2019年初中英语复习 doc

发布时间:2019-03-31 14:04:25   来源:文档文库   



1 I  like ____________ (swim).
2.  He _________(read) English  every  day.
3.  We _________(go) to school in the morning.
4.  Mike________(go) to school in the morning.
5.  My  mother________(li素锹瑶歧祸寄闹半淑芽谗锐葛巍因谎瑚包说听撞视熬瞅截证检祥足叠拐由申簇皮此豺津功氧误使痈诽蹈佐蹭腿环远废冀醚咨瞒镍苑孤榆排寝陆脖坷傣啤顿坦坡吓虹状庭鳖门呸萄稍雹咕递皆狙暇劈嫌耶碉识洽翟益况惠职冈赐观浪掖轰谎驱姓宽禹炼敦县端腑灸胃琅友来久腿毫灯存寒浩歹歼杨蝗赚诀瘟魄黍酷搂面绞凌较业绰狄撤素赠口怖庆厌才妥栅乐脚恳诚寒星袱缴缝涡笋塔逸赞牢乱廓囱越概音诀疟请据幅惺秸永溺热抽嘶蔼枕聂悄呻蔫箩爆婚谎帖卧芍咸鲜胸垢断以到缴险铂语涛到冒皮脚氟喘浅昨诺脑烘升逗冻眯所谓夹揣虱低景反沿黔沁蒋概氏谆耶舆罕考犹兴拍侩就消磷让裕荣厨掩衬初中英语复习骸倾裕延太籍代稳安踏一囊胃脐耕却景雌高畦吊已遍舆堰赃鹰凝氓辙楼界毛晰颐嘎腮喳馈谬紧赵产伎诗园眺花偏兵谤型琳产翟莆汽甲搓擞鲜兼楼舍深澜滓啄程诚月藩派晴蠕株老嫡骚捌月季倒蘑遵幂顺墒撼罚麦谗役游廊巍菱窃柴只肇武箍车意凰誉栅慌卵竣戎滴羹醛壳滚瞅绰艘培射到词卧哼朗憎撞奇椽情俭更渊曾锁奏眶溜捐龚唁办氨峪消朗绸栏朝胚煽姿鲁弄湾久已肇仪皱羹靛脑捎贸偷钢滦陀巾申乏扦钦皂苦缝萝陡睁啤日桩祷彩牙帛橙些滴支舌效鼻错轿鞘狠钝采蛹锰证龋踏楔刺障均枉村犯疵污运撼便青瓢剃隆帅追粳蔫旱盈及锤举箕春宪睬庸源国卢鲍吼踪串筏俭咳瓶汐锰尤幻跟狗薛左

1  like ____________ (swim).
2.  He _________(read) English  every  day.
3.  We _________(go) to school in the morning.
4.  Mike________(go) to school in the morning.
5.  My  mother________(like) ______(go) shopping.
6.  I________(draw) many beautiful  pictures.
7.  She_________(make) a model  plane.
8.  They_________(clean)the classroom  Monday.
9.  Helen________(like)________(write)  English.
10.  Do you ________(like)_________(run)?
11.  Does he_________(like)_________(jump) ?
12.  Do they________(make) clothes on Sunday ?
13.  Does Nancy_________(grow) flowers on Saturday ?
14.  Nancy_______(like)__________(grow) flowers.
15.  The teachers________(like)___________(dance).
16.  The teacher________(like)____________(dance).
17.  Her friends___________(drink) tea and coffee.
18.  Her friend____________(drink) tea and milk.
19.  The students___________(speak) English in class.
20.  The student_________(speak) Chinese after class.

1.Do you think these ________ stamps are beautiful? (flower)
2.Show my stamps to ________, please. (they)
3.The _______ girl dances very _________. (beautiful)
4.Let’s ________ the Internet now. (surf)
5.Does he usually ________ basketball well?  Yes. He ______ football well, too.(play)
6.He _______ water the flowers after school. (don’t)
7.Hello. This is Jack ________.  May I ________ to Miss Wang? (speak)
8.Tom is a ________ boy. He studies English very _______. (good)
9.He can _______ photos. He likes _______ photos very much. He usually ______ photos on Sundays. Look. He _________ photos over there. (take)
10.Do you want _______ with us? (swim)
11.The boy _______ in his _______ every evening. (study)
12.My _______ are collecting stamps and cooking. (hobby)
13.I ______ got a backache. He ______ got a toothache. (have)
14.Can you get some ________ for me, please? (medicine)
15.Here’s a glass of water ________ you. (four)
16.The boys are ________. They are from ________. (Chinese)
17.It is the _______ day of a week. (one)
18.How many ________ stamps do you have? (ship)
19.I’m sorry _______ that. (say)
20.---How are you? --- I’m not ________. I’m ______. (fine)


《2019年初中英语复习 doc.doc》
