
发布时间:2015-08-15 15:49:14   来源:文档文库   


cost·ly /ˈkɔstli US ˈkɔːstli/ adj
very expensive, especially wasting a lot of money
 a complex and costly procedure
 Such a database would be extremely costly to set up.
something that is costly causes a lot of problems or trouble
 His delay in making a decision could prove costly in the long run.
>costliness n [U]


mi·graine /ˈmiːgreɪn, ˈmaɪ- US ˈmaɪ-/ n [U and C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: Late Latin hemicrania 'pain in one side of the head', from Greek, from hemi- 'half' + kranion ( CRANIUM)]
an extremely bad headache, during which you feel sick and have pain behind your eyes
have/get a migraine
 I won't be coming this evening - I've got a migraine.
bad/severe migraine
 He suffers from severe migraine.

overall 1

o·ver·all1 W2S3 /ˌəuvərˈɔːl US ˌouvərˈɔːl/ adj [only before noun]
considering or including everything
 The overall cost of the exhibition was £400,000.
 The overall result is an increase in population.
 An overall winner and a runner-up were chosen.
 We don't want all the details now, just the overall picture.

HINT sense 1
Do not say 'in the overall' or 'on the overall'. Say on the whole: In spite of the film's many faults, on the whole it's worth seeing.

overall 2

overall2 adv
considering or including everything
 Williams came fifth overall.
 What will it cost, overall?
[sentence adverb]
 Overall, prices are still rising.

overall 3

o·ver·all3 /ˈəuvərɔːl US ˈouvərɔːl/ n
[C] BrE
a loose-fitting piece of clothing like a coat, that is worn over clothes to protect them
overalls [plural] AmE
heavy cotton trousers with a piece covering your chest, held up by pieces of cloth that go over your shoulders
British Equivalent: dungarees
overalls [plural] BrE
a piece of clothing like a shirt and trousers in one piece that is worn over other clothes to protect them
American Equivalent: coveralls


W1S3 /fəˈsɪlɪti/ n plural facilities
facilities [plural]
rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose
 All rooms have private facilities (=private bathroom and toilet) .
 The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities .
  toilet facilities
 childcare facilities
[C usually singular]
a special part of a piece of equipment or a system which makes it possible to do something
 Is there a call-back facility on this phone?
 a bank account with an overdraft facility
a place or building used for a particular activity or industry, or for providing a particular type of service
 a top-secret research facility
 the finest indoor sports facility in the US
a natural ability to do something easily and well
= talent facility for
 She has an amazing facility for languages.
the facilities
AmE spoken the toilet, used to be polite
 Excuse me, I have to use the facilities.


per·ish·a·ble /ˈperɪʃəbəl/ adj
food that is perishable is likely to decay quickly
 perishable goods such as butter, milk, fruit and fish
>perishables n [plural]


no·ti·fi·ca·tion /ˌnəutɪfɪˈkeɪʃən US ˌnou-/ n [U and C] formal
official information about something
prior/advance notification
 I was given no prior notification.
notification of
 You should receive notification of the results within a week.
official/written/formal notification
 We received official notification that Harry was missing.


bom·bard / bɑm`bɑrd / verb [transitive]

1 to ask someone so many questions, give them so much information, etc. that it is difficult for them to deal with it all:
bombard someone/something with something: She bombarded him with faxes and called his office repeatedly.
2 to attack a place by dropping a lot of bombs on it or firing guns at it for a long time
2a. to attack someone or something by hitting them with a lot of objects or hitting them many times:
Part of the sample is then bombarded by electrons.
bombard someone/something with something: Protesters bombarded the building with ink, paint, and bottles.


dis·tort /dɪˈstɔːt US -ɔːrt/ v
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: distortus, past participle of distorquere 'to twist out of shape']
[I and T]
to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear
 Tall buildings can distort radio signals.
to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct
 His account was badly distorted by the press.
to change a situation from the way it would naturally be
 an expensive subsidy which distorts the market
>distorted adj
 His face was distorted in anger.
>distortion /dɪˈstɔːʃən US -ɔːr-/ n [U and C]
 a gross distortion of the facts


