
发布时间:2020-06-15   来源:文档文库   

足球运动football;soccer;association football;socker;footy 世界杯足球锦标赛World Cup(Soccer Tournament;FIFA World Cup 世界杯决赛World Cup Finals 世界女子足球锦标赛Women’s World Cup 朱尔斯·雷米特杯 Jules Rimet Cup 5人足球five-a-side;futsal 7人足球seven-a-side 足球暴力soccer violence;riot;hooliganism 足球运动员 football/soccer player;footballer;booter 足球队 football/soccer team;eleven 队员(守门员除外field player 后卫线back line 后卫fullback/back;rear defender /右后卫left/right back 前卫线link line 前卫half/halfback 边前卫wing/outside half /右前卫left/right half 中前卫center half 双中前卫twin center halves 自由中卫free man/back;spare man;libero 清道夫(=自由中卫sweeper 盯人中卫 stopper 拖后前卫deep-lying halfback;policeman 锋线forward line 前锋forward;spearhead;lineman 双前锋twin forwards 靠前的前锋spearhead forward 边锋winger;wing;wing forward;outside;outside forward 左边锋/左翼left wing/winger/flank;outside left 右边锋/左翼right wing/winger/flank;outside right 内锋inside (forward;inner /右内锋inside left/right 拖后内锋withdrawn striker 中锋center forward 双中锋double center forwards;double spearheads 拖后中锋withdrawn/deep-lying center forward 攻击手striker 中场队员midfielder;midfield player;link(man 前腰attacking midfielder

双前腰double attacking midfielders 后腰defending midfielder 双后腰double defending midfielders
核心队员key player;point man 最佳球员(一场比赛后选出Man of Match 惯用左/右脚的 left/right-footed 左右开弓的double-footed 积极拼抢的防守队员ball hawk 观望队员(不积极主动的队员ball watcher 裁判员referee;ref;man in the middle 巡边员linesman(已经弃用 助理裁判assistant referee 第四官员the Fourth Official 上半时/first half 下半时/second half 开球;比赛开始kick off 实际比赛时间(由裁判掌握official time 伤停补时stoppage/injury time 加时赛extra period;overtime 突然死亡sudden death 金球golden goal(已经弃用
银球(加时赛中进球后该半场仍赛完silver goal 点球决胜penalty shootout 出界outside;out of bounds 掷界外球throw-in 球门球goal kick 角球corner;corner kick 获得罚角球权win a corner 任意球free kick 判给任意球award a free kick 直接/间接任意球direct/indirect free kick 定位球placekick;stationary ball 踢定位球的队员placekicker 严重犯规penal offence 侵人犯规personal foul 技术犯规technical foul 故意犯规intentional foul 越位offside 非越位onside 助理裁判用旗表示越位flag 冲撞犯规charging 从后面冲撞charging from behind
合理冲撞legal/fair charge 进行阻挡的队员blocker 身体阻挡body check 拉人犯规pushing 推人犯规pushing 3
打人striking 小动作little trick/maneuver;concealed foul 危险动作dangerous play 抬腿过高foot over 手球犯规handball;hands;handling 磴踏犯规;踢人 hacking;stamping 经常踢人的队员hacker 绊人犯规tripping 背后铲球tackle from behind 铲球过迟(球已离开对方脚下late tackle 假摔fake a fall/an injury;simulation 粗暴行动violent conduct 延误比赛delay the game;hold up the game 持球时间过长(守门员excessive possession of the ball 警告warning;caution;book 黄牌yellow card 红牌red card 罚出场evict;eject;banish;send/order off the field;show the red card 停赛一场suspend for a game 以少打多play shorthanded 以少打多的局面man down/short 以多打少的局面power play;man/numerical advantage 罚点球penalty kick;spot kick 踢罚球;主罚take the kick 罚中convert a penalty kick 罚球未中miss a penalty kick 踢球kick;boot 踢球者kicker 得球gain possession of the ball 失球lose possession of the ball 漏球miskick 踢出界kick out 踢球太高sky 控球能力ball-control;ball-handling 控球时间比ball possession percentage 停球trap;stop 大腿停球thigh trap
胸部挡球chest 停空中球stop volley 停住空中球kill a ball 凌空踢出volley 凌空反弹踢出half volley 抛球凌空踢出punt;drop volley 拨球flick the ball 4
扫踢sweeping kick 颠球juggle 踏步转身step over the ball 弧线球curved/swerving ball;bend;curl 内弧线inswinger 外弧线outswinger 跑动踢球running kick 踢后前冲kick and rush 无球跑动off-the-ball running 转身踢turnaround kick 脚背踢球instep kick 内脚背infront 外脚背outfront 脚外侧敲击flick/jab kick 脚尖踢球toe kick 脚弓踢球kick with the inside of foot 脚跟踢球heel kick 传球pass 一次/直接传球first-time pass/one-touch pass 到位的传球spot/well-placed/pinpoint pass 长传long pass 短【近】传shortclosepass; 三角传球triangular/delta pass 短传配合short game 短传三角配合short triangular passing 深传deep pass 沿边线传球flank pass 传中center 横传cross/lateral/line pass;cross 横向转移传球square pass 斜传球 diagonal pass 传高球high/lob pass;loft;chip;pass in the air 地滚传球ground/rolling pass 直传;向前传球forward pass 大脚直传steep forward pass
回传;向后传pass back 脚后跟回传back-heel 穿越through pass 踢墙式二过一wall pass/ one-two 推传push pass 敲传(使用脚外侧flick pass 隐蔽传球trick pass 快速传球brisk pass 5
超前传球(有提前量的传球lead pass 助攻传球setup pass 接传球receive a pass; pick up a pass 接球失误fumble;mishandle //盘球dribble;run with the ball 运球队员dribbler 带球过人beat;break through;dribble past 盘带过多excessive dribbling 头球head;nod;header(指一次动作
跳起顶球flying header;head with a jump 侧顶head sideward 善于顶球good in the air 堵截block;clog 断球intercept 铲球;抢截tackle 侧面铲球side tackle;side block tackle 倒地铲球sliding/hook tackle 抡脚铲球scything tackle 铲倒对方tackle through the ball 对方铲球时仍控制住球ride a tackle 双方机会均等的球fifty-fifty ball 混战scramble;melee;skirmish 射门shoot;attempt at goal ;try for goal 射手shooter;marksman 进球find the net;hit home;drive the ball home 破门得分make/score/neta goal 破门机会scoring opportunity 射门得分者goalgetter 助攻射中assisted goal 连中三元;帽子戏法hat-trick 扳成平局的进球equalizer 射中次数shots on goal 轻易射门得分sitter 射门命中率shooting average/percentage
未射中mishit 射门过高high shot;sky 从门柱弹回deflect from the goalpost;bounce back from the goalpost 射中无效goal disallowed 近射close-range shot;close-up shot 远射long shot/drive 冲门gate-crashing 突然射门snap shot 劲射hard/heavy/crashing/cannon/shot;drive;thump 补射tip-in 6
转身射门pivot shot 贴地射门;低射grazing shot 一次射门first-time one-touch shot; one-touch shot 调整/停球后射门second-touch shot 小角度射门sharp-angled shot 狭缝射门(指穿过防守线slot 倒地射门sliding shot 凌空射门volley shot 倒钩射门volley shot 头球入门head/nod in a goal 高吊球射门lob/hanging shot 射空门free shot 香蕉球banana shotbending ballcurve kick 乌龙球own/self goal 射门的强烈欲望goal hunger 庆祝进球goal celebration 球门网左/右上角top left/right-hand corner of the net 球门网左/右下角bottom left/right-hand corner of the net 守门goalkeeping;goaltending 救球save;retrieve;stop 托救球finger-tip save 鱼跃救球;扑救diving save 挡开parry 拳击球fist/punch the ball 护球;抱死smother 封住角度shut off the angle;cut down the angle;narrow the angle (守门员出击come out 视线受阻unsighted 快攻;快速突破fast break/counterattack 防守反击switch from defense to attack;counterattack;push up 快速反击fast-switching attack;runback 突破break;thrust
中路突破thrust down the middle 单刀直入solo drive 突破对方防守split the defense 破坏对方防守disorganize the defense 拉开对方的防守面spread the defense 正面进攻frontal attack 边线进攻flank attack /右路进攻attack on the left/right wing 全面压上sweeping attack 助攻assist 穿过weave through 插入cut in;penetrate 7
下底drive down the sideline 靠近对方球门线deep 钳形攻势pincers movement 摆脱动作evasive movement 绕过防守队员(通过假动作turn a defender 侧步躲闪sidestep 补位cover a position;fill a gap;plug a hole 跑位run off the ball 跑位意识positional sense 跑动量(一场比赛work-rate 密集防守tight/close defense; tight/close marking 盯住mark up;get tight 撤退retreat;withdraw 后撤防守(引对方进入中场口袋funnel back 解围(踢开球门区clear 人墙(defensivewall 封死close off 筑人墙set/line up a wall 二夹一double-team 前场opposing half 后场own half 进攻型足球offensive football 防守型足球defensive football 全攻全守型足球total football 欧式足球European/Continental football 拉丁美洲型足球Latin American football /策应support 接应位置supporting position 分派位置assign position 跟进trail

制造空当create an opening 边锋战术wing play 紧靠边线hug the sideline 控制中场control the midfield 越位战术offside tactics/trap 交叉移动scissors movement 定位球战术(由固定队员主罚set-piece play WM3-4-3】阵式:WM3-4-3formation W阵式(WM阵式中的进攻部分:W formation M阵式(WM阵式中的防守部分:M formation 4前锋【匈牙利】阵式:four forwards formation ;Hungarian formation 4后卫阵式 four backs formation 3后卫阵式 three backs formation 2-3-5阵式:2-3-5 formation;pyramid 4-3-3阵式:4-3-3 formation;Catenaccio formation 4-2-4[巴西]阵式:4-2-4[Brazilian] formation 五人制比赛five-a-side game 绕杆练习swerve around sticks 足球场football field/pitch/ground 训练场地training grid 中线旗center flag 中圈kickoff circle 中场midfield;center field 球门线goal line 球门区goal area 球门区线goal area line 角球区corner area 角旗corner flag 罚球点penalty kick mark/spot 罚球区penalty area/box/zone 罚球弧penalty/restraining arc 球门goal;nets 球门口goalmouth 球门柱goalpost;upright 球门横梁goal crossbar 球门框woodwork 球门网goal net 彩条球衣strip 足球鞋football shoe 首发阵容starting line-up 降级relegation 转会费transfer fee 挂靴hang up one’s boots
实际比赛时间actual playing time
调整位置adjust one’s position 提出警告administer the caution 亚洲足球联合会AFC:Asian Football Confederation 总分Aggregate score 凶狠积极或主动积极的打法Aggressive play 拼抢凶狠积极的队员,风格凶狠的队员Aggressive player 空中球Air ball 全攻型打法All-out attacking game 业余足球运动员Amateur football player 护踝Ankle pads 预见,预料Anticipate 上诉,申诉Appeal 助攻Assist 助理教练Assistant coach 9
进攻Attack 发动进攻Launch/initiate/start an attack 对球门轮番攻击Attack after attack rolled towards the goal 从两翼/侧进攻Attack down the flanks/wings 攻方队员Attacker 进攻型(攻式足球Attacking football 进攻型(攻式打法Attacking play 进攻三区;前场Attacking third 防守三区;后场Defending third 过渡三区(我自己起的名字,有好名字可以推荐一下;中场Middle third 以进攻为主的;进攻型的Attack-oriented 回传;向后传Back kick 防线Back line 防守补位Balancing the defense 控制球Ball control 控制球,运球Ball handling 死球Ball out of play 踢球技术Ball playing skill 观望队员,在比赛中不积极主动的队员Ball watcher 名词:禁止(参赛Ban 香蕉球Banana kick 弧线射门Banana shot 基本功(中国最缺少的Basics 基本功(基本技术Basic skills 晃过,过人;打败Beat 射门意识强Be hungry for goal 没打出最好水平Below one’s best 替补席Bench
倒钩Bicycle kick 密集防守Blanket defense 反方向(球场另一侧Blind side 堵截Block 身体阻挡Body check 身体接触Body contact 狂轰滥炸Bombard 警告Book (射门时猛踢Boot 球网右下角Bottom right-hand corner of the net 反弹射门Bounce shot 反弹;弹回Bounce 界线Boundary line 违反规则Breach of rules 突破Break through 突破Breakthrough 10
破坏/瓦解进攻Break up an attack 精彩的表演 Brilliant performance 组织Build-up 组织进攻Build up an attack 争抢球;门前混战Bully 冲击Bursting 轮空Bye (法语非洲足球联合会 CAF: confederation africaine de football 要球Call for the ball 国脚Cap 利用Capitalize on/upon 队长Captain (守门员持球行走Carry 警告Caution 中圈Central/Centre circle 中心;v/n、传中Center/centre 中场Centre field 中锋Centre forward(CF 拖后中锋Centre forward playing deep 中前卫(以前用的多Centre halfback(CFB 中后卫Centre half(CH 中圈Centre spot 中国足协CFA:Chinese Football Association 争抢球Challenge for the ball 换位Change position 冠军Champions 卫冕冠军Defending champions

冲撞Charge 从后面冲撞Charge from behind 拉拉队队长Cheer-leader 拉拉队Cheering squad 平胸球/半高球Chest-high ball 蹭球Chip 蹭球Chip kick 蹭传Chip pass 选择场区与开球权Choice of ends and the kick-off 解围Clearance 密集防守Close defense 势均力敌的比赛Close contest/ encounter/ game 盯人Close marking 紧逼对方进攻队员Close up on an attacker 俱乐部Club 俱乐部球队Club team dive 鱼跃,假摔, play acting 表演(指假摔 take exception to 抗议
stand 瞧台, stands 瞧台上的观众 penalty area,禁区,penalty 点球, box 小禁区 chip 突破
bludgeon, drubbing 痛击 capitulate 投降
pounced on blunder from 抓住某人的失误 the newly promoted 升班马 snatch a victory 取得胜利 maul 狂攻
level,equalize 扳平 haul down 拉倒,拽倒 herald (观众呼叫
score, snap up, net 都可作及物动词(后加 N goals意为“进球” wide (射门偏出 skipper 队长 scout 球探 dugout 教练席
understudy 替补 (当然,substitute就是正式用语 go nuts 情绪激动
lob a pass 一记高空传球 play-off 热身赛
knockout round 淘汰阶段 snuff out danger 化险为夷

back-to-back defeats 连败
clinch(seal back-to-back titles 蝉联冠军 cling on for a win 坚持到胜利 starting line-up 首发阵容 formation 阵形
the final ball 临门一脚 form (球队状态 bite the dust 惨败
、、、unbeaten run (streak (若干轮不败 suffer a hangover like 、、、 重蹈覆辙 bounce back 反弹
、、、 points adrift 落后、、、分 bust-up 争吵
pour forward 大举压上 bypass 过人 mark 盯人
on a regular basis 稳定的出场 outings n、客战, away adj、客场的 swoop for (俱乐部对相中球员的追逐 flying (球队成绩出色
talisman (原意为护身符队里的重量级人物 slip down 成绩下滑
pull 、、、 out of slump 带领球队走出低迷的状态 boo 发出嘘声
livid at 对、、、表示愤怒 future looks bleak 前景暗淡
05-06赛季的大黑马维冈:round off a rags to riches story splash the cash 烧钱 mod 萃拥进球的队友(庆祝
comeback (比分逆转,(球员复出 spurn opportunities 浪费机会 mop up 解围
ping crisp passes 作快速短传 barge 冲撞
goal drought 进球荒 acute angel 刁的角度 tuck the ball 把球送入 concede 失球
get in front 领先 brittle 脆弱的 suspension 禁赛 on-loan 租借


