
发布时间:1714278558   来源:文档文库   

All the Colors in That Dress Go Back to the Same Etymological Source

Last night a picture of a dress launched a thousand arguments. Is it black and blue, or white and gold? Some people are completely convinced it’s one or the other. Others experience a flip back and forth between the two perceptions, seemingly at random. Vision scientists, and computer graphics programs have weighed in on the controversy, but what, you ask (as you always should, do linguists have to say? Well, as it turns out, something important. Something that may unite us all. You see, all the colors in that dress go back to the same Proto-Indo-European root, *bhel-.

Yes, *bhel-, which had the sense of “bright, shining” gave rise to various words for white. Blanche, blanco, and bianco in the Romance languages, belyi, bjal, and bialy in Slavic languages, blank, bleach, and pale in English. 首先,*bhel-有“光亮”“闪耀”的意思,一切用来形容“白”的词汇,都源于此意思,如罗曼斯语中的blancheblancobianco;斯拉夫语中的belyibjalbialy;英语中的blankbleachpale
What else is bright and shining? Fire. Blaze and flame also go back to *bhel-, and what color are things have been through a blazing flame? Black. Black also goes back to *bhel-. 那么还有什么是明亮而闪耀的呢?火!形容火的词如blazeflame也都源于*bhel-那么万物经过燃烧的火焰之后是什么颜色?黑色嘛!所以黑色也可以说源自*bhel-
Through the concept of brightness, *bhel- also went down various paths to emerge as blond and the Latin flavus, meaning golden yellow. 根据“光亮”的定义,*bhel-也可以衍生出代表“金黄色”的单词,如英语中的



