
发布时间:2020-04-11 17:27:44   来源:文档文库   


· 简答题的题型特点

· 简答题的应试技巧

· 简答题实例解析

简答题(Short Answer Questions)旨在考查对英语书面材料的确切理解能力和在理解基础上的综合书面表达能力,即英语的实际应用能力。该题型最早出现在1997年一月全国四、六级统考试卷中,安排在阅读理解试题之后进行。考题要求用简短的英语,如:句子、短语甚至单词来简要回答与文章内容有关的问题,或者补足不完整的句子。




1 要求写出主要事实、特定的信息或细节;

2 要求概括文章的主题思想、段落大意或主要内容;

3 测验文章中特定的词义或句义;

4 询问原文篇章结构与特点或者作者态度与倾向。







1 在文章中直接找答案


2 根据题干,补足句子的完整


3 留心词句的深层含义


品黄黑MYK 4 用关键词、句归纳总结




1 一定要用最简洁的英语(in the fewest possible words)回答问题。有的试题规定:答题尽量简短,超过10个词要扣分。

2 问什么,答什么,注意答出问题的全部内容,但不要答无关内容。答了无关内容要扣分。另外,还要注意,答题中不要有相互矛盾的内容,内容矛盾的部分不能得分。

3 注意语言正确,语言错误要扣分,无关内容出现语言错误也同样要扣分。

4 切忌照抄原文,按评分标准,照搬一句扣0 5分,照搬两句或两句以上就不得分了。


DirectionsIn this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statementsRead the passage carefullyThen answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.(Not exceeding 10words.)

A labor dispute which had idled over 800000 workers in Sweden a nation with a reputation for labor peaceended May 11when unions agreed to wage increases of about 7 percentThe country had been crippled by the labor crisiswhich had begun May 2 when the employers had locked out 770000 workers and labor unions had responded with strikes involving more than 100000 other workersAbout one fifth of the country's workers were involved in the dispute.“Labor and capital can no longer cooperate in the fine oil spirit.”commented Gunnar Nilssonchairman of the union confederation


1How many workers stayed away from work during the labor crisis

2We can infer from the passage that the total number of workers in Sweden is _______

3What was the immediate cause of the strike

4Why was the labor dispute brought to an end

5The phraselock outmost likely means


1More than 870000

2about 4350000 workers

3Factory owners refused to let workers come to work

4The employer's offer of wage increases was accepted

5to prevent workers from working in factories to not allow workers to go back to work


1.该题为数字计算题。从the employers had locked out 770000 workers and labor unions has responded with strikes involving more than 100000other workers可知,770000100000870000

2About one fifth of the country's workers were involved in the dispute.一句可知870000占全国工人总数的五分之一。由此继续推算得出工人总数为4350000

3The country had been crippled by the labor crisiswhich had begun May 2 when the employers had locked out 770000workers and labor unions has responded with strikes involving more than 100000 other workers.可知,罢工的起因是Factory owners refused to let workers come to work

4.由(The strikeended May 11when unions agreed to wage increases of about 7percent.可知,冲突结束的原因是The employer's offer of wage increases was accepted

5.从上下文语境中可以推出“lock out”意思是to prevent workers from working in factoriesto not allow workers to go back to work

rt there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statementsRead the passage carefullyThen answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.(Not exceeding 10words.)

The process of entering the confines of political and economic power can be pictured as a system in which persons are chosen from a potential elite poolIn this reservoir of possible leaders are the individuals with the skillseducationand other qualifications needed to fill elite positionsIt is here that competition does existthat the highest achievers do display their abilitiesand that the best qualified do generally succeedHencewhat is most important is entering this reservoir of qualified people

Many in the masses may have leadership abilitiesbut unless they can gain entrance into the elite pooltheir abilities will go unnoticedThose of higher class and status rank enter more easily into this competition since they have been afforded greater opportunities to acquire the needed qualifications

In addition to formal qualificationsthere are less obvious social-psychological factors which tend to narrow the potential elite pool further.“Self-assertionandself-eliminationare processes by which those of higher social status assert themselves and those of lower social status eliminate themselves from competition for elite positionsA young man whose family has been active in politicswho has attended Harvardand who has established a network of connections to the economic and political power establishments would not be unrealistic in his aspiring(追求)to a high position in the business or political worldOn the other handa young man with less prestigious backgroundno connectionsand only a high school education or even a college degree from a state uni- versity would not likely expect a future place for himself at the topAs Prewitt and Stone explainsuch an individualhas few models to follow no contacts to put him into the right channelsand little reason to think of himself as potentially wealthy or powerful”.Thusself-selection aids in filtering out those of lower income and status groups from the pool of potential eliteM ost eliminate themselves from the competition early in the game


1What doespotential elite pool”(Line 23Para1mean

2Why is it easier for people of high social status to secure elite positions

3What does the termsocial statusrefer to in this passage

4According to the authorwhat are the two most important factors in

the competition for entry into the potential elite pool

5What are the two forms of self-selection


1A reservoir of qualified people future leaders possible leaders

2They have been afforded more opportunities

3Family backgroundsocial connections and education

4Formal qualifications and social-psychological factors

5Self-assertion and self-elimination


1.从第一段的第一、二句:The process of entering the confines of political and economic power can be pictured as a system in which persons are chosen from a potential elite poolIn this reservoir of possible leaders are the individuals with the skillseducationand other qualifications needed to fill elite positions.可知“potential elite pool”意思是a reservoir of qualified people,或future leaders,或possible leaders

2.从第二段的Those of higher class and status rank enter more easily into this competition since they have been afforded greater opportunities to acquire the needed qualifications.可知,高层社会人士能确保精英地位的原因在于They have been afforded more opportunities

3.从第三段“Self-assertionandself-eliminationare processes by which those of higher social status assert themselves and those of lower social status eliminate themselves from competition for elite positionsA young man whose family has been active in politicswho has attended Harvardand who has established a network of connections to the economic and political power establishments would not be unrealistic in his aspiring to a high position in the business or political worldOn the other handa young man with less prestigious backgroundno connectionsand only a high school education or even a college degree from a state university would not likely expect a future place for himself at the top.可以概括得知“social status”指一个人的“family backgroundsocial connections and education”。

4.从第三段可推出:能进入政治精英界的两个重要因素是: Formal qualifications and social-psychological factors

5.第三段结尾such an individualhas few models to followno contacts to put him into the right channelsand little reason to think of himself as potentially wealthy or powerful”.Thusself-selection aids in filtering out those of lower income and status groups from the pool of potential eliteM ost eliminate themselves from the competition early in the game.可知,self-selection是指self-assertion and self-elimination


