
发布时间:2018-07-01 13:30:16   来源:文档文库   



字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置 a 重读开音节 [ei] name, face, take, cake, radio, space 重读闭音节 [æ] hand, stand, maths, happy wwh 闭音节 [ɔ] what, watch, wash开音节 [ɔ:] water ,有时发[e]any

ai ay 在重读音节中 [ei] wait, train, fail, rain,say, way, May, today有时发[e] said

al 在大多数辅音字 母前 [ɔ:] ball, wall, small, talk [ɔ:l] also, always f, m [a:] half, palm (棕榈树)

ar 在重读音节中 [a:] star, card, party wwh [ɔ:] warm, wharf (码头)

au aw 在重读音节中 [ɔ:] autumn, because, draw, saw ,, 有时gh [a:]laugh

air are 在重读音节中 [ɛə] chair, hair, pair, hare, care

ass 在重读音节中 [a:s] ass, glass, class


字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置 读音 e 重读开音节 [i:] she,we,these,relay 重读闭音节 [e] well,get,very,step ea 在重读音节中 [i:] seat,read,tea,easy [e] bread,head, ready

ee 在重读音节中 [i:] tree, week, green

er 在重读音节中:] her, term, very




字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置 i (y) 重读开音节 [ai] mine,quite,like,side, Friday, my, by, why 重读闭音节 [i] milk,ship,it,with, window, begin

ie 在重读音节中, 音字母前 [i:] field, piece 在重读音节词的末 [ai] lie, die, tie

igh 在重读音节中 [ai] night, right, high ir 在重读音节中 [ə:] first, skirt, girl


字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置 读音 o 重读开音节 [əu] no, go, nose, home 重读闭音节 [ɔ] not, dog, hot, stop m, n, vth [ʌ] come, month, love, brother, nothing oa 在重读音节中 [əu] coat, boat, road

oi oy 在重读音节中 [ɔi] noise,join, boy, toy

oo 在多数情况下 [u:] school, too, cool k [u] book, look, cook , 有时发[ʌ] blood,

or 在重读音节中 [ɔ:] sport, horse, forty w后面 [ə:] work, worse, worker,e,有时发 [ʌ],blood,

ou 在多数情况下 [au] round, house, about ght [ɔ:] ought(应该),有时gh [ʌ]enough,

ow 在重读音节中 [au] cow, now, down, how 在重读 或非重读音节中 [əu] know, grow, show, window, yellow


字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置 读音 u 重读开音节 [ju:] use, duty, excuse有时发 [u:],june重读闭音节 [ʌ] but, us, luck

ur 在重读音节中 [ə:] nurse, turn, hurt, Thrusday

ui在重读音节中 [u: ]fruit


a [ə] about, American, China , breakfast [i] orange, comrade, village, message e [ə] student, hundred [i] jacket, begin, harvest i(y) [i] coming, dining-room, many, country o [ə] o'clock, policeman u, ir,ur,er,or,ar,our,ure [ə] autumn


字母或字母组合 音节类型 或在词中的位置 读音 c e, i, y [s] nice, pencil, bicycle a, o, u和辅音字母l, r, t前和在音节末尾 [k] cap, come, cut ,clock, cry, picture, music ch [tʃ] much,chair, China ,teacher ng [ŋ] sing, long, something [ŋg] English, longer j [dʒ] Jack, jacket, June, John kn kn字母组合出现在词首的时候,k是不发音的 [n] knife, know, knock b mb结尾的单词,结尾的b都是不发音的 tomb dumb bomb comb lamb climb l 字母L在元音字母A之后,而且是在辅音字母FV之前,也就是 alf alv这样组合的时侯,L 经常不发音 calf小牛half 一半 behalf 利益 halve 平分 当字母l在元音字母ao之后且位于辅音字母km之前时, L 通常是 不发音的, folk 人们; yolk 蛋黄; calm 静; palm手掌; Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都) talk 谈话; walk 步行; ll [l] ball, tell, still nk [ŋk] ink, think, thanks

ph [f] physics (物理) qu [kw] quite, quick, quarter sh [ʃ] she, shoe, English, short tch [tʃ] watch, fetch (取,拿) th [θ] thing, thank, month [ð] this, that, with wh 在字母o [h] who, whose, whom [hw] where, what, when, why wr w出现在辅音字母r 前面的时候,w不发音,只发r 的音 [r] wrack失事船只 wrist 手腕,腕关 ,wrong 错误 wring 掐,绞, write,wrote, wreck x [ks] box, next, exercise [gz] exam, example y [j] yes, you, year, yourself g 在多数情况下 [g] go, big, garden e [dʒ] page, orange, large gn 当字母组合gn出现在单 词前面或者结尾的时候,g通常不发音 Sign 标志 foreign外国的 design设计 resign辞职 gnat 小昆虫align 排队 reign朝代 gnarled 多节的 gn字母组合出现在词中的时候,g通常发音 [g] Designation 指控 signature签名

gm 当字母组合gm出现在单词前面或者结尾的时候,g通常不发音 paradigm 范例 gm字母组合出现在词中的时候,g通常发音 [g] paradigmatic

4、字母组合ou / ʌ /

trouble, young, double, country, cousin, rough, encourage, tough 5、字母组合oo / ʌ / 特殊发:

blood, flood 9/ɔ:/ 1、字母组合ough /ɔ:/

bought, thought 2、字母组合or 的一般发音:

for, short, boring, storm, corn, corner, order, important, nor,

horse, forty, morning 3、字母组合ar /ɔ:/ 在字母“w”或音标/w/后:

war, quarter, towards 4、字母组合 al /ɔ:/ 一般发音:

wall, tall, ball, fall, hall 【注:字母组合al /ɔ:l/特殊发音

also, already, always, salt, so-called, although 5、字母组合oor /ɔ:/

floor, door 6、字母组合ore /ɔ:/

before, more, score 7、字母组合our /ɔ:/

four, yours, course, fourth 8、字母组合 au /ɔ:/

August, autumn, pause, audience, caught, taught 9、字母组合 aw /ɔ:/

draw, law 10/ ɒ / 1、字母a在“w”前“wh”后:

what, wash, want, watch, wallet, 但:

water /ɔ:/ 2、字母o在闭音节中:

John, doctor, office, soccer, rock, concert, foggy, across, possible,

cost, cotton, teapot, rocket, of, not, box, long 3、字母组合au / ɒ / 特殊发音:

because 11/ u:/ 1、字母o在“wh”后:

who, whose, whom 2、字母o的特殊发音:

move, do, two, improve, lose 3、字母u在“l”前后:

blue, ruler, flu, rule 4、字母u的特殊发音:

June, truth, pollute, true 5、字母组合ou

group, soup, through 6、字母组合 oo 的一般发音:

afternoon, room, broom, zoo, moon, pool, school, noodle,

spoon, tool, tooth, cool, shoot, too 7、字母组合oo的特殊发音:

food, seafood 8、字母组合ew的特殊发音:

drew 12/ ʊ / 1、字母u的特殊发音:

put, push, sugar, full, pull 2、字母组合oo,一般在字母“k, d, t”前:

book, look, good, foot, cook, wood 3、字母组合oo / ʊ / 弱读中:

classroom, bedroom, sitting-room, cookie 双元音:(8个) 1/eɪ/ 1、字母a在开音节中“a”发字母本:

name, page, date, lazy, café

, wave, cake, face, plate


paper, baby, table, radio) 2、字母组合ea /eɪ/

great, break 3、字母组合 ai一般情况下:

train, fail, mainland, rail, straight, rain, maid, tail 4、字母组合ei /eɪ/

eight, eighth 5、字母组合ay /eɪ/ 在重读中:

day, today, display, may, play, away 6、字母组合ey /eɪ/

they 2/aɪ/ 1、字母i在开音节中:

quite, side, outside, invite, dive, twice, mine, bike, like, nice, time (以及单词:

driver, Friday) 2、字母i在“nd”前:

kind, behind, find, mind, blind, China, Chinese, 3、字母组合ie /aɪ/

die, lie 4、字母组合ei /aɪ/

neither, either 5、字母组合i(gh) /aɪ/

high, light, right, night, bright 6、字母y在重读音节中:

my, why, sky, by, fly 3/ɔɪ/ 1、字母组合oi

noise, join, oil, voice, toilet, coin, spoil, toil, boil 2、字母组合oy

boy, toy, enjoy, hoyden, loyal 4/əʊ/ 1、字母“o”在开音节中:

hope, nose, ago, alone, piano, notice, mobile, home, those,

go, no, so, over 2、字母o在字母“ld”前。

cold, old, hold, soldier 3、字母o在“st”前。

most, post, almost, most 4、字母组合oa

boat, goat, goal, coat, Joan

abroad发音为 /ɔ:/ 5、字母组合ow

window, yellow, low, own, show, throw, bowl, know, blow, slow 5/aʊ/ 1、字母组合ow

how, cow, down, crowd, downstairs, shower, allow, now 2、字母组合ou

house, trousers, found, ground, loud, mouth, mount, without, proud, mouth,

round, about 【注:字母组合our /aʊ ə /

our, ours, hour 6/ɪə/ 1、字母组合ea

idea, real, really, theatre, realize 2、字母组合ere

here 3、字母组合eer

ioneer, deer, beer, jeer 4、字母组合ear的一般发:

near, hear, dear, appear, disappear, fear

7/eə/ 1、字母组合are

careful, carefully, hare, care, dare, mare 2、字母组合air

hair, chair, downstairs, air, pair 3、字母组合eir

their, theirs 4、字母组合ere

there, where 5、字母组合ear

bear, dear, pear, tear 8/ʊə/ 1、字母组合ua

February, January, usually 2、字母组合ure

sure 清辅音:(11个) 1/ p / 字母p

map, pupil, paper, people 2/ t / 字母t

ten, too, coat, what 3/ k / 1、字母c在词前:

cap, cook, clock, come, cold, close 2、字母组合ck

cock, Jack, chick, chicken, duck, black, ticket 3、字母组合ch的特殊发音:

school, chemical, chemistry 4、字母k

Kate, look, book, like 4/ f / 字母f 的一般发音。

life, for, five, four, fifty, first, knife 5/ θ / 字母组合th 【一般在名词、数词、形容词、动词中发音】:

maths, three, thin, think,

third, thank, Thursday 6/ s / 1、字母s的一般发音:

bus, glass, class, sister, sit, horse, house 2、字母c

city, certainly, rice, piece 3、字母c在字母i, e, y前:

pencil, nice 7/ ʃ / 1、字母组合ch的特殊发音:

Machine 2、字母组合sh的一般发音:

wash, she, fish, ship, sheep, finish 8/ tʃ / 字母组合ch的一般发音:

chair, teacher, China, chick, such 9/ tr / 字母组合tr

tree, street, tractor, try, trip, train 10/ ts / 字母组合ts

boats, coats, minutes, plants, let’

s, What’

s, coats, seats 11/ h / 字母组合wh在字母o前:

who, whose, whom 字母h

he, here, hers, hello 浊辅音:(17个) 1/ b / 字母b

bag, bad, bat, band, bye, blind 2/ d / 字母d

dog, desk, under, and

3/ g / 字母g(g)

good, girl, big, egg, god 4/ v / 字母f

of, 字母v

very, visit, five, seven 5/ ð / 字母组合th 【一般在代词、冠词、副词中的发音】:

this, these, that, those, the, then,

there, their, brother 6/ z / 字母s

rose, close, as, his, is, busy, has, nose, whose, please 字母z

zoo, zone, zero, size 7/ ʒ / 字母s

usually, pleasure, treasure, measure, vision, television 8/dʒ/ 1、字母ge前(字母组合g(e))一般的发音:

orange, page, large, vegetable, change,

village, passage, 2、字母j在词前:

jeep, John, Joan, Jack, job, juice, just 9/dr/ 字母组合dr

drive, driven, hundred, dress, driver, drink 10/dz/ 字母组合ds

birds, beds, grades, needs, hands, heads, goods 11/ r / 字母r

red, room, read, brown 12/ m / 字母m

man, milk, home, from 13/ n / 字母n在词前:

nice, nine, noon, nose, name 14/ ŋ / 1、字母nk前发音:

ink, thank, think, drink, sink 2、字母组合ng的一般发音:

long, young, singer, sing, wrong, morning, 【注:ng / ŋ g /特殊发音:

English, language, penguin 15/ ǀ / 1、字母l

like, love, left, lesson 2、字母ll

ball, tall, wall, small 16/ w/ wh的一般发音:

what, when, where, white, everywhere, which, why 字母w

wear, well, window, Wednesday 17/ j / 字母y在词前:

yes, yellow, yet, you, your / ju: / 字母u在音节中:

use, duty, excuse, Tuesday, usually, huge, future, menu 字母组合ew / ju: /

new, renew, few, knew 字母组合ex的一般发音/ ɪ k s /

excuse, expect, exchange, explain, expensive, explore ex / ɪ k /

except ex / e k s /

exercise, exit, explanation, export, expert, exhibition ex / ɪ g z /

example, exam, examination 字母x的一般发音:/k s/

box, next

x / gz /

example, exam


