对我影响最深的一个人 the person who impress me so much

发布时间:2019-10-12 23:15:29   来源:文档文库   

The person who impress me greatly

When you ask me that the person who has most influenced my life, the first man that comes to my mind is Nicholas Tse.

Nicholas is a famous star from HongKong, he is handsome and so captivating, I was stuck on him in the first time I saw him in a poster.

His parents are all famous stars, so no matter where he is, he always be the foucs. It made him rebellion and cant express himself well, so he made some mistakes when he was young, but the important is , he has very strong mind to believe himself and enough brave to admit and shoulder his mistakes, its very hard to a public star. So it teach me that when something bad happened, escapism cant solve the problem, you should be strong and dont be afraid, just do things you think is right, and never give up youself.

Time fleets past, Nicholas become more and more mature, and show his talent on music, movies, business and so on. He works so hard, when he play a film, he would try his best to act every shot personally, without a substitute, so people called him little Jackie Chan.

As a workaholic, he encourage me so much, I learn from him that whoever you are, you must work hard unremitting, to win the respect from others, and never give up your hobbies and interests.

Now, Nicholas have his own children, and being a father, he teach me that: family is always the most important thing in our lives, life is but a span ,we should do something we value most, and cherish our families.

It has been 11 years since I become Nicholass worshipper, during these years, sometime he was my warning sign, but most time he was my example, we all know that no one is perfect, so we should not afraid of failure ,and keep on improving ourselves.


《对我影响最深的一个人 the person who impress me so much.doc》
