
发布时间:2012-05-18 09:00:46   来源:文档文库   

The full-length novel Gone With The Wind, has been translated into more than thirty languages, and the bestseller for a long time in the world. Why could it’s charm last in such a long time? The reason mostly relied on it’s distinctive female characters---Scarlett, Melanie, Mammy and Belle Watling.

一. Scarlett O’Hara

<> Personality changes

1. Pre-war

A. adolescent romantic

B. simple capricious

2. Post-war

A. strong persistent

B. reality rational

3. Revelations to moderns

A. in terms of workplace

a. abreast of the times

b. self-confidence

B. in terms of interpersonal

a. self-image

b. unique personality

<> Views on marriage

1. Material view of marriage

A. purpose

B. just to be obtained not with pay

2. Revelations to moderns

A. marriage is not a transaction

B. balance in marriage

<> character full of contradictory and complexity

1. selfish---responsible

2. blind pursuit of love---casually take advantage of marriage

3. feminist consciousness---effect of Patriarchal society

一. Melanie Hamilton Wilkes

<> personality traitsthe ordinary perfect

1. ordinary---outside

2. perfect---intrinsic

A. fraternity

B. tolerant

C. kind-hearted selfless

D. hard-working

E. cordial genial

<> The actor of variety of roles

1. Ashley’s faithful wife

A. love tolerance trust

2. Scarlett’s precious friend

A. spirit backbone

B. thanksgiving love trust

3. Revelations to moderns

A. in terms of marriage

a. based on love

b. mutual trust

B. in terms of interpersonal

a. inner beauty charisma

C. In terms of family life

a. love

b. trust

二. Mammy

<> Personality traits

1. pungent powerful

2. loyal faithful

3. sly reality

4. kind-hearted

5. stubborn

<> The development of the role

1. Ellen’s right-hand man

2. Scarlett’s guardian

3. a piece of spiritual home

三. Belle Watling

<> Female’s weakness---Male’s consciousness

<> Good---Evil


