Should We Live Off Campus or Stay in Dorm(大学生应该在外租房还是住在宿舍)

发布时间:2013-09-03 09:18:25   来源:文档文库   

Should We Live Off Campus or Stay in Dorm

Nowadays there are many college students choose to rent a room and live off campus instead of staying in dorm. Some people disagree with such behavior and ponder it may have many disadvantages. But I personally think that live off campus probably a good idea.

First I think that it is a way to get a much more quiet and private room to focus on our study. As we all know, a dorm has four people at least, so it is noisy more or less. We decide to live outside because we do not want to be disturbed. And on the other hand we can study in library at day time then go to studying in our own room at night and no matter how late we want to.

Second, living off campus we can have a much more comfortable environment. At our own room we can cook something that we like and live freely. Having a good live environment we can have a good mood, so live off campus is good for us to do everything.

Therefore, live off campus is a best way to improve ourselves’ ability in independence and we can live happily and freely. As we have already been adults so we need much more freedom. Only in that way can we create a big progress.


《Should We Live Off Campus or Stay in Dorm(大学生应该在外租房还是住在宿舍).doc》
