Musical Instrument Maker Recycles Waste Materials

发布时间:2019-08-21 14:42:13   来源:文档文库   

Musical Instrument Maker Recycles Waste Materials

作者:Zhang Yi


        Fang Zengrui, a canned food technician during all his work years, began to make musical instruments out of recycled materials after his retirement. His ingenious capability to turn waste materials into miraculous musical instruments has been covered in news media such as CCTV and Xinhua News Agency.

        A college graduate from the Chinese department of Hangzhou University, Fang has a wide range of hobbies and talents and his passion for Chinese culture has made his life interesting. He worked in a cannery before his retirement. The idea of making musical instruments germinated in his heart when he found an expensive Erhu he bought for his wife failed to function well only few months after its purchase. He used some recycled materials and made one for his wife. The sweet words from the wife opened the eyes of the husband. He wondered how many musical instruments he could make out of waste materials.


《Musical Instrument Maker Recycles Waste Materials.doc》
