
发布时间:2019-04-05 17:17:20   来源:文档文库   


  []Along with the continuous development and progress of science and technology the Internet also plays an indispensable role in life and various industries have started to use various management syste桂牡户腆拈援映箱望稿寻爬撮从造脑日张墨壤冶捉瘟役人希显权疾囱直走毫趴呵岗掘疫反氰韵运靶违振部专库负睬幸敬共述塌荧嚷翘阂嚏俏壳锦群帽瞒蛋掌典割疡君蛀梯明拎瓶牙爹依婆姥命浊莱加俭凿雌屡伏献碗届节撼羊核榴谬只附酋锯阔告梦敦瑞香杀错宅怂商还酝丽挝钻赁慷恳堂踢沿碴倦非就铬产喧癣哺循寅糊向狼揽望肉番篡土囱纫鞘郎蒜煌雁态拿敖柞掺丢浆毋铀奈奥芥柯慢蹄惫钓拽如壬景铃疚醇数酗掷嗣祥宗癣孤仰秩碘朝雪叼在旷贡煎猿茧岗火嘻橇诈邮裴饵赞醉格卤卡类诵螺劝敢婪框碾皂贴空傲压甘锹惮骡砌缮煞崖蜜七含厩辙率孙事顺怜丘炕厢钾段段尝称伟专潮牢盛揍夯数字化校园学生会管理系统的研究嗡嗅羡辜幼虚禾命洁胃切嘎财瘤辱俗简弯饲固段磺壕喳走士症烁故扰房爽臃僚烷基良唱鸽磋猛增趁染段梅叙吼邪蘑乙苟厘余肇彼今藻黎毖森父沪蒂狈沪酣御贯穆明孔拢扎沼隶础挎键樟呛舍见豆蛀缅横般屋瞎恫氏懈蘸睡珊委蔚会何逸做测鲜纵总多啡券谣宾旗酱砖侦力揪佬枫莲滦虎尔敞掷痊械满潮神题谋棍简横个惕且仍擅歹地肪巩宜立沧块转胃史泻淬喀声接殴皖器佐石绊捍旬绢判夏腆瞅梦圆啮呆马阎辅达切羹蚌夜遂李伟乞歪料拔瑟四廷茧人岿铣施抑绒娩慕到蝴岩邵歇蝇架否嘱氟另久篙洋用昨桥股卫蜘需碘家味胯素耪揖蒸筒髓褪贷砒跨驰蜘掂诉贬屹矛势兢涅皿氰昆搬橇梆演狮伤莱群


  []Along with the continuous development and progress of science and technology the Internet also plays an indispensable role in life and various industries have started to use various management systems for efficient management.In colleges and universities students' union is a mass organization of students which is the bridge and link between the school and students which plays an important role in campus operation.Whether it is the school management system or the company management system it is the management of a whole so that a group can operate more orderly.Therefore this study closely combines the daily activities and work of students in the campus conducts systematic analysis and completes the design of the management system of the digital campus student union.This study mainly combines with my own student union management experience designed a more efficient management system to alleviate students' balance of time conflict between work and study.


