
发布时间:2020-10-13 13:59:08   来源:文档文库   



20世纪外语教学蓬勃发展,教学法的研究也发展很快。一方面,19世纪一些传统的教学法传承下来;另一方面,20世纪有许多创新的教学法。Jack C. Richard Theodore S. Rodgers 所著的 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 一书对20世纪出现的几个具有代表性的教学法进行描述和分析,有助于我们了解历史,承前启后。

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching

1  Approach and method

2  Language teaching --- second language teaching or foreign language teaching

This book is a book on the history of language teaching, but it’s more than that. According to the authors, the aim of this book is to present an objective and comprehensive picture of a particular approach or method. The authors have avoided personal evaluation, preferring to let the method or approach speak for itself and allows readers to make their own appraisals. So this book is not intended to popularize or promote particular approaches or methods described. It is designed to give the teacher or teacher trainee a straightforward introduction to commonly used an less commonly used methods, and a set of criteria by which to critically read, question, and observe methods. The goal is to enable teachers to become better informed about the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of methods and so they can better arrive at their judgments and decisions.

第一章       A brief history of language teaching 外语教学简史

本章主要介绍20世纪以前的外语教学简史, 通过此章的学习,我们将会发现20世纪出现的教学法都是历史的延续和发展。在这章中,我们将了解两种传统的教学法:The Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法)和 The Direct Method(直接法)

第二章       The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching 外语教学法理论与方法的性质


1  Approach(理论):语言理论和学习理论

2  Design(设计):教学目的、大纲、教学活动形式、学生角色、教师角色、教材的作用

3  Procedure(教学步骤)

This chapter will present a model for the description, analysis, and comparison of

methods. This model will be used as a framework for the subsequent discussions and analyses of particular language teaching methods and philosophies.


第三章       The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching 口语法和情景法

第四章       The Audiolingual method 听说法

第五章       Communicative Language Teaching 交际法

第六章       Total Physical Response 全身反应法

第七章       The Silent Way 沉默法

第八章       Community Language Learning 社团学习法

第九章       The Natural Approach 自然法

第十章       Suggestopedia 暗示法

Where a method or approach has extensive and acknowledged links to a particular tradition in second or foreign language teaching, this historical background is treated in the first section of the chapter.

Where a method or approach has no acknowledged ties to established second or foreign language teaching practice, historical perspective is not relevant. In these cases the method is considered in terms of its links to more general linguistic, psychological, or educational traditions.

第十一章 教学法的比较和评估


This chapter examines methods from a broader framework and present a

curriculum-development perspective on methodology.

第一章A brief history of language teaching 外语教学简史

This chapter provides a background for discussion of contemporary methods and suggests the issues we will refer to in analyzing these methods.

Changes in language teaching methods throughout history have reflected

a.             Recognition of changes in the kind of proficiency learners need (oral proficiency or reading comprehension)

b.             Changes in theories of the nature of language and of language learning.




3the decline of Latin

4、受拉丁语教学法影响的modern language(如英语、德语、法语等等)的教学法

这种方法就是The Grammar-Translation Method

二、The Grammar-Translation Method



the goal of foreign language learning

reading and writing/speaking and listening

vocabulary selection




the student’s native language


三、Language teaching innovations in the 19th century

1Increased opportunities for communication: oral proficiency

2Individual language teaching specialists:

C. Marcel: emphasized the important meaning in learning

T. Prendergast: proposed the first “structural syllabus”

F.Gouin: “series”

四、The Reform Movement

1、语言学的发展:The International Phonetic Association1886年)

2Reformer 的观点

Henry Sweet: The Practical Study of Languages 1899年)

Wilhelm Vietor: Language Teaching Must Start Afresh


the spoken language


hear the language first

words and sentences

the rules of grammar


3natural methods 的兴起,其中一种就是众所周知的Direct Method

五、The Direct Method

1  倡导者:Gouin Sauveur

foundation: natural language learning principles

2  Berlitz Method :

principles and procedures



六、The Coleman Report1929 in the United States

七、method 到底是什么?

the goals of language teaching

the basic nature of language

the selection of language content

principles of organization, sequencing and presentation

the role of the native language


best teaching techniques and activities and circumstances

Particular methods differ in the way they address these issues. We need to present a model for the description, analysis, and comparison of methods.

Question for discussion:



第二章   外语教学法理论和方法的性质

In this chapter, we will clarify the relationship between approach and method and present a model for description, analysis, and comparison of methods. And this model will be used as a framework for our subsequent discussions and analyses of particular language teaching methods and philosophies.

一、Approach and method

1  the model of Edward Anthony 1963

approach: a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning

method: an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material

technique: which actually takes place in a classroom

Anthony’s model serves as a useful way of distinguishing between different degrees of abstraction and specificity found in different language teaching proposals.

2  the model of Mackey 1965

Mackey’s model of language teaching analysis concentrates on the dimensions(规模, 大小) of selection, gradation, presentation, and repetition underlying a method. (textbooks)

3  Anthony’s model 的不足:

a)         Nothing is said about the roles of teachers and learners.

b)        It fails to account for how an approach may be realized in a method, or for how method and technique are related.

4  Our model ( revised and extended Anthony’s model )


A method is theoretically related to an approach, is organizationally determined by a design, and is practically realized in procedure.

二、Approach: the nature of language and language learning

1  Theory of language: three different theoretical views of language and the nature of language proficiency

Structural view : language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning. The target of language learning is seen to be the mastery of elements of this system, which are generally defined in terms of phonological units, grammatical units, grammatical operations, and lexical items.

Function view : language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning

Interactional view : language is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and for the performance of social transactions between individuals. patterns of exchange and interaction or the inclinations of learners

2  Theory of language learning

A learning theory underlying an approach or method responds to two questions:

a.   What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning?

Process-oriented theories : habit formation; induction; inferencing; hypothesis

testing; generalization

b.     What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated?

Condition-oriented theories : the nature of the human; physical context in which language learning takes place

举例说明: Natural Approach (process and condition)

Counseling-learning (conditions)

Total Physical Response (process and condition)

Silent Way (conditions)


1  Objective 目标

Different theories of language and language learning influence the focus of a method.

Linguistically oriented or product-oriented objectives:

oral skills

general communication skills

basic grammar and vocabulary

Process-oriented objectives 强调过程的目标

判断教学法的objectivesprocess-oriented or product-oriented需要考虑两个因素:

a  how much emphasis is placed on vocabulary acquisition and grammatical proficiency 词汇习得和语法水平

b  how grammatical or pronunciation errors are treated in the method

2  Content choice and organization: the syllabus

subject matter(what to talk about) and linguistic matter(how to talk about)

content issues: the principles of selection and gradation

a prior syllabuses and a posteriori syllabuses

3  Types of learning and teaching activities

the use of different kinds of activities

different uses for particular activity types

activity types

4  Learner roles

the types of activities learners carry out

the degree of control learners have over the content of learning

the patterns of learner groupings adopted

the degree to which learners influence the learning of others

the view of the learner as processor, performer, initiator, problem solver

5  Teacher roles

Teacher roles are related to the following issues:

the types of functions teachers are expected to fulfill

the degree of control the teacher has over how learning takes place

the degree to which the teacher is responsible for determining the content of what is taught

the interactional patterns that develop between teachers and learners

learner-teacher relationships:

asymmetrical kinds 不对称类型

symmetrical kinds 对称类型

6  The role of instructional materials 教学材料的作用

the primary goal of materials

the form of materials

the relation of materials to other sources of input

the abilities of teachers


three dimensions: 三个维度

the use of teaching activities(drills, dialogues, information-gap activities) to present new language and to clarify and demonstrate formal, communicative, or other aspects of the target language

the ways in which particular teaching activities are used for practicing language

the procedures and techniques or content of their utterances or sentences

Classroom techniques, practices, and behaviors observed when the method is used

resources in terms of time, space, and equipment used by the teacher

interactional patterns observed in lessons

tactics 战术 and strategies used by teachers and learners when the method is being used


第三章                     The oral approach and situational language teaching

The terms Oral Approach or Situational Language refer an approach to language teaching developed by British applied linguists from 1930s to the 1960s.


1Harold Palmer and A. S. Hornbya systematic study of the principles and procedures that could be applied to the selection and organization of the content of a language.

2Vocabulary control

the role of vocabulary

a core of 2000 or so words occurred frequently in written texts

1  Grammar control

Palmer: grammar as the underlying sentence patterns of the spoken language

Hornby: sentence patterns into the first dictionary for students of English as a foreign language ----- The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English

二、The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching

the Oral Approach (not to be confused with the Direct Method, which lacked a systematic basis in applied linguistic theory and practice)

Situational Language Teaching (1960s)

main characteristics P38,39


1  Theory of language

a type of British structuralism: speech / structure

one of the distinctive features: structures must be linked to situations in which they could be used

the functional trend in British linguistics since the 1930s ( J. R. Firth and M. A. K. Holliday: language was viewed as purposeful activity related to goals and situations in the real world.)

2  Theory of learning

a type of behaviorist habit-learning theory

(As Palmer has pointed out, there are three processes in learning a language: 1. receiving the knowledge or materials 2. fixing it in the memory by repetition, 3. using it in actual practice until it becomes a personal skill )

Language learning as habit formation

SLT adopts an inductive approach to the teaching of grammar (induced from the way the form is used in a situation)

same processed are thought to occur both in child language learning and in second language learning


1  Objectives: to teach a practical command of the four basic skills of language

Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial.

Automatic control of basic structures and sentence patterns is fundamental.

Writing derives from speech.

2  The syllabus

a structural syllabus—a list of the basic structures and sentence patterns

a word list

situation : the manner of presenting and practicing sentence patterns

3  Types of learning and teaching activities

a situational approach —— presenting new sentence patterns

situation: the use of concrete objects, pictures and realia, actions and gestures (Pittman)

a drill-based manner —— practicing the new sentence patterns

practice techniques: guided repetition, substitution activities, pair practice

4  Learner roles

listen, repeat and responds to questions and commands

have no control over the content of learning

5  Teacher roles

Threefold: a model—the presentation stage

a skillful manipulator

on the lookout for errors—the practice phase

teacher’s responsibilities

The teacher is essential to the success of the method.

6  The role of instructional materials

Textbook: contains organized lessons

Visual aids: consists of wall charts, flashcards, pictures, stick figures

The teacher is expected to be the master of his textbook.


aim: to move from controlled to freer practice of structures and from oral use of sentence

patterns to their automatic use in speech, reading and writing.

the teaching of a structure: four parts

the sequence of activities:

listening practice

choral imitation

individual imitation


building up to a new model


substitution drilling

question-answer drilling



In the mid-sixties, the view of language, language learning, and language teaching underlying Situational Language Teaching was called into question. But because the principles of Situational Language Teaching, with its strong emphasis on oral practice, grammar, and sentence patterns, conform to the intuitions of many practically oriented classroom teachers, it continues to be widely used in the 1980s.

Question for discussion:


The terms oral approach or situational language teaching refer to an approach to language teaching developed by British applied linguists from the 1930s to the 1960s. The impact of the oral approach has been long lasting, and it has shaped the design of many widely used EFL/ESL textbooks and courses, including many still being used today (for examples: many of L.G.Alexander’s widely used textbooks). This method is widely used at the time of writing.

第四章   The Audiolingual Method 听说法


The combination of structural linguistic theory, constructive analysis, aural-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology led to the Audiolingual Method

1  1929The Coleman Report后美国出现的外语教学法

a modified Direct Method

a reading-based approach

a reading-oral approach


2Army Specialized Training Program1942

3Informant method Bloomfield

mastery of American Indian languages

1  Army Method

derived from the intensity of contact with the target language

the value of an intensive, oral-based approach to the learning of a foreign language

5English Language Institute (1939 the University of Michigan)

Charles Fries : principles of structural linguistics

pattern practice

6general form (1950)

A lesson began with work on pronunciation, morphology, and grammar, followed by

drills and exercises.

1  Contrastive analysis

systematic comparisons of English with other languages

2  Aural-oral approach (1950s)

aural training first, then pronunciation training, followed by speaking, reading, and writing

Practice makes perfect.

3  The Addiolingual Method

Structural linguistic theory

Contrastive analysis

Aural-oral procedures

Behaviorist psychology


1  Theory of language

structural linguistics (1950s) : a reaction to traditional grammar

the characteristics of the term structural

the primary medium of language is oral: speech is language

2  Theory of learning

behavioral psychology : stimulus, response, reinforcement

hypotheses about language learning and language teaching

learning principles P57


1  Objectives

Short-range objectives

Long-range objectives

Speaking skills

2  The syllabus

a linguistic syllabus : phonology, morphology, and syntax of the language

a lexical syllabus of basic vocabulary

language skills : listening, speaking, reading, writing

3  Types of learning and teaching activities



Various kinds of drills : repetition, inflection, replacement…

4  Learner roles


a reactive role, have little control

5  Teachers roles

central and active

models the target language

controls the direction and pace of learning

monitors and corrects the learners’ performance

6  The role of instructional materials


tape recorders and audiovisual equipment


1the process of teaching involves extensive oral instruction

2the procedures the teacher should adopt ( Brook)

3procedures in a typical audiolingual lesson

五、The decline of Audiolingualism

1Criticism on two fronts: the theoretical foundations and the practical results

2the theoretical attack: Noam Chomsky’s theory of transformational grammar

1  Cognitive code learning

acknowledged the role of abstract mental processes in learning

the cognitive-code theroy


Audiolingualism stresses the mechanistic aspects of language learning and language use.

Situational Language Teaching and Audiolingualism (similarities and difference)

Question for discussion:


第五章   Communicative Language Teaching


1  The decline of Situational Language Teaching in Britain

British applied linguists began to call into question the theoretical assumption underlying Situational Language Teaching.

2British applied linguists: the functional and communicative potential of language

3Changing educational realities in Europe

4Notional syllabuses Wilkins 1976

5Communicative language teaching

strong version

weak version

6the major distinctive features of the Audiolingual Method and the Communicative

Language Teaching

7Bronislaw Malinowski and John Firth

8Learner-centered and experience-based view of second language teaching


1  Theory of language

language as communication

Hymes’s view

Halliday’s view

Henry Widdowson’s view

Canale and Swain’s view

The characteristics of the communicative view of language

2  Theory of learning

Elements of an underlying learning theory: communication principle, task principle,

meaningfulness principle

Krashen’s view

Johnson and Littlewood’s view


1  Objectives

Piepho’s discussion (general objectives)

No defined particular objectives

2  The syllabus

Notional syllabus

Widdowson’s argument

Yalden’s classification of communicative syllabus types

Discussion concerning syllabus

3  Types of learning and teaching activities

Classroom activities are inlimited.

Littlewood ( functional communication activities and social interaction activities)

4  Learner roles

learner as negotiatorlearner contributes as much as he gains

the cooperative approach

5  Teacher roles

Breen and Candlin’s description—three roles

Need analyst (formally and informally)


Group process manager

6  The role of instructional materials

Text-based materials

Task-based materials



Description of typical classroom procedures used in a lesson based on CLT principles is not feasible.

Finocchiaro and Brufit’s lesson outline

Littlewood : a sequence of acitivities

Savignon’s view


Communicative Language Teaching is best considered an approach rather than a method. It appeared at a time when British language was ready for a paradigm shift. CLT appealed to those who sought a more humanistic approach to teaching, one in which the interactive processes of communication received priority. Now that the initial wave of enthusiasm has passed, some of the claims of CLT are being looked at more critically.

Question for discussion:



第六章   Total Physical Response


1the “trace theory” of memory in psychology

2developmental psychologychild first language acquisition

3humanistic psychology: the role of affective factors

1  Comprehension Approach

2  a tradition: the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level


1  Theory of language

structuralist or grammar-based views of language

detailed cognitive map (abstractions and nonabstractions)

the central role of comprehension in language learning

language can be internalized as wholes or chunks

2  Theory of learning

Reminiscent of the views of behavioral psychology: a stimulus-response view

Learning hypotheses ( to facilitate or inhibit foreign language learning )

the bio-program: first and second language learning---parallel processes

brain lateralization: right-brain learning

reduction of stress: stress-free environment


1  Objectives

The general objectives: to teach oral proficiency at a beginning level

Specific instructional objectives are not elaborated.

2  The syllabus: be inferred from an analysis of the exercise types employed in TPR classes

a sentence-based syllabus

a fixed number of items be introduced at a time

attention to both the global meaning of language and the finer details of its organization

3  Types of learning and teaching activities

Imperative drills are the major classroom activity.

Role playscenter on everyday situation

Slide presentations

Reading and writing activities

4  Learner roles

A primary role : listener and performer

Have little influence over the content

Monitor and evaluate their own progress

5  Teacher roles

Active and direct role

Well prepared and well organized

Teachers follow the example of parents giving feedback

Cautions: illusion of simplicity; having too narrow a tolerance for errors

6  The role of instructional materials

No basic text, materials and realia play an increasing role in later learning stages.

Student kits that focus on specific situations (supporting materials)


Asher’s account of a course:


New commands

Role reversal

Reading and writing


Total Physical Response has enjoyed some popularity because of its support by those who

emphasize the role of comprehension in second language acquisition. It represents a useful techniques and is compatible with other approaches to teaching.

Question for discussion:


第七章   The Silent Way


The premise of the Silent Way

The learning hypotheses

Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates. (discovery learning)

Learning is facilitated by accompanying physical objects.

Learning is facilitated by problem solving.


1  Theory of language

Gattegno views language as a substitute for experience.

The “spirit” of the language

A structural approach

Vocabulary as a central dimension

2  Theory of learning


Artificial approach

The self of the learner

Learning to learn


1  Objectives

The general objectives: to give beginning level students oral and aural facility

An immediate objectives: to provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the

grammar of the language

Teach learners how to learn a language

2  The syllabus

a basically structural syllabus


3  Types of learning and teaching activities

simple linguistic tasks

responses to commands, questions and visual cues

4  Learner roles

Learners are expected to develop independence, autonomy and responsibility.

Learners exert a strong influence over each other’s learning.

Playing varying roles

5  Teacher roles

Teacher silence is the most demanding aspect of the Silent Way.

To teach, to test, to get out of the way

Create an environment

Teacher likes the complete dramatist.

6  The role of instructional materials

The pronunciation charts

The colored cuisenaire rods

The vocabulary or word charts

Other materials


A standard format

Practice of the sounds (using the pronunciation charts)

Practice of sentence patterns, structure, and vocabulary (using the rods and charts)

A sample lesson


The actual practices of the Silent Way are much less revolutionary than might be expected. The innovations derive from the manner in which classroom activities are organized, the indirect role the teacher is required to assume in directing and monitoring learner performance, the responsibility placed upon learners, and the materials used.

Question for discussion:


第八章   Community Language Learning


1Rogerian counseling

2Humanistic techniquesthe whole person

3Language alternation


1  Theory of language

Traditional structuralist position

Language as social process

The interactional view of language: interaction between equals, interaction between


2  Theory of learning

Contracted with traditional views (a putative learning view, the behavioral view)

The whole-person learning (five stages)

Consensual validation

S(secure)A(attention and aggression)R(retention and reflection)D(discrimination)

the personal commitments


1  Objectives

Explicit linguistic or communicative objectives are not defined.

Teacher transfers knowledge and proficiency to the learner.

Goal: attaining near-native like mastery of the target language

Specific objectives are not addressed.

2  The syllabus

No conventional language syllabus

Topic-based course

Teacher’s responsibility

3  Types of learning and teaching activities

Combines innovative learning tasks and activities with conventional ones.

Translation, Group Work, Recording, Transcription, Analysis, Reflection and observation, Listening, Free conversation

4  Learner roles

members of a community

become counselors to other learners

Five stages

5  Teacher roles


Specific teacher roles are keyed to the five development stages.

providing a safe environment

Note two “asides” in the discussion of learning security.

6  The role of instructional materials

A textbook is not considered a necessary component.

Materials may be developed by the teacher as the course develops.

the use of teaching machines


1  classical CLL and personal interpretations of it

2  the description of some typical activities in CLL classed

3  a protocol of what a first day’s CLL class covered


Community Language Learning is the most responsive of the methods we have reviewed in terms of its sensitivity to learner communication intent. It places unusual demands on language teachers. Critics of Community Language Learning question many aspects of CLL. Supporters of CLL emphasize the positive benefits of a method that centered on the learner and stresses the humanistic side of language learning.

Question for discussion:


第九章   The Natural Approach


1  Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen

2  The Natural Approach and traditional approaches

3  The Natural Approach and the Natural Method


1  Theory of language

communication as the primary function of language

give little attention to a theory of language

The importance of vocabulary is stressed.

view language learning as mastery of structures by stages (I+1)

a view of language consists of lexical items, structure, and messages

2  Theory of learning: Krashen’s language acquisition theory

The Acquisition/Learning hypothesis

The monitor hypothesis

The natural order hypothesis

The input hypothesis

The affective filter hypothesis


1  Objectives


Specific objectives depend upon learner needs and the skill and level being taught.

It is important to communicate to learners what they can expect of a course as well as

what they should not expect.

2  The syllabus

Two points of view to approach course organization

Content selection

3  Types of learning and teaching activities

Command-based activities

Direct Method activities

Situation-based practice of structures and patterns

Group-work activities

the characteristics of the Natural Approach

4  Learner roles

a processor of comprehensible input

Learners’ roles change according to their stages of linguistic development.

Learner have four kinds of responsibilities.

5  Teacher roles

Three central roles

a.       the primary source of comprehensible input

b.       create a classroom atmosphere

c.       choose and orchestrate a rich mix of classroom activities

6  The role of instructional materials

the primary goal of materials

the primary aim of materials

other recommended materials



The Natural Approach adopts techniques and activities freely from various method sources.



The Natural Approach belongs to a tradition of language teaching methods based on observation and interpretation of how learners acquire both first and second languages in nonformal setting. Its greatest claim to originality lies not in the techniques it employs but in their use in a method that emphasizes comprehensible and meaningful practice activities, rather than production of grammatically perfect utterances and sentences.

Question for discussion:

自然法的自然之处在哪里? 创新之处又在哪里?

第十章   Suggostopedia



2the most conspicuous characteristics of Suggestopedia

3Soviet psychology

1  mental states

5the centrality of music and musical rhythm to learning


1 Theory of language

lexis is central

whole meaningful text

a language to be its vocabulary and the grammar rules for organizing vocabulary

2 Theory of learning

a desuggestive-suggestive sense

six principal theoretical components:

authority, infantilization, double-planedness, intonation, rhythm, concert


the type of music

the rate of presentation of material to be learned within the rhythmic pattern


1 Objectives

deliver advanced conversational proficiency quickly

increased access to understanding and creative solutions of problems

2 The syllabus

course description

time duration

each unit

the whole course

3 Types of learning and teaching activities

imitation, question and answer, role play

listening activities

4 Learner roles

The mental state of the learner is critical to success. mind-altering


2  Teacher roles

the primary role of the teacher

expected teacher behaviors

needs three to six months training in acting, singing, and psychotherapeutic techniques

3  The role of instructional materials

Direct support materials: text and tape

Indirect support materials: classroom fixtures and music


Bancroft’s description: a four-hour language class has three distinct parts.

The first part: an oral review section

The second part: new material is presented and discussed

The third part: the séance or concert session


Suggestopedia has probably received both the most enthusiastic and the most critical response of any of the so-called new methods. It is not productive to further belabor the science/nonscience, date/double-talk issues and instead try to identify and validate those techniques from Suggestopedia that appear effective and that harmonize with other successful techniques in the language teaching inventory.

Question for discussion;


十一章   Comparing and evaluating methods: some suggestions






2、语言课程发展需要做四个方面的工作:needs analysis, formulation of objectives,

selection of teaching and learning activities, evaluation

3、在对教学法进行评估时,需要搜集四种类型的数据:descriptive data, observational data,

effective data, comparative data












British structuralism







Visual aids






Oral fluency




Tape recorder











Task-based materials,










(beginning level)





No basic












tion charts

colored rods

word charts










No textbook






No syllabus


Materials from realia








No syllabus


Text and tape

Classroom fixtures and



