
发布时间:2016-04-06 22:41:36   来源:文档文库   

The speaker told one of his experiences of being a voluntary firefighter, when he saved a pair of shoes. At first he thought it’s absurd and his talent and capacity were underappreciated. But later, the householder wrote a thank letter and mentioned that even somebody got her a pair of shoes.

Weve been taught that all the small good deed matters, yet we still hold the impression that heroic should be something marvelous and magnificent. But lets face it, theres not always a fuse on fire waited to be peed on. And many of us couldnt be billionaires and afford to give a million to the need.

So dont wait to be a hero, offer now while you got something to offer. When a homeless guy asked you for help, try to give them a helping hand instead of turning a blind eye to them and regarding them as lazy dog which you often used as an excuse to ignore them. You never know what those small acts of kindness would bring to others.

The speaker elaborated an English learning fever especially in china. And he believed that it would not hold back the indigenous culture growing process, as a matter of fact he thought it indicated that the aspiration of solving common global challenges and to be able to take part in a larger conversation.

Though the speaker is very optimistic, I beg to differ. You may think that Im cynical and blindly patriotic since Im one of the Chinese students who had to work their ass off to get good grade in English. However I’m not against the idea of learning English and I admit the importance of English. I just simply think that its very harmful to be blindly mania about English learning when the students dont know how to apply this language. As we all know, language is a tool, it only has values when you use it and put it into application. Its not just some fancy certificate on a piece of paper. Its truly absurd to link it with better future when the learners dont even know what they will do with it in the future. I know many students learn English very hard, in the end, they still cant communicate with native speakers and look stuffs through literature material. So whats the point to focus so much on the English learning in the education system.


