陶洁《美国文学选读》课后习题详解(斯蒂芬 克莱恩)[圣才出品]

发布时间:2019-12-24 16:44:55   来源:文档文库   
1 / 2十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com第10单元 斯蒂芬•克莱恩 1. What does the opening sentence imply?Key: It implies the extremely dangerous and hard situation that they are faced with. They can only focus on the sea and do not once take their eyes off the ocean. They have to fight with the ocean with all their strength and attention.2. How does the following outburst contribute to the theme(s) of the story? “If I am going to be drowned - if I am going to be drowned - if I am going to be drowned. why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees? Was I brought here merely to have my nose dragged away as I was about to nibble the sacred cheese of life? It is preposterous. If this old ninny woman, Fate, cannot do better than this, she should be deprived of the management of men’s fortunes. She is an old hen who knows not her intention. If she has decided to drown me. why did she not do it in the beginning and save me all this trouble. The whole affair is absurd....But, no, she cannot mean to drown me. She dare not drown me. She cannot drown me. Not after all this work.”Key: The following outburst is a desperate one which shows the speaker’s rebellions and resentfulness to the seven gods of sea. He thinks that he would be unfairly treated if he is drowned. Through the story, the struggle between man


《陶洁《美国文学选读》课后习题详解(斯蒂芬 克莱恩)[圣才出品].doc》
