5 翻译答案

发布时间:2011-08-23 10:10:09   来源:文档文库   

1. When communicating with my customers, I prefer writing E-mails to telephoning them.

prefer A to B
prefer doing to doing
prefer to do … than do …


2. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because the former is more convenient and time-saving.


3. Only in the quiet study does he feel safe and relaxed.


4. Only on Mount Huangshan can you see such beautiful scenery.


Only by studying hard every day can you stand out in the future.

5. Email enables us to keep in touch with our friends far away easily.


6. I don’t think you have realized the importance of reading.


7. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will exert/have great influence on China’s economy.


8. He has been promoted to the position of department manager for his excellent performance.


9. We watch TV to know what happens around us.


10. Email enables us to keep in touch with our friends far away easily.


11. Through the project, many people have received training and decided to start their own business.


12. The witness was told that || under no circumstances should he lie to the court.


13. We cannot judge a person’s ability simply on the basis of his education.


14. The Great Wall is often regarded as the symbol of Chinese culture and history.


15. A good English-Chinese dictionary is judged not by its thickness but by its quality.


I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 我梦想有一天,我的四个小女儿将生活在一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里

16. This cure for cancer was not known until it was accidentally found by a doctor.


17. But for mobile/cell phones, our communication would not have been so rapid and convenient.

18. If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.

19. The victim would have had a chance to survive if he had been taken to hospital in time.


20. You would not have failed if you had followed my instructions/orders.


21. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never gave up the pursuit of knowledge.


22. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before we find the cure for cancer.


23. Production has to be increased considerably to keep up with the constantly growing needs of consumers.


24. The more exercise you take, the less likely you are to catch a cold.


The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn. --- 加菲猫

"the more..., the more..."句型,主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。例如:

The more he gets, the more he wants. 他越来越贪。

The more she learns, the more she wants to learn. 她越学越想学。

The harder he worked, the more he got. 他工作越努力,得到的就越多。


The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你越用功,进步就越大。

The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer. 战争持续得越久,那里的人们受难就越多。

若表示"……越不……",常用"the more..., the less..."句型。例如:

The more she flatters me, the less I like her. 她越奉承我,我越不喜欢她。

若表示"越不……就越……",常用"the less..., the more..."句型。例如:

The less he worried, the better he worked. 他越不烦恼,工作就干得越好。

The harder you chase her, the less she likes you. The less you pay attention to her, the more she loves you.


25. Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty in focusing on her experiment.


26. We look forward to being invited to attend the opening ceremony.


look forward to doing 希望

be/get used to doing习惯做某事

in addition to doing 除了做某事

take to doing开始喜欢

devote…to doing 奉献

get round to doing抽出时间做某事

object to doing 反对做某事

be averse to doing 反对做某事

be subject to doing 遵守

contribute to doing 做贡献

27. It is suggested that the air conditioner should be installed beside the window.


28. Most educators advise that kids should not be addicted to computer games.


29. The This 16-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite her parents’ strong disagreement/objection/opposition.


30. Before you take any action, please remember to weigh your decision against its possible consequences.


31. I got to the theater only to find that I had left my handbag at home.


32. If the capitalist system could not be guaranteed in Hong Kong, the stability and prosperity there couldn’t be maintained.


33.It’s no use trying to reason with him.


34.What was it you started to tell me in the restaurant that you didn’t understand about me?


35. Personality is to man what perfume is to flowers.


A is to B what C is to D

Food is to man what gasoline is to automobiles. 食物对于人好比汽油对于车。

36. Ordering meals from a Chinese menu is a daunting experience for foreigners.


37. That they are still alive is really a consolation.


38. Before liberation, such floods would cause a terrible disaster.


39. I have undergone two operations because of cancer, but I was gratified when I knew I could still attend my son’s commencement in June.


40. Actions can be taken according to the rules of environmental protection and the law articles which came into effect in January.


41. There is no denying that more and more people have shaken off poverty with the development of society and economy.


42. Whether to take this job (or not) depends on yourself.


43. This document was signed by Mr. Smith on behalf of the company.


44. Chinese people spend less money on enjoyment and luxuries than Americans.


45. These two animals are similar in appearance but they belong to different species.


46. You must also become familiar with your teachers’ teaching styles; adjusting your learning style to theirs will be to your advantage.


47. I find it hard to leave the land where I have lived for 30 years and where there are sweet memories of my childhood.


48. Friends play an important part in our lives, but we don’t know much about how to make friends. As we get to know people, we consider things like age, races, looks and social positions. Thus it is more difficult for people to become friends if there is a big difference in age and background. However, some people don’t think these factors are of the most importance.


49. Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.


50. Laughter helps you reduce muscle tension, release anger, improve your ability to overcome panic and bring anxiety under control, as well as keep a more positive mind.


51. Indeed in the late eighteen hundreds, one out of every twenty-five people in one village on the island was born deaf, and the island as a whole had a deafness rate at least seventeen times greater than that of the rest of the United States.


A + 谓语 + 倍数 + the + n.(size/ height/ length/ width / depth / ……) + of B

A + 谓语 + 倍数 + as + 形容词 + as B

A + 谓语 + 倍数 + 形容词比较级 + than B

This square is three times the size of that one. 是三倍

This square is three times as large as that one. 是三倍

This square is twice larger than that one. 大两倍

This room is three times as big as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍

= This room is twice bigger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍

52. Through the open door, you can see the desk where the congressman wrote many of his famous speeches. The drawing room to your right was used of course when guests visited.


53. In general, however, you should show the employer that you will be good for him – because of your experience, your skills, and your interest. It is particularly important now for you to be neat, accurate, and pleasant, expressing what you are offering in yourself through your letter as much as you can.



55. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.


56. Today, however, many women prefer to use “Ms.” rather than “Mrs.” or “Miss”. The word “Mr.” does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Many women think this is an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way.


57. There was a total of six rooms, and all but the kitchen had carpeting. The house was unfurnished, but there were still several pictures hanging in one of the rooms. In general, the house looked wonderful.


58. Most governments have settle on a mixture of progressive and regressive taxes. This mixture enables governments to collect as much revenue as possible through the most practical, if not the fairest means.


59. 这次实验的结果发现了一种治疗癌症的新方法。

A new cure for cancer was found according to the result of this experiment.

60. 不给儿童受教育的权利是不合法的。

Not giving children the right to receive education is illegal.

61. 起初他并不想买一辆二手丰田车,但后来我说服他买了一辆,并告诉他在印尼应该靠左边开车。

He had not wanted to buy a used/second-hand TOYOTA car but I persuaded him to buy one and told him that he should drive on the left in Indonesia.

62. 二十世纪四十年代以来,美国商人一直在借助调查手段来研制、命名、包装和促销产品。

American businessmen always develop, name, pack and promote products with the help of survey since the 1940s.

63. 无论有多累总是设法按时完成工作。

She always tries to finish the work on time however tired she is.

64. 为了解决这些难题,我们需要依靠双方共同的诚意。

To solve the difficult problems, we need our common sincerity.

65. 与其说这件杰作是一幅画不如说是一首诗。

This masterpiece is more of a poem than a picture.

** be more of + n.<1> than +n.<2> 与其说是n.<2>,不如是n.<1>

66. 蜘蛛织网 (spin webs spin v.) 是一种天生的本能行为。

Spinning webs is a kind of instinctive behavior of spiders.

67. 对于人工智能的一些疑虑与计算机能否思考密切相关。

Some doubts about artificial intelligence are closely related to whether computers can think.

68. 从智力方面来看,计算机似乎应该排在植物和大多数动物之上。

It seems that computers are superior to plants and most animals in intelligence.

69. 他坚信每天听英语新闻有益处。

He firmly believes that he will benefit from listening to English news every day.

He firmly believes in listening to English news every day.

70. 这位教师对学生有很大的影响。

The teacher exerts great influence on the students.

71. 这些照片使我回想起了我的学生时代。

These photos remind me of my schooldays.

72. 2050年我们将把我国建成(develop into)世界上中等发达的(medium developed)国家之一。

We will have developed our country into one of the medium developed countries by 2050.

73. 与中国的历史相比,美国的历史还相当短。

Compared with the Chinese history, the American history is rather short.

74. 他通过了国家英语四级考试不是因为他运气好,而是因为他学习勤奋努力。

He passed the CET-4 not because of his good luck but because of his diligence.

75. 他被清华大学(Tsinghua University)录取不仅是因为他数学好,而且还因为他在编程方面极具天赋。

He was enrolled at Tsinghua University not only because he is good at math but also because he is very talented for programming.

76. 我们总是可以指望教授能提 供各种帮助。

We can always count on Prof. Liu’s providing various help.

77. 办公室很乱,昨天肯定没有被打扫过。

The office is in a mess/untidy and it can’t have been cleaned yesterday.

78. 随着环境意识的日益增强,人们认识到如何使用能源至关重要,并且要寻求新的方法。

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, people have realized that [how to use energy is critical] and that [the new solutions/approaches have to be sought].

79. 研究表明,我们的笔记本电脑在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。

The study shows that our laptops are superior to those of our competitors in terms of function and speed.

80. 如果我能够考入本科,我一定好好学习,将来为自己的家庭和整个社会多做贡献。

If I can pass into the university, I will definitely (ad.明确地,一定地) study hard to make more contributions to my family and the whole society. 真实条件句!


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