
发布时间:2020-09-17 11:00:30   来源:文档文库   






Rose is an American girl. She 1.______in a middle school in Beijing. Why ? 2.______her parents work there.

Its the first day of Roses summer vacation. And the 3.______is sunny and a little hot. Rose is happy, because she wants to 4.______the zoo. After breakfast, Roses father 5.______her mother and her to the zoo. They arrive at the zoo 6.______because the is not far from their home.

There are many kinds of 7.______in the zoo. They go to see pandas first because there are not 8.______pandas in their country. The pandas 9.______China. There is a panda eating bamboo behind the tree. The panda is 10.______and fat. It looks like a ball. There are 11.______some elephants. Each of them has two big ears and a long 12.______. They look big but lovely. There are many monkeys on the hill. Some of them are 13.______in the trees and eating bananas. And the others are 14.______around the trees. Rose and her parents have great 15.______in the zoo. They go back home by car.

1A. works B. sleeps C. enjoys D. studies

2A. Because B. But C. Or D.Before

3A. air B. weather C. place D. summer

4A. visit B. buy C. clean D. cross

5A. makes B. wishes C. keeps D. drives

6A. again B. sometimes C. soon D. often

7A. animals B. foods C. drinks D. sports

8A. lot B. few C. some D. any

9A. come back B. come out C. come from D. come about

10A. thin B. round C. tall D. little

11A. only B. also C. really D. then

12A. nose B. mouth C. head D. eye

13A. reading B. travelling C. sitting D. turning

14A. stopping B. swimming C. shopping D. running

15A. fun B. surprise C. luck D. end




Music Festival

Do you want to watch different kinds of shows? Yes ? Then join in the music festival in Room A. You can come with your parents and friends.

Time : 9001700 on Saturday

Book Sale

Do you want to make use of your old books, newspapers or magazines(杂志)Yes? Just bring them to the library. You can exchange(交换)them with other students.

Time : 8301700 every school day

Movie Night

Movie:sheep without a Shepherd(《误杀》)

StarsXiao Yang , Tan Zhuo

Place:School Hall

Time : 19002100 on Friday

Tennis Game

Are you interested in tennis? There is going to be a tennis game between our school and No.3 Middle School in our sports center tomorrow. Im sure youll have a good time.

Beginning(开始)time16:30 on Wednesday


1. You can watch music shows________.

A. in the school hall B. in the library

C. in Room A D. in the sports center

2. How many days does the book sale open every week?

A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days. D. Five days.

3. On Friday night, you can __________.

A. watch a music show B. see a movie

C. watch a tennis game D. exchange books

4. What day is it today?

A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. D. Thursday.

5. From the passage, we know that_________.

A. you can go to the music festival on Sunday

B. you can get books for free in the book sale

C. you can find Xiao Yang in the movie

D. the tennis game starts at three thirty on Wednesday afternoon


I'm Erica student in a Middle school. Im not happy, because there are many rules(规则)at my home and school.

At home, my parents are strict(严格的)with me. They ask me to get up early to read English every morning. On weekends, I cant play outside with my friends. I have to take a math lesson on Saturday morning, because Im not good at it. On Saturday afternoon, I have to do my homework at home. On Sunday, I have to take a piano lesson in the music club. After that ,I have to take a singing lesson. My parents want me to be a musician in the future (将来). But its their dream, not mine.

There are many rules in my school,too. I think its cool to wear a hat, but we cant wear hats in the classroom. And we cant listen to music in the classroom after class, either. I think some rules are right. For example(例如), we must be quiet in the library; we mustnt fight at school; we must wear the school uniforms on school days; and we cant eat or drink in the classroom. But why cant we listen to music in the classroom after class? As students, we need to relax(放松)too!

Im not a little boy now. I want to have some time to do my favorite things.\


6.What does Eric think of his family rules?

A. Boring. B. Strict C. Right. D.Important.

7.What does Eric do on Saturday morning?

A. Does homework B. Plays outside. C. Plays the piano D. Has a math lesson

8.What does the underlined word thatrefer to(指代)

A. The math lesson B. The piano lesson C. The singing lesson D. The music club

9.Which of the following rules doesnt Eric think is right?

A. Students must be quiet in the library.

B. Students cant eat or drink in the classroom.

C. Students must wear the school uniforms on school days.

D. Students cant listen to music in the classroom after class.

10.Whats the passage mainly(主要地) about?

A. Erics terrible school life. B. Erics relaxing time at home.

C. Erics favorite subject at school. D. The rules at Erics home and school.


We all have friends. Friends are just people you like to be with. Its lucky to have friends to talk and do things with. They dont need to be the same as you, but they know you well. Sometimes, they even know what you think.

Friends are very important in our life. They can make your life interesting, give you advice(建议) and help you in difficult times. If you dont have any friends, your life will be very boring.

In different time and places, you need different kinds of friends. When you want to play sports, you may need a friend to play with. When youre not happy, you may need a friend to comfort you. Someone says that people having friends live longer. Why? It may be because theyre happier. Being happy helps them to have a healthy life.

A good way to make new friends is to go outside to do some activities with others. You can join some clubs. There you can learn new things, meet new people and then make new friends. But dont forget your old friends! You can ask them to your birthday party every year.


11What can we know from Paragraph(段落)1

A. Friends can help you a lot. B. Friends can be different from you.

C. Friends can bring you good luck. D. Friends are people around you.

12What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Why we need friends. B. How to make new friends.

C. What we can do with friends. D. What kind of friends we need.

13The underlined wordcomfortmeans ________in Chinese.

A. 相信 B. 挑战 C. 猜测 D. 安慰

14We can _________to make new friends according to(根据) the passage.

A. join some clubs B. have birthday parties

C. forget old friends D. talk with others on the phone

15Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. Old friends are the best B. People need friends

C. Try to make more friends D.We need new friends, too


Going out is fun. 16._________ Here are some of them for you to choose(选择) from.

Go swimming. You can find a good swimming place. 17._________But its very dangerous. You should always remember that your life is the most important.

Ride bikes. It is cool on the bike.18._________ You also need to obey(遵守) the traffic rules when youre riding.

Play some games. 19._________You need to go out to do some sports, like playing basketball and soccer.

Watch the stars. You may just sit in a quiet place and enjoy the free beautiful star show in the sky(天空).

Just have a rest and enjoy the time.20._________Please enjoy it.


A.Go out for a few times in a year.

B.Do not ride too fast, or you may get hurt.

C.So many people like to do some outdoor activities.

D.It doesnt mean that you can play computer games.

E.Many people think swimming in a river can be more fun.

16.__________ 17.__________ 18.__________ 19.__________ 20.__________




Paul Simon drives his car to London today. He wants to go on a 1.________there. But he gets lost(迷路)in London. He sees an old woman when he is 2.________along the road. He wants to ask the woman 3.________to get to his hotel. Paul 4.________his car and asks the woman,Excuse me. Can you tell me where Today Hotel is?””Yes,the old woman answers very 5.________.I can tell you how to get there if you help me 6.________.

The old woman gets into Pauls car then. Paul drives for about thirty minutes. When they see a small house, the woman asks Paul to stop the car. Paul stops the cat and looks at the house.But it doesnt look like a 7.________!he says to the old woman.Yes,this is not a hotel,8.________.And now Ill 9.________you how to get to Today Hotel. Turn your car around and go back about nine 10.________. Then you will see Today Hotel on the left.

1.____________2.____________ 3.____________4.____________ 5.____________

6.____________7.____________ 8.____________9.____________ 10.____________



Boys and girls do you know Love Your Pet DayPeople celebrate it on February 20 every year.How can we celebrate it? Well, there 11._________lots of activities we can do. They include taking a walk with our pets 12._________playing games with our pets. In my family ,there is a pet dog. Her name is Coco and she is brown. Coco came to my family two years13._________. Now ,she is two and three months old. When Coco was very little, I liked carrying her in a dog backpack(背包).But now,she is 14._________heavy for me to carry. Do you know how heavy she is? Well,she is about 35kg, 2 kg heavier 15._________me. But I still love playing with her. She loves playing with me ,too.




A: Billtomorrow is Saturday.1.____________________________?

B: Im going skating.

A: Will you go skating with your parents?

B: 2.____________________________.I will go with Jackie.You know,he loves skating,too.

What about you?

A: Well,I have a violin lesson in the morning.

B: The violin? 3.____________________________?

A: I began to learn it at the age of five.In the afternoon,Ill go to the art museum with Nina.

B: 4.____________________________?

A: By bike.Both of us like cycling.

B: That sounds like fun. 5. ____________________________!

A: You,too.See you next Monday.

B: See you.



















