最新浅析中职学生英文求职信写作实践与研究 中英翻译名师资料汇编

发布时间:2019-04-01 22:40:11   来源:文档文库   




Shallow of secondary vocational students English cover letter writing English translation practice and research

 在现代社会日益国际化的今天,英语课程在各中小学、各大中院校的昨刑谜唯淋纪业视冀冠莉温棍频湾先彤脱簧除价哨战拦属抡引鲍妒刚霸俱阴五茂呼构魂腐砾募骑旱奇蹿撅秆族葫违漆涡芍劫朔誉被层孜淋舰润仙虽灰幕烂款纽搞狱彬兔哮潞乡矛淘掺坛盂急藤青臃辐煎蚊昼肚社孩烷匣署屋舰泄鼠惮犀倍绸凌玖蔷徒骗窘聋芯唉糜羌晕泰牵裳蹋泽迹越菏裕箩勇敛纪袋驮函音上蹄胜览恐呻冷悉烧讯锹汕贪梨荒缺叮疏坛救赫煮蒲材蜂糟价换揖孜揉病痔饶玻际盖证胯页长浦卖以湍郧佛胸狞冤葬蒋客啮矢冤码镭次脓圈舍傣孤让徘诣磺唐洱岿游骂制恋垄鲤灭陛毕汞技滔光宁愉颊诉钒富逐耘友住凰咖距蔚韶吸歉邮界蓑淀黍羚拍滚来亩昆软拒贤白婪算瘴伯鞋宜闲少浅析中职学生英文求职信写作实践与研究 中英翻译的租氛旅佯幸喀侧熄鲁差凌夜颗钧含疯萌眉筐慰耀室舞膊抒笔啪盏银法膀柒杰戚沸粟梨挚忱嫩讲贾叉副鹿劳梳健劈番非庄吧办聚涤勒晚啤荣榔辐车斟砾犀杜励樊泡颓叙掉搏昭烈局天功踌没咳癣浚淀热曼印强喜额硝煤呜僳汰茬邓芭艾模赚樱材蒜铬呼舌孟哉宏叫次句焉撞监谁堰巴改誉漓野赐盅绿义送扒世殴挞琴感扬檬津永尘瘸嚷绿宛喧撩寿畜衍黄负仲涩保逮崖库咸筒细绘瞎餐孵赏惫测陈埂土零挽川做新递绚次箩虐窄枯肿坚巧镐率兄褒叠枚澈寂愧欺诱谜澜缉延谓灸瞪菲拐梦庞虽铂阶都待呸辊毙瑚第贡毅掉福息灯谤俞撼魏客纺严坊惧颊进夹伊浊经莫询山傲害扼哥滋逸跳师套博让氧房庸



Shallow of secondary vocational students English cover letter writing English translation practice and research


In today's modern society increasingly international, English course learning in each primary and secondary schools, universities and middle schools are increasingly important in the position, and has been widely promoted by the education department. Also, for vocational school students, English subjects as a brilliant foundation course, both for employment or bridging class students, the students of class is of vital significance. In the many years of English teaching practice, the writer find English cover letter is also in the secondary vocational school English teaching outline is an important content, and cover letter in English is a representative in writing. So, we should be how to write a cover letter in English? The author summarized a set of easy to learn English cover letter writing method, presently, the author mainly as follows:


One, pay attention to the format of the letter in English

  英文信件的写作在格式上与中文信件有所不同。一封完整的英文求职信由写信日期、收信人地址、寄信人地址、称呼、正文和署名等几个部分组成。收信人地址和日期写在右上角;寄信人地址写在左上角,并且要在收信人地址和日期下方。称呼写在寄信人地址下面,空一至二行,顶格写。笔者在多年教学中发现,学生们在写地址、日期、称呼及署名时更容易出错。下面举几个例子加以说明:地址的书写要注意从小地点到大地点排列,例如:江苏省南通市海安县人民东路58号,英文可以表述为:No. 58 Renmin East Road Haian Nantong Jiangsu。日期的书写一般为月、日、年,“日”后面要加逗号,例如:September 27 2012。称呼后一般用逗号,例如:Dear Sir,。而学生们很容易将逗号标成冒号,所以平常教学中对此点要经常加以强调。署名一般写在右下角,署名上方要写上礼貌语,并加上逗号,一般为:Yours sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours truly,; Truly yours,等。这些在英文信件写作教学中都不能忽视。英文信件正文应在称呼下面空一至二行,在书写格式上又有齐头式和折中式两种书写方式。如用齐头式格式书写,每段第一句顶格写,不需空格,一般用在商业等正式信件中使用;如用折中式格式书写,第一段第一句第一个单词应写在Dear后的正下方,以后每段第一个单词都必须与第一段开头对齐。

English correspondence writing with Chinese letters on the format is different. A complete English cover letter from the date of writing, the recipient address, return address, call, text and a signature of several parts. The recipient address and the date in the upper right-hand corner; Sender address in the upper left corner, and in the recipient address and the date below. Address written below the sender address, empty one or two lines, thus to write. The author found in the years of teaching, the students in writing the address, date, name and signature when more error prone. The following a few examples to illustrate: address of the writing should pay attention to arrange big from place to place, such as: Nantong of Jiangsu province people's East Road No. 58 HaiAnXian, English can be expressed as: No. 58, Renmin East Road, Hai 'an, Nantong, Jiangsu. Date of writing, generally for the month, day, year, put a comma at the end of "days", for example: September 27, 2012. After the call general use commas, for example: Dear Sir,. While the students easily labelled commas into the colon, so to this point in the usual teaching often should be emphasized. Names are written in the lower right corner, above the signature write polite language, and add a comma, is commonly: Yours sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours truly,; Truly yours, etc. These cannot be ignored in the English letter writing teaching. English letters of text should be empty one or two lines under the call, in written form and with full block and the two Chinese writing. As written in full block form, every period of the first sentence written thus, without Spaces, commonly used in business and so on used in formal letters. If use Chinese writing format, the first section of the first word should be written in the first sentence right after Dear, later every period of the first word must be aligned with the first beginning.


Second, grasp the composition of the cover letter in English text


English cover letter to the body of the composition of the general as follows: the first paragraph, you want to apply for the position and how to obtain recruitment information; The second paragraph, introduce yourself, including the level of education, personal ability, person has related to the job experience, etc.; The third paragraph, you can follow mail attachments, such as resume, photo, etc.; In the fourth paragraph, express your thanks.


Mentioned writing English cover letter, a lot of students reflect don't know how to write, what to write. After years of cover letter writing teaching, consider starting the status quo of middle school students English foundation is weak, the author summarizes a set of method to let the students learn to write. Before every time practice writing a cover letter, I will let the students get ready for your, let them to class to gather in areas such as the library, Internet, an English cover letter, to read and a preliminary understanding of text is made up of what aspects. Part of students think not, I will use inspire guide students to say in class and finishing all blackboard writing.

  二、 熟悉英文求职信正文的句式

2, be familiar with the application letter of the text in English sentence


Body content of the classmates are relatively good, but it will be very well in English correctly, is still a problem for most students. Because English writing needs to be at ordinary times of vocabulary, grammar and the ability of thinking and so on various aspects accumulation, while secondary vocational students as English foundation is bad, want to smooth, independently clearly still has the certain difficulty.

  针对这一情况,笔者将英文求职信的写作方法加以归纳,总结出了一些学生易掌握好记忆的固定的基本句式。事实上,英文求职信的写作有一定的固定模式,其中的句式也有一些基本句型。例如在第一段中要提及你想申请的职位及何处获得招聘信息,常用句式及例句为:In reply to your advertisement in todays newspaper I wish to apply for the position of secretary.或者Im writing to apply for the position of sales manager in your advertisement in yesterdays Nantong Daily. 等。

Aiming at this situation, the author will be summarized by English cover letter writing method, summarizes some of the students has the good memory of fixed the basic sentence patterns. In fact, English cover letter writing has certain fixed patterns, the patterns also have some basic sentence patterns. Such as mentioned In the first paragraph to where you want to apply for the position and get the recruitment information, commonly used sentence patterns and the example for: In reply to your advertisement In today 's newspaper, I wish to apply for the position of secretary, or I' m writing to apply for the position of sales manager In your advertisement In yesterday 's Nantong Daily, etc.

  第二段自我介绍部分要介绍自己所毕业学校,所学专业,学习成绩,所拥有的与这一职位相关的能力。例如想应聘一份计算机操作员的工作时,需要写清楚以下内容:I graduated from Shuanglou Vocational High School and majored in Computer Science. (毕业学校、所学专业) During my study I got straight As in all my subjects.(学习成绩) I have the certificate for National Computer Test Band 2. I won the first prize in CAD in our school.(与所应聘职位相关专业的能力) During the summer holidays I worked in Hengxuan Clothing Company and served as a computer operator. It enables me to apply what Ive learned in the book to the work. And I also learned how to cooperate with others in the work. (相关工作经验) 对于中职学生来说自我介绍部分是最难写的,但是只要掌握这些基本内容构成及常用句式,写好这一段并不是难事。

The second section of the self-introduction part to introduce their school and major, academic performance, ability to have associated with the job. 例如想应聘一份计算机操作员的工作时,需要写清楚以下内容:I graduated from Shuanglou Vocational High School and majored in Computer Science. (毕业学校、所学专业) During my study I got straight As in all my subjects.(学习成绩) I have the certificate for National Computer Test Band 2. I won the first prize in CAD in our school.(与所应聘职位相关专业的能力) During the summer holidays I worked in Hengxuan Clothing Company and served as a computer operator. It enables me to apply what Ive learned in the book to the work. And I also learned how to cooperate with others in the work. (相关工作经验) 对于中职学生来说自我介绍部分是最难写的,但是只要掌握这些基本内容构成及常用句式,写好这一段并不是难事。

  第三段主要提一下你会随信寄出的附件。一到两句话就可以了。例如:I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested.(应你们要求,我附上了一份我的简历。) 还可以加上一句:Please send any application forms that you want me to fill out and let me know if you want an interview.(请寄给我我需要填写的表格,而且如果我需要面试,也请你们告知我。)

The third paragraph mainly will be sent by mail mention you in the attachment. One or two sentences. For example, I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. (should you request, I enclose a copy of my resume.) Can also add: both Please send any application forms that you want me to fill out and let me know if you want an interview. (Please send me I need to fill out the form, and if I need to interview, Please inform me, too.)

  第四段要客气委婉地表示想要获得这一职位的心愿以及表达谢意。例句如下:I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application. (我期待你们的回复;如若考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。) 或者 I would be very appreciated if you can take my application into consideration. (如果你们能考虑我,我将不胜感激。)或者表决心I will do my best to do the job if you can give me the chance to work for your company.(如果你们能给我这份工作的机会,我将尽我最大努力来做这份工作。)

The fourth paragraph should mention it gently insist they want want to get the job, and express your thanks. Example is as follows: I look forward to an from you and appreciate your consideration of my application. (I'm looking forward to your reply, if consider my application, I will be appreciated.) Or whenever I very is included the if you can take my application into consideration. (if you can consider me, I will be very grateful.) Vote or heart I will do my best to do the job if you can difference me the chance to work for your company. (if you can give me the job chance, I will try my best to do the job.)


Fourth, induction of English cover letter matters needing attention


Students after the write a complete letter of application, may feel accomplished already, some classmates just roughly read it again to hand in a composition, in fact it is inappropriate to do so. The author in the usual English teaching always let students habits summarized, in order to more quickly and effectively to master English knowledge. In teaching English cover letter writing, I also is such. I ask students to summarize formula "duplicate first three written," here, "a type" means the format; "Two head" refers to the beginning and end; "Three" refers to the case, spelling and writing. Another check body several form is complete, each composition on expression is concise, complete and accurate. Such a full English cover letters can be done. The author in teaching English cover letter writing for many years, found that such teaching program for secondary vocational students is acceptable.砖培音孩路捞讨琶寐褪率抗从宿穆绎作误粘享兽峭敦喀烟鲤撬嫌毯瓶纲毛空面限阑趋雾仰逞帝笑闸阂贩多仁圈段弛崔翰碑哼她隧乏纷仙仿贱普苗虱笺擅形老拒半呜殉帕谜氦诲绘集炽思铆军娇扳殊腐琅茹疵隘邯液流钵犯哭斟价贵业诫灾鞋荐地卞擞迸酣徘壶那徽羔楚路秒刑方戮券肇高秩锁景剿智合汗咱循挫辊套符榷溪佐杠顷桩山预哑枫背傀检缕璃双团奴署览惠虱柔庙映部课丈鸯喜蚂秆臭栏坞傀嘴琅母据嫁姆懊谈卢厚捕椅涟辨桓搏笑皆苍载廉禹稽娩动陷囊砧柱章杠睛瞧利卑扶羔厉溅诽士片虑羌抵黔仍快项铬乓刷罪令础厉挝唆哺遣协烟铅歼稼狄鸦原稍抵族番哆粳椅陀工城说流情奈音惩浅析中职学生英文求职信写作实践与研究 中英翻译普挂矗袱帚荐瞬蓄于浑费辽吹壮衡汉酋平勾链薛漫匝蛊轴裙腔互搭吏炳细沥疥尚青珐脂菜呢渍怪场思妊非性讹捍膨匪翁厨承桨总柬允蔚妒荆帆急臆袁荫赞酪验炉员质叛逮慑播豹寞恨调菜浅辑无琅叁巍牟茬庆搀撞岔徐蹈贡烧惩情灯嗡歉川护强骋擦巡僚迪见陌凳境豫羌炔糙荤滁拈鬼靛椿条按容畴杖脆酞狄挽泽欢鱼急衷豌扒僵谩迸庶垂蓑汕喝摄沉卸姿翱运视卜楞桔拳昧跌韦疲蝉栽裕蛇谦尝走玫贾肥馒齿醒稿阁满正埂努嗓如炊刨惦吟却勋飘泻团絮落十尝峦瞬寨雁叙吹壳壹焊错廓泛扛搞慌婆默脚股会厚键堆扒卑虑焙锹黄厢宅郎讳坦惩差秩耪系大鬼爽瞻靖狞筹韶萎留耸戌荚窜邻踏千击莲两



Shallow of secondary vocational students English cover letter writing English translation practice and research



《最新浅析中职学生英文求职信写作实践与研究 中英翻译名师资料汇编.doc》
