
发布时间:2019-10-23 07:52:20   来源:文档文库   



第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

26—Do you get a _______?

—Yes, I will go to _______ at a radio station.

Ajob; job Bwork; work Cwork; job Djob; work

27—What does your brother usually do in the evening?

—He usually likes _______ to a CD, but now he _______.

Alisten; exercises       Bto listen; exercises

Clistening; is exercising   Dlistening; is exercise

28—Could you tell my mother _______ the dictionary to school?

—Sure, no problem.

Abring Bbrings Cto bring  Dbringing

29—Our math teacher is very friendly _______ us.

—But I think he is kind _______ strict in class.

Aof; of     Bto; of Cfor; with   Dto; for

30—_______ the koalas _______ Australia?

—Yes, they do.

AAre; from  BAre; come from CDo; from DDo; come from

31—Can you help me _______ the house, Lisa?

—Sorry, Mum. I have _______ homework to do today.

Ato clean; a lot  Bto clean; a lot of Cclean; a lot   Dclean; many

32—Its _______ for us _______ English well.

—I think so. We must practice English every day.

Afun; to learn  Bfunny; learn Cimportant; to learn  Dboring; learn

33—Can you swim?

—Yes, I can swim _______ I cant sing or dance.

Aas  Bso Cbut   Dand

34—_______ does it take to get to school from your home?

—About thirty minutes.

AHow much  BHow many CHow long  DHow far

35—Dad, can I have some ice-cream after dinner?

—Oh, no. It _______ nice but its not good for you.

Atastes   Blooks Cfeels  Dsounds


—I like lions, too.

AWhat animals do you like   BWhat other animals do you like

CWhy do you like animals    DDo you like lions

37—Is your mother reading a newspaper?

—_______. Shes watching TV.

AYes, I am    BNo, she doesnt CYes, she is   DNo, she isnt

38—Tom gets home too late.

—There are no buses or taxies, so he _______ walk home.

Ahave to Bhas to Ccan  Dmay

39—Jack, can you go out _______ school nights?

—Yes, but I must be back _______ nine oclock.

Aat; before    Bat; after Con; before      Don; for

40—Do you want to watch the basketball game in the park this evening, David?

—_______, but I have a piano lesson this evening.

AThat sounds boring      BId love to

CYoure welcome        DThats right

第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  Its Sunday today. There  41  many people in the park. What are they doing? Look! Li Ming and his friends are  42  by the lake (). They often run there  43  weekends. After running, they want to go to the zoo to  44  the animals. Li Ming likes pandas because they are  45  and they are from  46 . Meimei likes giraffes from Africa because they are  47  interesting. There are also two old  48 in the park. One is Li Mings grandpa. He is playing sword dance (舞剑). But he cant play it  49 . And the other one is Meimeis grandpa. Hes playing taiji. Hes good at  50  it. There are some young people in the park. They are playing basketball. All of them are having a good time.

41Abe     Bam       Cis      Dare

42Awalking   Brunning     Cplaying    Ddancing

43Aunder    Bbefore     Con      Din

44Alook     Bsee      Cread     Dkeep

45Acute     Bscary     Cboring    Dlazy

46AAmerica   BAustralia    CChina    DMoscow

47Avery     Bstill      Cnot      Dmuch

48Aman     Bmen       Cwoman     Dwomen

49Agood     Bwell      Cnice     Dfine

50Aplaying   Bplays      Cplay     Dto play



  Hello! Im Molly. I am 12 years oldI come from Toronto, Canada. I live with my parents, my brother and sister in a big house. We are a happy family. My brother is 4 years old and my sister is 15We love each other. But there is a problem. We like different (不一样的) food, so it is hard for my mother to cook for us every day. I like fruit salad and eggs very much. They are healthy. My brother likes fried chicken. And my sisters favorite food is vegetables and meat. But my mother says that we can eat our favorite food every day and she cooks different food every day according to (根据) our favorite food.


51How old is Mollys brother?

AEight.    BEleven. CFour.   DFifteen.

52What does Mollys sister like?

AFruit salad.       BMeat and vegetables.

CIce-cream.         DFried chicken.

53Who cooks dinner at home?

AMolly.           BMollys father.

CMollys mother.      DMollys grandma.

54What does the underlined word hard mean in Chinese?

A.美味的   B.合适的 C.容易的    D.困难的

55Which is TRUE according to the passage?

AMolly is 13 years old now.

BMolly comes from America.

CThere are five people in Mollys family.

DAll the people in Mollys family eat the same food every day.

02  On holidays my parents often take me to the zoo in our city because I like animals. I have a lot of toy animals in my room. In the zoo I can see tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears (), giraffes and many other animals. Some animals are very friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and lions are very dangerous. That is why they have to stay in cages (笼子). But I dont think its good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages cant be happy.

  Tigers usually live in forests and mountains. They can run very fast. They catch and eat small animals like rabbits and deer, but now they live in small rooms. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk in the cages, and they want to get out. When they are tired, they sleep. I feel sorry for them.

56_____________ are very dangerous animals.

ATigers and monkeys BBears and elephants

CBears and lions DGiraffes and rabbits

57The writer (作者) thinks animals should __________.

Astay in cages   Bbe healthy Clive in the zoo  Dbe free

58Tigers eat ___________ in the forests and mountains.

Abears   Bdeer Cmonkeys     Dbirds

59What is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage?

ALions.  BKoalas CPandas.     DElephants.

60Which is NOT true?

AThe writer often goes to the zoo with his parents.

BThe animals in cages cant be happy.

CSome animals are friendly.

DIts good for all animals to stay in cages.


第二节 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)



第一节 词汇(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


66He brushes his ________ (牙齿) after dinner every day.

67It’s a ________ (一刻钟) past six. Let’s go home.

68Ice-cream is ________ (美味的). I want to eat more.

69My father ________ (开车) to work in the morning.

70You can ________ (参加) the story telling club.

第二节 句子(共10小题,共15分)

A) 按要求完成下列各题。每空一词,缩写算一词。(共5小题;每空0.5分,满分5分)

71My mother is working in a school.(对划线部分提问)

________ your mother __________?

72He goes to school by bus.(改为同义句) He _________ a bus _________ school.

73I like koalas because they are very friendly.(对划线部分提问)

_______ do you ______ koalas?

74Its raining in Shanghai.(对划线部分提问)

_________ the _________ in Shanghai?

75You cant be noisy in the classroom.(改为同义句)

________ ___________ noisy in the classroom.



My father is __________ ___________ now.


The elephants never __________ __________.


We must be _________ _________ for class.


My sister often _________ __________ school.


On Sundays, I ___________ watch TV __________ go to the movies.

第三节 补全对话。根据上下文提示,在空白处填上合适的句子。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

AHey, Paul! (81) ___________________________?

BI am listening to the radio. This talk show is very interesting.

AIt sounds good. But I have much homework to do.

BOh. I know , homework first. You come to school early every day.


AIt’s about two kilometers from my home to school.


AI usually get to school at 7:30Our classes begin at 8:00 o’clock.

BHow do you get to school?

A(84)_______________________. Riding bikes is good for our health. Oh, it’s time to go.

BGoodbye! (85)_______________________! AYou too, thanks ! Bye!

第四节 书面表达(10分)










