
发布时间:2019-05-18 23:57:06   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4 Newspaper 




1.重点词汇  ailyadvertisementcheckinterviewfixdevelophandv.);adddeliverspeedlatestpublishavoidbesidesget down toface-to-facebe popular with somebodyas wellcare for

2.重要句型  Reporters are then sent to cover the events2China Daily has plenty of advertisementswhich help to cut the costs of making the newspaper

3.语法  名词作主语和宾语(The -ing Form as Subject and Object1I like reading China Daily2Journalists are good at getting secret information from people3Learning new words is very useful to me4Writing headlines is more difficult in English than in Chi-nese

4.日常交际用语  会及应答(Making appointments1What time does the concert start2Where is the best place to meet3What time shall we meet4I suggest 7 o’clock5Will you be free then6YesI’ll be freeI’d like to go7Let’s go togetherI’ll meet you at the theatre at six thirty8GoodSee you thenBye



.教具 录音机、投影仪。


1.教师可通过以下提问导入正课:Now tell medo you like reading newspapersWhat kind of newspapers do you like to readI understand that many of you have newspapers at homeNow tell me what papers do you have at homeWhy do you like reading newspapersDo you read English newspapersWhat English newspapers do we have in China

2.准备放对话录音,用投影仪打出听前提问:1Where does the conversation take place2When will Betty meet Zhou Lan


Key1The conversation takes place at the students’dining room2Betty will meet Zhou Lan at six-thirty


1Why does Betty want to have a look at China Daily2What are“the Red Roses”3Where will the performance be held4What time does the performance start

Key1Because she wants to see what’s on this weekend2They are a pop group3The performance will be held at the People’s Theatre4The performance will start at 7pm


5.组织学生两个人一组,练习Oral practice所提供的问答练习。可不给学生准备时间,直接请几组完成问答。


提示语(用投影仪打出):1a look at China Daily 2What’s on this weekend3a performance at the People’s Theatre 4when and where to meet


7.教师指导学生归纳本课中所出现的有关约会及应答(Making appointments)的常用语句(见日常交际用语部分)。要求学生能熟练掌握这些语句,并在编练新的对话时加以运用。


Situation 1You are going to hear a talk given by Li Yang on Crazy English

Situation 2Your class is going to organize a picnic lunch somewhere outside the city


8.布置作业  )预习第14课;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 


.教具 录音机、投影仪、一份《中国日报》。




Good morningeveryoneThis is a copy of China DailyIt’s today’s paperNow let’s have a look at the headlines and see what is happening in and outside China


GoodYou seeYou already have the ability to read some important news from an Eng-lish newspaperNow I’ve got a questionDoes anybody know how a newspaper is madeDoes anyone know how all this news is collected and printedWellI think we can get the answer from me reading passage in this unit

教师给出读前提问:1What is“homework”for the reporters2Why is writing head-lines in English more difficult than in Chinese


Key1The so-called“homework”for reporters is to go to the newspaper’s own library to look up any information that they need2Because the English letters are not of the same sizeFor examplein English the letter M is wider than the letter Iso editors must check that there is enough space for the headlines they have written




1The chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists every morning and they discuss the main events of the dayThen reporters are sent to report the details of the events2Journalists interview people and write storiesSometimes they telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with themSometimes they check information they need in the newspaper’s own library3Photographers take photographsSometimes they use old pictures from the newspaper’s own picture library in order to save time and money4Pho-tographs are quickly developed5Editors check the reports and make necessary changesAnd the chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page6Ed-itors write headlines for each story7The newspapers are printed on fast-moving printing machines8The newspapers are delivered by train and truckPeople buy them for the latest news

5.课堂活动 教师可从以下活动中任选一个在课上进行:1)学生七八人一组,将整个报纸制作过程表演下来;2)根据以下情景,编写对话:

Suppose you are a reporterMake a telephone call to somebody to fix a time for a face-to-face interview

6.布置作业 1)复述课文,介绍报纸的制作过程;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 


.教具 录音机、投影仪、一份《中国日报》。



2.准备阅读课文China Daily。教师给出读前提问:1Where is China Daily published2China Daily has got plenty of advertisements and in what way can they help


Key1China Daily is published in Beijing2The advertisements can help to cut the cost of making the newspaper


4.课堂讨论 1Why do you think many foreigners like to read China DailyGive your opinions2China Daily is popular with students of EnglishPlease explain the reason for this

5.教师可提供一些China Daily的栏目名称,再从某一天China Daily的不同栏目中摘选一小段文字(可以有些生词,但内容要相对容易。文字部分应事先准备好)。由学生判断摘选的文字出自哪个栏目。

SampleASports BWorld Business CChinese Business DOpinion ECul-ture FOn TV GWorld News(以上部分可用投影仪打出)

1A spirit of hard work and a plain life are still needed during China’s reform and mod-ernization drivewrote a commentator in the leading Chinese newspaperPeople’s Dailylast week

21700 People’s Army

1955 Across the country

2010 Selected Spring Festival Programmes from Local TV Stations across the country

3Tokyo A moderate earthquake shook Tokyo and its north-eastern suburbsinclud-ing Narita International Airport yesterdaythe Japan Meteorological Agency said

4Canadian 100 metres world record holder Donovan Bailey on Tuesday declared him-self the fastest man in history and branded“a joke”his June showdown with American su-perstar Michael Johnson to decide who is faster

5The Italian economy will grow by 13 per cent this yearcompared to last year’s growth of 08 per centthe country’s economic think tankISCOforecast on TuesdayIn its half-yearly reportISCO urged the government to…

6In this bookboth the original Chinese text and the English translation are presented so that English and Chinese students can study the text in reference to each languageEach Chinese character is marked with its mandarin pronunciation…

7The agreement enables Apple to expand its business in East Chinawhich is a popu-lar area for using computersTo dateApple has sold 30 million personal computers to more than 140 countries

Key1D 2F 3G 4A 5B 6E 7C

6.布置作业 1)复述课文,即用所学内容向别人介绍《中国日报》的一些基本情况;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 


.教具 投影仪。






The teacher asked the boy to check his answer with his partner’s

I forgot to check whether I had anything else to attend to

2get down to

You’ll never finish the job unless you get down to itDon’t you think it’s time we got down to our business


If the tea is too strongadd some water

The joy of others adds to our pleasure

She said goodbye and added that she would send us some pictures


A postman is a man who delivers letters and parcels

The professor will deliver a lecture on Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War


They have equipped the office with the latest business machines

Have you heard the latest about the war

I will be back at 5 o’clock atthelatest


It moved with great speed

The train was travelling atanordinary speed

The car turned the corner at full/top speed

7be popular with/among

Swimming is popular with all ages

Walkman is very popular among young students


We could see very clearly that he was trying to avoid the topic

I crossed the street to avoid meeting him



英文提示:(用投影片打出):China Dailyfront pageeventsectionsHome NewsIn-ternational NewsBusiness Newslatest

将首句给出:Yesterday afternoon I bought a copy of China Daily


One possible version

September 241999 Friday

Yesterday afternoon I bought a copy ofChina DailyAfter I took a quick look at some of the headlines on the front pageI found it very hard for me to understand everythingThen I put it into my schoolbag

This morning I asked our foreign teacher for adviceHe first introduced the paper to mesaying that it has all the usual sections of a newspaperincluding Home NewsInterna-tional NewsBusiness NewsTravel News and Sports NewsThen he gave me some advice on how to read China Daily

After I came back from school in the afternoon I took out the paper againThis time I read carefully the important events and sports news as the foreign teacher had told meSince the latest news was not new to meI found I could understand some and I was very happy

4.课堂活动 要求学生根据所给的角色,利用阅读材料的信息,描述报社人员工作情况。教师用投影仪给出提示:

a journalist

1get the news 2stop the work  3go to the place  4interview people  5write story  6type storyhand it to editor

a photographer

1get the news  2sent to take pictures 3develop photos 4hand it to editor editors

1read story 2make necessary changes 3write headlines 4get the paper printed

5.布置作业 1)预习第5单元;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。


1I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend.我想看看本周末上演什么。

what’s on this weekend在句中作短语动词look at的宾语,是宾语从句。

what’s on…?意为:上演什么?on是副词,要重读,可用来表示上演;演出;出台等。例如:

1Shall I look in the paper and see what’s on at the Capital Theatre?我能看一下报纸,看看首都剧场演什么吗?

2Let’s go to the theatreA new play is on this week.我们去剧院吧,本周正上演一出新戏呢。

3She is on in the second act.她在第二幕出场。

2They are said to be very good.据说他们都很棒。

本句中they回指上文提到的“a pop group”(流行乐演唱组)。全句相当于:People say that they are very good.或It is said that they are very good.再如:

He is said to have mastered seven languages.(=People say that he has mastered seven languages.)人们说他掌握了七种语言。

3Reporters are then sent to cover the events.然后就派记者去采访。

句中动词cover,相当于report on an event。例如:

1The best reporters were sent to cover the war.最优秀的记者被派出去报道这场战争。

2She will cover the trial for the paper.她将为报纸报道这次庭审。


4They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them.他们给有关人士打电话,约定时间同他们进行面对面的采访。

fix a time意为:约定时间。可以理解为:arrange a time。例如:

Let’s fix a dateWould Saturday night suit you?我们定个日子,星期六晚上合适吗?

fix up也有这个意思。例如:

We have fixed up a date for the performance.我们已经为演出定好了日子。


They had a face-to-face argument.他们进行了面对面的争论。


The two men stood face to face.这两个人面对面地站着。

The post office and the book store stand face to face across the street.邮局与书店隔街相对。

类似的短语还有:heart-to-heart贴心的;shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地;hand in hand 手挽手地;arm in arm 臂挽臂地。

5China Daily has plenty of advertisementswhich help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.《中国日报》刊登大量的广告,这有助于降低报纸的生产成本。

which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词advertisements。非限制性定语从句通常只对所修饰的词作进一步说明,译为汉语时,从句部分常可译成一个并列句(如本句译文)。而限制性定语从句则不然,请比较:

He has special interest in the advertisements that appear on the newspapers.他对刊登在报纸上的广告有特殊的兴趣。

本句中,that appear on the newspapers是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词advertisements。限制性定语从句是不能去掉的,否则剩余部分意思将不完整。

help之后可接动词不定式短语,即helptodo sth.其中的不定式符号“to”可以省略。


Taking a walk after supper will helptoimprove your health.晚饭后散步有助于增进健康。

help后也可接不定式的复合结构。即help sb.(todo sth.其中的“to”也可省略。例如:

Seeing her child would help hertoget better.她看到孩子会使她好起来。

Will you please help me type this article into the computer?你能帮我把这篇文章输到电脑里吗?

6It is also popular with students of Englishwho read it in order to improve their Eng-lish.《中国日报》也受学英语的学生们欢迎,他们读报是为了提高自己的英语水平。

句中who read it in order to improve their English是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词stu-dents of English,进一步说明他们的情况。注意该句译文将定语从句处理成一个并列句。


These film starrs are now very popular with young people.这些影星现在很受青年人欢迎。

I’m not very popular with my boss at the moment.我现在不称老板的心。



