
发布时间:2013-02-06 03:31:56   来源:文档文库   
个人整理,纯属娱乐,如有疑问,邮件联系:jzws2008@139.com十九世纪法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳In the th century Jules Verne著有许多脍炙人口的冒险小说wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told.诸如《海底两万里》ovels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,《地心游记》Journey to the Center of the Earth,以及《神秘岛》and The Mysterious Island.人们大都认为其作品是科幻小说t consider these works of science fiction.但凡尔纳迷另有想法Vernians know otherwise.惨了ot good!狗狗乖Whoa! Good boy!不会吧Seriously?好吧Okay.拼了Here we go!晚上好警官大人Evening, officers.有兴趣一起夜泳吗Anyone up for a late night swim?老兄这星期的牌局怎么没来Hey, buddy. Missed you at poker this week.谢谢你通知我具体什么情况Thanks for the call. What's going on?这事本不该外泄We didn't want this going out over the radio.这孩子私闯卫星基地Kid broke into a satellite facility.然后骑着摩托冲进了老迈家泳池Then he drove his dirt bike into the McGillicuttys' pool.我说服他们别起诉了I talked them out of pressing charges.安德森Anderson!你继父来了Your stepfather's here for you.不是继父是监护人o. Legal guardian.要不是我If it weren't for me,你非得在少管所待上半年you'd be in juvie for the next six months.我宁愿被关起来Rather do the time.想说说为什么要闯进Do you want to explain to me why you were breaking into一个偏僻的卫星基地吗a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?别担心妈妈Don't worry about it, Mom.真的没什么It's nothing, really.警察深更半夜来电话还叫没事The police calling in the middle of the night is nothing?肖恩Sean?他去那儿干嘛找什么What was he doing there? What was he looking for?宝贝我也不知道还得问他Honey, I don't know. All we can do is asking him.肖恩得谈谈这事Hey. Sean, we gotta talk about this.我就纳闷了他哪儿来的发言权I'm confused. Who gave him a speaking part?怎么说话呢Hey.不是我发言现在你都坐牢了Without my speaking part, we'd visit you in jail right now.住这里跟坐牢没差别I'm already in jail.你什么意思肖恩What is that suped to mean? Sean?我压根不乐意离开学校离开朋友Look, I didn't ask to be taken away from my school and friends,但还不是被你们一路拽到代顿了and dragged all the way to Dayton.an}fsbbordshad}代顿美国俄亥俄州西南部城市


