2019最新精选七年级英语下册 Module 2 What can you do重点单词练习外研版

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2019最新】精选七年级英语下册 Module 2 What can you do重点单词练习外研版

I. 重点单词

1. 网球 tennis 2. 钢琴 piano 3. 俱乐部 club 4.学期 term 5. 布告板 board 6.班长 monitor 7. 开端 start/beginning 8.队伍 team 9. 得分 score 10. 风筝 kite

11. ride (过)rode 12. 焦虑 worry (过)worried

13. 飞行 fly (过)flew 14. 游泳 swim (过)swam

15.每个人everybody 16. teach (过) taught 老师teacher

17.承诺 promise 18.快的fast (反)slow 19.强健的 fit

20.有把握的 sure 21.整洁的 tidy () untidy

22. 美丽的 beautiful (名)beauty


1. 弹钢琴/吉他/拉小提琴play the piano/guitar/ the violin

2. 骑自行车去某地 ride a bike to =go to by bike

3. 想要做某事 want/ would like to do sth.

4.在布告板上 on the board 5.教某人…teach sb sth

6.踢足球 play football/soccer

7.担心… worry about/be worried about

8.(在)…的开头 (at) the beginning/start of

9.和某人相处得好/get on well/badly with sb

10.乐意做某事 be ready to do sth

11.做准备 get/be ready for sth

12.承诺做某事 promise to do sth

13.保持健康 stay/keep fit /healthy

14.收拾 tidy sth up 15.有把握be sure of sth

16.肯定做be sure to do sth 17.确保 make sure

18.正如 just like 19.放风筝 fly a kite

20.乘飞机去 take the plane to =go to by plane=fly to 21.喜欢做某事 like /enjoy doing sth

22.怎么样 what/how about doing sth

23.帮助某人做help sb do sth

24.在某人的帮助下 with sb’s help

25.在哪方面帮助某人 help sb with sth

26.高兴地做… have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself doing sth 27.擅长(做)… be good at /do well in doing sth

28.在操场上 on/in the playground

29.在课间 between lessons

30.在校队 in the school team

31.选某人当 choose sb as

32.打扫卫生 do some cleaning

33.使什么怎么样 make sb/sth +

34.使某人做 make sb do sth

35.在家 at home 36.在上学的时候 at school

37.在….和…之间 between and .

III、语法 情态动词can (见名校课堂12)

1)肯定句:主语+can+ do (动原)+其他

2)否定句:主语+cant+ do (动原)+其他

3) 一般疑问句:Can+主语+ do (动原)+其他?

4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+ can+主语+ do (动原)+其他?

. 写作。


要求:1. 竞选什么班干部? 2. 你有哪些优势?

3. 获选后的目标是什么? 4. 词数60左右。

Our classroom is our home. Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. This term I would like to be the cleaning monitor. I often help my mother do some cleaning at home. My bedroom is tidy and beautiful. Choose me as your cleaning monitor and we can make our classroom beautiful.



1. What about _______(go) out for a walk?

2. Would you like _______(see) a film with me tonight?

3. Do you like _______(see) movies?

4. Mr Li teaches _______(we) science.

5. It’s the _________(begin) of a new term.

6. She is a ________ English learner. She can learn English ________(good).

7. They had a great time ______(ride) bikes yesterday.

8. They are ready _____(help) him with his work.

9. I promise ______(give) you some story books.

10. Wang Li is good at ______(cook). She often makes delicious food for us.

11. Mr Hu gets on ______(good) with the students. They all like him.

12. Now everybody in our class ________(listen) to the teacher carefully.

13. Most students can ______(sing) the song.

14. Your bedroom is _______. Please ______ it up at once. (tidy)

15. Look! The children are enjoying ______(they) in the park.

16. We should take much exercise _____ (stay) _____ (health).

17. We do some ______(clean) every day, because we want to make our classroom _____(clean).

18. Lingling often helps her classmates ______(sweep) the floor.

19. Light music can make us ______(feel) relaxed.

20. I work very hard, so I often get the ______(good) score.

21. My father is a ______ and he _____ English. (teach)

22. All of the girls sang and danced _______(happy) at the party.

23. We should work _______ to finish the ______ work. (hard)


1. Lets play games.(改同义句) ______ ______ playing games?

2. My sister can look after herself.(改一般疑问句并作否定回答) _____ _____ sister _____ after herself? _____, _____ ______.

3. I think this book is Betty’s.(改否定句)

I _____ _______ this book is Betty’s.

4. I like the story because it’s very interesting.(对划线部分提问)____ ____ you ____ the story?

5. Daming can speak English. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _____ Daming _______?

6. Jack gets on well with his classmates. (对划线部分提问)

______ _____ Jack _____ on with his classmates?

7. Li Fang plays table tennis very well. (同义句)

Li Fang _____ _____ _____ playing table tennis.

8. Lin often helps her mother do housework. (同义句)

Lin often ______ her mother ______ housework.

9. I want a cup of coffee.(改同义句) I _____ _____ a cup of coffee.

10. Jim went to Shanghai by plane this time. (写同义句)

Jim ______ ____ Shanghai this time. = Jim ______ ____ _____ ____ Shanghai this time.

11. Tom can join the Music Club. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ can Tom join?

12.选我当班长吧,我会是一个好班长的。_______ me ____the monitor and I can be a good monitor.

13.我坐在吉姆和玲玲之间。 I sit ______ Jim _____ Lingling.

14.韩梅擅长体育,她想当体育委员。 Han Mei ____ ____ ____ P.E and she wants ____ _____ the P.E monitor.

15.他说起话来就像一个孩子。 He speaks _____ _____ a child.

16. 我早上通常喝一杯果汁,吃三片面包。仅此而已。 I usually have a glass of juice and three pieces of bread in the morning. _____ ______.

17. 我外出时,我妈妈总是担心我。 My mother always _____ _____ me when I go out.

18.你和你的父母处得好吗? Do you ____ ___ ____ ____ your parents?

19. 明天他一定会来。He _____ _____ ______ come tomorrow.

20.出去时务必关门。_____ ______ that the door is closed when you go out.

21. 这学期新的俱乐部名单在布告板上。 The new clubs ____ this term ____ ____ the board.


《2019最新精选七年级英语下册 Module 2 What can you do重点单词练习外研版.doc》
