
发布时间:2021-01-27   来源:文档文库   

EPISODE 1 46 Linden Street “林登大街46号” Useful Language
introduce yourself:自我介绍 My name is I'm

ask for permission:征求同意
May I take a picture of you and your little boy? introduce a conversation:引出话题 By the way

thank someone:向人道谢 I appreciate your help. Thank you. Thanks again.
respond to someone thanking you:回答别人的道谢 My pleasure. You're welcome.
start talking to a stranger:与陌生人攀谈 Excuse me.
say good-bye after meeting someone for the first time:首次见面后道别 It was nice meeting you. It was a pleasure meeting you. describe something:描述事、物 A small canvas bag.
compliment someone:赞美别人 I think it looks terrific on you. make suggestions:提出建议 Try this (sweater. How about green? apologize:道歉 I'm sorry I'm so late. I'm really sorry. ask for help:请求协助 Can you help me?
reassure someone:为人打气 Don't worry.
ask if someone found something:询问别人是否捡到东西 Did anyone find a small canvas bag? introduce someone:介绍别人 Let me introduce you. This is

respond to an introduction:介绍后回答 How do you do?

It's nice to meet you.
correct yourself:改正言辞错误
It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. offer:善意帮忙
Would you like something to eat? Would you like to call home? Can I drive you home? thank someone:向人道谢
I'm so glad you took the time and trouble to return (the bag. respond to thanks:回答别人的道谢 It was no trouble.
accept an offer:接受别人好意 I'd appreciate that.
refuse an offer:婉拒别人好意
No, thanks RichardExcuse me. 1 My name is 2 Richard Stewart I'm a photographer3. May I 4 take a picture of you and your little boy?
Mrs. VannWhat's it for? 5 RichardIt's for a book.
Mrs. VannYou're writing a book?
RichardIt's a book of pictures 6. I call it Family Album, U.S.A.
Mrs. VannOh, that's a nice idea Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha vann. [She offers her hand.]7 RichardThank you. I appreciate your help. 8 [to the little boy]I'm 9 Richard. What's your name? GeraldGerald.
RichardHow old are you, Gerald? GeraldFive.
RichardAnd where do you live? Mrs. VannWe live in California10.
RichardWell, welcome to New York.11 OK, just a second. 12 [He takes out a reflector 13 to have more light for his photographs.] I'm almost ready here.
[Alexandra, a sixteen-year-old girl, is watching.] AlexandraCan I help you?
RichardOh, please. [He gives her the reflector to hold. Then he speaks to Mrs. Vann and her son.] Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! Now point14 to the buildings. Terrific! 15 Give Mommy a kiss, 16 Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you, Mrs. Vann.
Mrs. VannOh, my pleasure 17 We'll be looking for your book.18

RichardThank you. Good-bye.Bye,19 Gerald.[to Alexandra]Thanks 20 again. AlexandraOh, you're welcome 21. RichardHey, 22 let me take your picture! AlexandraWonderful. Please. RichardAre you from New York?
AlexandraNo, I'm from Greece23. I'm an exchange student24. RichardWhen did you come here? AlexandraThree months ago.

RichardYour English is very good.
AlexandraThanks. 25 I studied English in school. [They sit on a bench.] RichardWould you like some coffee?
AlexandraNo, thank you. Tell me about your book.
RichardOh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them? AlexandraYes. I'd like that.
RichardHere they are. 26[He opens his bag and takes out a photo album27.]Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United Statesthe cities, the special places, and the people. [He shows her the photos.] And these are pictures of people workingsteelworkers, 28 bankers,29 police, street vendors, 30 ambulance drivers,31 doctors Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother. It's an album of pictures of the United States. AlexandraWhat's her name?
RichardEllen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy32 company. Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn. AlexandraOh, she's very pretty.
RichardThanks. 33 And what about34 your family?
AlexandraThey are in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northern Greece. But now I'm living in the Bronx35. RichardWith a Greek-American family? AlexandraNo. Hispanic. 36
Richard[He hears a foghorn.] Oh no! It's five thirty37. Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife. AlexandraIt was nice meeting you.38

RichardIt was a pleasure meeting you,39 too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. 40 By the way, 41 I'm Richard. What's your name?
RichardBye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks.
AlexandraBye-bye. [Richard hurries off the boat. Alexandra sees that he forgot one of his bags. She takes it and begins to follow him.] Richard! Richard! You left your bag!

Outside the ferry building. Alexandra sees Richard leave in a taxicab. She asks a policeman for directions. AlexandraExcuse me, officer Can you help me? PolicemanSure.
AlexandraCan you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?
Policeman[He reads the name tag on Richard's bag.] Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.1 You should take the number 1 subway.2 AlexandraIs there a station near here?
PolicemanYes. The station's that way. You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. 3 AlexandraNumber 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you.
PolicemanAnytime. 4 Good luck. 5 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform 6. AlexandraThank you. PolicemanYou're welcome.
[Alexandra walks toward the subway entrance. She passes the uptownsign.] In a boutique7 . Marilyn Stewart, Richard's wife, is helping a customer. CustomerIs this pink too bright for me?
MarilynMmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this. [She takes a red sweater from a table.] It's size eight. 8 CustomerBut wear size ten.
MarilynHow about green? It's size ten. CustomerLet me9 try it on 10. [Marilyn looks at her watch.]
CustomerI'm taking too much of your time.
MarilynIt's six o'clock 11, Where's my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five12. CustomerDon't worry. The traffic is very heavy13 at this hour14. MarilynI know. But we're going to be late for dinner.
CustomerI'll take this green sweater, I like the color on me, don't you?15 Marilynthink it looks terrific on you. A little later. Richard rushes into the boutique. RichardI'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.16

MarilynIt's ten after six17. We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty18.
RichardI know. I know. I'm really sorry. I left my bag of film on19 the ferry20. I went back for it,21 but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole day's work.22

MarilynI'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office23. RichardI didn't think of 24 that. Thanks.
Marilyn[She picks up the telephone and dials25 the number for information.]Hello. Yes. The number, please, of the 26 Staten Island Ferry lostand-found office. Five five five zero eight zero eight. Thank you.[She hangs up and dials the number.]
RichardI really appreciate it, Marilyn.27

MarilynHello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag28, on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry? No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five fivethree oh nine oh. Thank you.[She hangs up.]29 Sorry, Richard. They don't have it. RichardThanks, anyway.30[thinking]There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe

MarilynTell me about it on the way home. 31 END OF ACT 第二幕
1Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.”这是一般地址的说法。如果写在信上,应为: Richard stewart 46 Linden Street,
Riverdale, New York, N. Y. ×××××(邮政编码) U.S.A.
2You should take the number 1 subway.你应乘一路地铁。
3You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. 你应乘一路车在Van Cortlandt Park 下车。 4Anytime.=My pleasure.不用谢。Use Anytime after someone thanks you for doing something. 5Good luck. 祝你好运。一般用于与人分手时,回答也用Good luck
6uptown platformthe place to wait for trains going north. 北线月台。在纽约,地铁线有uptown 北线(向北驶)和downtown南线(向南驶)之分,在每个地铁站口都有标志。
7boutiquea small store that sells clothing and other special items. (妇女)时装店。 8Try this [She takes a red sweater from a table. ]
It's size eight. 试试这一件,[她从桌子上拿起一件红色毛衣]这是8号的。
9Let me…=Permit me…让我……,允许我……。The customer uses an informal pronunciation. She says Lemme. 在说这两个字时,这位顾客使用的是口语音:Lemme
10try (it onYou try on an item of clothing to be sure that the size is correct and that you like the way it looks. 试穿。
11six o'clock6点钟。 12five forty-five545分。
13The traffic is very heavy.There are many cars. 交通很拥挤。 14hour:钟点。h不发音,它的发音同our
15I like the color on me, don't you? 我觉得我穿这颜色不错,你说呢? 16I had a really bad day. 我今天真是糟透了。 17ten after six610分。 18six thirty630分。
19I left my bag of film on…我把装底片的包遗放在……上了。
20ferryA ferry is a boat that carries passengers or vehicles across a river or a narrow bit of sea. 渡船(用来运送乘客或车辆过河或海)
21I went back for it. 我回去找(它)
22I lost a whole day's work. 我把一整天的工作成果都丢了。
23lost-and-found officeIf you find something that doesn't belong to you, you take it to a lost-and-found office. People can go to this office to get their lost things. 失物招领处。
24think ofIf you think of something, You remember it or it comes into your mind. 记起,想到。例如:I didn't think of that.“我就没想到这个” 25dial:拨电话。
26The number, please, of the…请告诉我……的电话号码。用此来向查号台询问电话号码。 27I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 我实在太感谢你(为我所做的这一切)了,Marilyn
28small canvas bag:小的粗帆布包。这里用了两个形容词来修饰“bag(包)一词:small指尺寸;canvas

(粗帆布)指材料。一般形容词的排列顺序是表示尺寸的放在前,表示材料的放在后。 29She hangs up. 她挂上(电话机)
30Thanks, anyway. 无论如何,我还是要谢谢你。
Use this expression to thank someone who tries to help but isn't able to. 当有人尽力想帮你但没帮上忙时可用此短语道谢。
31Tell me about it on the way home. 在回家的路上告诉我吧。
1Alexandra是乘地铁去Richard家的。纽约的地铁系统是全世界最长的地铁系统,在整个城市下面绵延137英里(220.6公里)。地铁线路以颜色来区分,例如红线、绿线、橙线等,便于乘客辨识。 2.美国的许多公共场所或公园都设有失物招领处(Lost-and-Found Office,失主可直接与之联系。 下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考 ACT
Thank-you, I appreciate your help. Thank-you. You're welcome. Thank-you. You're welcome. Thank you for your help. Thanks a lot.
I want to thank you for your help. Thank you.
Glad that I could help. Don't mention it. I'm glad that I could help. Thanks. You're welcome.
Thanks Gerald, and thank you Mrs. Vann. Oh, my pleasure.
Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you very much. It was very nice of you. I appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
Thank you. You're welcome. Don't mention it. I'm glad that I could help. My pleasure. It was nothing. You're welcome.
The number one train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. Anytime, good luck. Thank-you very much. It was very nice of you. I appreciate it.

Thanks a lot. Thank-you. You're welcome. Don't mention it. I'm glad that I could help. My pleasure. It was nothing. You're welcome. Thank you for your help. Thanks a lot.
I want to thank you for your help. Thank you.
Glad that I could help. Don't mention it. I'm glad that I could help. Thanks. You're welcome. Thank-you.
I'm sorry, Richard. They don't have it. Thanks anyway. Thanks anyway. It was nice of you to try. I appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Anytime. Don't mention it. I'd really like to help. You're welcome. My pleasure. Anytime. Thank you. You're welcome.

At the Stewarts' home in Riverdale that evening. Philip is on the phone with one of his patients.
PhilipAnd give her a teaspoon 1 of the medicine after every meal. Don't worry. She'll be fine. You're welcome. Good-bye. Ellen[She enters.]How are you? PhilipI'm tired and hungry. EllenWell, Marilyn and Richard called. They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat. PhilipAll right. Is
is Susan coming? EllenWell, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight. PhilipAnd what's Robbie cooking for dinner?

EllenIt's a surprise. PhilipI hope it's pasta 2. Later that evening. Philip, Ellen, Richard, Marilyn, Susan, and Robbie are in the Stewarts' kitchen. PhilipRobbie, the dinner was terrific. SusanYes, it was delicious. MarilynWhat's for dessert 3? RobbieOh, I forgot dessert. Philip
Robbie ! EllenDon't worry. We've got 4 lots of ice cream 5. [She goes to the refrigerator.] RichardOh, I'd love some ice cream. EllenWell, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla 6. RobbieI'll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone? PhilipI'll have chocolate. MarilynMe, too.7
RichardUh , one scoop 8 of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me. EllenRobbie, will you help me serve 9? [Robbie gets up to help . Richard brings the ice-cream dishes to Ellen.] RichardI keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. A whole day's work. And good stuff 10, too. EllenDon't worry, Richard. Someone will find it.
[The doorbell rings.] RobbieI'll get it. 11[ He opens the door. Alexandra isstanding there. She is holding Richard's bagof film.]Hello. AlexandraHello. Does Richard Stewart live here? RobbieYes, he's my brother. I'm Robbie.
RobbieStewart. AlexandraI'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do?12Your brother left his bag of film on theferryboat. I found it. RobbieI'm really glad to see you. I mean mybrother'll be really glad to see you! Ellen[Calling ] Robbie ! Who is it? RobbieIt's Richard's film! I mean, AlexandraPappas. [to Alexandra] Come in, please. RichardAlexandra! AlexandraHello, Richard. I found your bag! RichardOh, thank you! Thank you! UmAlexandra, let me introduce you. This is 13 mywife Marilyn. AlexandraRichard showed me your photo. How do youdo? MarilynOh yes. Richard told us all about you. It'snice to meet you. 14 RichardAnd this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. AlexandraHow do you do? RichardAnd my father, Dr. Philip Stewart. PhilipNice to meet you, 15 Alexandra. RichardAnd. ah you met Robbie. AlexandraYes. And you must be Susan. Hi. SusanHi. Welcome. RichardI'm so glad you found the bag and took thetime and trouble to return it. 16 AlexandraOh, it was no trouble. I just took the wrongtrain.17 EllenWould you like something to eat? AlexandraThank you, no. I'm late for dinner at myhouse.18 I really have to go. 19 RichardWould you like to call home 20?

AlexandraI'd appreciate that. 21 EllenPlease, use the phone. AlexandraThanks. Excuse me. 22
Richard[ to Robbie ] Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece. RobbieWhere does she live? RichardWith a family in the Bronx. RobbieOh, that's not too far from here! RichardTake it easy, 23 Robbie. AlexandraThank you. I can only stay a few minutes. EllenHave some iced tea. AlexandraThanks, Mrs. Stewart. RobbiePlease sit down, Alexandra. PhilipSo, you're an exchange student. Where doyou go to school? 24 AlexandraAt the Bronx High School of Science. PhilipOh, that's a very good school. What are yourfavorite subjects?25 AlexandraBiology and mathematics. 26 Richard tells meyou're a doctor. PhilipYes, a pediatrician 27. And what does yourfather do 28? AlexandraHe's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. RobbieWould you like some pasta? I made it myself.It might be a little cold. AlexandraThanks, no. I do 29 have to go. It was nicemeeting you all. 30
MarilynWell, maybe you'll come for lunch someSunday,31 so we can really thank you forbringing Richard's bag back. AlexandraMaybe.
EllenYou're welcome anytime. 32[She and Richardwalk with Alexandra to the front door.] PhilipGood-bye. RichardCan I drive you home? 33
AlexandraNo, thanks. The train is just up the street. 34It won't take me long at all. 35 RichardWell, you really saved the day for me, 36Alexandra. AlexandraBye. RichardBye-bye. EllenGood night. 37
[ Alexandra leaves.] PhilipShe's a smart young lady, and very nice. RobbieVery! [He sees Alexandra's bag on the chair. ]Hey, she forgot her bag! EllenI guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again.Right, Robbie? END OF ACT 第三幕
1 teaspoon:茶匙;咖啡匙。A teaspoon is a small spoon that you use to put sugar into tea or coffee. 2pastaPasta is a type of food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, and water that is formed into different shapes. Spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles are types of pasta.通心粉,通心面。 3 dessertsomething sweet at the end of a meal. 甜点。 4We've got=We have got…我们有……。

5ice creamIce cream is a very cold, sweet-tasting food. 冰淇淋。
6vanilla:香草香精。Vanilla is a flavoring that comes from a plant and that can be put into ice cream and other sweet food.香草香精是一种植物萃取物,可加入冰淇淋及其他甜食中食用。 7Me, too. =I'll also have chocolate ice cream.我也要。 8scoop(一)勺。
9serveIf you serve people or if you serve foodand drink, you give people food and drink.伺候,给人端食物或饮料。
10stuffthings.东西。Here, Richard is referring to his photographs.这里Richard指的是他拍的照片。 11I'll get it.我去开门。
12How do you do?你好。This is a formal expression to say after someone introduces you.与人初次见面时的礼貌用语,用于正式场合。
13This is…这位是……。Use this phrase to introduce people. You may also say, I'd like you to meet…这是用来介绍别人的一般用语,你也可以说“I'd like you to meet…”。这时被介绍的人可以说:How do you do? 14It's nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。Use this expression after someone introduces you. It is less formal than How do you do?在别人介绍你后,使用这句话。这种说法不如How do you do? 正式。 15Nice to meet you. =It's nice to meet you.
16I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it 我很高兴你捡到了包,而且不惜花时间和麻烦把它送还给我。
17Oh, it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train.哦,麻烦倒没有,只是我乘错了车。 18I'm late for dinner at my house.我快赶不上回家吃晚饭了。 19I really have to go.我的确得走了。 20call home:给家里打电话。
21I'd appreciate that.谢谢你(让我使用电话)
22Excuse me.对不起,失赔了。Use this polite phrase before you walk away from someone.在暂时走开之前使用的礼貌用语。
23Take it easy. relax, be calm.别急;别紧张;沉住气。 24Where do you go to school?你在哪里上学? 25What are your favorite subjects?你喜欢哪些课程? 26biology and mathematics:生物学和数学。 27pediatriciana children's doctor.儿科医生。
28What does your father do? = What is your father's job? 你父亲做什么工作? 29 doHere, do meansreally.”真的(用来加强语气) 30It was nice meeting you all.很高兴能认识你们一家人。
31Maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday.或许哪个星期天你能来吃中饭。 32You're welcome anytime.欢迎你随时来玩。 33Can I drive you home?我开车送你回家好吗? 34The train is just up the street.街的那头就有地铁。 35It won't take me long at all.要不了多少时间就到了。
36You really saved the day for me .= You really helped me a lot.你的确帮了我的大忙。 37Good night 晚安。用于下午或晚上人们相互分手告别时。
1.一般说来,当人们第一次见面时,他们握一握对方的手说:It's nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)其

实,较正式的说法应是“How do you do?(您好吗?)。可这种说法不太常用。第一次见面后,询问对方的工作或学习情况是开始交谈的典型方法。
下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考 ACT
My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer
I'm Martha Vann. I'm Richard. What's your name?
Gerald. By the way, I'm Richard. What's your name?
Alexandra. We live in California. Are you from New York? No, I'm from Greece. I'm Robbie, Robbie Stewart. I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife, Marilyn. Richard showed me your photo. How do you do? Oh Yes. Richard told us all about you. It's nice to meetyou. And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.
How do you do? And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart. Nice to meet you, Alexandra. And you've met Robbie. Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi.
Hi. It was nice meeting you all.

EPISODE 2 The Blind Date
Useful Language ask for help:请求协助 Excuse me. Can you help me? say good-bye to someone you just met:向首次见面人士道别 Hope to see you again. apologize:致歉 Sorry I'm Excuse the mess. ask for directions:问路 Where is? I'm looking for give directions:指路
Make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the trafficlight. make excuses:辩解 I was lost. I just moved here.
accept an apology:接受道歉 Don't worry about It's fine.
say a telephone number so someone can reach you 告诉别人电话号码,以便找你 I'll be at 555-1720. accept a gift:接受礼物 What pretty flowers!
order something to eat or drink:点菜或点饮料 I'd like the mee krob. I'll have the mee krob.
make a suggestion:提出建议 How about? I recommend greet someone:欢迎 Welcome!
ask about someone's job:问别人的职业
What do you do? excuse yourself:请求原谅
Please forgive me. ask about a problem:询问对方的困难 What's the matter? Is it serious? express concern:表示关怀 I hope nothing is wrong. I hope your daughter is all right.

ask about a past event:询问已发生的事情
What happened? ask about a problem:询问对方的困难 What's wrong?
express surprise:表示惊讶
You won't believe it! leave someone after a date:约会后临别说辞 I had a nice evening.
excuse yourself for making a surprise visit at a late hour:为太晚造访致歉
I hope it's not too late. accept an excuse:接受对方道歉 Not at all.
invite someone to enter:邀请别人进门 Come in. Join us. make a promise:许诺 I promise I won't leave early. leave a group of people:告辞 I'm going to excuse myself.


On a street in downtown Manhattan 1. Harry Bennett is carrying some flowers. He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket. It reads, Susan Stewart , 83 Wooster Street, phone 555-9470,800 P.M.Harry stops to talk to a street vendor. He asks him for directions. HarryExcuse me. Can you help me?2 VendorSure, what do you want 3? HarryWhere is 83 Wooster Street ? VendorThat's easy. [ He points.] Walk to the corner.Then make a left turn 4. Then walk twoblocks 5 to the traffic light 6. Make another left to Wooster. HarryThank you. To the corner and then a left? VendorYeah.7 A left, Hot dog?8 Only seventy-fivecents. HarryNo. Thank you. I have a dinner date 9. A little later. Harry is still lost 10. he goes to a pay phoneand dials Susan's telephone number. Harry555-9470 ... and it's busy. ... Try again.555-9470and it's still busy. [ He walks toa grocery 11 store to ask for directions.] Ex-cuse me, ma'am 12. I'm looking for 83 Woost-er Street. WomanYes. Wooster Street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right, about two houses. HarryThank you, thank you! WomanYou're welcome. A few minutes later. Harry finds Wooster Street. He rings the buzzer13 to Susan's apartment. Susan[at the intercom14] Who is it? Harryharry Bennett. Is this Susan? SusanYes, it is.Come up. I'm on the top floor. Susan[She opens the door.]Hello, Harry.It's nice to meet you. HarryNice to meet you,15 Susan.[he gives her the flowers.] Sorry I'm late. The traffic16. The parking17. I was lost.

SusanWhat pretty flowers! Thank you. Oh, please come in. Don't worry about being late. It's fine. Excuse the mess.18 I just19 moved here. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law20 Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is harry Bennett. HarryPleased to meet you.21 MarilynNice to meet you, Harry. HarryAre we too late for our dinner reservation22? SusanNo, the restaurant will hold our table. I know the owner very well. I eat there a lot. HarryDo you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter23. SusanSure. The number isfive five fiveseventeen twenty24. HarryMay I use the phone? [Susan indicates yes.] HarryFive five fiveone seven two oh.25 Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurantHi, Betty. I'll be at five five fiveseventeen twenty. OK. Thanks. See you later. [He hangs up.]26 Well, that's done. Shall we27 go? SusanI'm ready. See you later, Marilyn. Marilynhave a nice evening. HarryBye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again.28 MarilynMe, too. Have fun29! SusanThanks. HarryAfter you.30 END Of ACT I 第一幕
1downtown Manhattan:曼哈顿闹市区(纽约市中心商业地带)
2Excuse me. Can you help me?劳驾,您能帮帮我吗?这是向旁人问路时的一种表达方式。 3What do you want? The informal pronunciation is waddayawant?非正式的读法为waddayawant 4make a left turnTurn to the left.向左拐弯。
5blocka building or group of buildings built between two streets.街,街区。 6traffic lighta set of colored lights used for controlling and directing traffic.红绿灯。 7yeahan informal form of yes. yes的非正规形式。
8hot doga long bread roll, which is cut along the middle and has a sausage in it.热狗(面包夹香肠) 9datea plan to meet someone at a special time. 约会(通常指男女社交性的约会)blind date是不相识的男女由他人安排的第一次约会。dinnerdate是晚餐约会。 10lostunable to find the way. 迷路的。
11grocerya shop selling dry and preserved foods, like flour, coffee, sugar, rice and other things for the home品杂货店。
12ma'ama respectful word used for addressing a woman.对妇女的尊称。对未婚的女士称miss(小姐)对男士则称sir(先生) 13buzzer:门铃(蜂音器)
14intercom:对讲机。在美国的一些公寓楼安装了对讲机。来访者,像harry在楼外通过对讲机与Susan联系,她在房间内可通过按纽把楼下大门打开,放Harry进来。安装对讲机的目的是为了楼内住户的安全。intercomintercommunication system的缩写。

15Nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。第一次与某人见面时讲的问候语。 16traffic:交通(指路上的行人与车辆) 17parking:停车,存车。
18Excuse the mess. I'm sorry that things are not neat. 抱歉屋里很乱。 19justrecently; a short time ago. 最近。
21Pleased to meet you. I'm pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。与Nice to meet you. 的意思和用法相同。 22reservationan arrangement to hold a table in a restaurant for a specific time. 预订(席位、车、机、船票、旅馆房间等)
23baby-sittera person who takes care of babies or children while their perents are out. 临时保姆。
24five five fiveseventeen twenty555-1720。这是念电话号码的一种形式。念完前三位号码,再两个两个地念后四位号码。
25Five five fiveone seven two oh. 555-1-7-2-0。这是念电话号码的另一种形式。念完前三位号码,再一个一个地念后四位号码。
26He hangs up.他(讲完)挂断电话。
27Shall we? UseShall IorShall weto make a suggestion. This is a polite use. 用来提建议,显得礼貌。
28Hope to see you again. 希望再见到你。对新朋友道别时讲的话。 29funa good time. 愉快。
30After you. I'll go after you. 请先走。一般男士让女士先下车或先出门时讲的话。
1SusanHarry原先彼此不相识,这是他们经别人安排的第一次会面(称为blind date。这种约会的目的是为男女双方创造机会交往,互相深入了解。这种约会在美国十分平常,往往由亲朋好友来安排。地点可选在餐馆。像SusanHarry他俩到了餐馆边吃边谈,所以叫dinner date
下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考 ACT

Excuse me, can you help me? Sure, what do you want? Where is 83 Wooster Street? That's easy, walk to the corner and make a left trun, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster. Thank-you. To the corner, and then a left. Walk to the corner and make a left turn, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster. Come on Harry, it's your turn. Follow the directions. Excuse me, ma'am. I am looking for 83 Wooster Street.

Yes.Wooster Street is two blocks and 83 is to the right. Wooster street is two blocks and 83 is to the right. Come on harry, it's your turn, follow the directions. Congratulations, Harry.
You found 83 Wooster Street!
Now Harry,let's try some new directions. Go to the traffic light at the corner of Prince Street and make a right turn. Go 1 block and make a left at Queen Street.
Go to 290 Queen Street. Congratulations, Harry, you did it.

In a Thai restaurant1 later that evening. Somsak, the owner of the restaurant, greets2 Susan and Harry. SomsakAh! Miss Stewart! Welcome! How are you? SusanFine, Somsak. And you?3 SomsakFine, thank you. SusanThis is my friend Harry Bennett. HarryPleased to meet you. SomsakVery nice to meet you. Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. Follow me, please. Harry[to Susan] I like it here. SusanI do, too. I come here often. SomsakA special4 place for special people. SusanThank you, Somsak.
[Somsak leaves.] HarryWell! Nice restaurant. Somsak[He returns.] Would you like5 something to drink?
SusanYes, I'd like6 a glass of ginger ale7 with ice.Harry, what would you like? HarryDo you have a dry white wine? SomsakHow about8 a California chablis9? HarryChablis is fine.
SomsakWhat would you like to eat? SusanI'd like the mee krob10. Harry, would you like to see a menu11? HarryNo, it's OK. I'll have12 the mee krob also.[to Susan] What is it? SusanCrispy13 fried noodles. I love them. SomsakMay I bring you14 a salad? SusanOh yes. What do you recommend today? SomsakI recommend rose-petal salad15. Special for new friends. Susan[to Harry] Rose-petal salad? HarryWhy not?16
SomsakI'll take care of everything.17 [He leaves.] SusanI hope you're hungry. HarryWhat? Oh, yes. Starving.18 Well, I Susan[at the same time] Well, I19
HarryWhat do you do at Universe Toy Company20?

SusanI'm the vice-president of new toy development21. HarryTerrific! SusanI know you're a CPA22. HarryThat's true. Harry Bennett, certified public accountant. I love number. I do some work for Smith and Dale,23 your company's accounting firm24. SusanAnd so HarryHere we are.25 SusanYes. HarryI have a daughter. SusanI know. How old is she? HarryShe's nine years old. SusanThat's a nice age. What's her name? HarryMichelle. SusanDo you have a picture of her? [Harry shows her a photo.] SusanShe's very pretty. HarryThank you. Somsak[He arrives with the salad.] Rose-petal salad. And there's phone call for you, Mr.Bennett. HarryExcuse me, Susan.[He leaves the table.] Susan[to Somsak] I hope nothing is wrong. SomsakI'll get the rest of the dinner. Excuse me.[He leaves.] Harry[He returns.]Please forgive me,26 Susan, butI have to leave. I feel terrible, but27 SusanWhat's the matter?28
HarryMy daughter isn't feeling well. SusanOh no! Is it serious? HarryI don't know. The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache29, and she's crying. I'll have to go home. Will you forgive me? SusanOf course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. And you didn't have a chance to eat. HarryOh, it's OK.30 Let me take you home first. SusanNo, no. Please, go ahead. HarryIt's our first date. SusanWe'll make another. Please don't worry. Harry[He gets up to leave.]I'll phone you. SusanI hope your daughter is all right.31 Good-bye. HarryGood-bye. END OF ACT 第二幕
1Thai restaurantThis restaurant serves food from the country of Thailand. 泰国餐厅。 2greetto welcome with words or actions. 欢迎,致问候。
3Fine, Somsak. And you?当别人问候你时,你回答后,并要向对方问好。这是很典型的问候对话。AHow are you? BFine. And you? AFine, thank you. 4specialnot ordinary or usual. 特别的,不寻常的。

5Would you like? Do you want? 您们要……? Use this phrase to offer food or a drink. 用来询问顾客要点什么菜或饮料。
6I'd like=I want…我要……。Use this phrase to order food or a drink. 这是点菜或饮料的一种讲法。 7ginger alea gassy non-alcoholic drink made with ginger. 姜味汽水。
8How about…?来点……好吗?This phrase is another way to offer. 另一种建议菜肴的讲法。 9chablisa type of nonsweet white wine. 干白葡萄酒。 10mee kroba popular Thai dish. 泰国一种家常餐点。 11menua list of dishes in a meal. 菜单。
12I'll have=我想要……。另一种点菜的讲法。其它讲法还有:I'd likeDo you have? What do you recommend? 13crispydry and easily broken. 酥脆的。
14May I bring you…?要不要来点……呢?向顾客推荐菜肴的另一种讲法。其它讲法还有:How about? What would you like? I recommend …等。 15rose-petal salad:玫瑰花瓣色拉。
16Why not? 为什么不呢?Harry赞同Susan的建议。
17I'll take care of everything. I'll get everything for you. 我会照料好一切的。 18starvingvery hungry. 饿极了。
19Well, IHarrySusan几乎同时讲话,他们想使气氛变得自然、松驰一些。尤其今天是他们的第一次约会。可能双方都有点紧张吧!
20Universe Toy Company:宇宙玩具公司。
21vice-president of new toy development新玩具开发部副总经理。People bring Susan ideas for new toys. She has an important job in the company. Susan在这家公司担任重要工作,别人将新玩具的构想交给她进行深入研究。
22CPAcertified public accountant. 有执照的会计师(职业会计师)An accountant keeps business records. To become a CPA, an accountant must pass a government test. 会计师为公司处理账务报表。要成为一名会计师,须通过政府的考试。
23Harry Bennettfor Smith and Dale. Harry在此讲的话,带有向Susan进行自我介绍的意思。 24firma business company. 公司。 25Here we are. 所以我们才有缘相识。
26Please forgive me.=I'm sorry. 对不起,请原谅。
27I feel terrible, but…我感到十分抱歉,但是……句子的后半截省略了(但是我得回去了) 28What's the matter?=What's the problem? 怎么了?发生了什么事? 29stomachachea pain in the stomach. 胃疼,肚子痛。
30Oh, it's OK.=Oh, it's all right. 噢,没关系。这是很口语化的讲法。
31I hope your daughter is all right. 我希望你女儿安然无恙。表示一种祝愿。在Susan听说有Harry的电话后,她先后还讲了下面几句话表示关心和祝愿: I hope nothing is wrong. (我希望没事。 What's the matter? (怎么了?) Oh, no! Is it serious? (糟糕,严重吗?)
I'm so sorry for Michelle. (我真为Michelle难过。

在美国餐馆里,点菜的顺序一般是这样的:1)饮料(drinks2)汤(soup,色拉(salad,主菜(main dish; main course; entree;甜点(dessert)等。其中点salad时,侍者都会问“What kind of dressing for your salad?(色拉上面要放什么调味?)可选择Thousand lsland, French, ltalian等等。
下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考 ACT
Somsak is offering.
Would you like something to drink? Would you like, would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink?
How about a California chablis? How about, how about a California chablis? How about a California chablis?
May I bring you a salad? May I bring, may bring, may I bring you a salad? may I bring, may I bring you a salad? Would you like a cup of coffee? How about some herbal tea? May I bring you some dessert? Susan and Harry are ordering. I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice. I'd like, I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice. I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice.
Do you have a dry white wine? Do you have, do you have a dry white wine? Do you have a dry white wine? I'll have the mee krob also. I'll have, I'll have the mee krob also. have the mee krob also. I'd like a cup of coffee. Do you have some herbal tea? I'll have some dessert.
Do you have a dry white wine? How about a California chablis? That's fine.

In Susan's apartment. Susan and her sister-in-law Marilyn are eating the food from the Thai restaurant. MarilynWhat happened?1
SusanThe baby-sitter called. His daughter is sick. MarilynWhat's wrong? SusanI think she has a stomachache. He's a good father. MarilynSowhat do you think of him2? SusanHe's very nice. But I think he was nervous3 tonight. It was his first date in two years. MarilynWill you see him again? SusanI hope so.4* MarilynThis food is delicious5. SusanHe didn't get a thing to eat.6 Marilyn[She looks at the food on the table. ] You ordered enough for three or four people, but I'm not complaining7. The food is delicious. [There is a knock8 at the door.] SusanWho is that? MarilynDo you think it's9

SusanNo. [She goes to the door and looks through the peephole10] You won't believe it,11
Marilyn! MarilynI believe it. Even without looking. [Susan opens the door. ] HarryHi! SusanHow ?12
HarryYour downstairs neighbor let me in. SusanDid you go home? HarryI did, but everything is OK, so I decided to come back. To apologize13 for leaving so early, I brought you a little gift. [He gives her a plant.] It's a bonsai tree14 for your new apartment. Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late. MarilynOh, not at all. We're still eating. SusanPlease, come in. Join us. It's our meal from the restaurant. And how is your daughter? HarryOh, she's fine. It was only a tummy15 ache. SusanIt's good that you went back. HarryYes, I think it's important for me to be there since her mother died. SusanI agree. Aren't you hungry?16
HarryAs a matter of fact17 I am hungry. MarilynThere's lots of food left. Harry[eating] Mmm, this is delicious!18 SusanEnjoy! MarilynI'm going to excuse myself.19 [She gets up.] I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you. HarryBye, Marilyn. MarilynGood night, Susan. SusanGood night, Marilyn. [Marilyn leaves.] SusanShe's going to a fashion show20 here in the city tomorrow. She is sleeping here so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. HarryYou two must be closet21. SusanWe are. The whole Stewart family is close. HarryI like that. Later that evening
HarryAnd then, two years ago, my wife died. SusanYou miss her. HarryI doyes, but I have Michelleand with time22 SusanIs there anyone else in your life?23 HarryNo, not yet. What about you?24
SusanOh, I date occasionally25, but my work keeps me busy. Harry[He looks at his watch.] Ooh, speaking of26keeping busy----I have an early start tomorrow,and the baby-sitter has to get home. [He starts to put on his jacket.] Where did the time go?27 It's midnight28. Thank you,Susan. I had a nice evening. SusanMe, too, Harry. [She walks with him to the door.] Harry? HarryYes?

SusanI'd like to meet your daughter someday.29 HarryDoes that mean that I can see you again?30 SusanOf course. HarryWonderful. I'll call you, and we'll go out to dinner. SusanPlease do. HarryI promise I won't leave early. SusanIt was for a good reason.31 HarryYou know something?32 SusanWhat? HarryI think we're going to33 be good friends. Good night, Susan. SusanGood night, Harry. Have a safe trip home.34
[She closes the door. A moment later there is a loud sound in the hall. Susan opens the door.] Are you all right? Harry[He fell over the umbrella stand35, and now he is picking it up.] Sorry. Susan[She smiles.] I never liked that umbrella stand.36 Good night, Harry. END OF ACT 第三幕
1What happened? 怎么了?MarilynSusan一个人回来感到惊奇,她下面还问了几句话。 2What do you think of him? 你觉得他怎么样?Marilyn实际想知道Susan是否喜欢Harry 3nervousnot calm and slightly afraid. 紧张的。
4I hope so.=I hope to see him again. 我希望还能与他约会。 5deliciouspleasing to the taste. 可口的,美味的。
6He didn't get a thing to eat.= He didn't eat anything.他什么也没吃。
7I'm not complaining.= It's not a problem for me. 我不在意。这句话常在非正式场合使用。 8knockthe sound of ablow on the door. 敲门声。
9Do you think it's =Do you think it's Harry?会不会是HarryMarilyn期待着Susan来回答。 10peepholea small hole in a door through which one can look through. 窥孔,门镜。 11You won't believe it.= You can't imagine it. 你简直无法相信。表示Susan很感惊讶!
12How? 这句话实际上要问:How did you go inside the building? Harry明白Susan要问什么,所以没等Susan说完,他已回答了。
13apologizeto say that one feels sorry. 道歉。
14bonsai treea tree in a pot that has been prevented from growing large. 盆栽,盆景。
15tummystomach. 肚子。This is an informal word.Children often say tummy instead of stomach.“肚子”一词的非正式用法,儿童常用。
16Aren't you hungry?=You must be hungry. 你一定饿了吧? 17As a matter of fact= It's true…事实上。
18Mmm, this is delicious! 嗯!很好吃。Marilyn也讲过此话。除去Harry因为很饿的原因外,人们一般在被邀请吃东西时,都表示喜欢或好吃。
19I'm going to excuse myself.=Sorry, I have to leave. 抱歉,我失陪了。Marilyn想让SusanHarry有单独交谈的机会。
20fashion show:时装表演。
21closevery friendly with each other. 亲密的,关系好的。
22and with time= as time goes by. 随着时间的流逝(我不很伤心了)

23Is there anyone else in your life?= Do you have a special woman or girlfriend in your life? 你生活中还有别的女人吗?
24What about you? = Do you have a special man or boy friend in your life? 你呢?有没有男朋友?(这句话通常用来反问对方。
25occasionallysometimes, not often. 偶尔。
26speaking of:提到。Use this expression to change the subject in a conversation. 用以转换话题的惯用语。 27Where did the time go? = The time passed very quickly. 时间过得真快。 28midnighttwelve o'clock at night. 午夜,晚上十二点。
29I'd like to meet your daughter someday. 我希望有一天能见见你的女儿。Susan讲这句话的真正目的,是Harry一个暗示。所以Harry马上就问:
30Does that mean that I can see you again? 这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?
31It was for a good reason. = You had a good reason to have left early. 你早走是有原因的。 32You know something? = Do you know something? 你知道吗?意思为:我想告诉你一件事。 33going to:将会。Harry念成gonna,这是表示将来式的非正式念法。 34Have a safe trip home. 一路平安,走好。意思是:再见。 35umbrella stand:伞架。
36I never liked that umbrella stand. 我一直不大喜欢那个伞架。如果有人不小心碰倒或摔坏了我们的东西,我们常讲:I never liked itI never liked it anyway. 为的是让对方不感到太尴尬。如果客人吃饭时摔了盘子,我们可以说:I never liked that dish anyway
下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考 ACT
He's an accountant. He works with numbers. He's an accountant. He manages your money. He's an accountant. He plans your taxes. An accountant. That's his occupation, his job
She's in business. She's the vice-president in a toy company She's in business. She's the boss
A vice-president. That's her occupation, her job. She's a sales clerk. She sells clothing.

She's a sales clerk. She works in a store. Ya, she's a sales clerk. She designs clothing too. A sales clerk, That's her occupation, her job. she's a teacher. That's her job. Yaaa she's a nurse. That's her job. He's a pilot. That's his job. Those are occupations. They're all jobs. That's her job. That's her job. That's his job. Those are occupations. They're all jobs. he's a vendor. He sells food on the street. He's a vendor. He sells hot dogs. Ya he's a vendor. He sells ice cream. A vendor, an accountant, a sales clerk, a nurse, a teacher, a pilot. They're all jobs.
Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone.


