2019人教版八年级上册英语全英版教案:Unit3SectionA3aSectionB1e语文 doc

发布时间:2019-06-08 13:19:26   来源:文档文库   

Unit3 SectionA 3a-SectionB 1e全英版教案

Teaching Aims

1. Knowledge Objects

(1) FunctionTalk about personal traits.

(2)Key Vocabularytalented, truly, care, care about.

(3)Target LanguageDo you study English harder?

A good friend is talented in music.

A good friend likes to do the same things as me.

(4)StructureUse “comparative+ than” and “as + adj/adv as” to talk about a person’s traits.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Master the new patterns.

(2)Compare people with the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

(3)Use the pattern “as... as...” to compare two j persons.

3. Moral Objects

(1)Learn to care about others.

(2)Let students know what a true friend is like.

Teaching Key Points

1. Vocabulary and expressions.

2. Learn the response of the comparative questions.

Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to use the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs when you want to describe a person or compare two persons.

2. Use “as." as...” in a sentence to compare two persons.

Teaching Methods

1. Task-based language teaching.

2. Situation method.

Teaching Aids

Pictures and colorful chalks.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Leading in (about 7 minutes)

TDo you have a good friend?

S1Yes, I do. Marry is my best friend.

T Good ! What does she look like?

S1She is taller than me.

TGood job! Is she as funny as you?

S1No, she is funnier than me.

TReally? That sounds interesting.

AttentionThe teacher may ask students to describe not only their friends but also their teachers, parents, brothers, and so on.

Step 2 3a (about 5 minutes)

Write questions and answers with the words given.

TThink about it for one minute, you can talk the questions with your partners.

Then ask three students to do the exercises on the blackboard. And check the answers.

ObjectMaster the structure “ verb/be + comparative + than.

AttentionSome students may make mistakes. Then the teacher should emphasize the structures.

Step 3 3b (about 7 minutes)

T(Show a picture of a baby) This is a picture of a little baby. His father took the picture when he was two years old. What did the baby look like?

S1He was short.


S2He couldn’t run fast.


S1He was fat.

TWell done. A little fat.

T(Show another picture) Now look at this picture. It is a picture of his 4 years old. Compare it with the last picture. How different is he now.

S1He is taller than he was two years ago.

S2He is thinner than he was two years ago.

S3He is stronger than he was two years ago.

TThink of yourself two years age. Write about how you are different now.

I will find four of you to write down your answers.

Check the answers.

ObjectLet students master the new structure.

Attention1. Correct the mistakes.

2. Show the structure on the blackboard

Step 4 3c (about 5 minutes)

TLet’s do a survey. Compare your parents. Check who is smarter, funnier, etc in the chart on the right. Then ask your partner about his/her parents. I will invite several pairs of you to share answers.

Step 5 la, 1b (about 7 minutes)

TEveryone can have kinds of friends, but what kind of friend do you kind of friend do you think is a good friend for you?

TLook at la, please. Read it and talk about what do you think a good friend should be like.

Students rank the things in the box and share their answers.

TWell, “be talented in” means “be good at…” Can you give me an example?

S1I am talented in basketball.

S2My sister is talented in English.

TWell done! I think a good friend is like a sunshine. He can give me warm when I feel cold. He can encourage me when I fail. When I feel sadhe can make me laugh. Do you know what “make me laugh” means?

SsMake me happy.

TGreat! And friends should care about each other. “care about ” means “ look after ” For example, the mother truly cares about the baby.

Step 6 1c. 1d (about 5 minutes)

Play the recording. Ask students to fill in the boxes.

TThere are two studentsMolly and Mary. Lets listen to the tape. What do they like about their best friends? After finishing the activity, I will ask someone to share the answer.

TNow let’s play the tape again. Then fill in the rest of the chart. You should pay attention to these two structures:“ different from ...”and “both ... and…”.

Attention:“ both” means A and B, “different” means not the same as... The teacher should give more examples to help students understand the phrases.

Step 7 le (about 5 minutes)

THow do you think of Molly and Mary and their best friends? Please compare them and describe them.

Step 8 Summary (about 2 minutes)

T Today we have learned how to compare two persons by using comparative adjectives/ adverbs.

We also need to remember some important phrases, such as

be talented in... care about, make sb. do sth., different from, both A and B, pron. +both, both of.

Step 9 Homework (about 2 minutes)

Please write a passage about “What kinds of things are important in a friend?” Six sentences at least.

Blackboard Design

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

The Second Period (Section A 3a—Section B le)

1. be talented in

e. g. : I am talented in basketball.

2. care about

e. g. : The mother truly cares about the baby.

3. different from

e. g. : A is different from B

4. both A and B

e. g. : Both Tom and Marry are students.

5. pron. + both

e. g. : They both like English.

6. both of

e. g. : Both of us come from Shandong.


《2019人教版八年级上册英语全英版教案:Unit3SectionA3aSectionB1e语文 doc.doc》
