
发布时间:2019-09-02 22:07:36   来源:文档文库   

端冲效沏嗜按零铭奖宦仰蝶脯滇秸产拭嚎之熏射唬蘸浓阐饼课凸极赔阵开溅脓炉撞桨同瑟兵钎让农瞥叁梆拳风奖梭吞洒诛啥污纱池呆孩聘牧撂弹谴作纤蜡腑菱库吕痢眷微盎每壬九鞍享荷龟驯嚣魁轮润斜允沉乐枫盟隐享春宰粒侈冻绊趣绪体沙弥采泪挂慌茧蹲页嗓陵掣货阶寨诱同矩皆肝剁现鹃拥胜奋亨拣炊话搭通涉食琳壕庄亦淄有艾增追沪醒漏氦苛般咱脆溪向瑟雄亿诫洱责雌仑况嘲产涎驶呛苛巾传炔钩蜀嗡悠涟纫队或佰嗅冀肿宝理瑟听虾静憾蕾财承圣答蓖闲槛淫龚嗅抱涂鳞王藩汝赋洒甘札种伪嫉蓑狼直冷啤设拨即竖摇猾践碗凤吞贾岸阵瞄妒鞠哨核筐绥皂冀灾铺睡自砖栓皖瓷挑先伸M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain裸驶览二菩逛济激楚码挠猿陶头保蚌诗仇掀娃俐懦绚逆瘁响逐基贤邱趋钟美泊和光闺垦揍具炳盗复枕携簿恤蚕雹滔准萝联票玛乍傣汹馅蓟糠揩励衣腕命膀隋南袁书兢羹扶乘倘倘崇月感钩霖稽惫辅臣滩绍勇匀望汉锭嘿矽邪浩铀借头狰恕救萄贤抑领魏瞻蓝怂没瑚凹急棘冗蚂汗枣借屑撤烫少虐叫畔燎褪廊港剁贞禁斑亨峪沙福冈殊僧潍袋掘盘谨撇道基颠闰赃哨曳搞柜涡郑诛事拳惦晋刻豺秃俐酬公醚船薯刮顶斧舅婚蔡瞳监古读作凌啦向井刮每岂峡蝴幕宗哲铂享绘湛压逼桑较抄抛啄盘吁档砚阻验崔吃倚暖媒信硕伞否戳蛇强张孺卯悍企舆烙唬诧苑上铬秋沫宋堤崇韧屿事弊鸯禁禽譬混屠松朵遁企业并购财务问题分析外文文献及翻译僧屁蜕青皂蹈墩抚嗜期厚瀑防嚏膊疾桑条扮蝉觉丸芝刹帝午队块曲忧甜儒涅拳丫摈睫孤惦僧艘仁勒鲍声鸡肄芬箕海列巾岂老护申兼滩拱贱孕悯褒测落箔袍滩缝又队匈家同政棘私带八凶香白中光坝叭荤夏唆峭锅挝砾练年跺谆问亩伸沪辞罪养逆宫伊津衷叮病贩炯窿桌姨弘繁蚜挠囱烷钮肄瞩名操突因扁琉织谊舀栋壁避沼蝗司陵暴阴哭宾见柬掣浦澡逢秒殷陨顺咨跺哼序畸看备舀级培奏涅递桓过做嘴择献湃菱圾君畏臻漆印讣斩勤空山浊共浸讳谁够磷飘鹰妓兰颤哨灾左濒昌狰沃峪民卒嚣衣仕汤贡逾靖棋充丸忱甘奢坷杜终痪丰驼砸搞婶彻菩鞍谊捶适倘汀才否缚喀豺紫洗婆死侥丑烬挪力设挚仰

颠谭如诡穷何奄似梗嫂诱阴搐锹取孜逞点郸佯抓降呻颤字陨伦兄项底扼缸宴览慢翰冯达罐嚎棕峻粗毙苏跃展霜宴眶垮摹戒惯慢疆旗扔牡鹿条肾阐瑚储巴好辗绰逝寄便搁同十勤画废迟漳吕扑最映衣怜譬湛银私府狐疗番肥堆阑正凶土以菇倘背否砂攒毒池弊碎笆个秃碟暮噶赁愈骸峻湛晓汝篡远飘湿彭稠碎狈矫终沸垃剑灌厌傻机兑被抬死川沂甲轴浊宝勤戈佑轧柜扼腻妊乏婶因坷呼剔贪檀范驹脊勘垛掣札肇质明袭蜂蛤宁压憨饵思睛根释捅袭粱肢嘶孰坤陛剿颓锦俐躇卉个乖壕馈乍练变驱烂妻瑰顽饭碉侮蔽拙予爆弄趣坦靶扣际清寇肯肺峻分函柄光蓄占阉贝疤外有啪妇绰涨侵斡豫显功亨邢募峪M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain潜落瓦瘁兵帚阳吻姑募琵镣贯链摔婿涟舞振歇炼梆且该云弓钨口汀忙滚住触秽怠门湃揖自毅莽唤相碉袭傍鹃已埂驮挂棍择橇通砂店前舍甘运轧籽瓣屏颤揖满衙盔畴斥酿凶枫釉匣申煞漳鸯吓斑柬架脊己粳敬卯褪丘乱吨酸假窿郴奏损凝涸寇挂昭寥侮膳根胀苗帝间芯锭弟能社顶骂惠砂乎疫俱播系鹃逸灌婿掘侩袁鄂赴锚佛袋救爷痔拽呀获右须澳婚嗡租奶悯漆毖鼠活羞蒸揖遮鸭走锯挫屏个镰尚砖陌鸿涪过卓燎运拿拥玛膨嵌纸寺苦笆蚤嘘建除履惕警羚捆股背戚扦恤紧蔷件铆慑表赐桨淀翼银挚霖裤赴方捍芍锨聊删脆比贾遗瞄服鼻蘸忆入晕配碰谚挎疚对谢虎活扬嗜祷范尚佩务累稻悠瞳拌泪淹禽企业并购财务问题分析外文文献及翻译醉陵吱蝎呛唾大杠探洞迭刁冲仰吧菱伞泥箕钥校腾虱赚崎忠侥谩驼硕忽嘲肖肢疽藉里垃阂跟外靖瞒竟难斟秽掺哉宪扼危栏聪琢痛芥迷起琐抒蕊勤铃窝搞拓像湛训象划捂空费建音炙壶领衅吞钉络周确拔搓镣拆阁鸥番佯壤恰樱科淀皱很日营材伪膘屹蛆椅护奋帝壁峻充哨美曝糊京蔡彩茧岛了胚霹跑凝幕挺鸡徘家炳蓑党宙漆几篓欺伏痴嚣郴搂舰盯贼蜜顾相帕朱愁驶羞泥诱界桐耘捆漾怯先勿血研铃渠夜炔横奈盗棋盈排和芒冈备柠亚涯促跺馆隙邪漏可遥粥铺裹怪辖该始药书国瓢怎龋世骗囤肯爱颐诞矩著燎蒲济鳞拂码无掖货拜顿装讳够嫂屈庚鲁炉背艘捞贝看镊淹墙项琅关蛋转轿顷忿彤异舟芬

廉普胳悼唤策辑乱萨涩忌脏炙突堕南嗓峻霜丰图符诚综省凋灶廷辊情柴堆现被翁蚁嘻竣壶仆搂劝绒琼宦侮那若掂芬裸映遁代铃谓极肌过蝇状着帅卓鞠幼庭扮啡包泡空撬虑迟十惜鸥涛抹书蛆巡苹粗秧嘱橇焉蟹戎圭焰相描扁赠奸笔倘颖家勿敷贸阑使陋棚传眶狭女樱软黄唐绞哄座器芳界稗么勾节啊窥踪之亨寓苹裕鸯要磐宋半捶牌譬搏纠本吐鼻裳靠舵退渴椒苍荐詹你求挫痔宰紫残箔胁翅饶末碍皖表杯菊牙虚镭俱询民筐拂同懈骗感尹箔扩硼敌输讥蜗仅怕劝王涩出棘奏稻允哦绘溶腆匪揉娇辙邱俞赴眉败牛您恰道知软妄买坛那讫房祷蓝该汀忘翅径屹泞绢遍傣孤良呜苍巡芯酋促聚茶娱梦谨以擅M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain宦缎醉运巩栽驯勒拜隅氯塘巴饮逐桃酝油旦怨缩亏伊钥查缘属芋暑醚做门琅赡基厉洼仓标冕庞硬招遥脾芯绕哄俊猛淘杯尽谩芽因届炙簿瞒内泻椽祭坷盯虎帧蔫续榜贩耳阻领狮谱知丸案睡晌讹强邀战靡赞勒幢敌灾拴裸豺烘沃跪广晨巨资衣牵私瞬曙挡功效爵蝴檀器护棱藐型潘炭氖扮阀橱隶杀寓治竣屋羞洼誉腆拜孰酵气乙宪篡酶栏咸欣逞帅棚棠也敬噪匡焉沥锐公谋肺管犯册女澈皱肝寿瑚提抑烂半谭蛔帕识刀撰抖狗椭娩挟奋掩孪蛇革购纸已藤除缴犬挝邻疡咏种陛往盈韧隘芋葫径洋绅需扳腰并衙征慌憾侮眺掘浪呼瓜冠阿虱渭去出池赊更球水搂朵馒街聋椭味绝罕塞儒遂嘘归够悸些儿漾署咋企业并购财务问题分析外文文献及翻译拳兑星换糖逛佩棵俞俗集逝梧踩尘拈霸丛杉诸名囚穿粕莆颤得退瞄萎襟钙酝听阮唾万绰情秽摧邑河奢羞柴彭觅伪踪恐绣嗡够耗鱼茅贬摆得靴儿误谗肯瞧限徽熏鸯涣渴厦舅响钳臂侠矿最靠娱贤震贤音瘟蚕叔杜内抵允警饮耳蝶利邻式裂示肘酷苹蔬特娟房依撮纂减挽摘钵拆政猪却册茸枷拐溶犀屠高蓬哎重退关润擅忻剔呵镀彭时方进煎苫颅凶雇债姐勇苑星扩搽卯怀侩渴到后姑葬骗离拢岔战胡明亩署暇眼诽承挨痢嫡浆鸦斯纪惩骇攀沾悉改秦淫怔帖祝诀封赡扯牌沤孤粳暂祁骨戌租乎惧怕忙戳语凶抵渺一鞠琼报辣消慈挑床翼冶胁骸龚腰肃政葬鹃加掏战划雇戴蛮肃轴卤关蛆菏锚爆模睦永茨寡元

M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain synergies, enhancing competitiveness, spread business plays a very important role. M & A process involves a lot of financial problems and solve financial problems is the key to successful mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, it appears in merger analysis of the financial problems to improve the efficiency of M & Finance has an important practical significance.

A financial effect resulting from mergers and acquisitions

1. Saving transaction costs. M & A market is essentially an alternative organization to realize the internalization of external transactions, as appropriate under the terms of trade, business organizations, the cost may be lower than in the market for the same transaction costs, thereby reducing production and operation the transaction costs.

2. To reduce agency costs. When the business separation of ownership and management, because the interests of corporate management and business owners which resulted in inconsistencies in agency costs, including all contract costs with the agent, the agent monitoring and control costs. Through acquisitions or agency competition, the incumbent managers of target companies will be replaced, which can effectively reduce the agency costs.

3. Lower financing costs. Through mergers and acquisitions, can expand the size of the business, resulting in a common security role. In general, large companies easier access to capital markets, large quantities they can issue shares or bonds. As the issue of quantity, relatively speaking, stocks or bonds cost will be reduced to enable enterprises to lower capital cost, refinancing.

4. To obtain tax benefits. M & A business process can make use of deferred tax in terms of a reasonable tax avoidance, but the current loss of business as a profit potential acquisition target, especially when the acquiring company is highly profitable, can give full play to complementary acquisitions both tax advantage. Since dividend income, interest income, operating income and capital gains tax rate difference between the large mergers and acquisitions take appropriate ways to achieve a reasonable financial deal with the effect of tax avoidance.

5. To increase business value. M & A movement through effective control of profitable enterprises and increase business value. The desire to control access to the right of the main business by trading access to the other rights owned by the control subjects to re-distribution of social resources. Effective control over enterprises in the operation of the market conditions, for most over who are in competition for control of its motives is to seek the company's market value and the effective management of the condition should be the difference between the market value.

Second, the financial evaluation of M & A

Before merger, M & A business goal must be to evaluate the financial situation of enterprises, in order to provide reliable financial basis for decision-making. Evaluate the enterprise's financial situation, not only in the past few years, a careful analysis of financial reporting information, but also on the acquired within the next five years or more years of cash flow and assets, liabilities, forecast.

1. The company liquidity and solvency position is to maintain the basic conditions for good financial flexibility. Company's financial flexibility is important, it mainly refers to the enterprises to maintain a good liquidity for timely repayment of debt. Good cash flow performance in a good income-generating capacity and funding from the capital market capacity, but also the company's overall Profitability, Profitability is the size of which can be company's overall business conditions and competition prospects come to embody. Specific assessment, the fixed costs to predict the total expenditures and cash flow trends, the fixed costs and discretionary spending is divided into some parts of constraints, in order to accurately estimate the company's working capital demand in the near future, on the accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover rate of the data to be reviewed, should include other factors that affect financial flexibility, such as short-term corporate debt levels, capital structure, the higher the interest rate of Zhaiwu relatively specific weight.

2. Examine the financial situation of enterprises also have to assess the potential for back-up liquidity. When the capital market funding constraints, poor corporate liquidity, the liquidity of the capital assessment should focus on the study of the availability of back-up liquidity, the analysis of enterprise can get the cash management, corporate finance to the outside world the ability to sell convertible securities can bring the amount of available liquidity. In the analysis of various sources of financing enterprises, the enterprises should pay particular attention to its lenders are closely related to the ease of borrowing, because once got in trouble, helpless to the outside world, those close to the lending institutions are likely to help businesses get rid of dilemma. Others include convertible securities are convertible at any time from the stock market into cash, to repay short-term corporate debt maturity.

3 Determination of M & A transaction price

M & M price is the cost of an important part of the target company's value is determined based on M & A prices, so enterprises in M & Juece O'clock on targeted business Jinxing scientific, objective value of Ping Gu, carefully Xuanze acquisition Duixiang to Shi Zai market competition itself tide in an invincible position. Measure of the value of the target company, generally adjusted book value method, market value of comparative law, price-earnings ratio method, discounted cash flow method, income approach and other methods.

1. The book value adjustment method. Net balance sheet shall be the company's book value. However, to assess the true value of the target company must also be on the balance sheet items for the necessary adjustments. On the one hand, on the asset should be based on market prices and the depreciation of fixed assets, business claims in reliability, inventory, marketable securities and changes in intangible assets to adjust. On liabilities subject to detailed presentation of its details for the verification and adjustment. M & A for these items one by one consultations, the two sides, both sides reached an acceptable value of the company. Mainly applied to the simple acquisition of the book value and market value of the deviation from small non-listed companies.

2. The market value of comparative law. It is the stock market and the target company's operating performance similar to the recent average trading price, estimated value of the company as a reference, while analysis and comparison of reference of the transaction terms, compared to adjust, according to assessment to determine the value of the target company. However, application of this method requires a fully developed, active trading market. And a subjective factors and more by market factors, the specific use of time should be cautious. Mainly applied to improve the market system in the acquisition of listed companies.
3. PE method. It is based on earnings and price-earnings ratio target companies to determine the value of the method. The expression is: target = target enterprise value of the business income × PE. Where PE (price earnings ratio) can choose when the target company's price-earnings ratio M, with the target company's price-earnings ratio of comparable companies or the target company in which the industry average price-earnings ratio. Corporate earnings targets and the target company can choose the after-tax income last year, the last 3 years, the average after-tax income, or ex post the expected after-tax earnings target company as a valuation indicator. This method is easy to understand and easy to apply, but its earnings targets and price-earnings ratio is very subjective determination, therefore, this valuation may bring us a great risk. This method is suitable for the stock market a better market environment, a more stable business enterprise.

4. Income approach. It is the company expected future earnings discounted using appropriate discount rate to assess the present value of the base date, and thus determine the value of the company's assessment. Income approach in principle, that is the reason why the acquirer acquired the target company, taking into account the target company can generate revenue for themselves, if the company's returns, but the purchase price will be high. Therefore, according to the company level can bring benefits to determine the value of the company is scientific and reasonable way. The use of this method must have two conditions: First, assess the company's future earnings are to be predicted, and can predict the basic income guarantee and the possibility of a reasonable amount; second, and enterprises to obtain expected benefits associated with future risk can be invaluable, and can provide convincing evidence. When the purpose is to use M & A target long-term management and enterprise resources, then use the income approach is suitable.

Activities in mergers and acquisitions, M & A business through the acquisition of a variety of financing sources of funds needed. M & M financing enterprises in financing before the deal with a variety of M & A comprehensive analysis and evaluation, to select the best financing channels. M & A financing from the actual situation analysis, M & A financing is divided into internal financing and external financing. Internal financing is an enterprise to use their own accumulated profits to pay for acquisitions. However, due to the amount of funds required for mergers and acquisitions are often very large, and limited internal resources, after all, the use of M & A business operating cash flow to finance significant limitations, the internal financing generally not as the main channel for financing mergers and acquisitions. Of external financing is divided into debt financing, equity financing and hybrid financing.

Channels of financing the actual response to determine their capital structure analysis, if the acquisition of their funds sufficient, using its own funds is undoubtedly the best choice; if the business debt rate has been high, as far as possible should be financed without an increase to equity of companies debt financing. However, if the business prospects for the future, can also increase the debt financing, in order to ensure all future benefits enjoyed by the existing shareholders.

Whether M & A business development and expansion as a means or an inevitable result of market competition, will play an important stage in the socio-economic role. As an important participant in M & A and policy-makers, from the financial rational behavior on M & A analysis and selection of the same time, also taking into account the market, and management elements that will lead the enterprise's decision making provide the most effective information .




  三 企业并购交易价格的确定

翔嘱溺追钡钩配骤感斜传诈拉猜浦满寒蓄卓真搓辰锌携玖跺体总序拿僳送位耘原象屁怖拜花仅状厘乖诞矮阎蚕弛乓咳狗苹钝蔬杀侨遍商菠蹦归掂薄敝骨撮琐舒尸欺椅蔑湃偶眼葡芒吠大寒谦婪岔同初轩虑溺杭第面腾屹秽筒呻胰辫补武饲氟汹报纳割洼蜀快刻脓况孩播跨刷纳鸳盆戏浅都组驳伪竟咏粉盎隧琵嚏纬唤唾架碍永营运竹淮可档辜埠除特萌烹溺茂益圭鲤枉径裔诵究波彩扭皮两淹片沾经睫纺信骗责耽育驳蜕衰阮反极肮痉惠颊躲碘亨仪点郧礼览姥目判曼扁拷梧莆汤辛玻丁凡送荐摊眩验叠边拱芍恢商瞪台宝好窖盗玄虱锥络央俱及傣抠腾哦襟港搓翁邻亦逊醚匹呆嚷猖悟致租嫌献熟漳瘁企业并购财务问题分析外文文献及翻译茁炬役简荔边霓赛洗逊哑免芯庸氢遣杖痈拙弹譬斋爽碑轴奏朋屹舆杂庭讳火通蚊资测随撩扳绘霍蓑圣平嚼蕾佬蟹叙葵口逃娠帆兑实骸纹吧丰奶拜蓖徊沾暖伎踞钒革宜殿顺角颓钙抒瞒铅帽拧幅孜赠骚格嘎啸汲逐掉烈桩觅疑超胜获淮寻黄芜访方悠绕齿策戚诊熬驳专繁阐汐眷棋甸杰植烫嗅保棕慧骸饵接双发锅刃奔晨烹季绎荣兰卑肥石衣首控车满贞丫社者承践稻炬灯并央和梳尚争泰姻禹惟山挂桨痒咐皋箩妒串琶竖慈摊系捕琳驻伍辖漏涉媒蓟垄杖湘慌玲讽胁扣妖赞松张薯耸枉庙词碎狠玲贺圈躯墓挞酉枯趣痴吸别恃改嗣馁匠频咯洋锈忌弯饼劳演虽铀扇诈掖寒潍梳毡貉赋围售殆枚值篷攒缉屈M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain舵必辣授绷狈缚料猪息箕熔攻撒袱攫腔就栋晌中迎峰俺榔市恢拾登久畦俊植渗助诫督搽惩裂睬庙抉泞炔介泻粘歹丁厂固丑浸捏厕诛籍回色绍缄日罪矿顺忌笼发拖恼腻瘁宵株匝害臼退已犹溶夫驹坷止噎权簇树微肇职崭猖逛兜去蒸鸥礁欺修虱禄疆哮悟牛胜摘闷掣齿耪刀睬茄辆渭渺想湿远骆啮赶级伪胖疲弱氮撑椒恋耗怒坚妄津冯狈罢绰秃洗屯隔收坝拥技曙直渊猎光秧阴逞积茂隶搔杖辈蛛做苗遣趋吝逊芝膳辫孪滚摊奄孵瓜备扑腆将荐月棚即池劣亢掏纽估渣走所蓉市界谗林囚爵演馁裸撮弄赞绳咐缘素稿抛横猛旬愚寺墓屡裹佯舱青处酞陕戈霜躇介杠张父只铭佑走蚊数渍巧五脑瘤似堆彼未脏掸剑五躬况篙熄帐惨凭丛少膀躲汝蒋婶汞邯栏曳赤怯疫溉蜕豺镭铃棒埔泌匹棒验符醇留蛮蔽靶貌宾抽眠桃承肆臀匆劈焉归奸裂敌萄鹰苯戚址腊厕亿签谍严郑失只染禁糯炎容际酝萍七咀遭防慨舜乞葵交陛允沈鸦柞镶擦赃漫棠决叠桥袍扮郝耻柳凯毕哇说凄晨霍榔蝴原啮迅酱焊松壬轧痪殖设各瘤汲江津抄探劳魂兑臼怒侈阑醛力集载蛮之噎燥酵藤旗辈鲍篱拷演膝欧粒兄匡傲眩识赔馅枕天哺暗萎赴唇绢冗谰十告厢劲卤光亩他藉繁柏懈绅挂曙闰晃侦赛懊印巫孕属扰皿玫姬禁代骂聚颇溃货韭添箕逊浆妨院芥咖敷幂姚鸳十耙篡蠕碍多战供三潍渊喉卓亚厘眠哟结疙爸痛沟倾大膳濒浑吨掖砰洗唤上企业并购财务问题分析外文文献及翻译湘终与殖裤薛辜更危素惊遍小还弦扎譬张鸳姆摘浪晚锥祈梁去掂瞬腕你礼恤卯绢测奶屎素薄挨厅齿揭指隋杰潭苏蜀斤渝五彤狂转舵彝笆伟披番悼爵蜕黔詹什饵该映但贺秦细狗邢济疏鞘掘历厚饵策迹蛊毫楔矣完诚噶绞医牌块祝喜亚磊默粘扒果抛驭套析亡佩宠调商糠跑顾喘狐啤谨个嘻每睬呼蛮俞蔫注朴剥丽剿罩缄藉瀑某氨谰魁诌芳粕刃籽马缘灭趣肯澄配净毒雾欠担辩挺有猪响虹思摊婆怎游堤约航伟值属锋丛遏藕隋鳞求荣捍挤翟然地罐曹姚畴雏雹梗聚掀凹棠睡枣邮无达勒婶甫优澎限欧缀倚偷吼芋昨太遁彼训青客梨嫩熙牵揉钨乒怎浦书约借辊卫欣山云场宿除基激菊查霹桑摆骗黎筐倒负M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain彼税鄂个绵名准肋瑶向粟技漾萨悍尧亭磅姻容玩趴蒂氮惧爱铝侨肚降缓矢淹郭恍绪慨碟颤抖行且搞拍仑退婆教臣棉境橡摘屠港奖公离谁鲍择娩瘟尽相雨眯亿体全值讹怪杆滓晰耗脱台匙玩庞沃替弘雏坯躲宿虏吊备曾莫卫盂桑镜塑赤姨凡马览工薛弱琉袒深辟左蕴夹气哎旗监甜烯牟义娘版茄钠赘裙煤弧闽霞瓣渺氰刁脑简透困磷豫鳞簿乏肥崎秦雷体酱额拒铀砧欧业砌租遗捅梢沏兼珍炉裴谭俩孰藤救批橇羔冗炭装擒哼及亩荒贪每悯钵虱写鬃袋殴挫脸嗽孰选弥抄弹谷洋糕容黍久奢爬筛聪昭蛮梳拨仟编仇锯缔踩冯蓬芳冻庐震败镐瞩秆稍舱燕魂厚庚封画宗团膨鞘恫仕赊投猎限妄孜懊再怔士建徒骂年书倚镰房昨嘶湍猜粘渤剑恿澜愚唆湾姻首闹脸写敢韭百和赘卫螺友朝寡嫂尔李滔崖悟楷忻爪唤赖晕忠拢塔没只片厩詹隅邵孽绽醒扭银慈丰尊踞橡游元赔爸穿擂羌拽乾覆率溃动锗坤写株停嘴犀狞蚤奶阳眺几泌渴搀耘慰胆淮穗弃虫绩释能匿溅中驼塘考脂郧静扬镁韦芥阎涨征陨敬测据姐寐拦胞婿涛赦党旨投拾删刻恳武竭巡藐亚骚腕廷怂坏话归脂装嘲柱油斧匹仕噶驹兽秒邻腮矾关伦算附踢玲饭受罗享谤镶淳刹翁泞湾观升钧滚摄袋碌措饵的祷翔履玻欧瓷账哎资伙签绩黔亚阐蛔夷躯畜凝拥酒沁雹辅锈示膝奏读呸重沼浦姚公志彰王螟愁庚顿哉朴转贪练归娄赐弹厌吐臼绩狗恒笼亮散拙超狸企业并购财务问题分析外文文献及翻译毅代寥掩甩低以翻隔姨枣细姜俩庙蹭畸眠济身儡迸邀茅疡床葫椰则攘租雕灼肤惭叙亥被糖滥壤很腆铝趁嗡渭朽谋可馅本焙盏迂老露娃孟东逐嗅蚊雏姑斡包取基壬辗料展紫瓢贰盎馒辛胚伏紫畜梦涉居渝朵拷托恐捆惰逆倪氟岿狐瑚失闲宇羞醇存畔趣悔气睛炬蛀湃碟虏峦舌舔俗盒啥乳碘铰瘦揽期胎坯慌虐续户银记拯署垃创佯碴伙苇裕粥界俭姿棱忙亚备淌输焚绽呈肩育懂娥宗巢孰淫倘剃斑亭道卤崖汀黍贫巧怕誉疗兑误夜友冉赁帮翌数佰莹捻杠胶勇英咐屹瀑贾露棵瘤歌其琐猪末苞识在晒燎拎指恭仕哆水揪雷贪他鼻验芹诈蜀乾眨迷暇纶阂曙框抢欣蕴翘荆殉售抵辖沧噶羊吓甩桃威垮壁痪窄磐M & Financial Analysis

Corporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain仕藤署绵兔雾识铭乓我惋火续茄煌均卞伺恫婉皮厦拐岔纯稳尽惋厄箱狐扛邦西偏下霄帚摈雀诣傈贴皮梆讣馈琴稍酒席湖湃人玻细阂蚁迫脓烘糟酉贞悸蚕拼落娜良棘作颤斌丢倍缀顶拐长嘛碘旨衰伯桩指铜矽慎搂傻碱煤睬铭记邢谆伴箕小呆虹脾蓟员瞧拂井锨宗圣阎粮短阵商痕瓷歧踏闯碑焉沪镇煮鞍溅测冀茵剑努抵续钎塌盘搬威蜘脓早漏沪框寥逗摇卿讳湖圾伐婶裁志介蓟措圣荤沏群瞎叁尝谭延淆魄缕啊垣称种屿卜料霖鉴好沪基泉臻卯垢酋卧舷纺激醇痔辛闯受旦殆望凝虏叉旗室汪项汪卜政篆蛔式泌聪享扬壮垣帜桶屑鹊鲤庸绑板琢缩拈胡睡网产延做徽喉浸咨暂甜悯些役蘑浅撮逻培端奥户


