
发布时间:2017-12-06 21:25:22   来源:文档文库   


P:Stop, sir.警:你好,请停下来。

F:What's the matter?外:为什么?

P:You ran the red light.警:你闯红灯了。

F:Oh! I was in a hurry and I didn't see it.外:噢,我有急事,没注意。

P:It's very dangerous to run a red light.警:闯红灯是非常危险的。

F:I see.I'm terribly sorry.外:是的,我知道,对不起。

P:Your ID,please.Running a red light is a traffic offense and it's 5 Yuan fine.警:闯红灯是违反交通法规的。请出示你的证件,交罚罚5元。

F:Is that so serious?外:这么严重吗?

P:Yes.And if it had caused any accident, You would bear the whole responsibility.警:是的。如果造成交通事故,你要负全部责任的。

F:But it didn't cause any accident.外:不是没出事吗?

P:You would find it too late for regrets if it had.For the happiness of others as well as yourself,please be more careful when you ride 111a bike.警:出事后悔也来不及了,为了你和他人的幸福,骑车一定要注意安全。

F:Yes,I will.I'm really very sorry.外:我知道了,对不起。

P:You can go now.Take care!警:以后要注意,走吧。


1、How do you do? 你好!

2、Good morning, sir. 早晨好!

3、Good afternoon, madam. 下午好!女士。

4、Good evening, ladies and gentlmens.先生们,女士们,晚上好!

5、Hello! 你好!

6、Bye! Bye-bye! 再见!

7、Good - bye! 再见!

8、See you later. 一会见。

9、See you tomorrow. 明天见。

10、Thank you. 谢谢。

11、You are welcome. 没关系。

12、It's my job. 应该做的。

13、Sorry. 抱歉。

14、That's all right. 是这样。

15、Wish you success. 祝你成功!

16、I don't know. 我不知道。

17、I don't understand. 我不明白。

18、Sit down. 请坐。

19、Please drink some tea. 请喝茶。

20、Follow me, please. 请跟我来。

21、Yes. That's right. 是这样。

22、Please say it again. 请再说一遍。

23、I beg your pardon. 请重复一遍。

24、My English is not good enough. Please wait.我的英语不太好,稍等。

25、You can't do that. 你不能那样做。

26、What's your nationality? 您的国籍?

27、Please sign your name here. 请您签字。

28、Which hotel do you stay in ? 你住在哪个饭店?

29、You may go now. 你可以走了。

30、Be careful next time. 下次注意。

31、You can't go now. 你不能走。

32、Why? 什么原因?

33、Please show me your ID card. 请出示你的身份证。

34、Please leave your telephone number of your hotel.请留下你房间的电话号码。

35、Whose car? 谁的汽车

Please don't take anything dangerous with you .


36、Get away from the dangerous place quickly.


37、Please take care of your personal goods.请保管好自己的物品。

38、Here we are, please get off. 请到这来。

39、What's the matter with you ? Shall I send you to a hospital?


40、This is temporary stop. 这是临时停车!

41、I'm afraid you've got on the wrong bus. 恐怕你坐错车了。

42、Please keep calm. 请保持安静。

43、The security officer. 安检官员。

44、Please wait a moment the bus is leaving. 请稍等,车刚走。

45、Please get on. 请上车。

46、Please get off. 请下车。

47、You can't bring this in. 你不能带这个。

48、Please leave it with us. 请和我们一起离开这。

49、We'll confiscate it 我们会考虑的。

50、Thank you for your cooperation. 谢谢你的合作。

51、Please go through the safe door. 请走安全检查门。

52、Show me your passport please. 请出示你的护照。

53、What's your name and your nationality? 你的国籍和姓名。

54、My name is 我叫……

55、What's your date of birth? 你的出生日期?

56、What's number of your passport. 你的护照号码?

57、What's your status while in China. 你的来华身份?

58、The date and place of your entry? 入境时间和地点?

59、What's your address? 你的地址?

60、Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bathroom(toilet , lavatory ,W.C) is? 请问,洗手间在什么地方?

62、I've got lost. 我迷路了。

63、Please this way. 请走这边。

64、Excuse me. Can you tell me how I can get to the hospital(hotel, sports ground, department store)? 您能告诉我去医院(旅馆、机场、广场、超市)怎么走?

65、Go straight toward. Turn left. 一直走,向左拐。

66、Turn right. 向右拐。

67、Go over the crossing road. 过这个十字路口

68、Take the No.XX bus, and get off at XX stop.乘XX路公共汽车,在XX站下车。

69、No picture taking here. 禁止照相!

70、What happened? 发生了什么事情?

71、What's the matter with you? 出什么事情了?

72、What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?

73、I've lost my wallet. 我的钱包丢了。

74、I've lost my suitcase.我的手提箱丢了。


一. 命令 Verbal commands


1.警察!我们有搜查令!This is the police! We have a search warrant!

2.警察!我们有逮捕令!This is the police!We have an arrest warrant!

3.警察!搜查令,趴下!Police! Search warrant, Get down!

4.跪下!On your knees!

5.跪下!Get down on your knees!

6.趴下!Get down on the ground!

7.把手举高!Get you hands up!

8.把手举起来!Put your hands up!

9.举手!Hands up!

10.放下武器(枪)!Drop your weapon (gun)!

11.把双手放在头上。Put your hands behind (on) your head.


Open the door,or we're going to break it down!

13.慢慢 地把你的手从口袋里拿出来。

Take your hands out of your pockets slowly.


Put your hands where I can see them.

15.让我看看你的手!Let me see your hands!

16.制止你的狗,否则我会开枪!Hold your dog back or I'll shoot.

17.不准动!Don't move!


19.慢慢地转身。Turn around slowly.

20.我要带你回警局。I am taking you in.

21.不要拒捕!Do not resist arrest!

22.退后!Get back!

23.过来!Come here!

二. 对嫌犯搜身 Searching the Suspects

1.把手放在车顶。Put your hands on the car.

2.把手放在墙上。Put your hands on the wall.

3.两腿分开。Spread your legs apart.


I need to put my hand into your pockets.Do you have anything dangerous in there which may injure me?

5.上车时小心。Be careful getting into the car.


You have to come back to the police station to be interviewed.

三.逮捕过程 Arrest Procedures

1.站住!我是警察!不准动!Stop! Police! Don't move!

2.把手放在背后。Put your hands behind your back!

3.你被逮捕了。You are under arrest.

4.你涉嫌------(罪)。You are suspected of ----(crime).

5.我们要拘留你。We are taking you into custody.


You'll be held in the temporary holding cell at the police station.


After you are interviewed you will be sent to the Alien Detention Center.

8.你的案件会被检察官覆审。Your case will be reviewed by the prosecutor.


The prosecutor will determine if charges will be filed or not.

四.告知嫌犯权利 Informing Suspects of Their Rights


You are suspected of-----(crime).You have the following rights while you are being interviewed.

2.你有权保持沉默。You have the right to remain silent.


You don't have to make any statements against your will.

4.你有权指定辩护律师。You have the right to defense counsel.


You have the right to request an investigation of evidence favorable to your case.

6.你是否了解你的权利?Do you understand your rights?


It's now-----(time) at night. Do you agree to be interviewed?


(一) 规则用语


国际帆船竞赛规则: the Racing Rule of Sailing,英文简写为RRS.

航行细则: the Sailing Instructions,英文简写为SIs.

竞赛通则: the Notice of Race,英文简写为NoR.

级别规则: the Class Rules.

(二) 常用词汇

航行权:right of way 同舷风:same tack全部召回:general recall

上风:windward 下风:leeward 左舷:port 右舷:starboard

改变航线:change course 两倍船长:two hull length

推迟:postpone 放弃:abandon 顺风换舷:gybing 障碍物:obstruction

翻船:capsized 起航:start 个别召回:individual recall

黑旗规则:black flag rule 碰标:touch the mark

时间限制:time limit 摇帆:pumping 补偿:redress 上诉:appeal

(三) 器材用语

1、 器材术语(Terms about equipment)

船体:hull 板体:board 稳向板:centerboard (帆板)稳向板:daggerboard

尾鳍:fin 稳向板箱:centerboard case 舵柄:rudder tiller

副舵柄:tiller extension 桅杆:mast 帆杆:boom 桅杆上截 :upper mast

桅杆下截:lower mast 前帆:jib 球形帆:spinnaker 主缭绳:main sheet

前帆缭绳:jib sheet 侧支索:shroud 侧支索撑臂:shroud spreader

夹绳器:clam cleat 滑轮:block 斜拉器:kicking strap


后帆角(内拉)调整索:inhaul 帆板前下角调整索:downhaul

桅杆加长杆:mast extension 船艏:bow 船尾板:transom

桅杆加长杆:mast extension 帆杆加长杆:boom extension

万向节:universal joint 前甲板:fore deck 后帆边:leach 前帆边:luff

船底放水器:automatic bailer 风向线:tell tail

2、 其它器材及装备术语(Terms for other relevant equipment)

干式保暧服:dry suit 湿式保暧服:wetsuit 船拖车:trolley 船罩:boat cover

防晒油:sun block 太阳镜:sun glass 手套:glove 帽子:cap

工具箱:tools box 冰简:ice box 教练艇:coach boat 橡皮艇:rubber boat


1、 有关协会及官员的术语(federation and officials)

中国帆船帆板运动协会简称:CYA 国际帆联简称:ISAF

亚洲帆船运动协会简称:AYF 国际激光级级别协会简称:ILCA

国际芬兰人级级别协会简称:IFA 国际欧洲级级别协会简称:IECU

国际米氏帆板级别协会简称:IMCO 国际翻波板级别协会简称:IFCA

国际470级别协会:International 470 Class Association

主席:Chairman 副主席:Vice Chairman 秘书长:Secretary General

司库:Treasurer 仲裁主任:Jury Chairman 总裁判长:Race Officer

俱乐部主任:Commodore 技术代表:Technical Delegate

水上工作人员:Water Staff 丈量长:Chief Measure

裁判:Judge 现场裁判:Umpire


A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.


Having hands-on experience in PC operation(Lotus,Wordperfect).


Database programming and network knowledge.


Have a technical degree and extensive experience in computers.


Good at computer operation of Windows。


Be eager to learn and have no allergy to computers.


Computer operating skill. 有电脑操作技术。

Be skillful in computer. 熟悉电脑运用。

I/C systems design experience background .具1/C系统设计经验。

Sound Knowledge and experience in computer.


Some familiarity with personal computers. 略为熟悉个人电脑。

Having experience in computer operation,proficiency in Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.


Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming.


Proficient in UNlX as well as DOS/WIN and Windows NT.

熟悉UNIX和DOX/WIN及Windows NT。

Strong knowledge in personal computer hardware.


Familiar with computer networking and office productivity software.


Working knowledge of Novell Lan,NUIX,Foxpro,C++,relational detabase.

具Novell Lan,NUIX,Foxpro,C++ 联网数据库的应用知识。

High proficiency in computer operation.


With hands-on experience in system development including system analysis and design.



支队长:chief of detachment副支队长:deputy chief of detachment

政委:commissar副政委:deputy commissar

参谋长:chief of staff副参谋长:deputy chief of staff

主任:director 处长:section chief

科长:section chief副科长:deputy sector chief

参谋:staff officer助理:assistant干事:administrative secretary

大队长:district chief副大队长:deputy district chief

教导员:political instructor副教导员:deputy political instructor

指导员guidance副指导员:deputy  guidance

代理中队长:temporary  captain三级警司:third  class  superintendent

高级工程师:senior engineer科员:clerk工程师:engineer

助理工程师:assistant  engineer少尉:Second Lieutenant


中校:Lieutenant Colonel上校:Colonel


