
发布时间:2012-05-15 22:23:19   来源:文档文库   

Character: 白娘子 许仙 法海 HR总监 观音 小青


很久很久以前 有这样一段凄美的人妖之恋


Long long ago ,there is a beautiful and sad love of human and monstor

This is a normal morning ,XX climb the mountain to gather some medicine,Begainning his extraordinary life

(PPT 许仙背着小书包做采药):“With the development of economyPeople cut casually phenomenon more seriouslySoWild herbs more difficult to seekLook,there is a mini-snakeHow pity .”唱着:(soft kitty worm kitty little ball of fur happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr) just to go home


BSZbenefactorI will always remember you.please wait me. Meet again, I'll give you a surprise”恩人,我会永远记住你的。请你等我,再见面时,我会报答你的。



Time goes byBSZ want to meet XX againso she build a biggest and authoritiest hospital.and she find a famous HR directorto to help her recruitment a doctor.

总监的自白。Im very professional 我可是很专业的。


After a tough pre-prepare ,Recruitment starts .In the vast sea searching to find the year to save Xu Xian.

主考官:白素贞 小青 HR总监

Examiner: baisuzhen xiaoqin hrzongjian

被招聘者 许仙Were recruited by xuxian

XX:good morning.my name is xuxian I want get a doctor’s job. I have studied medicine more than 10 yearsalso I have had the recognition of native people.早上好,我是许仙,我想得到一份郎中的工作,我自幼学医十余载,还得到了当地乡亲的认可。

B: what is You the most proud of thing ?你最自豪的事情是什么

XI have saved a lot of people ,not only the old ,but also a mini -snake。我救了好多的人,上至80岁老人,下至一条小蛇。。。。。。

BSZ|(you are my only boy) 你就是那个人。


HR总监:Why do our company employ you?


XX:I trust myself ,I can do what I want to do!I want to get the job!


HR总监:Can you for us to bring what?

我已经接受过Microsoft AccessWord的培训,立刻就可以上岗工作

XX:I accepted the medical training,now I can work.

XQwhat do you think of my sister?(白素贞打小青)


XQ:please show you acquirement.

X B英文情歌对唱。


Finally xx pass the interview.then he begin to take a training.


Xu Xian has a variety of busy

Through a month of training, XX got this job. and a big surperise.


Bai Suzhen give XX a letter of appointment



法海出场 自述 im fahai, because I study really hard, so I go to japan for advanced at public expense.我是法海,我学习佛法很认真,于是公费去了日本进修,

Now I came back to devote myself to be a demon slayer斩妖除魔 and serve people现在我学成归来,就是立志于斩妖除魔,为人民服务

My biggest enemy is BSZ .she is a snake monster.i heard she married a man named XX.I must help xx get rid of BSZ. Dragon Boat Festival is coming.i get a idea……(奸笑中)我最大的敌人就是BSZ,一个蛇妖,我听说她和一个叫XX的人结了婚,我必须帮助XX摆脱BSZ.端午节马上就要到了,我有了一个好主意。。。。。。

FH :阿弥陀佛 Amitabha,你霉星高照your Mold star is shining you must have some troubles with you 你大难临头了。

XX are you kiddingI just married a beautiful woman a few days ago.你开什么玩笑,我就是在几天前娶了一位貌若天仙的美女做老婆!

FH :let me see.(掐指) Your biggest trouble is your wife .if you don not believe me ,please try this .you will know the truth after she drinking.让我算算啊,恩。。。。你最大的劫数就是你媳妇儿,你要是不信我,就试试这个,她喝完了之后,你就知道真相了。

XX what is this ?这是什么啊?

FH only a buttle of xionghuang wine.It is snake monster’s Nemesis这只是一瓶雄黄酒而已,它可是蛇的克星。


Xx came home put some xionghuang wine into the cup of tea Fidgeting like waiting Bai Suzhen is back

BSZ dear today is so hot .please give me a cup of tea亲爱的,今天可真热,给我一杯茶吧

XX enenen all right 嗯嗯嗯,好吧

(白素贞喝了,扭成一条大蛇,)“dear who give you the xionghuang wine I am a monster ,im really sorry but I love you .even if I lie to you something .亲爱的,谁给了你雄黄酒,我是个蛇妖,对不起,我爱你,即使我曾经对你说了谎。

XX((坐下喝了杯水说)do you remember what I say to you when we get merried.你还记得我们结婚时我对你说的话吗?

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part". “而今而后,不论境遇好坏,家境贫富,生病与否,誓言相亲相爱,至死不分离。 are you regret to marry me .I love you 你后悔嫁给我吗?我爱你!

BSZ : never ever不,从来没有



Thank to the true love of them, Fahai's conspiracy fail again.And he angrily kidnap the Xu Xian . and ask BSZ to go to the Jinshan Temple to surrender to himor he XX become a monk .

然而,白娘子愤怒了她水漫金山寺要挟法海放了许仙 PPT

However BSZ is angry .she flood the Temple and blackmail Fahai to give her husband back

FH :妖孽 还不悔改 速速受擒吧

Siren, not regret? Just to give up

BSZ 你做梦 我淹了你这金山寺 还我老公

Are you dreaming ?I flooded Jinshan Temple . Give my husband back

FH 放马过来吧

Come on

XX 山无棱天地合 乃敢与君绝 娘子快跑,不要管我

Mountain ridge of Heaven is to dare leave me alone leave me alone

经过激烈的争斗 白娘子败于法海阴险计谋之下 被压于雷峰塔下。

After fierce battles ,BSZ defeated due to the sinister plot of Fahai ,she was under pressure on the leifeng tower .

观音出现 PPT

Goddess of Mercy appeared

(法海向观音跪下) 阿弥陀佛 观音大士前来 有何要事?

Guanyin why do you come here and what is the event

(观音叹气)法海你潜心学术这么多年 为何在日本进修之后变得如此执偏 不一定所有的妖精都是坏的 他们也有善良的一面 经过这一年来的考察 我们发现你的360测评没有合格 无法晋级位列仙班 还需继续修行 等待下次考察

Fahaiyou devote yourself to academic for many years ,Why you has been so partial after executive education in Japan ,Not necessarily all of the monstors are bad, They also have a good side,After this year's inspection ,We found that your 360°Feedback is no qualified , Can't ranked fairy class .Need to continue to practice ,Wait for the next exam.观音退场

(法海垂头丧气):天啊,都是我的错啊 我无颜面对天下有情人啊

(Fahai dejected ):God! It is all my faults!im Discredited in the world of lovers(准备切腹 发现刀被锁上了Fahai Prepare the ritual found that the knife was locked,)

观音 :就知道你想不开 ,,,,

Goddess of Mercy :Know that you take things too hard -

法海豁然省悟,从此以后金盆洗手 专心致成为一名优秀的打铁工人

Fahai suddenly wake up to reality, Since then he quit ,and Concentrate until he becomes an excellent blacksmith workers

Since then, they all have a happy and harmonious live

(法海打铁的场景 众人慕名而来 360牌照PPT360 licenses.

Fahai blacksmith scene ,Everyone admiring


