
发布时间:2020-02-06 17:40:40   来源:文档文库   




    The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains into the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly 1 . It seems that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep 2  as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my 3 , the graduation test of the classical Indian dance.

    After a decade of learning this art form, I had 4  been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer's life as it pays 5  to all the factors in one's life that 6  the dance form: one's culture and family.

    The performance is undertaken only by the most 7  and determined students. It is a difficult process that requires much 8 . For more than six months, I spent two to three hours every day 9  these dances. Many times, I 10  myself to my physical and mental breaking point, but still I would not stop. I could not give up. There was always so much more to do and so much more to 11 .

    I 12  a lot about myself in those tiring hours. I learned that I was far too 13  to give up, and I was too proud to prove myself 14  after I had set an unrealistic goal. Even with physical pain and mental 15 , I forced myself to meet my 16 . Even when I was at the end of my 17 , there was always something driving me on, forcing me not to give up.

    Fortunately, I made it. What I had done 18  the success. It was in those hours that I learned what a dancer 19  is. Those time was evidence that I could 20  something I set out to do.

1. A. pulled back

B. set off

C. reached out

D. broke away

2. A. sleep

B. thought

C. breath

D. sorrow

3. A. career

B. attempt

C. response

D. performance

4. A. easily

B. eventually

C. absolutely

D. desperately

5. A. debt

B. visit

C. interest

D. respect

6. A. develop

B. rescue

C. introduce

D. promote

7. A. focused

B. beautiful

C. intelligent

D. considerate

8. A. talent

B. strength

C. commitment

D. comprehension

9. A. recording

B. practicing

C. discussing

D. designing

10. A. applied

B. addicted

C. treated

D. pushed

11. A. forget

B. design

C. learn

D. research

12. A. abandoned

B. discovered

C. controlled

D. undertook

13. A. brilliant

B. brave

C. stubborn

D. discourage

14. A. wrong

B. nervous

C. frightened

D. careless

15. A. function

B. action

C. level

D. stress

16. A. budget

B. expectation

C. expense

D. deadline

17. A. limit

B. purpose

C. preparation

D. destination

18. A. increased

B. deserved

C. expanded

D. exposed

19. A. completely

B. chiefly

C. truly

D. originally

20. A. change

B. supply

C. explain

D. accomplish

【答案】 1A;(2C;(3D;(4B;(5D;(6A;(7A;(8C;(9B;(10D;(11C;(12B;(13C;(14A;(15D;(16B;(17A;(18B;(19C;(20D


1)考查动词短语。A. pulled back“拉回,往后倾B. set off“出发C. reached out“伸出手D. broke away“脱离。此处是指我被灯光照得睁不开眼,赶紧身体往后倾。故选A

2)考查名词。A. sleep“睡觉B. thought“思考C. breath“呼吸D. sorrow“悲伤。根据上文 可知,作者感觉有好多人在观看,所以很紧张,于是深呼吸来缓解紧张,故选C

3)考查名词。A. career“事业B. attempt“尝试C. response“ 回应D. performance“表演,表现。上文说舞曲开始,可知,我进入舞台后,开始了表演,故选D

4)考查副词。A. easily“容易地B. eventually“最终C. absolutely“绝对地,当然D. desperately“绝望。根据语可知,此处是指在学习了10年这种舞蹈艺术形式之后,终于认为我已经准备好接受最难的表演。故选B

5)考查名词。A. debt“债务B. visit “ 拜访C. interest“兴趣D. respect“尊重。此处是指这项测试是舞蹈演员一生中最重要的一项活动,因为它是对一个人一生中开发舞蹈形式的所有因素的尊重。故选D

6)考查动词。A. develop“开发,发展B. rescue“拯救C. introduce“介绍,引进D. promote“推广。此处是指因为它是对一个人一生中开发舞蹈形式的所有因素的尊重。故选A

7)考查形容词。A. focused“专注的B. beautiful“漂亮的C. intelligent“聪明的,明智的D. considerate“体贴的。连词and连词的是两个并列的成分。分析句子可知,本空与“determined”是并列关系,可知只有最专注、最坚定的学生才会表演,可知选A

8)考查名词。A. talent“天赋B. strength“力量,力气C. commitment“承诺,投入,奉献,付出D. comprehension“理解。根据语境可知,此处是指这是一个需要很多付出的艰难过程,故选C

9)考查动词。A. recording“录音B. practicing“练习C. discussing“讨论D. designing“设计。此处是指在六个多月的时间里,我每天花两到三个小时练习这些舞蹈,故选B

10)考查动词。A. applied“应用B. addicted“上瘾C. treated“治疗D. pushed“动,逼迫。根据下文“my physical and mental breaking point”,可知此处是指很多次,我把自己逼到身心崩溃的边缘。故选D

11)考查动词。A. forget“忘记B. design“设计C. learn“学习D. research“研究。根据上文我不能放弃,可知,此处是指总有那么多事情要做,那么多东西要学。故选C

12)考查动词。A. abandoned“放弃B. discovered“发现C. controlled“控制D. undertook“从事。此处是指在那些疲惫的时间里,我发现了很多关于自己的东西故选B

13)考查形容词。A. brilliant“明亮的B. brave“勇敢的C. stubborn“固执的,倔强的D. discourage“使泄气的。根据下文即使有身体上的痛苦和精神上的压力以及树立了一个不切实际的目标,可知,我明白了我是如此的固执以至于不能放弃。故选C

14)考查形容词。A. wrong  “错误的B. nervous“紧张的C. frightened“害怕的D. careless“粗心的。此处是指我设定了一个不切实际的目标之后,我是如此的骄傲以至于不能证明自己是错的。故选A

15)考查名词。A. function“功能B. action“行动C. level“水平D. stress“压力。根据语境可知,此处是指即使有身体上的痛苦和精神上的压力,故选D

16)考查名词。A. budget“预算B. expectation“期望,预期C. expense“费用D. deadline“期限,截止日期。此处是指即使有身体上的疼痛和精神上的压力,我还是强迫自己去满足我的期望。故选B

17)考查名词。A. limit“限制B. purpose“目的C. preparation“准备D. destination“目的地。此处是指即使达到了极限,也总有一些东西驱使着我,迫使我不放弃,故选A

18)考查动词。A. increased“增加B. deserved“值得C. expanded“扩大D. exposed“暴露。此处是指幸运的是,我成功了。我所做的理应成功。故选B

19)考查副词。A. completely“完全地B. chiefly“主要地C. truly“真正地D. originally“最初。此处是指正是在那几个小时,我明白了什么是真正的舞者,故选C

20)考查动词。A. change“变化B. supply“供应C. explain“解释D. accomplish“完成。此处是指这段时间证明我可以完成我要做的事情。故选D



    The auction(拍卖)took place on a mild morning. 1  , standing in front of an expectant 2  with a sign with his pig's picture, 15-year-old Wayion Klitzman was sweating.

    Waylon called his pig "Roo". The farm boy hoped the money from Roo's 3  would help with cancer research.

    It started with a 4  .

    In August 2017, Wayion 5  9th grade and in those first weeks of school, Wayion 6 his algebra teacher, Kim Katzenmeyer, for support. Their special 7  grew over the last school year. "She saw the 8  in me and we just connected that way," said Wayion.

    Then Katzenmeyer's niece was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that mostly 9 children. After months of watching her niece receive cancer treatments, Katzcnmcyer 10 her teaching job to volunteer full time at the cancer research charity, Beat NB.

    Katzenmeyer meant a lot to Wayion and he just wanted to 11  . Then he had an 12 to auction his pig to 13  money for the cancer charity. So before the auction day, Wayion sent letters to people explaining his 14  to sell his pig and donate the profits to Beat NB. The letter 15  his beloved teacher whose niece was battling cancer.

    The auction turned out to be particularly 16  . Buyers kept 17  Way Ion's pig so he could sell it over and over. Wayion had thought that, with luck, his pig would bring in 18  over $ 600. In the end, Roo fetched more than $ 10,000 for Beat NB.

    "We give back to the community 19  we can. We are blessed to be able to be doing what we do," said one of the buyers with a 20  of pride.

1. A. Therefore

B. Otherwise

C. Yet

D. Besides

2. A. staff

B. crowd

C. niece

D. seller

3. A. sale

B. performance

C. show

D. action

4. A. boy

B. teacher

C. doctor

D. farmer

5. A. completed

B. continued

C. began

D. skipped

6. A. relied on

B. picked up

C. devoted to

D. came across

7. A. favor

B. response

C. touch

D. bond

8. A. first

B. least

C. best

D. worst

9. A. affects

B. owes

C. follows

D. faces

10. A. held

B. quit

C. started

D. found

11. A. interrupt

B. change

C. stop

D. help

12. A. offer

B. appeal

C. idea

D. effort

13. A. demand

B. convey

C. store

D. raise

14. A. request

B. desire

C. promise

D. approval

15. A. described

B. reminded

C. informed

D. ignored

16. A. attractive

B. acceptable

C. appropriate

D. successful

17. A. feeding

B. returning

C. admiring

D. introducing

18. A. even

B. still

C. just

D. exactly

19. A. unless

B. because

C. once

D. wherever

20. A. sense

B. thought

C. mind

D. state

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3A;(4B;(5C;(6A;(7D;(8C;(9A;(10B;(11D;(12C;(13D;(14B;(15A;(16D;(17B;(18C;(19D;(20A


1)考查副词。句意:拍卖在一个不冷不热  早晨举行。然而,站在充满期待的一大群人面前,15岁的Wayion站在一大群人前正紧张得流汗。A. Therefore“因此”;B. Otherwise“否则”;C. Yet“然而”;D. Besides“此外。此处yet表示"然而",对比on a mild morningwas sweating可知选C

2)考查名词。句意:拍卖在一个不冷不热的早晨举行。然而,站在充满期待的一大群人面前,15岁的Wayion紧张得流汗。A. staff“职员”;B. crowd“人群”;C. niece“侄女”;D. seller“销售员。在拍卖会,应该是一大群人参与竞拍。故选B

3)考查名词。句意:Wayion希望画作的拍卖所得将用于癌症研究。A. sale“销售”;B. performance“表演”;C. show“展示”;D. action“行动。故选A

4)考查名词。句意:这一切都开始于一位老师。 A. boy“男孩’;B. teacher”老师“;C. doctor”医生“;D. farmer”农民。根据下文”Wayionhis algebra teacher, Kim Katzenmeyer, for support.“开始有这名老师讲起。故选B

5)考查动词。句意:20178,Wayion开始上九年级,在刚开始的几周里,依靠他的几何老师Kim Katzenmeyer获得支持。A. completed”完工,结束“;B. continued”继续“;C. began”开始“;D. skipped”跳过。下文中的”in those first weeks of school“有提示,故选C

6)考查动词短语。句意:20178,Wayion开始上九年级,在刚开始的几周里,依靠他的几何老师Kim Katzenmeyer获得支持。A. relied on”依靠“;B. picked up”捡起“;C. devoted to”致力于“;D. came across”偶遇。故选A

7)考查名词。句意:他们之间的联系持续到了最后一学年。 A. favor”恩惠,支持“;B. response ”答复“;C. touch”触摸“; D. bond”联系。故选D

8)考查形容词。句意:Wayion:她能看到我的优点,我们就这样联系在了一起。A. first”第一“; B. least”最少的“;C. best”最好的“;D. worst”最糟的。故选C

9)考查动词。句意:随后,Katzenmeyer的侄女得了一种主要影响儿童的罕见癌症。A. affects”影响“;    B. owes”“;C. follows”跟随“;D. faces”面对。故选A

10)考查动词。句意: Katzcnmcyer放弃了教学工作,在癌症研究机构做全职志愿者。A. held”举行“;B. quit”退出“;C. started”开始“;D. found”发现。故选B

11)考查动词。句意:Katzenmeyer Wayion来说很重要,因此Wayion想帮助自己的老师。A. interrupt”打断“;B. change” 改变“;C. stop”停止“; D. help”帮助。故选D

12)考查名词。句意:Wayion有了拍卖自己的画作,为癌症研究机构筹集钱的想法。A. offer” 提供,提出“;B. appeal”呼吁“; C. idea”主意,想法“;D. effort”努力have an idea to do sth.”有做某件事的想法。故选C

13)考查名词。句意:Wayion有了拍卖自己的画作,为癌症研究机构筹集钱的想法。A. demand”要求“;B. convey”传达“;C. store”贮存“;D. raise”筹集。故选D

14)考查名词。句意:拍卖前一天,Wayion给人们写信解释他想拍卖画作的渴望。 A. request”要求“;B. desire”渴望“;C. promise”许诺“;D. approval”同意,批准。此处应为Wayion的愿望或渴望。故选B

15)考查动词。句意:信中描述了他备受爱戴的老师和老师的患癌症的侄女。A. described”描写“;B. reminded ”提醒“;C. informed ”告知“;D. ignored”忽视。在信中,应该是描写什么内容。故选A

16)考查形容词。句意:这次拍卖结果很成功。A. attractive”吸引人的“;B. acceptable”可接受的“;C. appropriate”适当的“;D. successful”成功的。根据下文”In the end, Roo fetched more than $ 10,000 for Beat NB.“可知这次拍卖师成功的。故选D

17)考查动词。句意:竞得者们不断归还Wayion的画作,以便于他能够一遍遍地拍卖。A. feeding”喂养“;B. returning”归还“;C. admiring”欣赏,敬佩“;D. introducing”介绍。故选B

18)考查副词。句意:Wayion本来认为,幸运的话他仅仅可以得到600元。A. even”甚至“;B. still”仍然“;C. just”仅仅“;D. exactly”准确地。故选C

19)考查连词。句意:其中一个购买者自豪地说:无论在哪里,我们都可以回馈社会。我们应该能够做我们该做的事。A. unless”除非“;B. because”因为“;C. once”一旦,曾经“;D. wherever”无论在哪里,无论何处。故选D

20)考查名词。句意:其中一个购买者自豪地说:无论在哪里,我们都可以回馈社会。我们应该能够做我们该做的事。 A. sense”感觉“;B. thought ”想法“;C. mind”主意,思想“;D. state”状态sense of pride”自豪感。选A



    I began to do volunteer work in grade seven. I experienced many meaningful moments, and the most 1 ones were when I was volunteering as a swimming 2 at the YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts. At first, I was a teacher's 3 . "What are we going to do next?" When is the play time? These were just two of the questions I was often 4 there. On the day of my first class, I thought it was going to be a(n) 5  job. I 6 that since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five, I knew the 7 about swimming. After all, I was good at all 8 of swimming! 9 , I soon found out there was more about teaching swimming than just knowing how to swim.

    During my first class, I assisted the swimming teacher in teaching a group of five-year-old kids. From that moment on, my 10 of teaching changed. Teaching is communicating. To instruct children, one has to make the lessons 11  and interesting for them to learn. I had to learn many games that would help the children to 12 as swimmers. Such as "Red Light, Green Light" and "Blast-Off." I must devote myself to teaching them and set a(n) 13 example to them.

    I expected to teach a group of children, but it 14 my students were the ones who taught me how to be a(n) 15 teacher. Not only was it challenging to learn the children's names, but it was also challenging to 16 to their many personalities and moods. There were many 17 that went along with helping these children, among which was seeing a child 18 a task that he or she could not do before they met me. 19 , through the volunteer work, I learned that there would always be rewards by giving, and there would be 20 by making efforts.

1. A. peaceful

B. optimistic

C. independent

D. unforgettable

2. A. learner

B. athlete

C. Instructor

D. official

3. A. student

B. assistant

C. colleague

D. servant

4. A. asked

B. taught

C. doubted

D. explained

5. A. interesting

B. ordinary

C. challenging

D. creative

6. A. declared

B. stressed

C. assume d

D. concluded

7. A. fare

B. trick

C. ambition

D. process

8. A. jobs

B. abilities

C. components

D. styles

9. A. However

B. Therefore

C. Moreover

D. Otherwise

10. A. expectation

B. instruction

C. requirement

D. assessment

11. A. important

B. enjoyable

C. famous

D. flexible

12. A. develop

B. promise

C. discuss

D. introduce

13. A. extreme

B. classic

C. active

D. secure

14. A. turned out

B. figured out

C. came out

D. pointed out

15. A. generous

B. humorous

C. outspoken

D. helpful

16. A. respond

B. contribute

C. stick

D. object

17. A. difficulties

B. features

C. achievements

D. situations

18. A. assign

B. organize

C. recognize

D. accomplish

19. A. Recently

B. Occasionally

C. Importantly

D. Suddenly

20. A. adventures

B. gains

C. contests

D. dreams

【答案】 1D;(2C;(3B;(4A;(5B;(6C;(7B;(8D;(9A;(10D;(11B;(12A;(13C;(14A;(15D;(16A;(17C;(18D;(19C;(20B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者曾经参加了一次教孩子们游泳  志愿者活动。通过这个活动,作者学会了如何当一个合格的老师,并感悟了"付出总有回报,努力就有收获"的人生哲理。

1)考查形容词。句意:我经历了许多有意义的时刻,其中最难忘的是我在马萨诸塞州布罗克顿的基督教青年会(YMCA)当一名游泳教练。A. peaceful”和平的B. optimistic”乐观的C. independent”重要的D. unforgettable”难忘的。作者经历过很多次志愿者活动,但文章讲的这一次是他最难忘的。故选D

2)考查名词。句意:我经历了许多有意义的时刻,其中最难忘的是我在马萨诸塞州布罗克顿的基督教青年会(YMCA)当一名游泳教练。A. learner ”初学者B. athlete”运动员C. instructor”指导者D. official”官员。作者是去教孩子们如何游泳,是一个指导员的角色。故选C

3)考查名词。句意:起初,我是一个老师的助理。A. student”学生B. assistant ”助手C. colleague”同事D. servant”仆人。那次志愿者工作的第一天,作者当的是老师的一个助手。故选B

4)考查动词。句意:"下一步我们要做什么?""游戏时间是什么时候?"这只是我经常被问到的两个问题。A. asked”询问B. taught”C. doubted”怀疑D. explained”解释。孩子们天生爱玩,在学游泳的时候总是问作者问题。故选A

5)考查形容词。句意:上第一堂课的那天,我以为这将是一份普通的工作。A. interesting”有趣的B. ordinary”普通的C. challenging”挑战的D. creative”有创造力的。由于作者很小就开始学习游泳,知道游泳的窍门,所以就觉得教小孩子游泳是一件很普通的事情。故选B

6)考查动词。句意:我想,自从我五岁开始上游泳课以来,我就知道游泳的诀窍了。A. declared”宣称B. stressed”强调C. assume”设想D. concluded”推断。根据下文内容可知是作者自己设想的,故选C

7)考查名词。句意:我想,自从我五岁开始上游泳课以来,我就知道游泳的诀窍了。A. fare”费用B. trick”诀窍C. ambition”野心D. process”过程。根据上文”since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five“可知作者五岁开始上游泳课,知道游泳的诀窍。故选B

8)考查名词。句意:毕竟,我擅长各种泳姿!A. jobs”职业B. abilities”能力C. components”组件D. styles”泳姿。作者知道游泳的窍门,擅长各种泳姿。故选D

9)考查副词。句意:然而,我很快发现,教游泳不仅仅是知道如何游泳。A. However”然而B. Therefore”因此C. Moreover”此外D. Otherwise”否则。然而,作者发现事情并没有那么简单。故选A

10)考查名词。句意:从那一刻起,我对教学的看法发生了变化。A. expectation”期待B. instruction”指令C. requirement”要求D. assessment”评定,看法。根据上文可知,作者认为教小孩子游泳是很简单的,但实际上并非如此,所以推出,作者对于教孩子游泳的看法改变了。故选D

11)考查形容词。句意:为了指导孩子,我们必须使课程有趣,让他们学习。A. important”重要的B. enjoyable”有趣的C. famous”有名的D. flexible”灵活的。作者不得不把自己的""变得有趣,以便小孩们能学会。故选B

12)考查动词。句意:我必须学习许多能帮助孩子们发展为游泳运动员的游戏。A. develop”发展B. promise”承诺C. discuss”讨论D. introduce”介绍。作者还学了很多游戏来帮助孩子们朝会游泳的人的方向发展。故选A

13)考查形容词。句意:我必须致力于教育他们,为他们树立一个积极的榜样。A. extreme”极端的B. classic”经典的C. active”活跃的;积极的D. secure”安全的。为了使孩子们学得更快,作者还积极示范。故选C

14)考查动词短语。句意:我本想教一群孩子,但结果是我的学生教会了我如何成为一名有帮助的老师。A. turned out”结果证明B. figured out”弄清楚C. came out”出版D. pointed out”指出。作者本以为是去教小孩们游泳的,可结果是孩子们教会了作者如何教育别人,如何成为一个乐于助人的老师的道理。故选A

15)考查形容词。句意:我本想教一群孩子,但结果是我的学生教会了我如何成为一名有帮助的老师。A. generous”大方的B. humorous”幽默的C. outspoken”坦率的D. helpful”有帮助的。孩子们教会了作者如何教育别人,如何成为一个乐于助人的老师的道理。故选D

16)考查动词。句意:不仅学习孩子们的名字很有挑战性,而且对他们的个性和情绪做出反应也很有挑战性。A. respond”回答B. contribute”贡献C. stick”坚持D. object”反对。作者觉得应对小孩们的个性和情绪也是很有挑战性的。故选A

17)考查名词。句意:帮助这些孩子有很多成就,其中之一就是看到一个孩子完成了他们遇到我之前无法完成的任务。A. difficulties”困难B. features”特征C. achievements”成就D. situations”情况。和孩子们待在一起有着许多的成就。故选C

18)考查动词。句意:帮助这些孩子有很多成就,其中之一就是看到一个孩子完成了他们遇到我之前无法完成的任务。A. assign”分配B. organize”组织C. recognize‘辨认D. accomplish“完成。许多的成就中其中之一就是看着他们去完成以前不能完成的任务。故选D

19)考查副词。句意:重要的是,通过志愿者工作,我明白了付出总会有回报,努力总会有收获。A. Recently“最近B. Occasionally“偶尔C. Importantly“重要地D. Suddenly“突然。重要的是,作者明白了"付出总有回报,努力就有收获"的人生哲理。故选C

20)考查名词。句意:重要的是,通过志愿者工作,我明白了付出总会有回报,努力总会有收获。A. adventures“冒险B. gains“收获C. contests“竞赛D. dreams“。作者明白了"付出总有回报,努力就有收获"的人生哲理。故选B


42019• 全国)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They 1  with them lots of waste. The 2  might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the 3  of Kilimanjaro.

    Hearing these stories, I'm 4  about the place — other destinations are described as "purer" natural experiences.

    However, I soon 5  that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of 6  among tons of rubbish. I find a 7  mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are 8  but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be 9 .

    The best of a Kilimanjaro 10 , in my opinion, isn't reaching the top. Mountains are 11  as spiritual places by many cultures. This 12  is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as 13  go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, 14  lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather 15  — low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I 16  twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland 17 : gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. 18  you climb into an arctic-like zone with 19  snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.

    Does Kilimanjaro 20  its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peaceI found the opposite to be true.

1. A. keep

B. mix

C. connect

D. bring

2. A. stories

B. buildings

C. crowds

D. reporters

3. A. position

B. age

C. face

D. name

4. A. silent

B. skeptical

C. serious

D. crazy

5. A. discover

B. argue

C. decide

D. advocate

6. A. equipment

B. grass

C. camps

D. stones

7. A. remote

B. quiet

C. all

D. clean

8. A. new

B. special

C. significant

D. necessary

9. A. paying off

B. spreading out

C. blowing up

D. fading away

10. A. atmosphere

B. experience

C. experiment

D. sight

11. A. studied

B. observed

C. explored

D. regarded

12. A. view

B. quality

C. reason

D. purpose

13. A. scientists

B. climbers

C. locals

D. officials

14. A. holding on to

B. going back to

C. living up to

D. giving way to

15. A. changes

B. clears

C. improves

D. permits

16. A. match

B. imagine

C. count

D. add

17. A. village

B. desert

C. road

D. lake

18. A. Obviously

B. Easily

C. Consequently

D. Finally

19. A. permanent

B. little

C. fresh

D. artificial

20. A. enjoy

B. deserve

C. save

D. acquire

【答案】 1D;(2C;(3C;(4B;(5A;(6C;(7D;(8C;(9A;(10B;(11D;(12A;(13B;(14D;(15A;(16C;(17B;(18D;(19A;(20B


1)考查动词辨析。A. keep保持;B. mix混合;C. connect联系;D. bring带来; 根据句意:人们尝试登山,带来了大量的垃圾。故答案为D

2)考查名词辨析。A.stories故事;B. buildings 建筑;C. crowds人群;D. reporters记者。此处指前文提到的about 40,000 people,担心他们会破坏这里的美景,故答案为C

3)考查名词辨析。A. position位置;B. age年龄;C. face 脸;外观;D. name名字。因为冰川在消失,所以会改变乞力马扎罗山的外观,故答案为C

4)考查形容词辨析。A. silent   沉默的;B. skeptical怀疑的;C. serious严肃的;D. crazy疯狂的;听到这些故事,作者感到不信。因为在下文中作者的所见与报道的完全不一样。故答案为B

5)考查动词辨析。A. discover发现;B. argue争论; C. decide决定;D. advocate提倡;下文中much has changed是作者在沿途所看见的,故答案为A

6)考查名词辨析。A. equipment设备;B. grass草;C. camps营地;D. stones石头。上文中提到登山者带来的大量垃圾,在垃圾堆中的当然是登山者的营房,故答案为C

7)考查形容词辨析。A. remote遥远的;B. quiet安静的;C. all所有的;D. clean干净的。此处与前文的change呼应,根据下文的with toilets at camps and along the paths可知这里的环境是干净的,故答案为D

8)考查形容词辨析。A. new新的;B. special特别的;C. significant重大的;D. necessary必要的。环境挑战是重大的,但是坦桑尼亚国家公园的管理者做出的努力也是有了回报。故答案为C

9)考查动词短语辨析。A. paying off得到回报;B. spreading out传播出去;C. blowing up爆炸;D. fading away逐渐消失。坦桑尼亚国家公园的管理者做出的努力好像有了回报,故答案为A

10)考查名词辨析。A. atmosphere气氛;B. experience经历;C. experiment实验;D. sight风景;本句的isn't reaching the top指的是体验;经历,故答案为B

11)考查动词辨析。A. studied学习;B. observed观察;C. explored探索;D. regarded看作。在很多文化中,山被看作是神圣的地方。be regarded as被看作,故答案为D

12)考查名词辨析。A. view风景;B. quality质量;C. reason原因;D. purpose目的;在乞力马扎罗山上,这种风景特别明显,因为一个人可以在几公里的空间经历五种生态系统。故答案为A

13)考查名词辨析。A. scientists科学家;B. climbers登山者;C. locals本地人;D. officials官员。在山上经历多种生态系统的当然是登山者,故答案为B

14)考查动词短语辨析。A. holding on to坚持;B. going back to回到;C. living up to不辜负;D. giving way to让路。此处描述由雨林到低矮的灌木的变化,故答案为D

15)考查动词辨析。A. changes变化;B. clears清除;C. improves提高;改善;D. permits允许。此处描述天气的变化,故答案为A

16)考查动词辨析。A. match匹配;B. imagine想象;C. count数;D. add加。本句中的twelve shades of green出来的,故答案为C

17)考查名词辨析。A. village村庄;B. desert沙漠;C. road公路;D. lake湖。冒号后的gravel(砾石), stones and rocks沙漠的地表特征,故答案为B

18)考查形容词辨析。A. Obviously明显的;B. Easily容易地;C. Consequently结果;D. Finally最后。arctic-like zone是五种生态系统中的最后一种,故答案为D

19)考查形容词辨析。A. permanent永久的;B. little小的;C. fresh新鲜的;D. artificial人造的;根据常识,山顶上的now and the glaciers是一直存在的。故答案为A

20)考查动词辨析。句意:乞力马扎罗山上游人如织,破坏了它的宁静的氛围是名不虚传吗?我看恰恰相反。A. enjoy喜欢;B. deserve值得;C. save救;D. acquire获得。deserve one's reputation名不虚传。故答案为B



    My father was born in a small town in the US. He wasn't sure what he wanted from 1 , but something told him to 2  and begin a new adventure.

    He began that adventure traveling to cities in the US before going on to Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. He took my mother and us three daughters with him and went wherever the road 3  him.

    It's easy to feel 4  when you're on the road. We made lots of new friends on our trip — most of them are mechanics, since we often 5  hours in repair shops. But that was a way much 6  than sitting by the roadside while waiting for the engine to 7  when it was 40℃ outside.

    Getting along well sometimes seemed 8 . There were always a lot of 9 , especially among us back-seat passengers about who had to 10  in the middle. But even if it was hard, we learned a lot about 11 . When we were traveling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been an hour's drive but was nearly three thanks to bad roads and 12  traffic. "Did you put our suitcases in the car?" my father asked my mother as we arrived there. From the back seat, we saw her 13  turn toward my father. "No," she said. "I thought you did." That was how a seven-hour car trip turned into a 16-hour one, which was mostly spent in 14 .

    On occasions like that, we had to learn to let go of our anger because we were 15  in a rolling box with the same people for the rest of the 16 . Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door and 17  one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself.

    This is why road trips were like 18  universities to us. We 19  our PHDs(博士学位) in how to get along with other people just by traveling in our old car.

    If we were 20  given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again. Only this time would I put the suitcases in the car myself.

1. A. move

B. life

C. experience

D. belief

2. A. live up

B. struggle on

C. get out

D. walk around

3. A. took

B. drove

C. served

D. controlled

4. A. anxious

B. upset

C. helpless

D. lonely

5. A. wasted

B. worked

C. spent

D. chatted

6. A. better

B. easier

C. safer

D. cleverer

7. A. break down

B. cool off

C. clear up

D. turn over

8. A. available

B. alternative

C. necessary

D. impossible

9. A. arguments

B. fights

C. embarrassments

D. amusements

10. A. settle

B. rest

C. sit

D. watch

11. A. sharing

B. respect

C. communication

D. tolerance

12. A. light

B. thick

C. local

D. fast

13. A. suddenly

B. sensitively

C. calmly

D. slowly

14. A. silence

B. vain

C. panic

D. disappointment

15. A. buried

B. crazy

C. stuck

D. impatient

16. A. holiday

B. journey

C. exploration

D. march

17. A. dragging

B. pushing

C. helping

D. sending

18. A. unusual

B. common

C. free

D. mobile

19. A. earned

B. expected

C. missed

D. valued

20. A. somewhere

B. anytime

C. somehow

D. anyway

【答案】 1B;(2C;(3A;(4D;(5C;(6A;(7B;(8D;(9A;(10C;(11D;(12B;(13D;(14A;(15C;(16B;(17B;(18D;(19A;(20C



2)考查动词短语。Alive up“快乐的过日子,实践,不辜负Bstruggle on“继续努力Cget out“出去Dwalk around“四处走动。父亲来自小镇,他不确定从生活中会获得什么,但是他知道要走出,开始新的冒险。故选C





7)考查动词短语。Abreak down“出故障Bcool off“冷却Cclear up“清理Dturn over“翻转。这里指在路边等待发动机冷却,故选B





12)考查形容词。Alight“轻的Bthick“厚的,浓密的Clocal“当地的Dfast “快的。因为路况很差和交通拥挤,本该1小时的车程,他们开了3个小时,故选B

13)考查副词。Asuddenly“突然Bsensitively“敏感地Ccalmly“平静地,镇静地Dslowly “缓慢地。我们从后排座位上看到妈妈慢慢转向父亲说话。故选D

14)考查名词。Asilence“沉默Bvain“徒劳Cpanic“恐慌Ddisappointment “失望。在旅途中我们学会了容忍,因此在7个小时的车程变成了16小时的车程时,我们大部分时间都表示沉默,故选A

15)考查形容词。Aburied“专心的Bcrazy“疯狂的Cstuck“被困的Dimpatient “没耐心的。在那种情况下,我们学会了放下愤怒,因为他们都是同一群人,待在同一个车上,故选C

16)考查名词。Aholiday“假期Bjourney“旅途Cexploration“探索Dmarch “行军。这里指全家在旅途中,故选B

17)考查动词。Adragging“拖,拽Bpushing“Chelping“帮助Dsending“” 。作者有时候想要打开门把自己的姐妹推下车,故选B

18)考查形容词。Aunusual“不寻常的Bcommon“常见的Cfree“免费的Dmobile “移动的。对他们来说,公路旅行就像移动的大学,故选D

19)考查动词。Aearned“获得Bexpected“期待Cmissed“错过Dvalued “重视。在这所移动的大学里,就如何与别人相处方面,我们获得了博士学位。故选A

20)考查副词。Asomewhere“在某处Banytime“在任何时候Csomehow“以某种方式Danyway “无论如何。如果我们以某种方式被给予第二次生命的机会,我们会重新来过。故选C



    Everybody seems to pay more attention to my little sister Lisa. I've 1  enough of this big-sister thing!

    So I decide to 2 , with my favorite toys and other 3  like clothes. Mother 4  my running away. However, she's not as upset as she 5  be, "Are you going to Grandma's?" I can't believe she can even 6  this out. She's like a witch!

    I don't 7  her and go out. So 8  on my leaving, I'm unaware Mother is 9  me. Finally I get to Grandma's. 10  I even knock, the door opens. I realize Mother has 11  ahead.

    Mother comes in and sits down, patting her thigh (大腿), "Come here." I don't want to, but I'm hot and tired, so I 12  her thigh. She pushes my hair behind my ear and asks 13 , "Dear, why have you left?" And it all comes out: "It's 14  and all the time with Lisa, I get into trouble..."

    Taking my face in her hands, Mum says, "I don't want you to be so 15 . If it's hard for you, I'll call the orphanage and send her away tomorrow." I start to 16  and I beg her, "No. Don't send her away!" Seeming 17 , Mother agrees.

    18 , whenever we have a(n) 19 , if I say, "Mum, Lisa's being mean to me!" Mum smiles, "You had your 20 ."

1. A. seen

B. had

C. done

D. thought

2. A. argue

B. move

C. talk

D. leave

3. A. necessities

B. facilities

C. valuables

D. tools

4. A. monitors

B. enjoys

C. ignores

D. notices

5. A. could

B. must

C. should

D. would

6. A. put

B. take

C. bring

D. figure

7. A. forgive

B. answer

C. watch

D. accept

8. A. keen

B. dependent

C. focused

D. impressed

9. A. seeking

B. following

C. missing

D. scolding

10. A. Before

B. When

C. Until

D. After

11. A. called

B. arrived

C. known

D. asked

12. A. push away

B. fall off

C. get on

D. hold onto

13. A. quickly

B. impatiently

C. unhappily

D. gently

14. A. unimportant

B. improper

C. unfair

D. impolite

15. A. ridiculous

B. sad

C. unconfident

D. nervous

16. A. cry

B. laugh

C. nod

D. jump

17. A. puzzled

B. unsatisfied

C. exhausted

D. unwilling

18. A. Afterwards

B. Instead

C. Frankly

D. Generally

19. A. discussion

B. plan

C. quarrel

D. choice

20. A. life

B. chance

C. experience

D. fortune

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3A;(4D;(5C;(6D;(7B;(8C;(9B;(10A;(11A;(12C;(13D;(14C;(15B;(16A;(17D;(18A;(19C;(20B







6)考查动词。句意:我不敢相信她竟然能想出这个。Aput ”Btake ”花费,取,带走;:bring”带来 Dfigure”计算figure out固定短语,估算,估计。选D



9)考查动词。句意:我太专注于我的离开,我不知道妈妈在跟踪我。Aseeking”寻找Bfollowing”跟踪,跟随Cmissing”错过,想念Dscolding ”责骂。选B



12)考查动词短语。句意:我不想那样,但是我又热又累,因此我上了她的大腿。Apush away”推开Bfall off”.....掉下来Cget on”上(车)Dhold onto”抓住不放。选C




16)考查动词。句意:我开始哭,乞求她,不,不要送她走Acry“ Blaugh“ Cnod “点头Djump“。选A



19)考查名词。句意:后来,每当我们吵架,如果我说,妈妈,丽莎对我很刻薄妈妈就会笑道,"你有你的机会。"Adiscussion“讨论Bplan“计划Cquarrel“争吵Dchoice “选择。选C




    No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 1 .

    I learned this lesson from a(n) 2  many years ago. I took the head 3 job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

    It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the 4  team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn't even practice to 5 the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn't 6  I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to 7  that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were 8 me. I had to change my 9 about their ability and potential.

    I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 10 . Most important, I began to treat them like 11 . That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their 12 , we met every day and 13 passing and kicking the football.

    Six months after suffering our 14 on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to 15 . Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a 16 for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest 17 of my life

    From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 18  the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and 19 them. I helped them to see themselves 20 , and they built themselves into winners.

    Winners are made, but born.

1. A. luck

B. tests

C. efforts

D. nature

2. A. experiment

B. experience

C. visit

D. show

3. A. operating

B. editing

C. consulting

D. coaching

4. A. successful

B. excellent

C. strong

D. new

5. A. cheer for

B. prepare for

C. help with

D. finish with

6. A. believe

B. agree

C. describe

D. regret

7. A. realize

B. claim

C. permit

D. demand

8. A. reacting to

B. looking for

C. depending on

D. caring about

9. A. decision

B. attitude

C. conclusion

D. intention

10. A. pride

B. culture

C. fortune

D. relationship

11. A. leaders

B. partners

C. winners

D. leaners

12. A. rewards

B. vacations

C. health

D. honor

13. A. risked

B. missed

C. considered

D. practiced

14. A. defeat

B. decline

C. accident

D. mistake

15. A. relax

B. improve

C. expand

D. defend

16. A. shame

B. burden

C. victory

D. favor

17. A. chances

B. thrills

C. concerns

D. offers

18. A. surprise

B. serve

C. interest

D. affect

19. A. encouraged

B. observed

C. protected

D. impressed

20. A. honestly

B. individually

C. calmly

D. differently

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3D;(4D;(5B;(6A;(7A;(8C;(9B;(10A;(11C;(12B;(13D;(14A;(15B;(16C;(17B;(18D;(19A;(20D


1)考查名词。A. luck”幸运B. tests”测试C. efforts”努力D. nature”自然。根据上文”No one is born a winner.“没有人天生就是赢家,根据常识可知,只有依靠自己的努力才能成为赢家。故选C

2)考查名词。A .experiment”实验B. experience”经历C. visit”参观D. show”展示。根据下文可知,作者是从一次经历中得出这样的教训的。故选B

3)考查动词。A. operating"操作B. editing“编辑C. consulting“咨询D. coaching“指导。根据下文“Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated.”可知,作者在一所学校担任总教练工作。故选D

4)考查形容词。A. successful“成功的B. excellent“杰出的C. strong“强壮的D. new“新的。根据上文“It was a tradition for the school's old team”中的old team提示可知,春季训练结束时,学校新老队伍对抗是一个传统。故选D

5)考查动词短语。A. cheer for“……欢呼B. prepare for“……准备C. help with“帮助某人做……”D. finish with“结束于,和. ……断绝关系。老队没有教练,他们甚至不练习来准备比赛。故选B

6)考查动词。A. believe“相信B. agree“同意C. describe“描述D. regret“后悔。根据上文“but to my disappointment we were defeated.”可知,作者不能相信会遇到这样的情况。故选A

7)考查动词。A. realize“意识到B. claim“宣称C. permit“允许D. demand“要求。我开始意识到我的队也许不是佐治亚州头号队伍。come to realize固定短语,开始意识到。故选A

8)考查动词短语。A. reacting to“……起反应B. looking for“寻找C. depending on“依靠D. caring about“关心。但他们都在依靠我。故选C

9)考查名词。A. decision“决定B. attitude“态度C. conclusion“结论D. intention“意图。我不得不改变我对他们能力和潜力的态度。故选B

10)考查名词。A. pride“自豪,自尊心B. culture“文化C. fortune“幸运D. relationship“关系。我开始做任何我能做的事情来帮助他们建立一点自尊心。故选A

11)考查名词。A. leaders“领导B. partners“伙伴C. winners“获胜者D. learners“学习者。根据下文“Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and____19____them.”以及文中最后一句提示可知,作者开始像获胜者对待他们。故选C

12)考查名词。A. reward“报酬B. vacations“假期C. health“健康D. honor“荣誉。根据“That summer”可知,当其它队队员享受着他们假期的时候。故选B

13)考查动词。A. risked“冒险B. missed“错过C. considered“考虑D. practiced“练习。根据上文“The old team had no coach, and they didn't even practice to    5    the game.”可知,这里指练习传球和踢球。故选D

14)考查名词。A. defeat“打败B. decline“跌落C. accident“事故D. mistake“错误。根据上文“but to my disappointment we were defeated.”可知,在春季训练赛场遭受失败之后。故选A

15)考查动词。A. relax“放松B. improve“提高,改善C. expand“扩大D. defend“防御。根据上文“we won our first game and our second”可知,我们继续在提高。故选B

16)考查名词。A. shame“羞愧B. burden“负担C. victory“胜利D. favor“赞成。即使我们输掉比赛,我们感觉它会是一场胜利。故选C

17)考查名词。A. chances“机会B. thrills“激动C. concerns“关心D. offers“提供。根据上文“My boys beat the best team in Georgia”可知,是作者一生中最激动人心的一次!故选B

18)考查动词。A. surprise“惊讶B. serve“服务C. interest“兴趣D. affect“影响。结合文意,通过这次经历,学到了很多关于领导者的态度是如何影响团队成员的。故选D

19)考查动词。A. encouraged“鼓励B. observed“观察C. protected“保护D. impressed“影响。根据“I pushed”可知,作者在推动和鼓励他们。故选A

20)考查副词。A. honestly“诚实地B. individually“个别地C. calmly“镇静地D. differently“不同地。根据下文“and they built themselves into winners.”可知,我帮助他们以不同的方式看待自己。故选D



    Years ago, when I was working as psychologist at a children's institution in England, a boy showed up in the waiting room. It was David.

    David's face was pale, and he started at his feet 1 . He had lost his father as a baby and when David turned 13, his mother was killed in a car accident. He was very depressed, 2 to talk to others.

    The first two times we met, David didn't say a word. As he was about to leave after the second visit, I put my hand on his shoulder. He didn't shrink back, 3 he didn't look at me either.

    "Come back next week," I 4  a bit. Then I said, "I know it hurts."

    He came, and I 5  we play a game of chess. He nodded. After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon in complete 6  and without making any eye 7 . It's not easy to cheat in chess, but I admit that I made sure David 8  once or twice.

    It seemed as if he enjoyed my 9 , though he never looked at me. Perhaps he 10  that I respected his suffering. Until some months later, suddenly, he looked up at me, "It's your 11 ," he said. After that day, David started 12 . Since then he really started to live his own life.

    Maybe I gave David 13 . And David showed me how one – without any words – can 14  out to another person. All it takes is a hug, a 15 to cry on, a friendly touch, a sympathetic nature and an ear that listens.

1. A. happily

B. friendly

C. nervously

D. excitedly

2. A. willing

B. waiting

C. refusing

D. longing

3. A. but

B. because

C. or

D. unless

4. A. hesitated

B. cheered

C. relaxed

D. regretted

5. A. announced

B. expected

C. suggested

D. ordered

6. A. equally

B. silence

C. liberty

D. independence

7. A. exercise

B. move

C. rest

D. contact

8. A. confused

B. challenged

C. won

D. fought

9. A. company

B. request

C. talent

D. chess

10. A. heard

B. witness

C. forgot

D. sensed

11. A. duty

B. achievement

C. turn

D. luck

12. A. talking

B. living

C. listening

D. growing

13. A. anything

B. something

C. nothing

D. everything

14. A. jump

B. reach

C. pick

D. look

15. A. sofa

B. topic

C. reason

D. shoulder

【答案】 1C;(2C;(3A;(4A;(5C;(6B;(7D;(8C;(9A;(10D;(11C;(12A;(13B;(14B;(15D


1)考查副词。句意:他脸色苍白,紧张地盯着自己的双脚。A. happily“高兴地B. friendly“友好地C. nervously“紧张地D. excitedly“兴奋地。根据上文“David's face was pale”,可知大卫脸色苍白,这说明他很紧张,故选C

2)考查动词。 句意:他情绪低落,拒绝跟他人讲话。A. willing“ 愿意,希望 想要B. waiting“等待C. refusing“拒绝D. longing“渴望。根据下文 “The first two times we met, David didn't say a word.”可知头两次见面时大卫一句话也没说,这说明他拒绝说话,故选C

3)考查连词。句意:他没有退缩着躲开,但是也没有看我一眼。A. but“但是B. because“因为C. or“或者D. unless“除非。根据上文“He didn't shrink back”可知大卫他没有退缩着躲开;再根据下文“he didn't look at me either. ”大卫也没有看我一眼,前后文为转折关系,故选A

4.考查动词。句意:"下周还来吧。"我犹豫了一下,接着说,"我知道这令人难过" A. hesitated“犹豫B. cheered“欢呼C. relaxed“放松D. regretted“后悔。根据下文“‘Then I said, ’I know it hurts."可知我对大卫说"这令人难过",结合上文可知大卫失去了父母,不愿意说话,我这么说可能会触及到他的伤心处,所以犹豫了一下。故选A

5.考查动词。句意:他的确来了,我提议两人下象棋。A. announced”宣布B. expected”期待,期望C. suggested”建议,提议D. ordered”命令。根据下文”He nodded“可知大卫点头,说明下象棋是我提出来的,大卫点头是同意了我的建议,故选C

6)考查名词。句意:之后,我们每周三下午下棋---但很沉默,也没有眼神上的接触。A. equality”同样;相等B. silence沉默; C. liberty自由;D. independence独立。根据下文”Until some months later, suddenly, he looked up at me, ‘It's your  11  ,’he said. After that day, David started   12  “可知大卫在几个月之后才开口说话,这说明在这之前他都没和我说话,我们是在沉默中下象棋的,故选B

7)考查名词。句意:之后,我们每周三下午下棋---但很沉默,也没有眼神上的接触。A. exercise”锻炼,练习B. move”移动C. rest”休息D. contact”联系,接触"。根据下文的“though he never looked at me”可知下象棋时大卫从不看我,这说明下象棋时我和他没有眼神上的接触交流,故选D

8)考查动词。句意:下棋时作弊并不容易,不过我得承认,我的确有意让大卫赢过一两次。A. confused“使迷惑B. challenged“挑战C. won“赢得D. fought“战斗,吵架。根据“It's not easy to cheat in chess”可知下棋时作弊并不容易,这说明我下棋时作弊了,结合语境,作为大人我的棋艺肯定好一些,所以我作弊应该是为了让大卫赢得象棋比赛。故选C

9)考查名词。句意:看上去他很享受我的陪伴,尽管他从不看我一眼。A. company“陪伴,公司B. request“请求C. talent“才能,天才,天资D. chess“国际象棋。我和大卫一起下象棋对于大卫来说是一种陪伴,故选A

10)考查动词。句意:也许他感觉到了我尊重他的苦楚, A. heard“B. witness“目击C. forgot“忘记D. sensed“感觉到,察觉到。根据上文“It seemed as if he enjoyed my   9  , though he never looked at me”可知大卫他很喜欢和我在一起,原因有可能就是大卫感觉到了我尊重他的苦楚,故选D

11)考查名词。句意:直到几个月后,突然,大卫抬头看着我,说道:"轮到你了。"A. duty“责任,义务B. achievement”成就C. turn ”(依次轮流的)轮班,轮番,次序D. luck”幸运。结合语境,下象棋是要轮流落子的,所以大卫对我说"轮到你了",故选C

12.考查动词。句意:那天之后,大卫开始说话了。 A. talking”说话B. living”生活C. listening”聆听D. growing”成长。根据上文"It's your  11  ," he said可知大卫开口说话了,所以那天之后,他开始说话了。故选A

13)考查代词。句意:也许我给予过大卫某种东西。A. anything”任何事情B. something”某物,某事“;C. nothing”一无所有 D. everything”每一件事。结合语境,这里要表达的 是也许我给过大卫某种东西,故选B

14)考查动词。句意:大卫还使我明白,一个人怎样才能不通过语言而去帮助他人。A. jump”B. reach ”到达,走到“;C. pick ”挑选,采摘D. look”。我通过下象棋而不是谈话帮助了大卫,reach out to sb固定短语,"…..伸出援手;联系",符合语境,故选B

15)考查名词。句意:所需的只是一个拥抱,一个痛哭时可以依偎的肩头,一次友好的抚慰,一种同情的本性,以及一双聆听的耳朵。A. sofa”沙发B. topic”话题C. reason”理由D. shoulder”肩膀。一个拥抱,以此抚慰,一种同情的本性以及一双聆听的耳朵都是跟人有关,以此类推,哭泣时可以依靠的应该是人的肩膀,故选D



    Nearly seven years ago, I hitchhiked (搭顺风车) across Canada. It was an exciting experience, which allowed me to look into the 1  of humanity.

    Once, I was dropped off in front of a(n) 2  woman, who had pulled over because her  3  had broken down. I approached to make sure she was 4 . She assured me she was fine and that her husband was on his way with a truck. So I went back to my 5 , standing about 150 metres away. Her husband arrived. And 6  they had picked up the broken-down car, the old couple 7  to bring me back to their place for lunch. I 8  agreed.

    But our 9  was very funny. I could not­for the life of me­figure out what her husband was 10 . He spoke English, but his strong accent made it 11  to understand. Every time he spoke to me, I'd have to 12 , "I'm sorry, but what did you say?" And every time I said this, his wife would 13 : "He saaaaaaid..." and then 14  her husband's words. But we had a good time together.

    This old couple's random 15  was just what I enjoyed about hitchhiking. You have non-stop social interactions(互动) that are authentic but only in a 16  time. A person becomes an important part of your life for an hour or two and then they 17 . However, the beauty of these 18  being so kind never gets old.

    Each meeting I had was 19  into my little treasury (宝库) of memories that has begun to 20  with time. But together, they paint a broader picture of harmony in this country.

1. A. weakness

B. origin

C. beauty

D. chain

2. A. elegant

B. healthy

C. dirty

D. elderly

3. A. bike

B. car

C. truck

D. motorbike

4. A. okay

B. alive

C. injured

D. awake

5. A. climbing

B. walking

C. camping

D. hitchhiking

6. A. until

B. when

C. before

D. because

7. A. offered

B. applied

C. managed

D. helped

8. A. roughly

B. unwillingly

C. happily

D. proudly

9. A. teamwork

B. ending

C. plan

D. communication

10. A. doing

B. suffering

C. doubting

D. saying

11. A. easy

B. impossible

C. normal

D. embarrassing

12. A. remind

B. note

C. ask

D. require

13. A. step in

B. call in

C. hold on

D. look forward

14. A. translate

B. accept

C. ignore

D. check

15. A. survey

B. kindness

C. permission

D. occupation

16. A. long

B. pleasant

C. short

D. fixed

17. A. disappear

B. stay

C. succeed

D. agree

18. A. tourists

B. drivers

C. couples

D. strangers

19. A. knocked

B. divided

C. inserted

D. broken

20. A. deepen

B. fade

C. settle

D. spread

【答案】 1C;(2D;(3B;(4A;(5D;(6B;(7A;(8C;(9D;(10D;(11B;(12C;(13A;(14A;(15B;(16C;(17A;(18D;(19C;(20B


1)考查名词。句意:这是一次令人兴奋的经历,让我看到了人性的美丽。A. weakness”弱点B. origin”起源C. beauty”美丽D. chain”束缚。根据下文内容可知,作者主要在文章中讲述的是人性的善良和美好。故选C

2)考查形容词。句意:有一次,我把车停在一位老妇人的前面,她的汽车坏了,于是她把车停了下来。A. elegant”优雅的B. healthy”健康的C. dirty”脏的D. elderly”上了年纪的。根据下文的"old couple"可知,作者在路边遇到的是一位老太太,故选D

3)考查名词。句意:有一次,我把车停在一位老妇人的前面,她的汽车坏了,于是她把车停了下来。A. bike”自行车B. car”汽车C. truck”卡车D. motorbike”摩托车。根据下文中的"the broken-down car"可知,这位老太太的汽车出故障了,故选B

4)考查形容词。句意:我上前确认她安全的。A. okay”安全的B. alive”活着的C. injured”受伤的D. awake”醒着的。根据后句内容可知,作者出自关心上前确认老人安全,故选A

5)考查名词。句意:于是我又继续搭便车,站在150米开外的地方。A. climbing”爬山B. walking”步行C. camping”露营D. hitchhiking”搭乘。根据上文可知,作者是在搭乘顺风车旅行,所以在确认老人安全后就去路边等顺风车,故选D

6)考查连词。句意:当老人他们用卡车拖好汽车之后,提议作者前往他家共进午餐。A. until”直到……为止B. when”……C. before”……之前D. because”因为。故选B

7)考查动词。句意:当老人他们用卡车拖好汽车之后,提议作者前往他家共进午餐。A. offered”提议B. applied”应用C. managed”管理D. helped”帮助。根据下文中的"agreed"可知,老夫妇主动请作者去他们家吃午饭,故选A

8)考查副词。句意:作者非常高兴地答应了。A. roughly”粗糙地B. unwillingly”不情愿地C. happily”高兴地D. proudly”骄傲地。故选C

9)考查名词。句意:但是我们的交流很有趣。A. teamwork”团队合作B. ending”结局C. plan”计划D. communication”交流。根据下文可知,作者和老人的丈夫的对话很有趣,因为作者听不懂老人在说什么,故选D

10)考查动词。句意:我无论如何也猜不透她丈夫在说什么。A. doing”B. suffering”遭受C. doubting”怀疑D. saying”。根据下文的"I'm sorry, but what did you say?"可知,作者听不懂老人说的是什么。故选D

11)考查形容词。句意:他说英语,但他浓重的口音使人听不懂。A. easy”容易的B. impossible”不可能的C. normal”正常的D. embarrassing”令人尴尬的。根据下文内容可知,作者听不懂老人说的话,由此推断老人浓重的口音让人们不可能明白他在说什么。故选B

12)考查动词。句意:每次他跟我说话,我都会问:"对不起,你说什么?" A. remind”提醒B. note”注意C. ask”D. require”要求。根据"I'm sorry, but what did you say?"可知,老人每次同作者讲话,作者都不得不询问老人在说什么。故选C

13)考查动词短语。句意:每次我这么说,他的妻子都会插话。A. step in”插话B. call in”召集C. hold on ”继续D. look forward”盼望。根据语境可知,当作者听不懂老人说的话时,老太太就插话,给作者进行解释。故选A

14)考查动词。句意:然后翻译她丈夫的话。A. translate”翻译B. accept”接受C. ignore”忽略D. check”核实。根据语境可知,当作者听不懂老人说的话时,老太太就插话,给作者进行解释。故选A

15)考查名词。句意:这对老夫妇随意的善意正是我喜欢搭便车旅行的原因。A. survey”调查B. kindness”仁慈C. permission”允许D. occupation”职业。根据上文可知,老人对作者表现出来的是善良。故选B

16)考查形容词。句意:你有不间断的真实的社交活动,但只是在很短的时间内。A. long”长的B. pleasant”令人愉快的C. short”短的 D. fixed”确定的。根据下文中的"for an hour or two"可知,作者在路上遇到的人们只是在短时间内有着交集。故选C

17)考查动词。句意:一个人成为你生命中重要的一两个小时,然后他们就消失了。A. disappear”消失B. stay”逗留C. succeed”成功D. agree”同意。根据语境可知,作者路上遇到的人们在同行一段时间后会彼此分手,离去,继续走自己的路。故选A

18)考查名词。句意:然而,这些陌生人的善良之美永远不会变老。A. tourists”旅游者B. drivers ”司机C. couples”夫妻D. strangers”陌生人。作者在搭乘顺风车旅行的时候基本上遇到的都是陌生人。故选D

19)考查动词。句意:我把每次的相遇都加入到记忆的宝库中,随着时间的流逝,这些记忆已经开始褪色。A. knocked”B. divided”分开C. inserted”加入D. broken”打破。作者非常珍惜旅途中的邂逅,把每次的相遇都加入到记忆的宝库。故选C

20)考查动词。句意:随着时间的推移,记忆的宝库慢慢褪色了,但是,这些美好的回忆共同描绘了更广阔的、和谐的图景。A. deepen”加深B. fade”褪色C. settle”解决 D. spread”传播。根据题意,故选B


10阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABC D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I come from one of those families where you have to yell at the dinner table to get in a word. Everyone has a strong 1 , and talks at the same time, and no one has a 2  leading to heated arguments. We often talk or even debate with each other on different topics. 3  a family like mine has made me more 4  about the world around me, making me tend to question anything anyone tells me. But it has also made me realize that I'm not a good listener. And when I say "listening", I'm not 5  to the nodding-your-head-and- 6 -answering-Uh-huh-or-Ooh-I-see variety. I mean the kind of listening where you find yourself deeply 7  with the person you're speaking with, when his story becomes so 8  that your world becomes less about you and more about him. No, I was never very good at that.

    I spent summer in South Africa two years ago. I worked for a good non-profit 9  called Noah, which works 10  on behalf of children affected by AIDS. But 11  you asked me what I really did in South Africa, I'd tell you one thing: I listened, and I listened. Sometimes I 12 , but mostly listened.

    And had I not spent two months 13 , I might have missed the 14  moment when a quiet little girl at one of Noah's community centers, orphaned(孤儿)at the age of three, whispered after a long 15 , "I love you."

    16  that summer, I knew how to hear. I could sit down with anyone and hear their 17  and nod and respond at the 18  time­but most of the time I was 19  about the next words out of my own mouth. Ever since my summer in South Africa, I have noticed that it's in those moments when my mouth is closed and my 20  is wide open that I've learned the most about other people, and perhaps about myself.

1. A. qualification

B. influence

C. opinion

D. assumption

2. A. commitment

B. problem

C. schedule

D. request

3. A. Belonging to

B. Believing in

C. Bringing up

D. Struggling for

4. A. anxious

B. curious

C. nervous

D. adventurous

5. A. objecting

B. appealing

C. turning

D. referring

6. A. rudely

B. loudly

C. politely

D. gratefully

7. A. identifying

B. quarreling

C. debating

D. competing

8. A. vivid

B. magical

C. mind-numbing

D. time-consuming

9. A. school

B. organization

C. factory

D. church

10. A. effortlessly

B. timelessly

C. aimlessly

D. tirelessly

11. A. unless

B. because

C. although

D. if

12. A. applauded

B. spoke

C. wept

D. complained

13. A. studying

B. traveling

C. listening

D. working

14. A. touching

B. frustrating

C. astonishing

D. fascinating

15. A. delay

B. course

C. journey

D. silence

16. A. Before

B. After

C. Except

D. Since

17. A. needs

B. stories

C. comments

D. cases

18. A. valuable

B. free

C. right

D. same

19. A. talking

B. arguing

C. learning

D. thinking

20. A. sympathy

B. spirit

C. mind

D. family

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3A;(4B;(5D;(6C;(7A;(8A;(9B;(10D;(11D;(12B;(13C;(14A;(15D;(16A;(17B;(18C;(19D;(20C


1)考查名词。句意:每个人都有强烈的观点。A. qualification“资格,条件”;B. influence“影响”;C. opinion“观点”;D. assumption“假设。故选C

2)考查名词。句意:没有人的问题会导致激烈的争论。A. commitment“承诺”;B. problem“问题”;C. schedule”时间表“;D. request”请求。故选B

3)考查动词短语。句意:像我这样的家庭让我对周围的世界更加好奇。A. Belonging to”属于“;B. Believing in”相信“;C. Bringing up”抚养“;D. Struggling for”......而奋斗。故选A

4)考查形容词。句意:像我这样的家庭让我对周围的世界更加好奇。A. anxious”焦虑的“;B. curious”好奇的“;C. nervous”紧张不安的“;D. adventurous”爱冒险的。故选B

5)考查动词。句意:当我说"倾听"时,我指的不是点头和礼貌性的回答是的等。A. objecting”提出......作为反对的理由“;B. appealing”恳请“;C. turning”旋转“;D. referring”参考,提及 refer to固定短语,"指的是",故选D

6)考查副词。句意:当我说"倾听"时,我指的不是点头和礼貌性的回答是的等。A. rudely”粗鲁地“;B. loudly”大声地“;C. politely”礼貌地“;D. gratefully”感激地。故选C

7)考查动词。 指的是那种你发现自己和你说话的人在一起的那种倾听。A. identifying”识别“;B. quarreling”吵架“;C. debating”辩论“;D. competing”竞赛。故选A

8)考查形容词。句意:当他的故事变得如此生动。A. vivid”生动的“;B. magical”魔力的“;C. mind-numbing”令人心烦意乱的“;D. time-consuming”消耗。故选A

9)考查名词。句意:我在一家名为诺亚的非盈利机构工作。A. school”学校“;B. organization”组织“;C. factory”工厂“;D. church”教堂。故选B

10)考查副词。句意:该组织为受艾滋病影响的儿童不知疲惫的工作。A. effortlessly”轻松地“;B. timelessly”永久地“;C. aimlessly”漫无目标地“;D. tirelessly”不知疲倦地。故选D

11)考查连词。句意:如果你问我在南非到底做了什么。A. unless”除非“;B. because”因为“ ;C. although”尽管“;D. if”如果。故选D

12)考查动词。句意:我有时会说话,但大多数时候我都在听。A. applauded”赞同“;B. spoke”“;C. wept”哭泣“;D. complained”抱怨。故选B

13)考查动词。句意:如果我没有这两个月的倾听,我可能就要错过感人的时刻。A. studying”学习“;B. traveling”旅行“;C. listening”倾听“;D. working”工作。故选C

14)考查形容词。句意:我可能就要错过感人的时刻。A. touching”感人的“;B. frustrating”令人沮丧的“;C. astonishing”令人惊讶的“;D. fascinating”使着迷的。故选A

15)考查名词。句意:在三岁时经过长时间的沉默,低声说。A. delay”延期,耽搁“;B. course”课程“;C. journey”旅行“;D. silence”沉默。故选D

16)考查连词。句意:在那个夏天之前,我知道如何倾听。A. Before”......之前“;B. After”,,,,,之后“;C. Except”......之外“;D. Since”自从。故选A

17)考查名词。句意:我可以和任何人坐下来听他们的故事。A. needs”需要“;B. stories”故事“;C. comments”评论“;D. cases”情况。故选B

18)考查形容词。句意:在合适的时间点点头和回应。A. valuable”有价值的“;B. free”自由的“;C. right”正确的,合适的“;D. same”相同的。故选C

19)考查动词。句意:我都在想着自己嘴里的下一个单词。A. talking”谈话“;B. arguing”争吵”;C. learning“学习”;D. thinking“思考,想。故选D

20)考查名词。句意:从我在南非的夏天开始,我就注意到,在那些时刻,我的嘴巴紧闭,我的思维开阔了,我对别人了解得最多,也可能是关于我自己。A. sympathy“同情心”;B. spirit“精神”;C. mind“理智,思维”;D. family“家庭。故选C



