
发布时间:2013-12-29 19:44:51   来源:文档文库   


1. economic/economical

economy / economic / economical / economics / economist 区分;

economy class / business class / first class 飞机;

2. educational(有教育意义的)/educative(教育的)

例如:historical(历史的,基于历史的) / historic(有历史意义的,历史上著名的)

35. electric/electrical(有关电的,电气科学的)/electrician(电工)/electronics(电子学)/electricity(电力,电流)

electric 电的; 导电的;

electronic 电子的; electronic device 电子设备;

generate electricity 发电;

36. emergence(出现,名词)/emergency;

emerge 动词,出现; / submerge 潜水;浸没于。。;

emergency 紧急; state of emergency 紧急状态;

37. employment/employer/employee/employed/unemployed

38. emigrate/immigrate/migrate/migrant;

39. explosive/explosion/exploding/explosiveness

40. exhaustive(详尽的,彻底的)/exhausted(筋疲力尽的)/exhausting/exhaustion

exhaust 名词,废气;动词,排气;

41. express (v) express (adj.)/expressive

press the button / press the wrong button (惹某人生气) / hot button 热点,焦点; / pressure = strain = stress 压力;under pressure 压力之下;drive under influence 酒后驾车; press conference 记者招待会

express / impress / depress / compress / oppress / suppress 辨认;

express 表达; expression

impress 打动;be impressed with 被。。打动、by

depress / depression 萧条、 autism / obsession 强迫症;

compress 压缩;compressed document 压缩文件

decompress 解压缩;

recompress 重新压缩;

oppression / oppress 压迫;剥削;

where there is oppression , there is uprising (哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗)

where there is a will , there is a way . (有志者,事竟成)

suppress 镇压;抑制; =put out (熄灭,镇压)/ extinguish / extinguisher

express train 快车(形容词) express mail service EMS


Novel / novel story 新颖的故事; novel ideas 新颖的点子

Even number 偶数; odd number 奇数;

Even road 平坦的道路;= smooth road

Even-handed 公平的,无偏见的=fairly

Make it even with sb 与某人摆平;

Still = peaceful =quite =tranquil =silent

Still birth 死胎;死产;

Natural birth 顺产;

Choice 形容词,精挑细选的; chance 偶然的;

42. farther/further

farther 进一步的;更远的;

further / further my study / research 促进;

43. formal/former/format/formation/formative

formal / informal 正式与非正式;

the former / the latter 前者与后者

format 格式化;

word formation 构词;

information 信息;

formative 形容词,形成性的; (现在教学评价,形成性评价)

Summative assessment 终结性评价;

44. graceful/gracious

优雅的/ 感恩的,感激的,宽容的;

Generous 慷慨的;大方的; generosity 慷慨,大方;

General 一般的, 普遍的,将军;

45. misfortune/unfortunate

misfortune fortune 名词

fortunate unfortunate 形容词

unfortunately / strangely / peculiarly / weirdly / surprisingly / amazingly 阅读中的重点词

fortune teller 算命先生;

family fortune 家族财富

possession 财产(强调所有权) property 财产(流动资产)

estate / real estate 不动产; wealth 财富,(抽象概念)与health相对;

asset 财富(精神和物质都可以) belongings 随身携带的财富

valuables (贵重物品)

46. handful/handy;

handful 少数,一把; a handful of 一小撮;

handy 形容词,手边的; = at hand = convenient = available


In hand = under control 在某人掌控中

By hand = not mechanically 手工的;

47. hard/hardly/hardship

副词:努力的 work hard / try hard

Hardship 艰难困苦; difficulty

Dilemma 进退两难;

48. harmful/harmless

harmful 形容词,有害的;

do harm to / do damage to / be harmful to / be hazardous to / be disadvantageous to / be detrimental to / 对。。有害的;

harmless 无害的;

49. healthful/healthy

healthful 有益于健康的;

healthy 健康的(指某人健康)、 有益于健康的(食品)

health-friendly 有益于健康的;

green 健康的;

50. helpful/helpless

51. high/highly

high 空间上高 highly 程度上高think highly of sb / speak highly of sb / speak critically of sb

52. historic(有历史意义的,历史上著名的)/historical;(基于史实的,历史的)

53. hopeful/hopeless

54. honorary/honorable;

honor 名词,荣誉;

honor the contract 履行合同;(重合同) honor one’s promise 守信用;

honor the guests 尊敬客人;

in honor of sb 为了纪念某人;

honorary 形容词,名誉的;

honorable 形容词,值得尊敬的;

time-honored 老字号;

55. humane/human

humane 形容词,人道的,慈善的; inhumane 不人道的;残忍的;

human 人类的;

56. imaginable(可以想象的)/imaginary(想象出来的,虚构的,非真实的=fictional =invented =coined /imaginative;(富有想象力的)

it is unimaginable that 不可思议的是

it is incredible that 难以想象的是

57. indignity/indignation/indignant;

indignity 名词,羞辱;----dignity 尊严,高贵;

indignation 名词,义愤; anger 自己生气;

indignant 义愤的;

58. indoor/indoors/outdoor/outdoors

indoor 形容词,室内的; outdoor 形容词,室外的

indoors 副词,室内地; outdoors 副词,在室外;


Upstairs 在楼上; downstairs 在楼下

59. industrial/industrious;

industry 名词,工业, agriculture 农业, commerce 名词,商业;

commence 动词,开始;

Husbandry 畜牧业; fishing 渔业;

ICBC industry and commerce bank of China 中国工商银行

农业银行 agriculture bank of China

Industrial 工业的, commercial 商业的

Industrialization 工业化 commercialization 商业化;

Industrious = hard-working =diligent

60. installment/installation;

install 动词,安装 / installment 名词,分期付款;

on installment / on credit card / by check / in cash 四种付款方式

installation 名词,安装; the installation of solar power water heater

61. institute/institution

husband -----handsome , understanding , saving , buying , and never demanding

wife -----washing , ironing , feeding , entertaining

institute 具体概念,研究所,学院

institution 制度,机构(泛指概念)

62. instructional(与教育有关的)/instructive(有教育意义的)

63. intelligent/intelligible/ understandable

intelligent phone 智能电话;

intelligent machine 智能机器;

AI ----artificial intelligence 人工智能


Superficial 肤浅的

Profound 深刻的;

Intelligence 名词,智力,智慧,情报

CIA central intelligence agency 中央情报局

FBI – federal investigation bureau 联邦调查局

Intelligible = comprehensible = understandable 可以被理解的

64. intense/intensive

intense 表示程度(degree

intense light / cold / pain /competition

intensive 表示方式(强烈的)

intensive reading 精读 extensive reading 泛读

intensive care 精细护理;

ICU intensive caring unit

65. just/justice/justify/justly

just 形容词,公平的; unjust 不公平的=unfair

justice 公平=fairness injustice

justify for sb / sth 为某事辩护

in justification of sb 为某人辩护

justly = fairly 公平地

66. disinterested/uninterested

interest rate / bank interest / profit / benefit / dividend

be interested in = be fond of = be keen on = be crazy about

uninterested 不感兴趣的

disinterested 公正的,无利害关系的

67. late/later/latest/lately/latter

of late = recently 最近;=lately

the latest = the newest 最新的= updated

the latter ---the former

later on 后来,稍后(副词)

68. laugh/laughter(笑声)

69. lawless(非法的)/unlawful/legal/illegal

70. learned/learnt/learning

learn 学习,了解(从不会到会)

language –learner 学习者

study 学习,研究 (从会到精)

language-student 语言研究者

研究 research / survey

Learned teacher 学识渊博的老师= knowledgeable

71. light/lighting

light 形容词,轻的 light ---heavy / light smoker / heavy smoker

heavy drinker 酗酒; heavy metal 重金属

名词:灯, = lamp

动词:点, light the cigar 点烟

Offer the cigar

Enlighten 动词,启发,启蒙;

Lighten 发亮,减轻(lighten parents’ load =ease

Lightening 闪电;

Lightening rod 避雷针;

72. like/unlike/alike/dislike

and the like = and so on = and so forth 等等

childlike 孩子一般的,天真烂漫的

dislike 动词,不喜欢;

unlike 介词,与。,。不像

likely / be likely to do sth 可能做某事


Look like = take after =resemble

Likelihood 名词,可能性= possibility

Great minds think alike

73. likely/likeable(令人喜欢的)

74. lie/lay/lying/lied

lie 动词。躺, lay lain

动词,说谎, lied ,.lied

Lay 动词,下蛋;摆放;

Lay the cables 铺设电缆;

Lay a foundation for 为,,,打下基础

Lying 名词,说谎;形容词,说谎的

75. limit/limitation/limited

speed limit 限速;

price limit 价格限制

limitation 局限性

limit sb from doing sth 限制某人做某事

limit one’s freedom 限制某人的自由

76. little/less/lessen(减轻)/least

77. load/unload/download/reload/overload/underload

download 下载, unload 卸载 upload 上传

overload 超负荷、超载

underload 负载不足 reload 重新装载

78. love/lovely(可爱的,令人愉快的)/lovable(讨人喜欢的)/beloved(心爱的,亲爱的)

79. mechanic/mechanical/mechanics

machine 机器

intelligent machine 智能机器

machinery 机器的总称; poetry 诗歌的总称/ poem

clothes / clothing 总称

flower / flora 植物群,花卉

cutlery / cutler

mechanic 机械师; F1

mechnical 形容词,机械的

electronical 电子的, automatic 自动的, manual 手工的

80. mean/means/meaning/meaningful/meanness

mean 形容词,平均的, 低劣的,卑鄙的



Means 名词,方式,工具

Language is means of communication

By means of / by no means 决不= in no sense = in no way

=under no circumstance = on no account

Meaningful relation 暧昧的关系, 意味深长的,有意义的

Meaningless 毫无意义的

Meaningless promise 毫无意义的承诺

Meanness 下贱,卑鄙 名词

Meaning 意义, 含义

81. note/notice/notify/notable/notification;

note 笔记,便条

take notes 记笔记 note-taking skills

notable 值得注意的,显著的值得一提的

it is worthwhile to note

noticeable 明显的,显而易见的

notify 动词,通知,通告

82. numerical/numerous/numbered/numeral/number;

numerous 数额巨大的

tremendous 大的让人声威

immense 大的无法测量

enormous 程度,数量,。体积巨大的

vast ,面积,范围上巨大

enormous impacts 巨大的影响

a vast majority of 大多数

number 数字

numerical 数量上的,与数量有关的= numeral

numbered 编过号的

83. official/officer/officious(多管闲事的)

official 官方的, formal

non-official 非官方的


office hour / office romance / office clerk /office boy 打杂的人

officer 军官

84. personnel(人事的)/personal(私人的)/personify 拟人化


personnel manager 人事经理

85. physician/physicist/physics/physical;

physical 物理的,身体的,自然的

physics 物理学 chemistry 化学

physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医

nurse 护士

physicist 物理学家

physical change 屋里变化 chemistry change 化学变化

86. pollution/polluter/pollutant/polluted/

pollution 污染

environmental pollution / spiritual pollution

contamination 污染

polluter 污染者

pollutant 污染物

polluted 污染的

87. popular/populous/population/populated/overpopulated/underpopulated

be popular with / be popular among

populous 人口稠密的 populous area 人口众多的地区

population explosion 人口爆炸

information / knowledge explosion 信息爆炸,知识爆炸

overpopulated / underpopulated

88. present/presence/presentation

89. proposition/proposal/proposed

propose 动词,提议

propose that sb should do sth 虚拟语气

proposition 名词,命题 statement

proposal 建议=suggestions= advice

propose / dispose / decompose 分解/ compose创作,组成 / expose 暴露

world exposition 世博会

Chinese pavilion 中国馆

Exposure to

Man proposes , god disposes 谋事在人,成事在天

Impose …on

Oppose 反对 oppose to

Suppose 假设 pose 摆姿势

90. principle/principal

in principle 原则上

in detail 细节上

principal 首要的,主要的, 校长= headmaster

91. produce/production/product

92. publication/publicity/public;

93. receiver/receipt/reception/receptionist

94. regrettable/regretful

95. respective/respectful/respectable/respected

96. responsible/responsive;

97. route/routine;

98. sensible/sensitive;

99. sign/signal/signature/signify/signification/significant/significance

100. skillful/skilled/unskilled/unskillful

101. spacious/spatial/spaced/spacing ;

102. species/specimen;

103. specific/special/specialty;

104. spectacles/spectacular/speculate/spectator;

105. successive/successful/succeeding/succeeded/unsuccessful;

106. technique/technology/technological/technical;

107. typewriter/typist/typing/typed;

108. uncover/discover/recover/undercover;

109. variable/variation/variety/variance/variant;

110. varied/various/variable/variant

111. vegetation/vegetable


