
发布时间:2019-04-27 03:06:37   来源:文档文库   





Years agoa critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever.I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast.While we were 36 Kurt asked me“Johnwhat is your 37 for personal growth

Never at a loss for wordsI tried to find things in my life that might 38 for growth.I told him about the many activities in which I was 39 .And I went into a 40 about how hard I worked and the gains I was making.I must have talked for ten minutes.Kurt 41 patientlybut then he 42 smiled and said“You don’t have a personal plan for growthdo you

“No” I 43 .

“You know” Kurt said simply“growth is not a(n) 44 process.

And that’s when it 45 me.I wasn’t doing anything 46 to make myself better.And at that momentI made the 47 I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my 48 .

That nightI talked to my wife about my 49 with Kurt and what I had learned.I 50 her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling.We 51 that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale.He was offering a 52 for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.

Several important things happened that day.Firstwe decided to 53 the resources.But more importantlywe made a commitment to 54 together as a couple.From that day onwe learned togethertraveled togetherand sacrificed together.It was a 55 decision.While too many couples grow apartwe were growing together.

36A.working Bpreparing

Cthinking Deating

答案 D

解析 根据前面的“for breakfast”可知,我们正在吃饭。

37A.suggestion Bdemand

Cplan Drequest

答案 C

解析 根据下文中的“‘You don’t have a personal plan for growthdo you可知这里问的是你的个人成长计划是什么

38A.appeal Blook

Ccall Dqualify

答案 D

解析 根据上下文语境可知,尽力找出那些能算得上成长的事情。qualify使具有资格,符合语境。

39A.involved Btrapped

Clost Dbathed

答案 A

解析 告诉他参与过的许多活动。be involved (in)参与,符合语境。

40A.lecture Bspeech

Cdiscussion Ddebate

答案 B

解析 由下文“I must have talked for ten minutes.”可知,滔滔不绝地说了起来,就像在演讲。故speech符合语境。

41A.calculated Blistened

Cdrank Dexplained

答案 B

解析 根据语境可知,Kurt耐心地听说。

42A.eagerly Bgradually

Cgratefully Dfinally

答案 D

解析 根据前面的“I must have talked for ten minutes.”可知,Kurt耐心地听说,最后才微笑着说。finally最后,最终,符合语境。

43A.admitted Binterrupted

Capologized Dcomplained

答案 A

解析 根据空前的否定回答及下文内容可判断出作者自己没有计划,所以此处要用admit(承认)

44A.automatic Bslow

Cindependent Dchanging

答案 A

解析 根据前面的“you know”,再结合下文可知,这里要说的是成长不是一个自动的过程。automatic自动的,自然而然的。

45A.confused Binformed

Cpleased Dhit

答案 D

解析 那时才想到这一点。hit sb.某人突然想到,为固定表达。

46A.on loan Bon purpose

Con sale Don balance

答案 B

解析 并没有特意地做什么事来使自己变得更好。on purpose有意地,符合语境。

47A.comment Bannouncement

Cdecision Darrangement

答案 C

解析 根据下文的“I will develop and follow a personal growth plan...”可知,就在那时,作出了决定。

48A.life Bprogress

Cperformance Dinvestment

答案 A

解析 此处表示为的人生制定个人成长计划。

49A.contract Bconversation

Cnegotiation Dargument

答案 B

解析 根据上文两个人的对话可知,那天夜里,把与Kurt的谈话内容告诉给妻子。

50A.lent Bsold

Cshowed Doffered

答案 C

解析 根据空后的“the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling”可知,此处表示给某人看东西show sb.sth.把某物展示给某人看。

51A.recalled Bdefined

Crecognized Ddeclared

答案 C

解析 根据上下文可知,这里表示我们认识到Kurt不仅仅是在做销售。

52A.tool Bmethod

Cway Drule

答案 C

解析 根据后面的“for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams”可知,他给我们提供了一个让我们改变生活、实现梦想的道路。没有a method for sb.to do...结构。

53A.provide Bbuy

Cgive Ddeliver

答案 B

解析 根据上文的内容可知,最后我们决定购买。

54A.grow Bsurvive

Cmove Dgather

答案 A

解析 由下文“...we were growing together.”可知,和妻子承诺一起成长。

55A.difficult Brandom

Cfirm Dwise

答案 D

解析 综合整篇故事内容特别是文章最后一句可知,作者认为这是个明智的决定。




2.观点事例:先提出一种观点或看法,然后围绕这一观点或看法用具体的事例来说明。 一般是一个事例,有时也会用几个事例从不同的侧面加以说明。



1.分析结构,抓住作者的观点。 在做题时大家要借助文章结构,认真体会记叙和议论的关系,抓住作者的观点,明确文章的组织方式。 看文章属于上述哪种结构,从而明白作者的思路。

2.重视首句,把握文章主题。 首句往往是文章的关键句、引题句或主题句。 通过首句可以初步判断文章的写作中心,为全面理解文章打开一扇窗户

3.叙议兼顾,理解议论内涵。 夹叙夹议中叙与议是一个有机的整体,叙是议的基础,而议是叙的升华。 在读这类文章时,掌握议论部分的内容是关键,因为叙述是为作者的议论而服务的。 所以只有把故事和哲理联系起来,再结合人物心理和行为的描述,全面把握文章才能正确解题。

4.抓住转换,理清逻辑关系。 抓住记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式,理清上下文之间的逻辑关系,在充分把握语境的基础上,辨析词语,进一步把握作者的观点、态度,从而找到正确答案。


The first 1review I ever got for my writing happened in the middle of the night.I was a young adolescent 1 the pains of being a teenager.I knew too I had been a(n) 2 many times to both my mom and my dad.One dayhoweverI realized just how much 3 my parents had put on me during this time and in fact for my whole life.I was too 4 to tell them how much I

5 their careface to face.So earlier that evening I had poured my 6 into a letter and placed it where I knew they would 7 find it.Then I went to bed.

Hours later my parents burst into my room 8 me awake and hugged me.I was in 9 .I didn’t know what was going on until I saw the 10 in my mom’s hand.It was one of the few times I could ever remember seeing 11 in my dad’s eyes.I didn’t know what to say as I saw the love and joy 12 their faces.I just hugged them back and 2blinked my 13 eyes as they held me.My simple note had 14 them in ways that I couldn’t then understand.All I knew was that it had made them 15 and that was enough.

I still carry that 16 in a special place in my heart.It 17 me again and again of the

18 of a single act of love.No writing review I have ever gotten has meant as much as that first one did.It put me on a path that I am still 19 today.It showed me that in this life the only thing that truly 20 is love.

1A.resulting in Bgoing through

Crecovering from Dcaring about

答案 B

解析 由空前的“a young adolescent”可推知,是一个正在经历痛苦的青少年。result in导致; go through经历;recover from恢复;care about关心。

2A.3credit Bhonor

Ccomfort Dpain

答案 D

解析 由上文的“the pains of being a teenager”可知这里填pain“痛苦

3A.love Bexpectation

Cvalue Dhope

答案 A

解析 由文章末尾的love可知,此处指意识到我的父母为我付出了多少爱。love爱;expectation期待;value价值;hope希望。

4A.stubborn Bcareless

Cshy Dcautious

答案 C

解析 由下文作者给父母写信表达自己的感谢可知,此处指太害羞了,以至于不能面对面的告诉他们,多么感谢他们的关心。stubborn顽固的;careless粗心的;shy害羞的;cautious谨慎的。

5A.owed Bappreciated

Cimpressed Dentertained

答案 B

解析 句意参见上题解析。owe拥有;appreciate感激;impress……深刻印象,使牢记;entertain娱乐。

6A.heart Bcomplaint

Cargument Didea

答案 A

解析 由上文语境可知,的感情倾注在了那封信里。 heart感情;complaint抱怨;argument争论;idea想法。

7A.luckily Bsecretly

Ceventually Dmagically

答案 C

解析 把它放在知道他们最终可以找到的地方。luckily幸运地;secretly秘密地;eventually最后;magically如魔法般地。

8A.found Bkept

Cleft Dshook

答案 D

解析 他们把摇醒,并且拥抱了find找到;keep保持;leave离开;shake摇晃。

9A.silence Bshock

Cdanger Dtrouble

答案 B

解析 由前文作者对父母看到信后的一系列行为的描述可知,作者很震惊。silence沉默;shock震惊;danger危险;trouble麻烦。

10A.letter Bgifts

Cclothes Dmedicine

答案 A

解析 由语境可知,我不知道发生了什么事情,直到看到妈妈手里的信。 letter信;gift礼品;clothes衣服;medicine药。

11A.doubts Bdisappoints

Csurprises Dtears

答案 D

解析 看到的父亲眼里满是泪水。doubt怀疑;disappoint失望;surprise惊奇;tear泪水。

12A.on Babove

Camong Dwith

答案 A

解析 看到他们脸上的爱和快乐,不知道该说些什么。on ……之上;above超过;among……中间;with随着。

13A.curious Bsleepy

Cangry D4dull

答案 B

解析 由 me awake and hugged me”可知,我被从睡梦中喊醒,自然一定是非常困乏。 curious好奇的;sleepy困乏的;angry生气的;dull迟钝的。

14A.influenced Bworried

C6touched D5confused

答案 C

解析 我简单的便笺以我当时无法理解的方式感动了他们。influence影响;worry担心;touch感动;confuse困惑。

15A.happy Bproud

Cnervous Dafraid

答案 A

解析 所知道的就是它让他们很快乐,这就足够了。happy快乐的;proud骄傲的;nervous紧张的;afraid害怕的。

16A.pity Bburden

Cregret Dmemory

答案 D

解析 仍然把那段记忆放在我内心深处的一个特殊的地方。pity怜悯;burden负担;regret后悔;memory记忆。

17A.approves Bwarns

Creminds Dinforms

答案 C

解析 它反复提醒爱的力量。approve赞成;warn警告;remind提醒;inform通知。

18A.power Bmeaning

Csymbol Dloss

答案 A

解析 句意参见上题解析。power力量;meaning意思;symbol象征;loss损失。

19A.clearing Btraveling

Copening Dpainting

答案 B

解析 它让走上了一条仍然在走着的路。clear清扫;travel行驶,行走;open打开;paint绘画。

20A.survives Breacts

Cexists D7matters

答案 D

解析 它告诉在生活中,唯一真正重要的事情就是爱。survive幸存;react反应;exist存在;matter重要。



1He reviewed the whole of his past life.回顾

2When you blink your eyesyou shut your eyes and very quickly open them again.眨眼睛

3For the first two monthshe earned nothing at all but his credit and reputation were looking better.信誉

4If you describe someone or something as dullyou mean they are not interesting or exciting.


5If you are confusedyou do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.迷惑的


6touch vt.触摸;碰;使感动;n.触觉;联系

(1)The blind have a keen touch.触觉

(2)Your hand will burn if you touch the hot electric iron.触摸

(3)You might get in touch with him.联系

(4) It has touched me deeply to see how these people live.使感动

7matter n.物质;事件;vi.有关系;要紧

(1)It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matters.事件

(2)Matter is the physical part of the universe consisting of solidsliquidsand gases.物质

(3)The tool matters a great deal to him.有关系;要紧


1So earlier that evening I had poured my heart into a letter and placed it where I knew they would eventually find it.

[句式分析] 本句话主干为简单句五种句型中的主谓宾结构,主句有两个谓语pouredplaced,它们的宾语分别是a letteritearlier that evening时间状语;where I knew they would eventully find it地点状语从句。

[精美译文] 因此,那天晚上早些时候,我把我全部的感情都倾注到一封信里并把它放在一个我认为他们最终能发现的地方。

2All I knew was that it had made them happy and that was enough.

[句式分析] 本句话是并列句,前面的句子的主干部分是主系表结构;I knew是定语从句,修饰All,省掉了thatthat it had made them happy表语从句。

[精美译文] 我只知道这封信使他们很快乐,那就够了。



1Upon entering a new era”,what we now face is the between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life.

Aadministration Bviolation

Ccontradiction Dpresentation

答案 C

解析 administration管理行政violation违反妨碍contradiction否认反驳presentation展示描述。句意为:进入新时代,我们现在面临的是不平衡和不充分发展的矛盾,以及人民日益增长的对美好生活需求。结合句意可知答案为contradiction

2Anyone with an eye on the employment situation knew the assessment about economic recovery just around the corner was correct.

Abeing Bto be

Cwas Dhaving been

答案 A

解析 句意为:任何关注就业情况的人都知道,对有关经济即将复苏的评估是正确的。此处是现在分词短语作后置定语修饰economic recovery,意思是即将来临的经济复苏economic recovery being just around the cornerabout的宾语。故选A

3Due to the country’s growing rate of urbanizationChina’s migrant population to be over 200 million by 2020.


Bis predicted

Cwill have been predicted

Dwill be predicted

答案 B

解析 句意为:由于中国城市化的速度不断提高,到2020年,中国的移民人口预计将超过2亿。结合句意可知用一般现在时的被动语态,句子主语是population,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故答案为B

4—Listening to language recording in bed seems like an easy way to some new vocabulary.

—But does this learning method actually work?

Apolish up Bmake up

Cpick up Dbuild up

答案 C

解析 polish up改善,润色;make up组成,编造;pick up偶然学到,收听到,捡起,搭车;build up增进,加强。句意为:——在床上听语言录音似乎是一种很容易掌握新词汇的方法。——但是这种学习方法真的起作用吗?结合句意可知答案为C

5Given the huge gap economic development and cultural consciousnessyoung people find big cities are safer than small towns.

Ain view of Bin case of

Cin consequence of Din respect of

答案 C

解析 in view of鉴于,考虑到;in case of万一;in consequence of由于……的缘故;in respect of关于,涉及。句意为:考虑到由于经济发展和文化意识的巨大差距的缘故,年轻人发现大城市比小城镇更安全。故选C

6Wolf Warrior 2 director Wu Jing also starred in the lead roleis a first-class productioneven by Hollywood standards.

Awhere Bwhich

Cwhom Das

答案 A

解析 句意为:《战狼2》的导演吴京也主演了这部电影,即使按照好莱坞的标准,也是一流的作品。此处Wolf Warrior 2是先行词,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,故选A

7—He is so delighted to make friends with Johnson.

—OhI see.That’s they have much in common.

Awhere Bhow

Cwhat Dbecause

答案 D

解析 句意为:——他很高兴能和约翰逊交朋友。——哦,我明白了。那是因为他们有很多共同点。此处用because表示原因,引导表语从句,故选D

8I was unaware of the critical points involvedso my choice was quite .

Aarbitrary Breasonable

Cmechanical Dconventional

答案 A

解析 arbitrary任意的,武断的;reasonable合情合理的;mechanical机械的,力学的;conventional传统的。句意为:我不知道其中涉及到的关键问题,所以我的选择是相当武断的。结合句意可知答案为A

9The old road is indeed less direct and a bit longer.We won’t take the new one as we don’t feel safe on it.

Asomehow Botherwise

Ctherefore Dthough

答案 D

解析 somehow不知怎么地;otherwise否则;therefore因此;though尽管。句意为:这条老路确实不太直,而且有点儿长。不过,我们不会走那条新的路,因为我们在那上面感觉不安全。此处表示转折,故选D

10Some analysts suspected that the rebellion was and financed by a western country.

Alaunched Bbacked

Cevaluated Dcrushed

答案 B

解析 launch启动,发射;back支持,使后退;evaluate评估;crush压碎。句意为:一些分析人士怀疑,这场叛乱是由一个西方国家支持和资助的。故选B

11—I am putting on weight again! Maybe I should start doing yoga.

—You that the whole morning!

Aare saying Bhave said

Chave been saying Dwere saying

答案 C

解析 句意为:——我又胖了!也许我应该开始做瑜伽了。——你已经说了整个上午了!根据the whole morning可知句子用现在完成进行时态。故选C

12I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being blind and deaf for a few days at some time in his life.

Ahas been stricken

Bwere stricken

Chad been

Dwould be

答案 B

解析 句意为:我经常想,如果每个人在他生命中的某个时候都会失明和失聪几天,那将是一件幸事。根据would be可知此处是if引导的虚拟语气,与现在的事实相反,句子用一般过去时态;再根据each human beingstrike之间是被动关系,所以if条件句中用一般过去时态的被动语态,故选B

13—Did Max go to the concert with his family yesterday?

—The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrowhe it.

Acouldn’t have attended

Bneedn’t have attended

Cwouldn’t attend

Dshouldn’t attend

答案 A

解析 句意为:——马克斯昨天和他的家人去听音乐会了吗?——这份报告定于明天提交,他不可能参加了。couldn’t have done表示对过去事情的怀疑或不确定,表示不可能已经做了某事,故选A

14So sometimes in trying to accomplish something big we fail to notice the little things that give life its magic.

Awe get caught upas

Bdo we get caught upthat

Ccaught up get weas

Dcaught up do we getthat

答案 D

解析 句意为:我们有时会试图去完成一些大事,以至于我们没有注意到那些给生命带来魔力的小事。So+形容词或副词+that引导的结果状语从句,当“So+形容词或副词位于句子开头时,则主句用部分倒装,结合句意可知答案为D

15—Did you take sides when Mom and Dad were arguing again?

—No.I’ve learned that it’s best until it blows over.

Ato call it a day

Bto pull their legs

Cto sit on the fence

Dto wash my hands off

答案 C

解析 to call it a day 今天到此为止;to pull their legs你不是在开玩笑吧;to sit on the fence脚踩两只船,保持中立;to wash my hands off不干涉,不插手。句意为:——当爸爸妈妈又吵架的时候,你有没有偏袒某一方?——没有。我知道保持中立是最好的。故选C



Last year I broke the record for the oldest person in the world to ride a rollercoaster.I’m 105but the doctor agrees I’m in good 16 .

The rollercoaster I rode 17 you round quite fast.It washowevera bit too 18 for me.I’d have preferred a really fast one that went upside down.But I was told I couldn’t ride itbecause my blood pressure could drop and I might have 19 .

I wasn’t nervous.I was securely 20 inso I knew I wouldn’t fall out.The rollercoaster ride went on for three or four minutesand I 21 every second.Latersomeone came to

22 me with the Guinness World Records Certificate.

My 23 ways really began a couple of years agowith the ice-bucket challenge.My great-granddaughter recommended me to have a bucket of 24 water poured on my head.I was 102 then.It 25 that I was the oldest person in the world to do itand the video clip of me was very 26 .After thatI started to think about what else I could do for different 27 .My family say I’m crazybut they always go along with me.I do get people 28 I take it easybut I’m not taking any 29 .

If someone now broke my world recordI’d say“Good luck to you. But the real

30 is not what I’ve doneit’s how hard I’ve always worked.I’m taking it easy nowso I have found a new challenge.I was suspended on a rope from a crane about 25 feet high and

31 myself down.It was fun.

I’ve got a few ideas for the next charity challenge on my 106th birthdaybut nothing has been 32 yet.All I can say is that it will be 33 goodif not better than the rollercoaster.

I’m not sure if anyone is 34 of all the fun I’m having.They just say I’m silly and that’s about it.On 35 I’ve had many good days.I’ve had a really good life.

16A.order Bshape

Cmood Dfaith

答案 B

解析 order命令,顺序;shape形状;mood情绪;faith信心,信念。由第一句可知,作者在104岁的高龄还可以乘坐过山车,由此可知,作者身体状况良好。in good shape意为身体状况良好,是固定表达。故选B

17A.shows Bdrags

Cspins Drolls

答案 C

解析 show展示;drag拽,拖;spin(使)旋转;roll滚,滚动。由常识可知,过山车使乘坐者身体旋转。故选C

18A.loose Bweird

Cviolent Dgentle

答案 D

解析 loose松散的;weird奇怪的,不寻常的;violent暴力的;gentle温柔的,温和的。由后面两句可知,作者因为身体原因不能乘坐特别快的过山车,由此可知,作者认为自己乘坐的过山车不够快,太温柔了。故选D

19A.passed by Bdived in

Ctaken off Dblacked out

答案 D

解析 pass by……旁边走过,经过;dive in头朝下跳入水中;take off起飞;black out晕厥,暂时昏迷。血压下降可能会导致人昏厥,所以医生禁止作者乘坐速度快的过山车。故选D

20A.fastened Btrapped

Clocked Dfenced

答案 A

解析 fasten系牢,系上,拴上;trap使困住;lock锁上;fence(用篱笆等)围住,把……圈起来。由后面的“I wouldn’t fall out”可知,作者被安全带牢牢地固定住。故选A

21A.enjoyed Bcounted

Cforgot Drecalled

答案 A

解析 enjoy喜欢,享受;count计算,重要;forget忘记;recall记起,回想起。由该段中的“I wasn’t nervous.”可知,过山车运转了34分钟,作者非常享受这个过程,一点也不紧张。故选A

22A.greet Bbother

Cpresent Dassist

答案 C

解析 greet问候;bother费力,麻烦;present颁发,授予;assist帮助。根据后面的“the Guinness World Records Certificate”可知,有人给作者颁发了吉尼斯世界纪录证书。故选C

23A.far-reaching Brecord-breaking

Ctime-consuming Dever-lasting

答案 B

解析 far-reaching影响深远的,意义重大的;record-breaking破纪录的;time-consuming耗时的;ever-lasting持久的,永恒的。由第一段可知,作者打破了世界吉尼斯纪录,由此可知,作者在回忆自己这些破纪录的行为。故选B

24A.freezing Bhot

Cwarm Dcool

答案 A

解析 freezing严寒的,冰冻的;hot热的;warm温暖的;cool凉爽的。由上一句中的“the ice-bucket challenge”可知,作者的曾孙女建议作者把一桶冰水从头顶浇下来。故选A

25A.worked out Bfigured out

Cleft out Dturned out

答案 D

解析 work out解决,计算出;figure out弄清楚,弄明白;leave out遗漏,省略;turn out结果是,证明是。结果证明作者是世界上进行冰桶挑战年纪最大的人。It turned out that...意为结果证明……”。故选D

26A.reasonable Babstract

Cpopular Dflexible

答案 C

解析 reasonable合情合理的;abstract抽象的;popular流行的,受欢迎的;flexible灵活的。有关作者冰桶挑战的视频非常受欢迎,这使得作者开始考虑自己还可以通过做什么来为慈善事业做贡献。故选C

27A.sections Bdivisions

Ccharities Destates

答案 C

解析 section部分;division分配;charity慈善;estate庄园,遗产。由下文的“I’ve got a few ideas for the next charity challenge on my 106th birthday”可知,作者的一系列努力都是为了慈善事业。故选C

28A.criticizing Bexpressing

Cjustifying Dsuggesting

答案 D

解析 criticize批评;express表达;justify证明(决定、行为或想法)正当;suggest建议,显示。的确有人建议作者要放松,但是作者没有注意到。故选D

29A.action Bnotice

Ctrouble Dchance

答案 B

解析 action行动;notice注意,通知;trouble麻烦;chance机会。参见上题解析。故选B

30A.problem Bdespair

Climit Dachievement

答案 D

解析 problem问题;despair绝望;limit限制;achievement成就。作者认为真正的成就不是作者做了什么而是作者付出的努力。故选D

31A.lowered Bcalmed

Cslowed Dknocked

答案 A

解析 lower降低;calm(使)平静;slow(使)放慢速度;knock敲,撞。作者被吊在25英尺高的吊车上,然后降下去。故选A

32A.promoted Bconfirmed

Cexplored Dapproved

答案 B

解析 promote促进,促销;confirm证实,确认,批准;explore探索;approve支持,赞成。作者对于下一个挑战已经有了一些想法,但是,这些想法还没有被批准(实施)。故选B

33A.equally Bextremely

Ctypically Dnormally

答案 A

解析 equally同样地,平等地;extremely极其地,极度地;typically典型地;normally正常地。如果作者的下一个慈善挑战不比坐过山车好,至少也和坐过山车一样好。故选A

34A.proud Bashamed

Ccapable Denvious

答案 D

解析 proud骄傲的,自豪的;ashamed羞愧的;capable有能力的;envious嫉妒的。作者不确定是否有人嫉妒自己所拥有的快乐。他们只是说作者太傻了。故选D

35A.average Boccasion

Creflection Dpurpose

答案 C

解析 average平均数;occasion场合;reflection反映,思考;purpose目的。经过思考,作者认为自己拥有很多美好的日子。on reflection经过考虑,经过思考,是固定短语。故选C


Life coaching courses are perfect for individuals with excellent interpersonal skills and will help people achieve their goals.The role of a Life Coach is to provide support and guidance for people looking forward to changing or improving a certain aspect of their life.This can be emotional or health-related andin the overall senseit can mean total life support and life coaching.Life coaching courses available through National Certification Corporation (NCC) are below

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Diploma

This quality-assured diploma in Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of emotional and psychological acupressure(指压按摩)which makes use of a simple tapping routine coupled with statements made by the client to express how they feel about the problem in hand.

PriceWAS 550.00 NOW 440.00

Awarding BodyABC Awards

Average Duration(持续时间)200 hours

Course Support12 months access to the course

Health Coaching Diploma

The Health Coaching Level 3 Diploma course is appealing for those who wish to improve soft skills or the job that they already have.In additionit is for those with a keen interest in health promotion.

PriceWAS 550.00 NOW 440.00

Awarding BodyABC Awards

Average Duration200 hours

Course Support12 months access to the course

Life Coaching Diploma

The Life Coaching Diploma course aims to provide the learner with knowledge of how life coaching works and what a Life Coach does.It could be the beginning of a whole new lifenot only for youbut for all your potential clients!

PriceWAS 408.00 NOW 326.40

Awarding BodyNCFE Certificate

Average Duration200 hours

Course Support12 months expert tutor support

36Who are life coaching courses intended for?

AThose who want to keep physical fitness.

BThose who need a major life change.

CThose who have emotional needs.

DThose who are good at socializing.

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Life coaching courses are perfect for individuals with excellent interpersonal skills and will help people achieve their goals.”可知,人生教练课程是为那些有极好的人际交往技巧的人设计的,并愿意帮助他们实现目标。故选D

37What do these life coaching courses have in common?

AThe courses all last for 12 hours on average.

BA 20% discount is offered for each course now.

CAll the courses are given by experts in that field.

DAll participants can get a diploma from ABC Awards.

答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据文中给出的三种人生教练课程的价格信息PriceWAS 550.00 NOW 440.00”“PriceWAS 550.00 NOW 440.00”“PriceWAS 408.00 NOW 326.40”可知,这三种课程的共同之处是每种课程目前的费用都打了八折。故选B


Age has its privileges in Americaand one of the most important of them is the senior citizen discount.Eligibility(资格) is determined not by one’s need but by the date on one’s birth certificate.The discounts have become a routine part of many businesses—as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners.

People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for themyetmillions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent (有支付能力的)Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely.The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that elderly means needy”.Perhaps that once was truebut today elderly Americans as a group have a lower poverty rate than the rest of the population.To be surethere is economic diversity within the elderlyand many older Americans are poor.But most of them aren’t.

It is impossible to determine the impact of the discounts on individual companies.For many firmsthey are a stimulus to revenue.But in other casesthe discounts are given at the expensedirectly or indirectlyof younger Americans.Moreoverthey are a direct irritant(刺激物) in what some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations.

Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefitswhich mostly involve a transfer of resources from the young to the old.Employment is another sore point.Supported by laws and court decisionsmore and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job—thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers.

Far from a kind of charity they once weresenior citizen discounts have become a privilege to a group with millions of members who don’t need them.

It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others.Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people can’t take care of themselves and need special treatmentand they threaten the creation of a new myththat the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups.Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against-discrimination by age.


38.答案 practice

解析 转换词汇题。由第一段中的“The discounts have become a routine part of many businesses—as common as...”可知,这是一种惯常行为,a common practice意为惯常行为,常规做法,因此用practice

39.答案 need/poverty

解析 转换词汇题。由第二段中的“The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that ‘elderly’ means ‘needy’可知,对老人打折起因于认为老年人有需要,也就是贫穷。因此用need/poverty

40.答案 Present/Current

解析 概括词汇题。由右栏中提到的四点可以看出此处是说目前美国的社会现状,即Present/Current situation。因此用Present/Current

41.答案 disadvantage

解析 转换词汇题。由第三段中的“But in other casesthe discounts are given at the expensedirectly or indirectlyof younger Americans...as a coming conflict between the generations.”可知,老年人享受商品折扣使得年轻人处于不利地位,at a disadvantage意为处于不利地位,因此用disadvantage

42.答案 preferring/willing

解析 转换词汇题。由第四段中的“more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job”可知,越来越多的老年人更愿意选择继续工作而不是选择退休。此处为现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰older Americans。故用 preferring或用形容词willing

43.答案 fewer

解析 转换词汇题。由第四段最后一句中的“thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers”可知,老年人不愿退休,年轻人就业和升职的机会就变少了,故用fewer

44.答案 economically

解析 转换词汇题。由最后一段中的“It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others.”可知,很多老年人在经济上不需要这种优惠了,这里空格处修饰动词need,要用副词形式,因此用economically

45.答案 attend/tend

解析 转换词汇题。由最后一段中的“Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people can’t take care of themselves”可知,老年人享受商品折扣这一特殊待遇只会增强老年人不能照顾自己的谬见。attend/tend to oneself意为照顾自己,因此用attend/tend

46.答案 interest(s)/benefit(s)

解析 转换词汇题。由最后一段中的“the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups”可知,人们会认为老年人不懂得感恩,而且他们伤害了其他年龄段的人的利益,因此用interest(s)/benefit(s)

47.答案 discriminate

解析 转换词汇题。由最后一段最后一句可知,老年人享受折扣可能会被认为是一种年龄歧视,这里用在against前,用动词形式discriminate


