新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)Book3 Unit3课后答案

发布时间:2018-12-24 13:55:05   来源:文档文库   

Unit 3

Active Reading (1)


1 b 2c 3b 4b 5b 6a


1 c 2a 3c 4a 5b 6b


1composer 2 constitutes 3capacity 4 qualified 5sufficiently

6rhythm 7 derived


1. proclaim

2. analogy (Its quite easy to make an apology between poetry and music)

3. clarity

4. for the sake of

5. potent

6. costumes


1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a 7a 8a

7 1d 2d

8 1, 3, 5, 6

Active Reading (2)


1 scenario 2 pose 3 collapse 4 surrenders

5 marvels 6 prosperous 7 await 8 exceeds


1 prominent 2 obliging 3 perception 4 swaying 5 distracts

6 multiple 7 suspending 8 devises


1b 2b 3b 4a 5a 6a 7b 8a

Language in use


1 songwriter 2 film director 3 headscarf 4 backpack

5 lipstick 6 shoelace 7 mail polish


1 Swooping in on a shorter woman, the sailor kissed her.

2 Acting impulsively and aiming accurately, he commanded that the cameras shutter close at the most poignant moment.

3 Grabbing the viewers attention, the photo never seems to let go.

4 Closing her eyes, she was content to remain unaware of her pursuers identity.

5 Never knowing the truth, they glossed over the wars miseries and romanticized life.

6 One assumes that the couple will live in a split-level home, driving big cars and producing lots of children.


1 Regardless of the task set by the magazine which employed him, the photographer always managed to get the best picture.

2 He kept looking for the photo, regardless of the crowds.

3 Regardless of how perfectly the pose of the sailor and the woman was arranged, he didnt have to set up this shot.

4 Regardless of the facts, people know that life will be good from now on.

5 Regardless of what people still remember of photos in the past, this one reminds us that we felt better as a nation and as individuals.


1 marvel at 2 popular appeal 3 highly-/full- /well-qualified

4 perceivedas 5 exceededexpectations





In the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, the murals with “flying apsaras” are one of the most well-known artefacts. The flying apsaras in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals are a product of the intermixing of Indian and Chinese culture. In India, flying celestial beings called flying apsaras appear mostly in murals in Buddhist caves, while in the Chinese Daoist tradition, flying celestial beings are known as flying immortals. During the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern dynasties, when the introduction of Buddhism in China was at an early stage. People began to use the term flying apsaras to refer to the flying immortals in the murals. Later, with the development of Buddhism in China, the artistic images of Buddhist flying apsaras and Daoist flying immortals merged with each other. The flying apsaras in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals are a most ingenious creation of ancient Chinese artists, and a marvel in the history of world art.

Guided Writing

1 1c 2a 3b


Beethoven completely changed the course of Western music, in a number of ways. First, he introduced a new expressive style which became known as romantic. Second, he changed the form of orchestral music, especially the symphony. Third, he pushed the possibilities of solo instruments, such as the piano and the violin, to new limits. He wrote most of his greatest works when he was deaf.


1 Among the most renowned painters in contemporary Chinese art are Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian etc.

2 Traditional Chinese painting can be divided into several categories: landscape painting, flower and bird painting, and so on.





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