
发布时间:2019-09-26 09:38:50   来源:文档文库   

Oral Topics

Nowadays more and more people are willing to pursue the career of teaching. What are the causes of this phenomenon? When you graduate, would you like to be a teacher? Why or Why not?

Now more and more people are willing to become a teacher, because the teacher thinks that wages and benefits are getting better and better. The higher the proportion( [prə'pɔːʃ(ə)n] 

) of employees in the workplace working pressure is more and more, the talent market to free choice career more people at the same time, it also brings greater pressure. Freedom is a two-way choice the company also has a free talent selection opportunity. As prices rise, the dual

(['djuːəl]) pressures of life and employment also seems to remind people in the workplace every hour and moment to work hard. One side is the pressure in the workplace, while salary welfare is getting better and this has the big fake teacher occupation, arouse people's yearning is nature.

After graduation, I want to be a teacher, and has admitted to the teacher qualification certificate, on the one hand I love to teach the students, on the other hand, teachers' work is stable, the pressure is small, there are a large number of holidays.In addition, I think school relative to the entire social environment, to be pure([pjʊə]adj.纯洁的), more suitable for me and the teacher is still a more sacred( ['seɪkrɪd]adj. 神的;神圣的 ) profession, imparting(给予,传授) knowledge and educating people, there will be a great sense of achievement. With the innocent( ['ɪnəs(ə)nt]n. 天真的人) students live, can also maintain a relatively(['relətɪvlɪ]相关地 | 比较地)young one heart.



1. What are the conditions essential to career success in the case of college graduates?

In the graduate students, I think if the person's ability and strength is enough, or try to to large companies, well-known companies to go. Because in this kind of enterprise( ['entəpraɪz]), you will come into contact with the larger project, contact with the higher leadership, contact more advanced management concepts and methods around you will also have more outstanding person, your accomplishment( [ə'kʌmplɪʃm(ə)nt; ə'kɒm-])quality will have a raise.

As a graduate, no more work experiencein the work, we must be able to bear hardships and stand hard work, to continue to learn new knowledge, to have a spirit of innovation([,ɪnə'veʃən]). In addition, in the workplace, we must learn to listen more, see more, speak little and continue to study. And we should have the consciousness( ['kɒnʃəsnɪs]  n. 意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉) of team, because unity(unity [ˈjuːnəti]n. 团结;一致;联合;个体) is strength, only the team has a strong unity, will enable the team to develop further. And for people who just graduated from University, in a career can not be all smooth(smooth [smuːð]adj. 顺利的;光滑的;平稳的) sailing(sailing ['seɪlɪŋ]启航;航海术ail的现在分词形式)), will certainly encounter setbacks, then we will need to have good psychological( [saɪkə'lɒdʒɪk(ə)l]  adj. 心理的) bearing capacity(capacity [kə'pæsɪtɪ]n. 能力), do not be a moment of frustration beat, encounter (encounter [ɪn'kaʊntə; en-]vt. 遭遇,邂逅;遇到)difficulties, cannot avoid to brave face, reason analysis(analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs]n. 分析), sum up experience, to reflect on their own.

In my opinion, no matter you do anything, as long as there is enough willpower(毅力),patience, creativity, team spirit(spirit ['spɪrɪt]n. 精神) and not afraid of hard work are not afraid of failure, down to earth to walk every step, you will succeed.


作为一名毕业生,没有较多的工作经验,在工作中,我们要能吃苦耐劳,要不断学习新知识,要有一定的创新精神。另外,在职场中,我们要学会多听、多看、多做、少说 ,并且不断向周围优秀的人学习。还有我们要有团队意识,因为团结就是力量,只有整个团队有很强的凝聚力,才会使整个团队发展的更好更远。还有,对于刚刚大学毕业的人来说,在事业中不可能一帆风顺,肯定会遇到不同的挫折,这时我们就需要有良好的心理承受能力,不要被一时的失意打败,遇到困难,不能躲避,要勇敢的面对,分析原因,总结经验,反省自己。


2. Some students learn better by reading. Others learn more from listening to a teacher. Which way of learning is better for you, and why? Include details and examples to support your explanation.

For me, on the one hand, through reading to learn, on the other hand, through the teacher's guidance to learn, the two methods for my study is very important.

Reading to a person's study does have many advantages, can directly from the book to absorb the thoughtnutrition, to my forward power. For example, I can by reading all kinds of books, to understand the various periods of history, art, characters, social form, which can fully enrich my mind. For example, Shen Congwen's《Bian Cheng》 let me understand the Xiangxi unique([juː'niːk]adj. 独特的,稀罕的) customs and the beauty of the scenery( ['siːn(ə)rɪ]n. 风景;景色), borrow boatman(['bəʊtmən]n. 船夫)girl Cuicui love story, showing the goodness of human nature. And like 《Mi Si Lin De Zang Li》《Piao》 《Mao Ze Dong Zhuan》《Sun Zi Bing Fa》books from different aspects enrich the knowledgeto my understanding ability and the ability of thinking have great help.

Although there are many benefits of reading, but still can not completely replace the status of teachers in the study. For example, mathematics([,mæθə'mætɪk]) learning, in addition to the application questions need to understand, other and reading ability is directly related to rarely( ['reəlɪ]adv. 很少地;难得;罕有地), and to through the guidance of the teacher's teaching, the learning system, it can obtain better effect, there are also some physical, chemistry(chemistry ['kemɪstrɪ]), computer and other subjects and reading are few. Therefore the role of the teacher in the learning process is irreplaceable.

In summary, by reading to learn and through the guidance of the teacher to learn, to me is necessary, is my right-hand man, are irreplaceable.





3. A friend of yours is afraid to speak in front of a group of people. What is the best way for your friend to overcome this fear? Use details and examples to explain the reasons.

A friend loves to be afraid of speaking in front of a group of people, and will appear blush, heartbeat and other symptoms(['sɪmptəm]). He is afraid to speak in front of people, because they are not confident, shy and other factors.

Don't feel the need to remove the fear of the best way is in groups to see too heavy. When the mind is too nervous or anxious, may wish to think, bad and bad to where go to? In the end I can lose what? The worst result is what? Even if you make a mistake, then! what great, I come not good. In fact, as long as want to understand, everything becomes easy. In addition, even if the exchange there blush heartbeat not too care, blush and how, like a red apple as beautiful! Heartbeat how what kind, I would also like to than rock jump faster!

I want to say to my friend, this fear is can be completely removed, the psychology( [saɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]n. 心理学;心理状态) to be confident and behavior can also be a lot of practice. For example in a group of people, you can talk with people who are familiar with the first, gradually again take the into talk with other people. Or try to participate in some of the big party, and then reduce the number, in small gatherings, and try to express their views without further. Eventually, when they can communicate with the fear of communication, you will succeed.




4. When traveling, some people like to keep a record of their experiences --- for example by keeping a journal or by taking pictures . Other people prefer not to keep such records when traveling. Which do your prefer and why?

Nowadays, tourism has become a kind of fashion, usually people busy with work, during the holidays, many people choose to go outside, feel the natural charm. In travel at the same time, I like to take pictures with words to record dribs(dribs [dribz]n. 少量)) and drabs(drab [dræb] ) of travel.

During the journey, I like with the camera to record their experiences every moment and a pen to write down their feelings, let those words in the nib( [nɪb]n. 钢笔尖) to beat, whether happy or sad, later recalled are the infinite( ['ɪnfɪnət]adj. 无限的) beauty of the.

Some people travel cursory. And I am like slow down, feel different cultural scenery, enjoy the sight ofruinsof the history of different periods, this sense is recorded. Travel may will encounter with their different age, different background, because the purpose of travel, walking together, chatted a few words, share travel wonderful, experience exchange collision sparks, feeling other people bring their own joy. This experience fleeting, we only pen, photographed, for we can slowly after the body will memories.

In short, road trips all thrilling(thrilling ['θrɪlɪŋ]adj. 令人兴奋的) thing, can in my camera and NIB retained for I slowly to taste and think about.





5. Some students who go away to college---miss their friends and family, often feel homesick. What do these students do to reduce the feeling of homesickness?

Some students away from home to go to university, in a new environment and produce new interpersonal([ɪntə'pɜːs(ə)n(ə)l],) relationship between students are easy to have a sense of loneliness, especially a few weeks before the first entered university, will produce homesickness['hom,sɪknɪs] . The following are several recommended [,rɛkə'mɛnd] adj.推荐,介绍;建议 solutions.

Remain optimistic

It is the most important thing to remember such a state will not last forever, even at the beginning of symptoms may would be more serious, you can also look forward to the holidays coming. Please as far as possible to maintain an optimistic attitude, and actively look away from his family life, make new friends, become more independent and new life experience and.

Take a home in

Suffering from homesickness is not unusual, you can bring some of your favorite things, such as pleased toys, pillow comfortable or some of the photos of relatives and friends, this is a very reliable way, let you feel still in touch with their families are. To use these items to create a new space, just as in their own home.

Look at the new environment with appreciation(  [ə,priʃɪ'eʃən] )

Please as far as possible to grasp all opportunities to meet new friends, they will have many people also feel lonely and homesick. Please roommates make a good relationship, they will you closest( [kləusɪst]adj. 最靠近的(close的最高级)) to in the University. To participate in the club is also a development of new interpersonal relationship, you can meet like-minded friends through the community, in the school as they are your brothers and sisters.

Keep in touch with family

Often with family, friends on the phone, to share all of your life in the school, and video calls is also a good way.

To grasp the scale([skeɪl])

Remember, when you are homesick, in the University also will have many opportunities to meet new friends, but if you only pay attention to maintenance and family and old friends, you will lose a lot of opportunities.












6. Some people prefer to keep old things, like newspapers and their old possessions, but some throw them away. Which do you prefer, and why?

  `I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby. I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading

      First of all, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out.Books introduce me to a new world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt(Egypt [ˈiːdʒɪpt]n. 埃及), the cradle of human civilization. It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous(['glæmərəs]adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的) land I have been longing to visit. Secondly, Through reading can show a new world in front of me,makeing me excited. In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on science , politics, life and society. Thirdly, reading bridge the gap between my dream and my goal.Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation( ['self,kʌlti'veiʃən] n. 修养,修身) that would be beneficial to our whole life. In ordcr to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practising. 

      Reading has become part of my life. Every day, I spend some time reading books, newspapcrs and magazines.In the evening, I have to take a book in my hand.




7. Young people are more likely to help others than young people were in the past. What is your opinion, and please give specific reasons to support your answer.

In our country there has always been a spirit of volunteerism( [,vɑlən'tɪr,ɪzəm] n. 志愿精神). As children, we are taught that helping those less fortunate is our responsibility. But unfortunately, the growing thriving nation has placed an emphasis on individual success(个人的成功), creating a generation of youth that do not understand the meaning of being selfless(仁慈).

The main reasons I am so suspected[sə'spekt]vt. 怀疑;猜想) of the tendency(['tend(ə)nsɪ]n. 倾向) of today’s youth to help people is that they are spoiled. I remember when I was young , in the public library to use a computer is a privilege([ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ]n. 特权). When my parents bought me my own computer when I went to university, I understood how much they sacrificed( ['sækrɪfaɪs]vt. 牺牲) to give me that as a present. Nowadays, children see expensive computers, like the iPad and iPhone, as a necessity, not a privilege. They receive all these kinds of gifts without understanding how much their parents sacrifice to give them the very best in the latest technology. They do not know what is not. I believe this has created a generation of selfish young people who do not understand those less fortunate that they are unlikely to help others.

 In addition, I think this generation has not learned to respect others. Trapped in their own digital(['dɪdʒɪt(ə)l]adj. 数字的) world, they are unaware of the disrespect they show their elders when they ignore their parents and grandparents as they text and talk on their cellphones.

So today's young people don't understand the past poor life is not to cherish the present rich life, what they are self-centered, not understand respect other people, so unlikely than previous generations of people likes to help others.





8. Some universities focus on having excellent libraries, laboratories, and other facilities. Others focus more on hiring the most successful and qualified professors. Which system do you think benefits students more, and why?

Now the number of college students is more and more, the quality of education in college students also we have been concerned about the problems, in the end what kind of universities to culture enterprises, social, countries need the talent?? because I've been through four years of university education, I think a good university should not only have excellent library, labs and other facilities(  [fə'silitiz] n. 设施;设备), but also to have outstanding professors.

First, university libraries can give  many college students the opportunity to study, so that different professional, different backgrounds, different interests and hobbies can find books they like reading, in order to all the students can increase the amount of knowledge, improve their cultural quality. At the same time, held in the library is also a lot of large-scale activities, such as the book fair, the library is a treasure house of human knowledge, for knowledge, the pursuit of the ideal mentor is the second classroom of college students. College library. The library is also the need for college students.Secondly,Now a lot of lab is a teacher and graduate student at the university of daily work and study.Lab is the base of scientific research, the source of the development of science and technology, cultivation of talents plays a very importantrole.Finally, a good university to have outstanding professors, because a good university, first of all, it has a number of outstanding subject, and a good subject, you need to a large number of outstanding professor as support. In the final analysis( [ə'nælɪsɪs]n. 分析;), the outstanding professor is the headstone(基石)  of the first-class university, they bring the school created a rich achievements.



9. In our daily life, a lot of things may cause stress and worry as people strive to live

happily and healthily in a rapidly changing world. So how do you usually deal

with stress and depression?

With the rapid development of economy, the pressure of work and life more and more pressure,w

e are in a rapidly changing world of life's happiness and health, it is necessary to understand how to deal with the pressure and depression. We can do it when we face the pressure: 

Watch a romantic(romantic [rə(ʊ)'mæntɪk]adj. 浪漫的 movie .

Images and words in the film can produce a powerful emotional response in our body, and romantic images can stimulate the release of love hormones('hɔ:məun]n.荷尔蒙) and feel good hormones.

Dressed in yellow green

Can wear colorful some when the mood is bad, the yellow and green is a good choice, and clothes is best not to wear red and black. Green is the colour of nature, to people with a sense of balance, yellow can keep you happy and alert( [ə'lɜːt]), lighter color can help relieve tire.

Insist to take exercise

Climb the stairs exercise can promote blood circulation([,sɝkjə'leʃən] ), beneficial to arouse the activity of the heart, help you to improve your mood. And, this is a the most simple method of exercise, you can at home or to work the way to complete.

Forget the past

Take some time every day to think about it, so that it can effectively( [ɪ'fɛktɪvli] adv. 有效地) prevent the thoughts that make you feel uncomfortable, so that you can improve your mood.

Sing a good mood

In the process of singing your breath has been adjusted, whole body will moving along to the rhythm(['rɪð(ə)m]n. 节奏;), you can also and other people sing together. Whether you are singing, dancing, playing or listening to, 

all of these are things to you again good however.













