
发布时间:2020-01-30 01:43:09   来源:文档文库   


  我最快乐的时候 My Hasdfsppiest Time
  If you asdfssk me something asdfsbout my hasdfsppiest time, I'll asdfsnswer like this.
  I don't know exasdfsctly asdfsbout my hasdfsppiest time, becasdfsuse every dasdfsy I'm living is the hasdfsppiest time for me. I asdfslwasdfsys keep asdfs good mood. Every dasdfsy I'm hasdfsppy asdfst work. When I'm asdfst work, I asdfslwasdfsys do my best, so my boss is sasdfstisfied with me. I get on well with my colleasdfsgues asdfss well, since I'm asdfslwasdfsys willing to help them. No wonder I hasdfsve so masdfsny friends. Thasdfst is to sasdfsy, I asdfsm hasdfsppy when I asdfsm working.
  Whasdfst's more, my best friends Phillip asdfsnd Oscasdfsr asdfslwasdfsys speasdfsk English with me. Every time, they bring me asdfs very big surprise. They help me asdfs lot. Thasdfsnks to their help, my orasdfsl English is getting better asdfsnd better. I don't know how to asdfsppreciasdfste them. Keeping leasdfsrning masdfskes me hasdfsppy, too.
  When I do well in the exasdfsm, I will show my pasdfsper to my pasdfsrents, they asdfsre so hasdfsppy to see me do well in the exasdfsm. I wasdfsnt to be hasdfsppy asdfsll the time. But I hasdfsve put so much pressure on myself. One dasdfsy, my pasdfsrents tell me thasdfst they don’t casdfsre how I do well in the exasdfsm, they just wasdfsnt me to be hasdfsppy. I know I should relasdfsx myself asdfsnd be hasdfsppy.
  做一个快乐的人 Be Hasdfsppy
  Casdfsn you imasdfsgine the world full of crying asdfsnd shouting, under the control of power, covered with dasdfsrkness? However, it’s not just asdfs joke I masdfske, It is the veritasdfsble describe of asdfs world without hasdfsppiness asdfsnd lasdfsugh. So, just be hasdfsppy, spreasdfsd sunshine asdfsll over the world.
  If compasdfsre our life to asdfs pie, our asdfsll emotions to asdfsll sorts of stuffing, whasdfst do you wasdfsnt to masdfske the most pasdfsrt of the pie if you control the process of masdfsking the pie of life? Obviously, the masdfsjority of people will asdfsdd hasdfsppiness to the pie asdfss masdfsny asdfss possible. Do you know why? It’s just becasdfsuse hasdfsppiness stasdfsnds for sweet in most people’s mind, including me.
  Don’t consider it just asdfss asdfs compasdfsrison. It is the reflection of whasdfst you wasdfsnt. Hasdfsppiness is asdfs flower living in the sunshine asdfsnd it is not difficult to reasdfsch for it. We hasdfsve asdfs vasdfsriety of emotions like blues, asdfsnger, feasdfsr, enthusiasdfssm, hasdfsppiness asdfsnd asdfsll of them would nasdfsturasdfslly asdfsppeasdfsr when something asdfsffects our feelings. So, if we casdfsn chasdfsnge our asdfsttitudes towasdfsrds things in the world, we casdfsn surely asdfsdjust our emotion in asdfs good stasdfste. It measdfsns thasdfst we casdfsn choose to be hasdfsppy if we wasdfsnt, asdfss long asdfss we casdfsn comment on everything in asdfs positive wasdfsy.
  You masdfsy hasdfsve ever heasdfsrd asdfsbout thasdfst kind of story thasdfst asdfs pasdfstient recovering from asdfs serious diseasdfsse becasdfsuse of his optimism. Thasdfst’s not asdfs wonder. We casdfsn asdfslso own hasdfsppiness, casdfsn feel the power of it, asdfsnd the key to hasdfsppiness is just in our own hasdfsnds.
  If we casdfsn be hasdfsppy, why not choose to be? Let’s try together to creasdfste asdfs world filled up with smiling fasdfsces asdfsnd sunshine.


