
发布时间:2017-08-03 16:22:56   来源:文档文库   

Analysis of the symbolic meaning of

The Little Prince





AbstractThe Little Prince was written by famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, since the book has been published, it conquered the readers around the world. The Little Prince is a literature work which has a special status in the European literary palace in 20th century. It expressed the writer's rational thinking about the reality and human's inner world by telling a wise and humanity fairy tale. It has its charm not only for the children but also for the adults, the main reason of the book to be considered so attractive is that the using of symbolism to make the book full of philosophical connotation, and Aesthetic significance. The symbolism of this book is comprehensive, such as the particular relationship of the whole symbol, the specific symbol and the symbolic images. The writer expressed a rich meaning on the use of symbolism in many parts. Behind the brevity of the fairy story, there is a deep reflection towards experience of growing up, meaning of life and love. This article try to seek the symbolic meaning of this work from three factors: the overall symbols, the imageries’ symbols and the relationship between the corresponding symbolic images, based on analyze the author Saint-Exupéry’s life experience and the background of the times.

Key words: The Little Prince;   Symbol;   Images;   Symbolism



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法国著名作家安东尼圣埃克絮佩里的《小王子》一书自问世以来,就征服了全世界读者的心。《小王子》是20世纪欧洲文学殿堂中一部具有特殊地位的作品,以充满智慧光芒和人性本真的童话故事表达了作者对外部世界和人的内心世界的理性思考,不论对孩子,还是对成人,它都具有十足的魅力。其主要原因在于象征手法的运用使这本小书充满了深广的哲学内涵和美学意义。《小王子》中的象征是全方位、多层面的,如整体的象征、具体象征以及具体象征意象之间的相互关系。作者通过多处运用象征手法,表达出丰富的意蕴。在童话简洁浅显的文字背后,隐藏着对人类成长体验,生存意义和爱情的深刻反思。本文通过对作者圣-埃克苏佩里的生活经历及当时时代背景的剖析,从整体的象征、意象的 象征及具体象征意象之间的对应关系切入,浅析《小王子》中蕴涵的深刻意蕴。


《小王子》象征意象 象征意蕴



1. The review of the book………………………………………….……………...1

1.1 A brief introduction of the author--- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry……………..1

1.2 The Plot Summary of the book………………………………………………....2

1.3 A general commentary of the novel………………………………………….....2

2. The characters and the symbolic meaning of the images. ………………………...3

2.1. The characters………………………………………………………………..…3

2.1.1 The Narrator………………………………………………………………...3

2.1.2 The Little Prince…………………………………………………………....4

2.1.3 The fox……………………………………………………………………...4

2.1.4 The Snake…………………………………………………………………...6

2.1.5 The baobab tree……………………………………………………………..6

2.2 Analysis the symbolic meaning of The Little Prince…………………….......7

2.2.1 Images of the human society……………………………………………..…8

2.2.2 Images of the nature………………………………………………………...9

3. Techniques of Symbolic in the The Little Prince……………………………........10

3.1 The use of fairy tale writing techniques………………………………………...10

3.2 The establishment of antagonistic relations. ……………………………….…..11

4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………....12

5. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………….…13

6. Acknowledgement………………………………………………………….……...14


This is a children's book, easy to read and understand, but among the simple sentences and short stories hides the essential meaning of life. It is a book we can start to read when we are little, and the story has its unique wisdom worth keeping in mind for a life time. The little prince, through a pilot's narration of his amazing encounter with a little prince, tells us a story of the little prince travelling around from his planet to the earth, visiting all kinds of creatures(生物,人与动物植物. Using the most simple and perfectly understandable language, it reveals the most precious and meaningful values of life to me. The minute I read the first line, I am destined(吸收)to be deeply touched and involved by the simple and funny story. I have wondered for an extremely long time about how to express what I have thought about this book which means so much that I really feel a little afraid of ruining this masterpiece with my superficial(肤浅的)understanding, and humble ideas. Classic things are always for you to respect. Truly, this book is a fairy-tale, but it couldn’t be better to be a guide book to those who have lost themselves in their spiritual worlds.

1. The review of the book.

The Little Prince is a well-known novel. In the story the little prince, the main character in the book, came from a planet which was scarcely any larger than a house. He admired a beautiful flower on the planet but he was too young to know how to love her. Therefore, he decided to leave the planet and traveled to other planets.

On the journey, he met various kinds of people. For example, he met a king. Who insisted that his authority should be respected and he tolerated no disobedience. He also met a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman who claimed for the possession of stars on the sky. Moreover, he met a lamplighter and a geographer, whose views of life made him quite confused. Finally, he came to the earth, where lived a lot of people who were like the king, the conceited man, the tippler, the businessman, the lamplighter and the geographer. He also met a sly snake and a fox. They taught the little prince what the true love was. With the realization of the true love between him and the flower, the little prince said goodbye to the narrator and went back home. Besides, there are some meaningful sentences in this book. For example, the fox told the little prince, “The eyes are blind. One must look with the heart. It’s only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” I agree with the point. We should know people with the heart not with eyes.

1.1 A brief introduction of the author--- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Saint-Exupéry was born in Lyon in 1900. During his military service, he learned to pilot airplanes. After his military service, he presented himself to the director of an Airline company and expressed to him his desire to become a pilot. First Saint-Exupéry worked to become a mechanic. In 1927, he was the pilot of a formation. He completed dangerous missions over the Mediterranean and over the Sahara. He had many accidents over the middle of the desert. Later, he was named the director of his own aviation company in South America. And he also accomplished many dangerous missions over the Andes. In 1939, France went to war with Germany. Saint- Exupery enlisted immediately in the army. Saint-Exupéry didnt accept the defeat. He decided to leave France. He settled in the United States, where he continued to write. It was in New York that he published the little prince, one of his most celebrated(有名的,知名的)books.

1.2 The plot summary of the book.

The Little Prince is a story of the encounter of a pilot, who has crashed in the African desert, and a little prince has landed on earth far away from his planet which can be seen above as a small star. A would-be artist at six years of age, the pilot had that career thwarted by the lack of imagination of grown-ups who could not understand, without explanation, his drawing of a boa constrictor eating an elephant, making him conclude that they are incapable of recognizing importance in anything except what lies on the surface. The little prince, through the relating of his own problems, asking the pilot to draw him a sheep, awakens the pilot to his own restricted sense of what is important, inducing him to conclude that he is now like the grown-ups, too. The prince speaks of his planet, with the baobab sprouts that he has to dig up every day lest they should take over the planet; he speaks with great passion of his special rose, the only one of its kind due to his dedication to its well-being regardless of its taunting.

The little prince also relates his journey to earth, stopping on the way at different asteroids on which grown-ups (a king, a businessman, and a drunkard among others), appear to him very strange because of their resolved application to things that are only quantifiable and have no ultimate purpose. He speaks of the time he spent with the fox, learning the art of taming and rites, which turns what is common into a unique relationship. The pilot learns to love the little prince, as the latter loves the rose. At the same time the pilot has repaired his plane, the little prince is also ready to return to his planet, through the elixir of a snake’s poison. Yet the separation is only physical, for taming creates bonds that endure through time and space, such that the stars they each gaze upon will remind them of each other.

1.3 A general commentary of the novel.

Seemingly a children's book, it makes several profound and idealistic points about life and love. In it, Saint- Exupéry imagines himself stranded in the Sahara Desert, thousands of kilometers away from inhabited places, where he meets a young extra-terrestrial prince. In their conversations, the author reveals his own views about the follies of mankind and the simple truths that people seem to forget as they grow older. There are also two other main points in the book, both of which spoken by the fox. They are: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is the time you have spent on your rose that makes your rose so important". Throughout the book the children's view on the world, on the main points of the human life and relations between people, which is represented by The Little Prince and partially by the narrator, is set off against the "grown-ups" revealed in memories of the narrator and in the characters, met by the little prince on asteroids. But the author underlines, that the grown-ups” are like that. One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance towards grown-up people.

2. The characters and the symbolic meaning of images.

Throughout the book, Saint-Exupéry is very critical of many of the characteristics of mankind. He claims that humans are too preoccupied with wealth, power, and technology, which makes them miss the important things in life -- beauty, love, and friendship. Because they do not invest the time in loving others and noticing the small wonders of the world, people rush from place to place in search of something; but since they look for the wrong things, they are never happy with where they are and rush onward again, much like the trains that the switchman controls. People are also duped into believing that facts and figures are important, just like the geographer. However, the facts often hide the truth and cause a person to miss out on the true meaning of life.

In a similar manner, when a human succeeds and accumulates some wealth, they spend all of their time counting their assets instead of investing it in the important things of life. When they finally realize their lives have no meaning, people then turn to crutches, such as alcohol, believing that these things can supply the answer; in truth, the answer always lies inside if a person will only seek the truth beneath the surface.

2.1 The characters

The main theme of The Little Prince is the importance of looking beneath the surface to find the real truth and meaning of a thing. It is the fox who teaches the Prince to see with one’s heart instead of just with one’s eyes. Unfortunately, most adults have difficulties in doing this. In the beginning of the book, the narrator points out how grown-ups can never see the real meaning of a drawing; instead, they look at the surface, failing to probe a deeper meaning. Next, I’ll analysis of the major characters of the following images, the narrator, the little prince, the fox, the snake, the baobab tree. This essay is designed to challenge a student's understanding of the broad points in a work, interactions among the characters, and main points and themes of the text. But, they also cover many of the other issues specific to the work and to the world today. It is in this children's book that I found the essential meaning of life.

2.1.1 The narrator

The narrator of The Little Prince is an adult in years, but he explains that he was rejuvenated six years earlier after he crashed his plane in the desert. He was an imaginative child whose first drawing was a cryptic interpretation of a boa constrictor that had swallowed an elephant. Eventually, he abandoned art for the grown-up profession of pilot, and he lives a lonely life until he encounters the little prince. He serves as the prince’s confidence and relays the prince’s story to us, but the narrator is really the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The narrator is present throughout the book to tell the story of his friendship with the little prince and comment on what he has learned from him. He is very attracted to the Prince, largely because he is childlike, innocent, and pure. The narrator admits that he prefers the openness, honesty, and naiveté of children to the pretensions and blindness of adults, who cannot see beyond the surface of life. The narrator feels very close to the little prince because he is able to see the truth and importance of things. Even after six years, he remembers everything about this little man from another planet; as a result, he writes the book in memory of him. Ever since childhood, the narrator has felt frustrated with adults. As a young boy, he drew pictures of a boa constrictor eating an elephant, but none of the adults could see the real meaning beyond the surface of the picture. They all claimed the drawing looked like a hat. When the narrator explained what the picture really was, the adults suggested that he give up drawing and purpose his academic studies. When the narrator shows the little prince a drawing of a boa eating an elephant, he immediately recognizes it for what it is. The narrator is greatly impressed and instantly likes the little prince. The narrator’s airplane crashes into the desert. While he is trying to repair it, the little prince suddenly appears and asks him to draw a picture of a sheep for him. Soon a strong bond of friendship develops between the two of them.

2.1.2 The little prince

The novel is named after the little prince, who is a mystical and loveable person. He is a child who lives in a very small world. He is very curious and never let go of a question, once he had asked it. The little prince is a pure and innocent traveler from outer space whom the narrator encounters in the Sahara desert. Before the little prince lands on Earth, Saint- Exupéry contrasts the prince’s childlike character with different adult characters by having the prince hop from one neighboring planet to another. On each planet, the prince meets a different type of adult and reveals that character’s frivolities and weaknesses. Once on Earth, however, the little prince becomes a student as well as a teacher. From his friend the fox, the little prince learns what love entails, and in turn he passes on those lessons to the narrator. The little prince has few of the glaring flaws evident in the other characters. Most notably(显著地), the prince is bound by his love for the rose he has left on his home planet. His constant questioning also indicates that one’s search for answers can be more important than the answers themselves. Little Prince likes watching sunsets. On his little planet all he had to do was shift his chair to watch a sunset. On our planet Earth, sunset occurs at different times in different countries. Probably there is some application of this which can be used in communication. Using sun as the centre of communication! Here Prince also says that he feels sad while watching sunsets. This is probably one of things which suggest that children or for that matter even adults sometimes cannot explain their mood swings!

2.1.3 The fox

The fox appears quite suddenly and inexplicably while the prince is mourning the ordinariness of his rose after having come across the rose garden. When the fox immediately sets about establishing a friendship between himself and the prince, it seems that instruction is the fox’s sole purpose. Yet when he begs the little prince to tame him, the fox appears to be the little prince’s pupil as well as his instructor. In his lessons about taming, the fox argues for the importance of ceremonies and rituals(仪式), showing that such tools are important even outside the strict world of grown-ups.

Said the fox, "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in the entire world. To you, I shall be unique in the entire world...”

狐狸说:对我来说,你还只是一个小 男孩,就像其他千万个小男孩一样。我不需要你。你也同样用不着我。对你来说,我也不过是一只狐狸,和其他千万只狐狸一样。但是,如果你驯服了我,我们就互 相不可缺少了。对我来说,你就是世界上唯一的了;我对你来说,也是世界上唯一的了。” "Please-- tame me!" he said. “请你驯服我吧!他说。"One only understands the things that one tames,"只有被驯服了的事物才会被了解It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;What is essential is invisible to the eye."只有用心才能看得清,实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."正因为你为你的玫瑰花费了时间,这才使你的玫瑰变得如此重要But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart..."眼睛是什么也看不见的,应该用心去寻找(很多东西的表面现象是迷惑人的,我们需要用心去感知)One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed...如果被人驯服了,就可能会要哭的(就像你爱上一个人,总是难免会受到伤害的)It is just as it is with the flower.If you love a flower that lives on a star,It is sweet to look at the sky at night.All the stars are a-bloom with flowers..."这就像花一样如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花那么夜间你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快所有的星星上都好像开着花(这正是爱上一个人的美妙之处)

These sentences from book above impressed me very much, because I had not known that affection has a relation with tame, he teaches little prince as well as readers everything about true friendships and the secret of what is really important in life. The fox tells the little prince that “tamed” means “to create ties”. These ties are created because taming requires patience, dedication, perseverance, and responsibility. When these virtues are put into practice for the sake of a fox among “a hundred thousand other foxes”, then an enduring bond is forged in the fire of sacrifice. Without taming, all things are merely quantities and have no meaning, no heart, which is the essence of life itself. The fox teaches the prince "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye” and on responsibility, ""Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox.”But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose...” This responsibility interrelation creates in people. Show in every respect in the social life .It’s a transmutation of love, and it’s the distillation of love .It lets me know it is love that makes the world goes round, also makes our life strong and warm. Thanks to love, we can taste a colorful life no matter it is bitter, sweet, sour, and hot. Love is a kind of responsibility. Receiving several versions of explanation, I prefer this one. Little prince didn’t fall in love with the fox, but learned what love was from it. It doesn’t make any sense if the fox was supposed to be intelligent without any emotion; at least the little prince domesticated the fox. Perhaps the author didn’t favor the perfect role that was very willing to sacrifice. What he really loved was the rose that is sweet but with flaws. The rose could be regarded as anything that people are eager for, however, it's more likely to be a symbol of lover.

2.1.5 The snake

Even though the snake the little prince encounters in the desert speaks in riddles, he demands less interpretation than the other symbolic figures in the novel. The snake also has less to learn than many of the other characters. The grown-ups on the various planets are too narrow-minded for their own good, and the prince and the narrator edge closer to enlightenment(教化,启蒙), but the serpent(大毒蛇;阴险的人)does not require answers or even ask questions. In fact, the snake is so confident that he has mastered life’s mysteries that he tells the prince he speaks only in riddles because he can solve all riddles. In a story about mysteries, the snake is the only absolute. His poisonous bite and biblical allusion indicate that he represents the unavoidable phenomenon of death. The snake inform the little prince that to know well about the deeper mysteries of life, he also tell young Prince why he say it that was kind of mysterious is because he know about the answer.

2.1.6 The baobab tree

On the little prince’s planet there were “terrible seeds…baobab seeds” that infested the soil. He was most earnest to find out as to whether the sheep would eat baobabs or not. If the sprouts were not dug up or eaten soon enough they would overgrow the entire planet and their “roots pierce right through”. This enquiry carries a sense of urgency that has greater implications than meets the eye. Just as good and bad seeds lie latent in the soil, so too do seeds of unknown potential lie in the recesses of the mind. Should the good seeds sprout and grow, then the thoughts, the imagination, free of fetters, give forth wondrous fruits. However, should the imagination be thwarted by the constrictions of the tangible world, by overemphasis on the importance of those things that bear only upon our senses, then indeed, “it’s always a catastrophe”? It is the result of the “seed of a bad plant” that has not been recognized early enough. If “you attend to a baobab too late, you can never get rid of it again”, for once it has grown, no force, (not even elephants), can remove it because it has sent its roots so deep.

The grown-ups like those who don’t recognize drawing Number One have had their imaginations stifled by the baobab trees, by the limitations of the physical realm. They resemble the lazy man whose planet was overtaken by baobabs. He had “neglected three bushes” and, as shown in the illustration, his entire planet is constricted by the roots of the baobab trees…just as a boa constricts his prey…like a mind is constricted by the tangible. The artist vividly conveys the biggest of his drawings due to his own “sense of urgency” regarding the matter. He feels the responsibility of alerting the children, at the behest of the prince, to “a danger which they, like me, have long been unaware”. For the artist himself, was he not, unable to see a “sheep through the sides of a crate”.

2.2 Analysis the symbolic meaning of The Little Prince Throughout his book, Saint-Exupéry emphasizes the importance of looking beneath the surface to find true beauty in even common things. The star of The Little Prince becomes special and beautiful because it is home to his unique rose, made special by love. The narrator comments on the little prince’s love: “What moves me so deeply about this Little Prince, who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower -- the image of a rose that shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep.” What makes the little prince so special is this ability to love fully and completely. In the end, it is love that gives meaning to all existence. Without it, man is lost and alone on the desert, much like the narrator until he encountered and befriended the little prince. The symbolic meaning of The Little Prince firmly rooted in reality(深深扎根于现实中), symbols are building-up in concrete facts ,but depend on a dream. The first kind symbol is straightforward and clarity(清楚).For example :The king is enamored with lordliness, He is the personification of the political power(他是政治权力的象征).The philistines(市侩) as greedy as a wolf, worship the golden calf. They represent the interests and financial force金融权力的象征.The Geographer is terribly pedantic, divorce from reality(脱离实际 );they represent the spiritual power(精神权力的象征)etc. The second kinds symbol is deeper than former; only pondering deeply over the matter can achieve a truly meaning. We can know the symbol meaning of the narrator, the little prince, the fox, the snake, etc from above discussed. Third kind’s symbol has deep meaning, the difficulty to communicate with or understanding between little prince and pilot that disclose the adults was quite alien to the little prince, and the death of young Prince symbolize the honest soul blend together with the holy and pure desert. We can say that its the beginning of a better future life. From what has been discussed above ,we may see that its symbolic significance is shown by fairy tale pattern, and the images ,symbols are independent relatively yet is linked to all the others(相互独立相互联系).The symbolic implication make readers make themselves deep in thought. 2.2.1 Images of the human society We are living in a so-called modern society where we students are busy studying hard to pass every meaningless examinations which we don’t feel interested in and those adults devote themselves to earning the money which will be never earned all. Is there something we have neglected? Something cannot be found among those concreted buildings which imprison our spirits and emotions, in addition, cut off the relationships with others. As we all know that adults and kids are two different groups, and what is more sometimes they are on the contrary sides. There are a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a merchant, lamplighter, and a geographer living in the six planets which the little prince has explored. The king is the representative of political power without any doubt. He thinks that everyone is his subject and he also decides to control the whole world. But it is difficult for him to find out a man to be given a carte blanche to direct this small planet. And hence the king asks the hypocrisy and inability of authority to help him. There are so many people who admire the conceited man. The author lampoons the absurdness of vanity. The drunkard has been drinking a lot in order to help him forget the shame of drinking. That reveals the absurdity of adults. The merchant is very busy counting the stars, which makes him have no time to raise his head. He goes on counting and recounting the stars again and again. The stars that he owns have been put into bank, a place that could enable him to buy more stars. The merchant reveal the greed of human beings. The impression of our world remains to the most significant point that Saint-Exupéry would like to explain.Adults are the representation of being utilitarian, vainglorious, blind and absurd and lack of imagination and do not have a good sense of romanticism. That is the reason why the little prince thinks they are weird. The little prince and the pilot are the two main roles in this story. What the little prince shows to us is a completely distinctive value against the grown-ups’ secular ideas about life. In the little prince’s opinion, the one who has never smelled a follower, never got a glimpse on the stars, never loved anyone can’t be called a man, he is only a mushroom. Through telling the little prince’s interstellar experience, a Saint-Exupéry image which describes the human’s absurdity and ridiculousness is being shown to us. The little prince is such a simple and native boy and he is just the symbol of the original form of a child as well as the ideal of Saint-Exupéry. The end of the story is miserable, the little prince finally comes back to his planet in a traditional way—death. In my opinion, the bleak ending indicates the rejection of present values and what is more the return of men’s spirit to the original purest field. As to the little prince, this may not be bad a bad thing, and on the contrary it is also a liberation from the dirty world and a brand new start of nice future. There is a discussion on the art of living, as well as the system of values, and the train of thought behind them is the uniform element. Now you are requested to “look at the book, and allow yourself to travel from one image to the next. Depending on the pilot, it will be the reflection of Saint-Exupéry. He is a member of the adult group, but it is true that he still remembers his picture of a python digesting an elephant in his hidden mind. All adults have been a child before, but few of them can remember it. Those who desire for quick but great achievement and instant benefit so much are lonely at most of their times. They do not have any idea about the essence of life until they are acquainted with the little prince who is a little boy different from any other grown-ups. 2.2.2 Images of the nature There are a number of terrible seeds existing on the planet where the little prince lived, and those seeds are representing the baobab. The baobab is such an awful thing that you don’t have the ability of controlling once you attend to it too late. It can be found everywhere on the planet. All baobabs represent the latent danger. Saint-Exupéry is likely to make us know well about the dangers which are out of sight in our daily life. Those dangers can sometimes be the rampant Fascist forces and sometimes even the twisty modern values.The little prince lands in the desert and do not see anyone while he reaches the earth. He feels like that he was abandoned by the world. And he is so lonely. “It is a little lonely in the desert”. On the other hand, it is lonely among men as well. The desert is really far away from the human society. That is the reason why it has not been invaded by the advanced civilization ever before and of course has not been polluted. There are not aspiration, conflicts and disputes at all in the desert, and it is such a pure place. The little prince would be able to ponder over and catch the real implication about love and responsibility and return mentally.A fox which is saint help him get rid of his puzzlement. The fox says that one must be restrained before he can get on well with others. Once he makes friends with a person, they both become exclusive in the world and they need each other. A secret is being told to him by the fox: you must learn to observe things with your heart. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is the root will not be seen by our eyes. The fox is the incarnation of the wisdom. He let the little prince know that it is the time that he has wasted for his rose that makes her so exclusive; one is liable for those things which he has restrained.As we all know that water supplies for our lives and it also do something good to our human body. The little prince returns the earth in order to find a friend. When it comes to the pilot, water is the representative of life. But to the little prince, water is not simply the life, but the friendship and purification of the spirit. At last, they discover and waken a well in the desert, the little prince says to the pilot: I am so thirsty for this water. At that time the pilot get to know what the little prince has been searching for all the time. The water’s sweetness is born of the walk under the stars, the song of the sheave, the endeavor of their arms.The well and stars are now becoming the attestation of their faithful friendship. The little prince will be able to live in one of the stars and tend to be happy and laughing. While the pilot raise his head and have a look at the sky in the night he is so happy that he will have stars that can laugh, just like five hundred million small bells. And what the little prince has are five hundred million springs of fresh water. Just as if we would prefer to believe that the little prince is still alive, and we also believe that Saint-Exupéry will be able to get an asteroid B-612 and look after his rose with four thorns very well. And he has made us get a well knowledge about his destination in the little prince.

3. Techniques of Symbolic in The Little Prince

3.1 The use of fairy tale writing techniques.

"Fairy Tale is a children's philology or a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands with strong fantasy color. The story shapes the images and reflects life through the rich imagination, fantasy, exaggeration." On the use of this technique given the human mind to animals, plants, for its vivid description of character, with the children's perspective, let people especially adults see a complex world in nowadays. Just as Hegel said, “a symbol shown the image of a work was created by the arts, not only can we see the characteristics of its own, what’s more it shows the deeper and wide significance of the images. Not just display these individual things themselves. The Little Prince is full of deep and rich meaning. I am shocked by the author and the little prince’s dialogue. A picture the author painted is considered as an abnormal hat by adults, but in fact it is about a snake which had swallowed an elephant .What a ridiculous but reasonable idea! I really like the way he thinks. We can see many interesting things from the same thing but in a different angle. That can lead us to a new magical world. This is also an ability the adults lost. I always regard the book or the animation as the place I can avoid the real life temporarily. Then find something valuable to persist.

Only the children know what they are looking for. They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry… (只有小孩子知道自己在找什么。他们把时间花费在布洋娃娃身上。因此对他们而言,洋娃娃就变得很重要。一旦有人将娃娃拿走,他们就会号啕大哭……) We cannot see the essence of these stuffs. Learn to use our heart to recognize. When our heart is contact with something, we will feel it wherever we go, however far we leave from.

So I can still live in the dark, disappointing world with satisfaction. With gradually we grew up, the childhood went farther and farther. Time has taken away not only our memories about the treasures we had earned, but also the innocence hided in our heart. We like flies without a target, no soul, we merely make noise. We can’t hear the sincere whisper in our deep soul. Our heart has been locked by appetence and has been full of benefit and power which will do us a lot of harm and lead us to a blank life. We cannot deny that we are now live in a empty, bored and lonely world , we don’t know what we should do, what we can do, how will we do. Nothing we realize. This is a terrible situation. We seem like the water have been polluted. We can hardly see ourselves clearly. So we need something to pull us out of thin situation. We need to use something to purify our heart which is filled with nasty. I am impressed by a sentence in The Little Prince, it is said by the fox, she told the ‘little prince’: “Only the soul can see all the essential things which are invisible to the naked eye.” Our eyes will be eclipsed by the wonderful things frequently.

3.2 The establishment of antagonistic relations.

The story is written in narrative style. It is sophisticated in a child-like manner: “Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again”; “Flowers are so contradictory!” The use of polysyndeton (叠词)also emphasizes this child-like style: “And I’m a little off on his height, too. In this one the little prince is too tall. And here he’s too short. And I’m uncertain about the color of his suit”. In addition, the writing is imbued with a very intimate and pensive quality: “It’s so mysterious, the land of tears”; “For you, who love the little prince, too”; “Don’t let me go on being so sad”. There is also sarcasm, but a sarcasm that is gentle and thought- provoking rather than cruel: “ I could tell China from Arizona at first glance which is very useful if you get lost during the night”; “And my grown-up was glad to know such a reasonable person”. The author also weaves a thread through the chapters by the repetition of similar statements alluding to the same idea: “That’s the way they are”; “Grown-ups are so strange”; “Grown-ups are certainly quite extraordinary”; “And no grown-up will ever understand…” The themes of the story are reflected and clarified in the simplistic but expressive illustrations by Saint-Exupery.

For example, the large gap between the little prince's idea and Adults' thinking is a kind of confrontation. Adults cannot see an elephant eaten by the snake. The little prince could not understand the adults thinking. Just as an example the book describes: If you were to say: "I saw a pretty pink brick, windows arrayed with hydrangea, the flocks of pigeons perched on the roof ... ..."they cannot imagine how beautiful the house. We should say to them: "I saw a house worth a hundred thousand francs," then they will exclaimed: "What a pretty house ah!" The Antagonistic relationship also exists between the little prince and the roses he loved. Prince paid a close attention to roses come into opposition with the arrogant and vain rose. Another example is the antagonistic relationship between the little prince and the fox, to opposition relation between the little prince and the snake. The writer criticizes the ugly reality of community and shows his desire to build a wonderful and pure world by Create such antagonistic relationship.


 In Saint-Exupéry’s work, symbolism is evasive and sometimes is mysterious, so the deep meaning of it may not be full uncovered. The story is pretty short and simple, but the meaning is so deep. This is far from the truth: it is much more. Comprehensively survey nowadays society, the science and technology explosion period which, it is obviously that as the civilization progresses, we should have more entertainment to enjoy. However, there are many people whose minds bordering on dry up and are unhappy.

They who have lost their primitively (最初地) native affection also feel nothing about the affairs. I thought how feeling they have forgotten since the moral nature belly laughter is even. Don’t you think that your unconsciously life falls to this step of paddies is itself an extremely pitiful matter? People should slow their life pace and try to notice what around them. Don’t use the eye rather than the heart to appreciate from experience.  You could be excused for thinking that this book is one containing a simple story for young children about a Little Prince. How wrong you would be! This is far from the truth: it is much more. It is a complex story containing lots of ambiguities about a child with golden hair. These are all eruditely discussed before the actual story begins, in a section entitled "How It All Began". "Is The Little Prince a story written for children or is it a meditation intended for adults?" Despite the book being regarded as a children’s classic and published as such, and enjoyed by the same, its intrinsic meaning can be particularly piquant to grown-ups who have the experience of childhood and find their serious attitude and assumed authority on life a mere foible, a point that is amply revealed in the story, making one particularly vulnerable such that “only grown-ups can understand all that it means”.


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During the time that I wrote this thesis, I got help from many peoples. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Lin, my supervisor, who helped me plan the thesis, gave me invaluable advice, and encouraged me at the early stage of the thesis. Her patient help and timely encouragement are worthy of high acknowledgement. What’s more, he checked my thesis carefully and helped me revise the thesis and I could finish this paper. On the process of composing the paper, he also played an important role in indicating a bright road in my future writing. Without his invaluable help and generous encouragement, the present thesis would not have been accomplished.

Besides, I would like to give my gratitude to all the other teachers that taught me in the past two years in Quan Zhou Normal University.

Last but not least, I thank sincerely my parents, for their warm care and the chance of study, who support my study and encourage me all the time.



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