
发布时间:2019-05-06 16:58:30   来源:文档文库   



九年级质量调研题(英语)参考答案 2018.4

I. 1. hold / give /join /attend /have 2. deep 3. myself 4. luckily 5. health

II. 6. argument   7. third   8. seeing  9. cleaner     10. exciting

III. 11-15 C B D A C 16-20 B A C D C 21-25 B C A D C

IV. 26-30 B E C F A

V. 31-35 D C D B A 36-40 A D C B A 41-45 D C B A C

VI. 46-50 A C A B D 51-55 F F T T F 56-60 B D C C B 61-65 A E C D B

66. His dream (It) was to journey with the sun. / Journeying with the sun. / It was journeying with the sun.

67. He met an old man, a bum. (an old man a bum 答出一个即可赋分)

68. The old man was one of the wealthiest men in the world. / The old man was very rich.

69. Because he wanted to tell the young man not to judge a book by its cover.


