
发布时间:2019-10-15   来源:文档文库   
20182342西Journal of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal UniversityFebruary 2018Vol. 34 No. 2:早期阅读研究------S幼儿园为例#,2(1.山东英才学院学前教育学院,2501002.吉林师范大学博达学院,136000:近年来,很多幼儿园教师将绘本运用到日常教学活动中。为了解我国幼儿园绘本教学现状,本研究采用质的研究方 综合运用文献法、问卷法、访谈法、观察法和教学活动实录等多种方法进行研究,发现幼儿园绘本教学存在以下问题:绘本 教学内容的选择具有局限性;绘本教学方法种类单一性;绘本教学延伸活动缺乏多样性。针对调查发现的问题,提出深人贯 彻《纲要》,绘本融人园所课程;;精心设计延伸活动等解决 方案。关键词!;幼儿园绘本教学;教师;园长中图分类号:G613.2 文献标识码A
文章编号2095 — 770X(201802 — 0015 — 05doi 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095 — 770X 2018. 02. 004PDF http://sxxqsfxy. ijoumal. cn/ch/index aspx Investigation on the Present Situation
of Picture Book Teaching in Kindergartens
Taking S Kindergarten in the City of Jinan as an ExampleWANGXiao-fei'XinQi-yuan(1. School of Preschool Education $ ShandongYingcai University $ Jinan 250100? China}BodaCollege $ JilinNormal University $ Siping 136000, ChinaAbstract In recent years? many kindergarten teachers use picture books in daily teaching activities. To have a betterunderstanding about the present situation of picture book teaching in kindergarten in our country, qualitative study is conducted with the documentary method , questionnaire , interview ? observation method and record method. Research finds that first , the teaching contents of the picture books selected in teaching practice are limited secondly , teaching method of the picture books is unitary; thirdly, extended activities based on picture books are lack of diversity. The following solutions are proposed inaccordance with the above mentioned problems
Deeply implement the Outline”and integrate picturethe kindergarten curriculum 2. Apply various teaching method in practice and 3. Inspire teachers? interests to picture books and activity designKey words picture books picture book teaching method teachers kindergarten principal近年来,随着教学方式与教学内容的多元化,本已经大量进人了幼儿园的教育现场,作为早期阅 收稿日期2017 —09 —10;修回日期2017 — 11 — 01读教育中的独特读物,受到越来越多幼儿园教师和孩子们的喜爱*+。利用绘本开展教学已成为当今幼基金项目山东省本科高校教学改革研究项目2015Z084;山东省职业教育教学改革研究项目2015218作者简介:王晓斐,山东青岛人,山东英才学院学前教育学院讲师,主要研究方向:学前教育,幼儿英语教学;辛 吉林长春人,吉林师范大学博达学院教师,主要研究方向:学前教育基本原理


