
发布时间:2015-04-10 15:16:30   来源:文档文库   


1. 项目背景介绍:清华少儿英语是清华大学外国语学员和清华大学继续教育学院联合博识教育联合推出的一个项目。目前全国有600多家加盟校。

2. 字母:

一.字母的发音,笔顺。 字母的音标 . 怎么教授字母 . 字母操

3. 自然拼读法教授

开音节 闭音节 多音节

多音节: ai ay ea ou ow au aw ee oo oa ow oi oy ar er ir or ur air ere ear are ce ge st sp sk sc cr str

4. 教学步骤:


教学法: TPR

游戏教学:1. 粘炸弹 2. 警察抓小偷 3.黏黏手

4. 口香糖 粘哪里 5. 一闪一闪亮晶晶 6. 幸运跑跑跑

7. 萝卜蹲 8. 搬运工 9. 大小声

10. magic bag 11.我要长高 12. 死亡之角 13.吹气球 14. 粘粘球 15. 猜中指 16. 伦敦桥 17. 剪刀, 石头,布 18 猜口型 19:友谊之圈 20:抢椅子 21 头顶一片天

22.气死你不偿命 23. 击鼓传花 24. 抓人 (看谁反映快)

25. Simon says 26. 猜中指

5. 语法的讲解

1. 名词复数:

2. 冠词

3. 肯定句变一般疑问句

4. 肯定句变否定句

5. 肯定句变感叹句

6. 肯定句变特殊疑问句

7. 将来时

8. 过去时

6. 教案

7. 公开课内容 宣讲

8. 电话沟通 家长沟通

1. Hello song

Hello , hello, hello, hello how are you. I’m fine , I’m fine, I hope that you are too.

2. Color song

Red and yellow and pink and blue, purple and ornage and blue, I can see a rainbow, see a rainbow now.

3. Old Maldonal

Old maldonal had a farm E-I_E_I –O ,and on the farm he has some chicks E-I_E_I –O, with Chick Chick here and Chick chick there , here chick, there chick , everywhere chick chick. , Old maldonal had a farm E-I_E_I –O ,

Old maldonal had a farm E-I_E_I –O , and on the farm he has some ducks E-I_E_I –O,with quare quare here and quare quare there,here quare there quare ,everywhere quare quare Old maldonal had a farm E-I_E_I –O

4. Binggo

There was a famer had a dog , and binggo was his name-o , B I N G O B I N G O B I N G O and binggo was his name-o

There was a famer had a dog , and binggo was his name-o , * I N G O *I N G O *I N G O and binggo was his name-o



If you are happy

If you are happy and you know ,clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know , clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know ,and you really want to show,

If you are happy and you know ,clap your hands,

Stomp your feet shout harry , do all three

7. once I caught fish alive

One two three four five, once a caught a fish alive. Six seven eight nine ten , then I let it go again. Why did you let it go, cause it bite my finger so, which finger did it bite , this it finger on the right .

8. London Bridge

London bridge is falling down , falling down , falling down , london bridge is falling down , my fairy lady.

9. Christmas song

We wish you merry Christmas, We wish you merry Christmas, We wish you merry Christmas, and happy new year, good tidings we bring , to you and your king, good tidings Christmas and happy new year.

10. Teddy bear

Teddy bear teddy bear , turn around, Teddy bear teddy bear, touch the ground. Teddy bear teddy bear, show your shoe, Teddy bear teddy bear, that will do!

Teddy bear teddy bear, go upstairs, Teddy bear teddy bear, say your prayers. Teddy bear teddy bear, turn off the light. Teddy bear teddy bear, say good- night.


Rain rain , go sway\

Rain rain go away, come again some other day. Little Johnny wants to play. Rain rain go away.

apple song

apple round, apple red , apple juicy apple sweet, aplle aplle , I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat.


Sunny , sunny , it’s sunny day, come on , let’s go. Let’s go to play. Oooo---yeah, It’s a sunny day.

If you are happy

If you are happy and you know ,clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know , clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know ,and you really want to show,

If you are happy and you know ,clap your hands,

Stomp your feet shout harry , do all three






















33. How’s the weather

How’s the weather, It’s fine day . How’s weather , it’s cloudy day. How’s weather, It’s rainy, How’s the weather , It’s snowy.

34. walking walking

walking , walking , walking , walking , hop hop hop hop hop hop , running running running, running running running, now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.

35. Ten Little indians

One little , two little three little Indians, four little , five little , six little indians, seven little , eight little , nine little Indians, ten little Indians boy.

Ten little , nine little , eight little indians, seven little ,six little ,five little indians, four little ,three little two little indians , one little indians boy.

16. Two little black birds

two little black birds, sitting on the hill. One named jack, one named Jill. Fly away Jack, fly away Jill. Come back Jack, Come back Jill.

36. family song

Daddy finger, daddy finger , Here I am , Here I am , How are you today , very well thank you, run away run away.

37. Row row row your boat

Row Row Row your boat, gently down the streem , merrily merrily merrily merrily , life but dream .

Hello how are you, come with me , to the world of ABC, let’s sing a song for you and me , and everyone with me , hi, hello, mummy, don’t laugh at me , cause gona learn my ABC, and everyone with me.

Hello how are you, come with me , to the world of ABC, let’s sing a song for you and me , and everyone with me , hi, hello, Daddy , don’t laugh at me , cause gona learn my ABC, and you’ll be proud of me.

Finger song

One finger one finger turn turn turn , turn to a knife g g g

Two fingers two fingers turn turn turn , turn to a rabbit , jump , jump , jump

Three fork , chua , chua , chua

Four fingers , four fingers turn turn cat , miao miao miao

Five finger , tiger ,wow


