
发布时间:2019-12-14 21:50:24   来源:文档文库   



将这些句型熟练地组合使用,根据需要加入状语从句、名词性从句或者是定语从句,可以在这九个句型的基础上写出许多较复杂的好句来。 续写突破20+不是梦,就看你用不用。

Doing..., +...

doing作状语,逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,构成主动关系;有时可以在doing前加before, after, while; 但如果是被动关系,应该使用过去分词done作状语。例如:

1) Seeing tears in Mark's eyes, Annie decided to promise to the boy that she would let Mark cut her hair, too.

2) Hesitating a little, Mark promised to Annie that he would work hard at his English.

3) Finding a clinic nearby, they went inside and told the receptionist what had happen.

4) Ignoring her words, the man walked away quickly.

5) Approaching the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.

6) Hearing this, Catherine ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

7) While decorating the tree together with Mama, I accidentally dropped and broke an old glass on it.

8) Wanting him to take his flower and go off to play, I faked a smile and then turned to the other side.

9) After reaching home, she told everything to her brother.

10) Hearing his brother's words, she rushed back to the shop to find the boy but time never waits for anyone.

11) Having wandered aimlessly in the stress for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat.

12) Dressed in a ballet dress, she managed to slip into the dressing room without being noticed.

 +..., doing...

doing作伴随状语,与句子的谓语动词同时发生,逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,构成主动关系;该句型可以以并列谓语的形式出现,转化为:主+...and ...; 但如果是被动关系,应该使用过去分词done作伴随状语。例如:

1) The girl began kicking and swinging, trying to get free of the man's hold.

2) She bravely approached him, handing him a bunch of red roses.

3) Bitter memories of the man's harsh words came flooding back to her.

4Her father was lying on his back, trapped under the truck.

5) Her Dad was still conscious, yelling,"One more try!"

6) "It's OK," Mama said, comforting me with a hug.

7) Carefully laying the note aside, I cleaned up the broken pieces of the ball,wishing I could stick them together.

8) I followed her, not believing my eyes.

 1+..., 2+doing ...

逻辑主语2doing构成主动关系,构成独立主格,在句中作状语。该句型或以转化为并列句:主1+...and 2+...。例如:

1) He stood there, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes.

--He stood there and tears of gratitude welled up in his eyes.

2) She opened the letter, her hands trembling with excitement.

--She opened the letter and her hands trembled with excitement.

3) "Don't stand in my way," Tim yelled out, his voice quivering with rage.

"Don't stand in my way," Tim yelled out and his voice was quivering with rage.

+1..., 2..., and 3....

描述一系列的动作。如果是两个动作,可以用这样的结构:主+...and(then) ...。例如

1) The adults put on performance, chatted, and said their goodbye.

2) She stopped the truck safely outside the garage and then rushed back to the basement.

3) Peter rushed to the scene and was astonished to find the cat in good shape.

4) She yawned and turned to look back at her house across the stress.

5) Despite the great difficulties, he always had a positive attitude and greeted everyone each morning with a huge smile.

6) He stood right before me, and said with great excitement, "Look what I found!"

7) I reached for the flower and replied, "Just what I need."

8) Grandma sighed and turned towards the kitchen.

9) She thought for a while and then continued.

10) She turned around and saw me standing in the doorway.

表情感类的形容词, +...

情感类的形容词在句中作状语,说明主语的状态,可以转化为Feeling adj, +...。有时可以放在句后:主+...,表情感类的形容词。例如:

1) Eager and excited, she flagged her yellow blouse, trying to attract others' attention. 

2) Exhausted and scared, Jane lay down near a stone, missing her family at a distance. 

3) To Annie's delight, surrounded by his classmates, Mark seemed like a rock star,cheerful and proud.

4) And then he ran off to play, unaware of the impact he'd had on me.

5) She got disappointed and returned home, continuously angry at herself.

6) Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shock.

7) I stood in the living room doorway, absolutely shocked.

8) She hung her head, not sure how to reply. 

9) They agreed never to quarrel again, determined to live the life to the fullest.

10) Desperate and hopeless, Jane knelt down, tears streaming down her face.

11) Extremely worried, they decided to wait for them at Mac's home.



1) Gently, she picked up the first baby, ran back outside and laid it on the sidewalk.

2) Quickly, she followed the sound to a stream.

3) Attentively, we listened to the teacher in class.

4) Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest.

5) Carefully, Tim did his homework.



1) And amazingly, the boys recovered soon after being performed CPR.

2) Fortunately, the cat was still alive, though badly injured.

3) Incredibly(Unbelievably), she was able to carry her last child out before the roof and walls fell.

4) "Actually, I was touched by your kindness!" said Jenny, wiping her tears.

5) Luckily, I was able to borrow a few dollors from a clerk at the hotel.


该句型是一个全部倒装句,主语必须是名词,谓语动词为不及物动词,常见的表运动方向的副词有:in, out, off, away, up, down, outside, inside等。例如:

1) At the back of the crowd was Mark, determined not to be left behind.

2) In his hand was a flower, with its petals all worn.

3) At the front door stood her dear husband who suffered great anxiety when Jane was nowhere to be found.

4) Ahead sat an old woman.

5) Away went the crowd one by one.

6) Down fell the leaves.

7) In came a stranger in black.


时间状语一般放在句末,但有些时间状语放在句首,能使行文连贯,逻辑合理。如:shortly afterwards, hours later, before long, at that moment, after that, several minutes after that, after seemingly a long time, after what seemed a long time, in the meanwhile, before I knew it, It wasn't long before...等。例如:

1) A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. 

2) For the first time in her life, Maria felt frightened and alone.

3) In the meanwhile, Brad and his wife jumped into their car and followed close behind.

4) On the morning of the competition, she was nervous. However, with her mother's encouragement, she had nothing to fear.

5) A month later, Larry appeared in Eric's classroom.

6) At this time a boy approached me.

7) After the presentation, almost everybody was in tears.

8) After seemingly a long time, Jane felt tired and lay down in the darkness.

9) But a minute later, the wolf was by his side again. 

10) Before long, we caught sight of the lights in the distance. 

--It wasn't long before we caught sight of the lights in the distance.


