口译资料 莫言获诺贝尔文学奖后接受董倩的采访

发布时间:2013-01-29 23:00:38   来源:文档文库   

莫言获诺贝尔文学奖后接受董倩《面对面》专访时间:2012-10-19 14:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:6096






Dong Qian: I always feel that a writer is like a hen, and his works are like eggs. We may not always wonder what the hen looks like while we eat eggs. But this time, it’s a golden egg. So naturally, everybody becomes curious about this hen who laid a golden egg. That’s why you’ve drawn so much attention.


Mo Yan: If it’s a nice looking hen, it worth some attention. But if it’s only the egg that is shiny, don’t waste your time looking at the hen.


Dong Qian: Do you think their evaluation is in accord with your own judgement?


Mo Yan: I think they understood my novels. I don’t know that it’s accurate to say my works are the fusion of hallucinatory realism and folk tales. I’d rather say it merges fiction and folk stories, social problems and historical events. Maybe that’s more accurate.


Mo Yan: When I heard that I won the Nobel Prize, I was pleasantly surprised and frightened.


Dong Qian: Pleasantly surprised means you were very happy?


Mo Yan: Yes, indeed. Firstly, I was surprised because I was not expecting to receive this award. I was happy because I’m the prize winner after all. But I was frightened because I still have no idea how to handle this. There was so much press, and as a nobel winner, I don’t know if it will cause more people stare at me and find my faults. That’s why I’m frightened.


Mo Yan: This is abnormal. Everything will return to normal after a while.


Dong Qian: Don’t you feel happy? You’ve just had a spike in your income.


Mo Yan: I always a bit nervous when my novel’s sales increase. The more they sell, the more I’m frightened. Many readers will assume that the works of the Nobel Prize winner must be the best of the best, the cream of the crop. I’m afraid they may feel disappointed by my works.


Dong Qian: Your works were translated and published into other languages, do you believe that those versions can still portray the ideas you are trying to convey?


Mo Yan: There is no way to make sure of that. Readers are similar everywhere. There must be some people who love my works and some who don’t. I can’t push them. So in fact, every writer picks their own readers.


Mo Yan: I always listened to stories told by elders, including fairy tales, legends, history, battles in one area, legendary people in another, and disasters they’d heard of.


Dong Qian: Were they helpful for your writing?


Mo Yan: They are the source of my writing. I put almost all of them into my novels. Dozens of years of life in the village became my own treasure. You will not find it useful if you’re not a writer. But as a writer myself, it’s extraordinarily valuable and important. I think that’s the main reason why my novels are different from others. If I had grown up reading classic novels, I wouldn’t have become Mo Yan.


Dong Qian: Do you think winning the Nobel Prize will promote the growth of Chinese literature, or will everything go back to normal?


Mo Yan: It will soon go away. People will go back to their old ways.


Dong Qian: Do you think more people will be interested in literature?


Mo Yan: The change is just short term. This will slowly fade, and all will move forward following the nature of life.



《口译资料 莫言获诺贝尔文学奖后接受董倩的采访.doc》
