人教版七年级下学期英语学案设计:Unit 6 Im watching TV

发布时间:2019-11-22 09:41:06   来源:文档文库   

Unit 6 Im watching TV.

第一课时(Section A 1a-1c


1. 学习一些常见的家庭日常活动的动词和短语

2. 初步了解现在进行时,并学会使用现在进行时谈论人们正在做的事情。


★重点单词:newspaper报纸, use使用;运用, soup,wash(洗).

★重点短语read a newspaper(看报纸), make soup(做汤).


1. What are you doing?你正在做什么?

Im watching TV.我正在看电视。

2. Whats he doing?他正在做什么?

Hes using the computer.他正在用电脑。

3. What are they doing?他们正在做什么?

Theyre listening to a CD.他们正在听CD



1. 看电视 watch TV 2. 打扫卫生 clean

3. 看报纸 read a newspaper 4. 打电话 talk on the phone

5. CD listen to a CD 6. 用电脑 use the computer

7. 做汤 make soup 8. 洗碗 wash the dishes

9. 锻炼 exercise



word/media/image2.gif1. What are you doing? A. She is making soup.

word/media/image3.gif2. What is he doing? B. They are listening to a CD.

3. What is she doing? C. Im watching TV.

4. What are they doing? D. He is using the computer.


1. 如果你想问对方正在做什么,你该怎么问?

What are you doing?

2. 请试着写出现在进行时的定义和结构。

定义:现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间) 正在进行或发生的动作。



watch watching clean cleaning

read reading talk talking

listen listening use using

make making wash washing

exercise exercising



1. 老师用PPT呈现一些有关日常活动的图片,让学生看图片说单词。

2. 师生共同把这些日常活动的短语变成-ing的形式。

3. 让学生跟老师大声朗读1a的短语,在课堂上熟练掌握这些短语的发音及意思

4. 核对将短语与图片相匹配的答案。


1. 听录音,在1b的方框中写出这些人正在做什么,用1a中的序号填写。

2. 两人一组,用下列语言结构谈论这些人物正在做的事情。

A: What is Jenny doing?

B: She is watching TV.


1. 以小组为单位,组内每个成员做一个动作, 请你把他们正在做的事情写下来。

2. 每组选1名同学汇报结果。




1.—What is Tom doing?

—He______the computer.

A.use     B.uses     C.using    D.is using

2.His father is______ newspaper.

A.reading B.watching . looking D.seeing

3.The boys are______music in the hallway.

A.listen B.listen to C.listening D.listening to

4.The girl often talks______the phone with her friends.

A.In B.at C.o D.with

5.The Smiths______dinner at home now.

A.has B.are having C.have D.is having

Unit 6 Im watching TV.

第二课时(Section A 2a-2d)


1. 通过“打电话”的情景谈论正在进行的活动,了解中英文打电话的不同表达方式。

2. 能够区别一般现在时态和现在进行时态的使用语境及具体用法,并把握动词现在分词的构成方法。



★重点短语go to the movies (去电影院), eat out(出去吃饭).


1. Hello? This is Jenny.喂?我是珍妮。

Hi, Jenny. Its Laura here.你好,珍妮。我是劳拉。

2.What are you doing?你正在做什么?

Not much. Im just washing my clothes.没什么。我正在洗衣服。



1. 看电视 watch TV 2. CD listen to a CD

3. 有点儿 kind of 4. 非常 very

5. 去看电影 go to the movies 6. 听起来不错 sound good

7. 洗衣服 wash clothes 8. 和我吃晚餐 join me for dinner

9. 出去吃饭 eat out 10. 六点半 half past six


1.watch watching 2. clean cleaning

3. read reading 4. talk talking

5. listen listening 6. use using

7. make making 8. wash washing

9. exercise exercising 10. do doing

11. join joining 12. go going

13. love loving 14. meet meeting


1. Where are Jenny and Laura? Theyre talking on the phone.

2. Whats Laura doing? She is washing her clothes.

3. Whats Jenny doing? She is watching TV.

4. What do they want to do? They want to eat out.

5. What time do they meet? They meet at half past six.



1. Hello? This is Jenny.


2. Hi, Jenny. Its Laura here.




1. 听第一遍录音,2a方框中将答案与问题搭配起来

2. 听第二遍录音,补全2b的对话。

3. 两人一组,分角色表演2b的对话。


1. 学生跟着录音大声朗读一遍2d对话。

2. 5名同学回答《课前预习方案》第(三)题的问题。

3. 师生共同理解对话内容。

4. 两人一组,分角色表演对话。














1.—Look!What are the boys doing in the river?

—They are swimming (swim).

2.My father watches (watch)TV every evening after dinner.

3.—What does your mother usually do on weekends?

—She usually goes (go)shopping with her friends.

4.—Where is Linda?

—She is singing (sing)in the music room.

5.My brother often does (do)homework at school.

6.It 8:00 clock now. The students are having (have)English class.

7.—Are you reading?

—No,I am playing (play)computer games.

8.—Do you want to join (join)me for dinner this evening?

—Sure,I love to.

9.—May speak to Anna?

—This is Anna speaking (speak).

10.—Who often makes (make)dinner in your family?

—My mother.

Unit 6 Im watching TV.

第三课时(Grammar Focus-3c


1. 归纳现在进行时态的各种句式,掌握现在进行时态的一般疑问句形式及其答语。

2. 能够根据语境及时间状语区分一般现在时态和现在进行时态。


★重点单词:house房子, drink(喝;饮料), tea(茶;茶叶) , tomorrow (明天;未来).

★重点短语make dinner(做晚餐), drink tea(喝茶),go to the movies(去看电影).


1. Are you doing your homework?你正在做作业吗?

Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Im cleaning my room.是的,我在做。/不,我没做。我正在打扫我的房间。

2. Is he reading a newspaper?他正在看报纸吗?

Yes, he is./ No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.是的,他在看。/不,他没看。他正在打篮球。

3.Are they using the computer? 他们正在用电脑吗?

Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Theyre exercising.是的,他们在用。/不,他们没用。他们正在锻炼。


(一)小小翻译官。 (请预习课文,将下列中文译成英文。)

1. 看电视 watch TV 2. 洗衣服 wash clothes

3. CD listen to a CD 4. 做作业 do homework

5. 打扫房间 clean the room 6. 看报纸 read a newspaper

7. 打篮球 play basketball 8. 用电脑 use the computer

9. 锻炼 exercise 10. 打扫房子 clean the house

11.做晚餐 make dinner 12. 喝茶 drink tea

13. 打电话 talk on the phone 14. 看书 read a book

15. 去看电影 go to the movies 16. 做汤 make soup

17. 现在 now 18. 在星期一 on Monday

19. 每天晚上 every night 20. 在早上 in the morning

21. 每周六 every Saturday 22. 晚饭后 after dinner

23. 在周末 on weekends 24. 明天晚上 tomorrow evening


1. 一般现在时与现在进行时有什么区别?



2. 你能想到多少一般现在时和现在进行时的标志词?

一般现在时: always, usually, never, every day, on weekends, in the morning...

现在进行时: now, look, listen...


1. 请根据3a的标志词用所给单词写句子。

2. 请读3b的句子,并将句子排序组成一个完整的电话对话。


活动一:理解Grammar Focus的内容。

1. 两人一组,朗读并解释Grammar Focus的对话。

2. 找出对话中现在进行时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。

3. 师生共同讨论《课前预习方案》第(二)题中想一想的问题。

4. 让学生判断方框中两个句子的时态。


1. 师生共同找出判断句子时态的标志词。

2. 5名同学将句子写在黑板上。

3. 师生共同核对答案并理解句子的意思。

4. 让学生在课堂上熟读这些句子。


1. 1名同学朗读排序后的对话。

2. 师生共同核对答案并理解对话内容。

3. 两人一组,练习对话。





1.Li Fei is watching TV (看电视)at home now.

2.—Where is your dad?

—He is making soup (做汤)with my mother in the kitchen.

3.—Let eat out (出去吃饭)this evening.

—Good idea.

4.—Do you want to go to the movies (去看电影)with me?

—Sure,I love to.

5.My grandfather is reading an English newspaper (英语报纸)at home now.

6.I want big house (大房子)with beautiful garden.

7.—We need some fruit and vegetables.

—Let go shopping (去购物)after lunch.

8.My grandfather often drinks tea (喝茶)in the afternoon.

9.—What does your brother Jack do on weekends (在周末)?

—He usually plays computer games.

10.Look!There are many children playing soccer (踢足球)on the playground.

Unit 6 Im watching TV.

第四课时(Section B 1a-1e


1. 通过谈论活动发生的地点巩固现在进行时态的一般疑问句及其回答

2. 学习并掌握以重读闭音节结尾的动词如何构成动词-ing的形式。


★重点单词:pool游泳池;水池, shop购物;商店, supermarket (超市), man(男人;人).


1. Is the man swimming in a river?这个人是在河里游泳吗?

No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool.不,他不是。他在游泳池里游泳。

2.Is Alice playing basketball?艾丽斯正在打篮球吗?

No, she isnt. Shes shopping.(不,她没打。她正在购物。)



1. 游泳 swim 2. 购物 shop

3. 看书 read 4. 打篮球 play basketball

5. 超市 supermarket 6. 图书馆 library

7. 游泳池 pool 8. 学校 school


1.watch watching 2. clean cleaning

3. read reading 4. talk talking

5. listen listening 6. use using

7. make making 8. wash washing

9. exercise exercising 10. play playing

11. make making 12. drink drinking

13. go going 14. do doing

15. swim swimming 16. shop shopping


Places Activities

word/media/image4.gif school eat

kitchen listen to music

dining hall watch TV

supermarket make soup

home play basketball

library swim

music room read

pool shop




1. 老师用PPT呈现各种活动场景的图片,让学生看图片说出相应的活动名称及活动地点

2. 让学生跟老师大声朗读1a的活动名称及其活动地点,在课堂上熟练掌握这些单词的发音及意思

3. 核对表格的答案

4. 师生共同核对《课前预习方案》第(三)题将活动与地点相匹配的答案。


1. 老师用PPT呈现各种活动场景,让学生两人一组,用下列语言结构看图片编对话。

A:Is the man swimming in a river?

BNo, he isnt. He is swimming in a pool.

2. 请几组同学展示对话。


1. 第一遍录音,在1c的表格中写出Alice, MikeLisa分别在什么地方

2. 第二遍录音,写出这些人分别在这些地方从事什么活动

3. 两人一组,根据表格信息用下列语言结构练习对话。

A:Is Alice playing basketball?

BNo, she isnt. Shes shopping.



It late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed and he is looking at his clock. His neighbors (邻居)are making lot of noise. And Arthur is very


The people in Apartment(公寓)2 are dancing. The man in Apartment

is doing cleaning in his living room. The woman in Apartment is practicing the violin. The children in Apartment are listening to loud music. The dog in Apartment is barking. And the people in Apartment are having big argument(争吵).It very late and Arthur is tired and angry. What terrible night!

1.Arthur is angry because his neighbors are very_______

A.friendly    B.busy    C.noisy    D.boring

2.The man in Apartment three is______

A.singing B.dancing

C.practicing the violin D.cleaning

3.The children in Apartment five are______

A.practicing the violin B.practicing the guitar

C.listening to loud music D.listening to news

4.There is in______ Apartment six.

A.dog B.man C.woman D.boy

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Arthur is very happy today

B.The people in Apartment two are singing.

C.The people in Apartment six are arguing.

D.Arthur had terrible night.

Unit 6 Im watching TV.

第五课时(Section B 2a-2c


1. 通过时差问题,用现在进行时态谈论世界各地的人们在同一时刻进行的不同活动。

2. 通过阅读,了解中国的传统节日—端午节的文化习俗。


★重点单词:race竞赛, host 主持人;东道主, study学习;研究, state, American(美国的;美洲的), dragon(龙), any(任何的;任一的), other(另外的;其他的), young(幼小的;年轻的) , child (儿童), miss (怀念;思念),wish(希望) , delicious (可口的;美味的), still(还;依然).

★重点短语:boat race龙舟赛, think about考虑;认为, any other其他的, wish to do sth.(希望做某事).


1. His mom and aunt are making zongzi.他的妈妈和阿姨正在做粽子。

2. His dad and uncle are watching boat races on TV.(他的爸爸和叔叔正在电视上看龙舟赛。)

3. The mother is reading a story to her young children.(这个母亲正在给她的孩子们读故事。)

4. The father is watching a soccer game on TV.(这个父亲正在电视上看足球赛。)


(一)小小翻译官。( 请预习课文,将下列中文译成英文)

1. 龙舟赛 boat race 2. 做粽子 make zongzi

3. 寄宿家庭 host family 4. 考虑;认为 think about

5. 美国 the United States 6. 一个美国家庭 an American family

7. 纽约 New York 8. 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

9. 其他的 any other 10. 读故事 read a story

11. 足球赛 soccer game 12. 打电话 talk on the phone

13. 想念家人 miss family 14. 希望做某事 wish to do sth.

15. 美味的粽子 delicious zongzi 16. 非常喜欢 like...a lot


1. 略读报道,回答2b的两个问题。

2. 细读报道,补全下列表格内容。

3. 再读一遍报道,根据课文内容将2cA栏的动词与B栏的单词相匹配组成短语。



1. 两人一组,先观察2a的时钟,并用下列语言结构谈论不同国家的时间。

A: What time is it in Beijing?

B: Its eight oclock in the morning.

2. 请几组同学展示对话。

活动二: 阅读训练

1. 让学生朗读一遍2b的电视报道

2. 2名同学分别根据课文内容回答2b的两个问题。

3. 师生共同理解电视报道的内容

4. 另请2名同学根据报道内容回答《课前预习方案》第(二)题表格中深圳和纽约的人们在同一时刻所从事的活动。


1. 6名同学说出由2cA栏的动词与B栏的单词相匹配后组成的短语。

2. 让学生根据电视报道的内容用这些短语进行造句。


1. 以小组为单位,用《课前预习方案》第(二)题的表格内容复述课文。

2. 每组选出1名同学在班上进行复述。



Zhu Hui is student  1 Shenzhen,he is now   2  in the United States,he i living with  3 American family in New York.Today is the Dragon Boat Festival.It 9:00 .m.in Shenzhen,Zhu Hui mother and aunt are  4 zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching boat races  5 TV.

It 9:00 . m.in New York,and it the night before the festival. But it like any other  for Zhu Hui and his host family because there no Dragon Boat Festival in America.The mother is  7  story to her young chi-

ldren,the father is  8  soccer game on TV. And Zhu Hui is talking  9 the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. He misses his family and wishes to have his mom  10 zongzi.

1.A.at      B.in      C.to       D.from

2.A.talking B.studying C.working D.cleaning

3.A.a B.an C.the D./

4.A.making B.watching C.reading D.talking

5.A.at B.on C.with D.of

6.A.day B.morning C.afternoon D.night

7.A.read B.reads C.reading D.to read

8.A.looking B.seeing C.reading D.watching

9.A.on B.at C.from D.with

10.A.interesing B.scary C.delicious D.relaxing

Unit 6 Im watching TV.

第六课时(Section B 3a-Self Check


1. 复习动词-ing形式的构成规律,能够在真实的语境中用现在进行时态谈论人们的活动。

2. 能够用现在进行时态描述照片或图中人物的活动。


★重点短语:living room(客厅), listen to the radio(听广播), study for a test(复习考试).


1. Here is a picture of my family.(这是一张我家的全家福。)

2. My parents are watching TV in the living room.(我的父母正在客厅里看电视。)



1. 在家里 at home 2. 做作业 do homework

3. 看电视 watch TV 4. 在客厅里 in the living room

5. 看报纸 read a newspaper 6. 打电话 talk on the phone

7. 打篮球 play basketball 8. 听广播 listen to the radio

9. 踢足球 play soccer 10. 访谈节目 talk show

11. 复习考试study for a test

12. 一张我家的全家福 a picture of my family


1. 你能写出动词-ing的变化规律吗?




2. 你知道多少现在进行时的标志词?

now, look, listen.

(三) 请按要求完成Self Check的任务。

1. 把你知道的可以用于现在进行时的动词按第1题的要求归纳到对应的表格中。

2. 根据第2题括号中所给的提示词及答语写出相应的问题,使其组成完整的对话。


1. 观察课本插图,根据图片内容补全吉姆的信。

2. 根据完整的信件内容在下列方框中写出吉姆的家人正在做的事情。




1. 将学生分为四个大组,每组选出3名同学参加比赛。

2. 第一轮比赛写直接加-ing的动词;第二轮比赛写去e-ing的动词;第三轮比赛写双写辅音字母加-ing的动词;在规定时间内写出最多单词的小组获胜。

3. 让学生用黑板上的单词造句。

活动二:完成Self Check2题的对话。

1. 4名同学分别到黑板上用括号中所给提示词写出问句。

2. 师生共同核对答案并理解对话的意思。

3. 两人一组,分角色练习对话。


1. 让学生观察课本插图并说出图中人物正在做的事情。

2. 1名同学朗读完整的信件。

3. 师生共同核对答案并理解信件内容。

4. 1名同学根据信件内容说出吉姆的家人正在做的事情。



1. 假设现在是下午六点钟,请在下列表格中写出你和家人正在做的事情。

2. 请根据上面的表格信息,给你在另一个城市的朋友写一封电子邮件,告诉他/她你的家人正在做的事情,并询问他/她那边的情况。

Dear Jenny,

It's 6:00 p.m. now. My family are all at home. My grandfather is reading a newspaper in the garden. My grandmother is cleaning in their bedroom. My father is watching TV in the living room. My mother is making dinner in the kitchen. I'm doing my homework in my bedroom. How about you? What are your family doing now?




我的收获: 我的疑惑:


《人教版七年级下学期英语学案设计:Unit 6 Im watching TV.doc》
