2019年春八年级英语下册Unit3CouldyoupleasecleanyourroomSectionA(3a - 4c)同步练习(新版)人教新目标版

发布时间:2020-04-21 11:01:25   来源:文档文库   

Could you please clean your room

Section A (3a—4c)


1Could you please help me solve the problem(写出肯定答语)


2Could we go back late this evening(写出否定答语)


3Could I bring some food and drinks(写出肯定答语)


4Could you please come over now(写出否定答语)



1—Can I borrow your bike?

—Sorry, I ________ (借给) it to Tom just now.

2Please show us your ten ________(手指)

3—Could you p________ me the pen?

—Sure, here you are.

4—Do you often help your parents do c________ at home?

—Yes, I clean the living room every day.

5All the boys and girls are wearing white s________ and they look very cool.


1Jack went out of the classroom ________ (angry)

2Neither of the books ________ (be) interesting.

3.“When did you come back?” she asked me in ________ (surprised)

4Could you please ________ (clean) your room?

5________(final), I caught up with other students.


hang out, come over, in surprise, do housework,

all day, the minute, all the time, in front of

1Please remember not to make the same mistakes ____________

2____________ Mr. Green came up with the good idea, he called me up right away.

3There is a big park with beautiful trees and flowers ____________ our neighborhood.

4My best friend will ____________ to my house and have dinner with me next Sunday.

5It rained heavily ____________ so they had to put off the school sports meeting.

6After school, Mike ____________ by himself in the park and got back home late.

7The one­year­old kid is looking at the cat in the picture____________

8____________ is a good way to improve children's independence.


(  )1.—Lucy, do you like playing basketball?

—No, I ________ it.

Ahate Bneed Cforget Denjoy

(  )2.2018·温州—Do you like rock music or light music?

—________. I like Beijing Opera.

AEither BNone

CBoth DNeither

(  )3.Jim ________ his schoolbag angrily and went out.

Athrows down Bthrew down

Cthrow down Dthrowed down

(  )4.—Could you please give me a cake?


AYes, I could

BNo, I can't

CSure. Here you are

DI couldn't

(  )5.Linda went to the library ________ some books about science and computer yesterday morning.

Aborrow Bborrowing

Cborrowed Dto borrow

(  )6.—Could you buy us ________ drinks?

—Sorry, I don't have ________ money.

Aany; any Bany; some

Csome; some Dsome; any

(  )7.Don't worry. I will call you up ________ I get to Beijing.

Asince Bbefore

Cbecause Das soon as

(  )8.________ the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach.

AAlthough BIf

CWhile DOnce


At the age of four, our kids began to help us with the housework. They helped __1__ their pets and clean the house. Now Kate can make her bed, __2__ her clothes and set (布置) the table. Last week, she even helped me __3__We were happy because it was delicious.

I like getting kids to start early for a few__4__First, it is fun for kids to help. Kids like to work __5__ the same things as their parents do. They want to stay with their parents but to do things by themselves. It's a good time to __6__ them to help you when you are busy. Second, it's never too __7__ for them to learn some things. __8__ having kids do chores is not robbing(剥夺) their playing time. __9__ makes them know the joy of working. __10__ it does help. I feel that Kate likes doing chores and she helps me a lot.

(  )1.A.take care of    Blook at Cget back Dworry about

(  )2.A.buy Bfold Csell Dmake

(  )3.A.do chores Bdo the dishes Cdo the cleaning Dmake dinner

(  )4.A.words Breasons Cways Dmeans

(  )5.A.for Bfrom Con Das

(  )6.A.borrow Bmake Cdrive Dinvite

(  )7.A.early Bpopular Cimportant Dold

(  )8.A.But BAlthough CHowever DBecause

(  )9.A.It BIts CShe DHe

(  )10.A.Slowly BHardly CQuickly DFinally


As we know, it is difficult for parents of every family to teach their children to be responsible(有责任的) for housework.

Shatian School in Shanghai is making its students do housework for their parents. Third

graders must learn how to cook and clean; sixth graders do the laundry, and seventh and eighth graders cook balanced meals with 15 yuan.

Many parents think it's a good way for children to try housework, but they don't know how to do it at home. With the following ideas, you can get your children to help at home.

If you want to make your children think that they can do everything quite right, please give lots of praise(赞扬) at home. Talk more about what he did right, not about what he didn't do. If your child finishes some difficult work, give him or her a Sunday trip or a ball game as a reward

(  )1.Who should cook balanced meals with 15 yuan according to the passage?

AA third grader.

BA fourth grader.

CA sixth grader.

DA seventh grader.

(  )2.What should parents do when the children do housework?

ATell them when they are wrong.

BGive them a lot of praise.

CDon't let them do it.

DTell them not to do difficult work.

(  )3.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “reward”

A.感恩 B.说明

C.诱惑 D.奖励

(  )4.From the passage we know that ________

Aevery student likes to do housework at home

Bthere is no way to make children help do housework at home

Cdoing housework is the students' homework in Shatian School

Dno parents want their children to do homework

(  )5.The title of the passage may be ________

ASchool and Housework

BHow to Teach Children


DMake the Children Do Housework


.1.No problem. (Wait a minute, please.)/Sure, my pleasure.

2Sorry, you can't./No, you can't.

3Yes, you can./Of course./Sure./Certainly.

4Sorry, I can't. I have to do my homework first./No, I can't.

.1.lent 2.fingers 3.pass 4.chores


.1.angrily 2.is/are 3.surprise

4clean 5.Finally

.1.all the time 2.The minute 

3in front of 4.come over 5.all day

6hung out 7.in surprise 

8Doing housework

.1.A 根据“No”可判断“我讨厌打篮球”,因此选A


3B 考查谓语动词的时态。根据went可知用一般过去时,故选B


5D 句意:琳达昨天上午去图书馆借了一些有关科学和电脑的书籍。这里用动词不定式短语表目的。

6D 7.D 8.C

.1—5 ABDBC 6—10 DACAD

.1.D 2.B

3D 词义猜测题。由最后一句“…give him or her a Sunday trip or a ball game as a reward.”可知reward是“奖励”的意思。


5D 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍的是如何让孩子做家务和做家务的好处。


《2019年春八年级英语下册Unit3CouldyoupleasecleanyourroomSectionA(3a - 4c)同步练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc》
