示由衷的感谢! L:Ladies and gentlemen, our competition is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming. H:让我们记住这共度美好时刻,再见!

  L:My dear friends, good bye!



  R:Ladies and gentlemen.

  R&X: Welcome to our English Corner!

  LMN: 尊敬的校领导,各位外宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好!

  X: In order to inspire the students? interest in learning English and to improve our

  spoken English, our School Ministry of Education and the Teaching and Research Group of Senior English have launched the English Corner. They have provided us with more opportunities to practice our Oral English as well as our real communicative skills in a pure English language environment. I believe all the students will appreciate your consideration. Thank you all.


  R: It?s our great honor to be today?s host and hostess. My name is Zhao Rui.

  X: My name is Xu Hang. I hope everyone here will have a nice time today.

  LMN: 我是梁漫妮,很荣幸能主持今天的活动。

  R: Now please allow me to introduce the honorable guests present here today. They

  are Ms. Ouyang Xi, on behalf of the School Ministry of Education; 总校教育部欧助理;Ms. Zhang Shanshan, also from the School Ministry of Education;总校教育部张珊珊女士; Mr. Yu Yuebin, from the Strategy Department of our school; 总校企划部余跃斌主任;Ms. Ma Huaying of the English Teaching and Research Group. 高中英语教研组马化英老师。 接下来介绍我校几位靓丽的外教。 X: Let me introduce our lovely and respectable foreign teachers. Rose Anne from

  Ireland; 爱尔兰外教露丝安妮 ;Nadya from Ukraine;乌克兰外教娜迪亚; Richard from England; 英格兰外教理查德;and Matt from the USA;以及美国外教马特. Let?s show them our warmest welcome to all of them for their great support. (cheers and applause)

  R: Do you want to know our foreign teachers? (Yes!!!) Do you want to make friends

  with them? (Yes!!!) OK. Let? s welcome them to introduce themselves. (cheers and applause)

  (The foreign teachers introduce themselves one after another. The last one asks 2 or 3 students to introduce themselves as well in return so that they can make friends with each other.)

  (When that finishes, the host or hostess passes the Microphone to You Zhangming who is seated at the desk with her desk-mate on the side of the stage. Quietly a short play begins. )

  Game 1【Short Play】

  You Zhangming: “I?m a new student here. My parents are working in our hometown very far away. So far I have only one friend here. She is my desk-mate. Whenever I come across a problem in study, I will turn to her for help. She is very kind and patient. Except her, I dare not ask anybody else questions. I?m not good at some courses and I?m afraid that other people will laugh at me or tease me. I hope that I will have many good friends here one day, but who should I trust and make friends with?”

  Some students come onto the stage and gather around the little girl. They talk with her, send her gifts, help her carry the school bag, make faces to amuse her, etc.

  Finally, she smiles and began to laugh happily with the words “I?m very happy with so many good friends.”

  The foreign teacher, ( ), comes onto the stage to tell everybody the truth of real friendship – Friendship is about sharing. A real friend is someone who makes you happy.

  X: Thanks, ( ). Thank you for telling us the truth of friendship. At the

  same time, I have a question for all of you. Can you precisely describe what your friend looks like in English? Now ( ) is going to play a game with us to see whether we know our friends well. The game is called ?Find Your Friend? .Welcome!

  Game 2:

  The foreign teacher( R) walks onto the stage with 3 or 4 pictures of different faces together with3 or 4 volunteers . He/ she asks them to hold the pictures in front of themselves to cover their faces. Then he/ she allows another 3 or 4 students to describe what their friends look like. After each description, the foreign teacher asks the audience which one his/ her friend is. If he/ she makes it, he/ she will be allowed to come onto the stage to make friends with the one holding the picture. When that finishes, the host or hostess comes to the stage.

  R: Have you found your friend? (Yes!!!/ Not yet!!!) If I am your friend, please take

  me to your heart. Now, my dear friends. Coming up next is a song called “Take Me to Your Heart” performed by He Shuo and Zhu Junxian. Let?s enjoy the happy moment together!

  LMN: 如果我是你的朋友,那就请你把我留在你心中。接下来由何朔和朱俊贤为


  (Music & singing begin and the students can sing along.)

  R: Thank you for your wonderful performance. A life without a friend is a life without


  X: Yes. A long long journey is no longer boring and winding with a good company.

  So far how do you understand friendship? Do you know how to make friends? Now let us welcome another honored guest ( ) from () to give us a talk about friendship and how to make friends.

  (The foreign teacher asks 5~8 questions and choose any volunteer to answer them. )

  1. Have you ever made any friends on the Internet?

  2. Have you seen them in person?

  3. How do you maintain a good friendship?

  4. What is a good friend?

  5. What do you usually do together?

  6. What should a friend never do?

  7. What do you like best about your friend?

  8. Do you fight or quarrel with your friend?

  (Then the guest asks if the students have any questions to ask him/ her in return and offer immediate and brief answers. )



  R: Thank you very much. I believe everyone here must have a clear understanding of

  friendship right now. Let?s welcome ( )from Class __ Senior 1 to share with us his/ her brilliant thoughts.

  LMN: 相信在座的各位对于友谊肯定都有了更加清晰的理解。下面我们欢迎来


  Individual Speech-1.


  X: What a wonderful speech! At this very moment, ( )from Class __

  Senior 2 would also like to present his/ her personal opinions about friendship. Welcome!



  Individual Speech-2.


  R: That?s really excellent! Once a friend is made, we should be kind and helpful to

  each other in order to maintain the new friendship, to keep it longer. If you stay away from your friends for a long time, will you forget them or will you keep in touch with them? Following up next is our New friend ( ) from __________ . He/ she will lead us to sing a very famous English song named Auld Lang Syne. Let?s all rise, cross our arms and hold our hands close together.

  LMN: 以诚相待,友谊长青!我们欢迎外教_____________ 带领大家共同唱响


  (The foreign teacher leads the song and everybody sings together. )

  X: Ladies and gentlemen, Our English Corner today is coming to an end. It?s our

  great honor to have spent the wonderful evening with you.

  R: We sincerely hope that all of you have learned something and made new friends

  here. Thank you for joining us.

  X: Let?s together look forward to next week?s English Corner.

  LMN: 亲爱的老师们、同学们,再次感谢大家的支持和参与。因为有你们的加入,才有我们今天的快乐时光。让我们共同期待下一期的活动吧!

  R&X: Good-bye, everyone. See you next time!



